136 research outputs found

    Investigation of the mechanisms of electromagnetic field interaction with proteins

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    In our earlier work we have proposed that protein activation is electromagnetic in its nature. This prediction is based on the resonant recognition model (RRM) where proteins are analyzed using digital signal processing (DSP) methods applied to the distribution of free electron energies along the protein sequence. This postulate is investigated here by applying the electromagnetic radiation to example of L-lactate dehydrogenase protein and its biological activity is measured before and after the exposures. The concepts presented would lead to the new insights into proteins susceptibility to perturbation by exposure to electromagnetic fields and possibility to program, predict, design and modify proteins and their bioactivit

    Adaptation activity of the people

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    Обоснована концепция психологического механизма адаптации как процесса смены психологических установок, мотивов, целей адаптанта. Обобщены результаты опроса.Grounded the concept of psychological mechanism of adaptation as a process of changing attitudes, motives, objective functions of personality. Summarizes results of survey

    Non-thermal effects of 500 MHz-900MHz microwave radiation on enzyme kinetics

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    Enzymes are essential for the catalysis of biochemical reactions and in the regulation of metabolic pathways. They function by greatly accelerating the rate of specific chemical reactions that would otherwise be slow. It has been shown that extremely low-power microwaves can influence enzyme activity [1¿5]. This study is focused at investigating the effects of low level microwave exposures ranging from 500MHz to 900MHz on L-Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) enzyme activity. The results obtained revealed the increased bioactivity of the LDH upon microwave radiation at two particular frequencies 500MHz and 900MHz

    On the concept of university competitiveness management

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    Operating under market economy conditions, higher education institutions should develop a set of strategic measures to ensure their competitiveness. The system of views on solving the problems of achieving and keeping competitive advantage is mainly represented by the concept of managing the competitiveness of higher education institutions. The article is devoted to identifying the features and clarifying the content of this concept. It is determined that its content is a set of goals, principles, functions, methods, and tools that ensure the competitiveness of a university in the educational services market. The aforementioned content components are analysed in detail. Methods of managing university competitiveness are substantiated and classified based on the type of controlling influence. Tools for managing competitiveness are described, including in terms of their impact on end users of scientific and educational products (services)

    Features of micro- and ultrastructure of low-fat butter and its low-fat analogues

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    The aim of the research was to study the features of the structure of low-fat butter and butter pastes, which, in terms of composition and properties, more fully meet the requirements of a healthy diet than high-fat types of butter. The objects of research were: butter with fat content of 72.5%; butter with fat content of 55% made with the addition of skimmed milk powder; butter of the same fat content with the addition of stabilizers based on guar and xanthan gums and emulsifiers based on monoand diglycerides of fatty acids; butter pastes with fat content of 45% with similar additives used to increase the stability of the process of butter formation and improve the texture. The microstructure was studied using an MBI-6 microscope, and the ultramicrostructure was studied using a Phillips electron microscope. In the first case, the sample was prepared by crushing the sample, in the second one — by the method of ultrafast freeze-fracture and etching. Researches have shown that the use of the introduced ingredients improves the homogeneity of the structure of the studied products. Due to the ability of milk proteins and stabilizers to retain moisture, it is more evenly distributed and well retained in the fat matrix of the product, formed from crystalline and liquid fat in the form of a continuous phase, which is confirmed by a sufficient penetration depth of the fat-soluble dye. Plasma droplets in butter with fat content of 72.5% and 55% are more isolated than in butter pastes, as indicated by the greater penetration depth of the water-soluble dye. The average diameter of isolated moisture droplets in low-fat products was 3.3–5.4 μm, and the average diameter of the fat globules that form the basis of the crystalline framework was 5.4–7.4 μm, depending on the composition of the product. For butter with fat content of 72.5%, the values of these indicators were 2.8 and 4.0 μm. The results of the study indicate the presence of differences in the sizes of structural elements, but at the same time confirm the uniformity of the structure of low-fat products, allowing them to be attributed to dispersions «water-in-oil»


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    Evaluated effects of dydrogesterone on the endometrium in hyperplastic processes in women with extragenital pathology. Metabolic impact of dydrogesterone suggest it as the drug of choice for treatment of benign hyperplastic processes of the endometrium in women with extragenital pathology. The positive clinical and morphological effects of cyclical dydrogesterone useing from 5 th to 25 th day of the menstrual cycle at a dose of 20 mg daily for at least 6 months. Indicators of Ca2+, Mg2+ATP activity of endoplasmic reticulum of endometrium and levels of nitric oxide in serum can be considered as criteria for the efficacy of hormone therapy.Проведена оценка влияние дидрогестерона на эндометрий при гиперпластических процессах у женщин с экстрагенитальной патологией. Особенности метаболического влияния дидрогестерона разрешают применять его для лечения гиперплазий эндометрия у женщин с экстрагенитальной патологией. Положительный клинико-морфологический эффект обеспечивается циклическим прийомом дидрогестерона с 5-го по 25-й день менструального цикла в дозе 20 мг в сутки в течение не менее 6 мес. Показатели Са2+, Мд2+-АТР-азной активности эндоплазматического ретикулума эндометрия и уровня оксида азота в сыворотке крови можно рассматривать как критерии эффективности применения гормонотерапии.Проведено оцінку впливу дидрогестерону на ендометрій при гіперпластичнихпроцесахужінокзекстрагенітальною патологією. Особливості метаболічного впливу дидрогестерону дозволяють застосовувати його при лікуванні гіперплазій ендометрію у жінок з екстрагенітальною патологією. Позитивний клініко-морфологічний ефект забезпечується циклічним прийомом дидрогестерону з 5-го по 25-й день менструального циклу в дозі 20 мг на добу впродовж не менше 6 міс. Показники Са2+, Мд2+АТР-азної активності ендоплазматичного ретикулуму ендометрію та рівня оксиду азоту в сироватці крові можна розглядати як критерії ефективності застосування гормонотерапії


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    The key problems of the development of the labor market in the conditions of formation of the digital economy have been considered. The digital economy dictates to all countries of the world the paradigm of development of new directions in the economic sphere. The influence of the digital economy on the state of the labor market has been investigated, a number of its new features has been shown. The number of people employed in the economy by gender and status has been analyzed, and it has been shown, how changes, related to the digital economy, affect the issues of retraining and personnel training. The importance of implementing information and communication technologies in modern Russia, taking into account the needs of the labor market, has been emphasized. Measures have been proposed to solve problems, identified by the results of the study

    Pain is a major component of quality of life in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and the possibilities of its relief

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    The paper gives the results of an investigation of quality of life (QL) in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. It shows the implication of chronic pain syndrome in lowering QL and considers the issues of combination therapy with nimesulide (nise) and tizanidine (sirdalud) for pain syndrome