20 research outputs found

    Flash Flood Hazards

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    Kartiranje ranljivosti kraških izvirov in uporaba tega za določitev vodovarstvenih območij (kraško pogorje Mecsek, Madžarska)

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    Over the past decade or two, vulnerability mapping become a useful tool to determine the sensitivity of karst aquifers and allows the analysis of karstic aquifers affected by human activities. The Tettye Catchment, one of the eight catchments of the Mecsek Karst aquifer (SW Hungary), supplies drinking water for Pécs, the fifth most populous city in Hungary. However, due to its partly urbanized character and heterogeneous karstic features, this catchment is highly sensitive to anthropogenic impacts. In this study we aimed to generate resource vulnerability maps and risk maps to assess the role of physical and anthropogenic factors on groundwater vulnerability in the Mecsek Karst. Two formerly validated methods were used, the COP (Concentration, Overlaying layers and Precipitation) and SA (Slovene Approach) methods. The resource vulnerability maps, validated by former tracer tests, were combined with the hazard map obtained from the COST action 620 and EU Water Directive to generate risk maps. Tracer-based transit times were commonly less than 20 days in the majority of the areas of extreme vulnerability. During the current study, a new protocol has been elaborated for the delineation of the protection zones of karstic aquifers. Comparing the two methods, the SA performed better in terms of intrinsic vulnerability mapping, as it had a higher spatial resolution and was more detailed than the COP map and had a more sophisticated vulnerability indexing. In addition, high spatial correlation was revealed between the transit time maps and the SA map. Reassessed risk zonation, with appropriate legal consequences, likely minimizes undesired human activities within the zone of protection, hence maintaining water quality that complies with the protection actsV zadnjem desetletju ali dveh je kartiranje ranljivosti postalo uporabno orodje za določanje ranljivosti kraških vodonosnikov, poleg tega omogoča analizo kraških vodonosnikov, na katere vplivajo človekove dejavnosti. Zaledje izvira Tettye, eno od osmih zaledij vodonosnika kraškega pogorja Mecsek (jugozahodna Madžarska), oskrbuje s pitno vodo mesto Pécs, peto mesto na Madžarskem po številu prebivalcev. Zaradi svoje delne urbaniziranosti in heterogenih kraških značilnosti pa je to zaledje zelo občutljivo na antropogene učinke. Cilj te študije je bil izdelati karte ranljivosti vodnih virov in karte tveganja za oceno, kakšno vlogo imajo fizični in antropogeni dejavniki na ranljivost podzemne vode na kraškem pogorju Mecsek. Uporabljeni sta bili dve predhodno potrjeni metodi, in sicer metoda COP (koncentracija toka, prekrivne plasti in padavine) in metoda Slovenski pristop. Karte ranljivosti vodnih virov, preverjene s predhodnimi sledilnimi poskusi, so bile združene s kartami obremenjevalcev, narejenimi na podlagi Okvirne vodne direktive Evropske unije oziroma projekta COST Action 620, da so nastale karte tveganja. Zadrževalni časi, pridobljeni na podlagi sledilnih poskusov, so bili na večini območij izjemne ranljivosti običajno krajši od 20 dni. V okviru te študije je bil izdelan nov protokol za določanje vodovarstvenih območij kraških vodonosnikov. Iz primerjave obeh metod je razvidno, da se je Slovenski pristop bolje obnesel z vidika kartiranja naravne ranljivosti, saj je imel višjo prostorsko ločljivost in je bil podrobnejši kot zemljevid po metodi COP, poleg tega je imel bolj izpopolnjeno indeksiranje ranljivosti. Ob tem je bila razkrita visoka prostorska korelacija med kartami potovalnih časov in karto po Slovenskempristopu. Ponovno ocenjeno coniranje tveganja z ustreznimi pravnimi posledicami verjetno zmanjšuje nezaželene človekove dejavnosti na varovanem območju, s čimer se ohranja kakovost vode, kar je skladno s predpisi o varovanju

    Földhasználati konfliktushelyzetek tájföldrajzi elemzése dunántúli mintaterületeken = Landscape ecological analyses of land use conflicts in test areas in Transdanubia

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    A földhasználati konfliktusok kutatása a következő általános eredményeket hozta: - felmértük a döntéselméleti megközelítések alkalmazhatóságát a földhasználati konfliktusok esetében; - meghatároztuk a mezőgazdasági földhasználat különböző típusainak jelentőségét és térbeli elterjedését Dél-Dunántúlon; - SWOT analízis segítségével értékeltük a szántóföldi művelés ökológiai szempontú fenntarthatóságát; - kijelöltük azokat a ''forró pontokat'', ahol az újabb földhasználat konfliktusba kerülhet a jelenleg létezővel. A mintaterületi kutatások keretében megvizsgáltuk a következő konfliktushelyzetek tájökológiai hátterét: - szőlőtelepítések és természetvédelem; - a lejtős felszínek mezőgazdasági hasznosítása; - a cementgyártás környezeti problémái; - közlekedési pályák és mezőgazdálkodás; - bányászkodással megbolygatott, rehabilitálandó felszínek földhasználati opciói. | The research of land use conflicts produced the following general results: - a survey of the applicability of general decision theory approaches for land use conflicts; - establishment of the significance and spatial distribution of the various types of agricultural land use in Southern Transdanubia; - an evaluation of the ecological sustainability of arable farming through the application of SWOT analysis; - identification of 'hot spots' where newly introduced land use types become in conflict with already existing types. In the courser of research in test areas the landscape ecological background to the following conflict situations have been investigated: - grape plantations and nature conservation; - the agricultural utilization of hillslopes; - environmental problems of cement production; - transportation routes and agriculture; - land use options for areas disturbed by mining and under restoration


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    The hydromorphological properties of rivers and their floodplains receive increased attention both in basic research and water management. A comparison of hydromorphological parameters before and after river regulation (involving floodplain drainage) provides important information for river management, particularly floodplain rehabilitation. The paper assesses a selected reach of the Drava River and the corresponding floodplain utilising two international approaches, the REFORM framework and the Italian Morphological Quality Index

    Dunántúli árterek tájszerkezetének és földhasználatának tájföldrajzi értékelése = Landscape geographical evaluation of landscape pattern and land use in the floodplains of Transdanubia, Hungary

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    A kutatás célja közepes és kisméretű vízfolyások ártereinek tájökológiai tanulmányozása volt a Dél-Dunántúl dombsági és hegységi (mecseki) területén. A vizsgálatok kiindulópontja az árterek megközelítően természetes (közvetlenül a folyószabályozások előtti) geomorfológiai állapotának minél pontosabb rekonstrukciója volt. A Kapos és a Bükkösdi-víz árterének egykori határvonalát háromféle módszer alkalmazásával határoztuk meg. A manuálisan végrehajtott térképi rekonstrukcióhoz képest a legjobb eredményt az MrVBF módszer adja. Azonosítottuk az ártéren kimutatható medermaradványokat, amelyek a belvízelöntést és a tájszerkezetet jelentősen befolyásolják. Új eljárást, a hossz-szelvény mutatót (LPI) dolgoztunk ki az árterek szakaszolására és tipizálására, amely egyaránt figyelembe veszi a folyómeder jellegét, helyzetét az ártéren, valamint a folyóvölgy morfometriai karakterét. A hullámtér és a mentesített ártér közötti tájökológiai összeköttetések erősségét vizsgáltuk egy Magyarországon még nem alkalmazott eljárás, a csomópontok módszere segítségével. Az árterek elöntésveszélyeztetettségét térinformatikai értékelő módszerekkel becsültük meg. Ellenőrzésként eredményeinket össze tudtuk hasonlítani a 2010 májusi-júniusi, rendhagyó esőzések miatti belvízelöntésekkel. Az eredmények alátámasztják, hogy a közepes és a kisméretű árterek műtárgyait és termőföldjeit is veszélyeztetik a villámárvizek). | Research was aimed at the landscape ecological study of floodplains along watercourses in the hill regions and (Mecsek) mountains of Southern Transdanubia. The investigations started with the accurate reconstruction of immediately pre-regulation geomorphological conditions of floodplains. The original extension of the floodplains of the selected watercourses (the Kapos as a river of medium size and the Bükkösd Stream as a small stream) was established through three approaches. The MrVBF index was found to to be most reliable. Map reconstructions and soil analyses were employed for the identification of old channel traces on the protected floodplain, indispensable for the study of inundation hazard and landscape pattern. A Longitudinal Profile Index (LPI) of floodplains was developed for describing and typifying floodplain sections through the character of the river, its position in the floodplain and the morphometry of the enclosing valley. The connectedness between landscape pattern in the active and the protected floodplain was surveyed using the knodes and links method, not yet applied in Hungary. GIS evaluation techniques were used to estimate inundation hazard in floodplains, tested against inundated areas after the May-June 2010 extreme rainfall events. The results show that even the floodplains (man-made structures and agricultural lands) along small to medium-size watercourses are endangered by flooding (flash floods)


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    Adaptation to climate change demands the optimal and sustainable water management in agriculture, with an inevitable focus on soil moisture conditions. In the current study we developed an ArcGIS 10.4. platform-based application (software) to model spatial and temporal changes in soil moisture in a soy field. Six SENTEK Drill & Drop soil moisture sensors were deployed in an experimental field of 4.3 hectares by the contribution of Elcom Ltd. Soil moisture measurement at each location were taken at six depths (5, 15, 25, 35, 45 and 55 cm) in 60-minute intervals. The model is capable to spatially interpolate monitored soil moisture using the technique. The time sequence change of soil moistures can be tracked by a Time Slider for both the 2D and 3D visualization. Soil moisture temporal changes can be visualized in either daily or hourly time intervals, and can be shown as a motion figure. Horizon average, maximum and minimum values of soil moisture data can be identified with the builtin tool of ArcGIS. Soil moisture spatial distribution can be obtained and plotted at any cross sections, whereas an alarm function has also been developed for tension values of 250, 1,000 and 1,500 kPa

    Pliocene - Early Pleistocene continental climate and vegetation in Europe based on stable isotope compositions of mammal tooth enamel

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    There is an increasing need for paleoclimate records from continental settings to better understand the climatic changes during critical periods such as the Pliocene and Early Pleistocene. Present data indicates a transition from a warmer than present-day climate to a substantially different cooler climate. This study reviews the oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of mammalian tooth enamel for the Pliocene and Early Pleistocene of South and Central Europe to reconstruct the spatial distribution and temporal changes of the vegetation and oxygen isotope composition of precipitation (δ18Oppt). In addition to a literature review, this study adds new stable isotope measurements for this period. All δ13C values indicate C3 ecosystems and reflect major changes in the water use efficiency and/or in the prevailing humidity. The reconstructed major floral types range from woodland to woodland ‒ mesic grassland in all of the investigated regions. The carbon isotope compositions of fossil mammal teeth demonstrate that the spatial distribution of vegetation was broadly similar to those of the present-day for the Early/Late Pliocene – Early Pleistocene, with the most “closed” vegetation in Central and Northern Italy, while open mesic grassland vegetation covers can be reconstructed for the Iberian Peninsula, Massif Central region (Central France) and the Carpathian Basin. The calculated δ18Oppt values give a negative temporal shift of about 1–1.5‰ from the Early Pliocene to Late Pliocene – Early Pleistocene in three regions (Iberian Peninsula, Central Italy, Carpathian Basin), potentially representing a 1.5–3.0 °C decrease in mean annual temperatures (MAT) over time. In the Massif Central region and the Carpathian Basin, the δ18Oppt values are almost the same for the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene, while in Northern Italy the values decreased over that period. The δ18Oppt values are in the range of present-day δ18Oppt values over the Early Pliocene and somewhat lower than present-day values for the Late Pliocene - Early Pleistocene in most of the regions. Because most other proxies indicate warmer than present-day climate for the Early Pliocene and similar to present-day climate for the Early Pleistocene, the δ18Oppt values are generally lower than expected, which can be partially explained by local effects