70 research outputs found

    Short-run Macroeconomic Effects of Discretionary Fiscal Policy Changes

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    The standard Keynesian view of fiscal policy holds that in short-run fiscal adjustments (expansions) reduce (stimulate) aggregate demand and due to sticky wages, prices or other market rigidities, these demand shifts affect the factors of production and output. These conventional predictions have been challenged by the observation of episodes of perverse effects of fiscal policy – so called “non-Keynesian” effects. This paper reassess the short-run consequences of fiscal policy. We provide evidence that consumption reacts in a non-linear fashion to discretionary fiscal policy changes. The results of our estimations show that households tend to behave in non-Keynesian manner when the fiscal situation of a country is bad, i.e. when public debt or fiscal deficit is large, while Keynesian behavior dominates, when the fiscal situation is sound. Our results suggest that, similarly to OECD countries, consumption function does not react in linear fashion to changes in fiscal policy also in transition economies.fiscal policy, Non-Keynesian effects

    Charakterystyka mikrostrukturalna wybranych kopolimerów akrylowych za pomocą spektroskopii NMR

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    Celem mojej pracy jest analiza mikrostruktury kopolimeru metakrylanu metylu i wybranych akrylanów butylu przy pomocy spektroskopii magnetycznego rezonansu jądrowego. W zakres mojej pracy wchodzi również synteza próbek kopolimerów i odpowiednich homopolimerów. Do analizy mikrostruktury przy pomocy NMR nadają się kopolimery, które spełniają następujące warunki: 1. Różnice mikrostrukturalne w łańcuchu analizowanego kopolimeru powinny dawać możliwie największe rozdzielenie sygnałów w jego widmie NMR. 2. Mikrostruktura odpowiednich homopolimerów powinna być znana lub możliwa do określenia. W mojej pracy pragnę wykorzystać metodę polegającą na zaproponowaniu przypisania linii odpowiednim sekwencjom konfiguracyjno-kompozycyjnym na podstawie modelu oddziaływań jednostek sąsiednich a następnie na symulacji widma, która pozwala dokonać weryfikacji tego przypisania. Metodę tę stosowano już wcześniej np. do analizy poli[(metakrylanu metylu)-ko-(akrylanu etylu)], PMMA/EA. Do analizy wybrano poli[(metakrylan metylu)-ko-(akrylan n-butylu)], PMMA/nBA. Kopolimer ten był już wcześniej badany, ale nie przeprowadzono dotąd jego pełnej analizy mikrostrukturalnej. Również w ostatniej publikacji na ten temat z roku 2005 przy analizie tego układu założono, że jednostki akrylanu n-butylu nie wnoszą zróżnicowania konfiguracyjnego. Nasze wstępne obserwacje wskazują jednak, że akrylan n-butylu też wprowadza zróżnicowanie konfiguracyjne, dlatego badania mikrostrukturalne tego układu muszą uwzględnić efekty konfiguracyjne obu komonomerów, a nie tylko jednego, jak to miało miejsce w przypadku PMMA/EA. Badania kopolimeru będą poprzedzone analizą mikrostruktury homopolimeru akrylanu nbutylu, natomiast drugi homopolimer, poli(metakrylan metylu) został już dokładnie przebadany i można wykorzystać jego dane mikrostrukturalne dostępne w literaturze. Na podstawie informacji uzyskanych z analizy mikrostrukturalnej poli(akrylanu nbutylu) i poli(metakrylanu metylu) zostanie przeprowadzona analiza mikrostrukturalna sygnału karbonylowego poli[(metakrylanu metylu)-ko-(akrylanu n-butylu)] pozwalającą przypisać odpowiednie sekwencje kompozycyjno-konfiguracyjne a uzyskane wyniki zostaną zweryfikowane poprzez symulacje widma

    Tożsamość śląska. Rzeczywistość czy XX-wieczna kreacja?

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    The identity of Silesians is the subject of extensive research. Political scientists, sociologists and historians often seek its origins. In this article, author will not search for the roots of the Silesian identity but will look at its evolution. Referring to the invigorating hypothesis of „Silesian invented” author makes an attempt to establish a clear division between this what is the historical core of the Silesian identity, and that what was entered in the twentieth century into the Silesian cultural code.Tożsamość śląska jest przedmiotem szeroko zakrojonych badań politologów, socjologów i historyków. W większości skupiają się oni na poszukiwaniu jej genezy. W niniejszym artykule autor zamierza spojrzeć na tożsamość jako na zjawisko podlegające głębokiej ewolucji na przestrzeni lat. Odnosząc się do przytoczonej, ożywczej hipotezy "śląska wymyślonego" spróbuje dokonać próby klarownego podziału pomiędzy tym co stanowi historyczny trzon tożsamości śląskiej, a tym co w wieku XX. zostało wpisane w śląski kod kulturowy

    Polityczne spory o upamiętnienie zbrodni na Wołyniu w polskim parlamencie

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    The main purpose of this article is to present the discourse about commemoration victims of Volyn tragedy in parliament of the Third Polish Republic. Article is based on the analysis of materials from Polish Sejm, such as stenographic reports of the meetings of the Sejm, the stenographic reports of the meetings of parliamentary committees, but also on media reports published on the Internet and newspapers. The text opens synthesis of Polish debates on the issue of the politics of memory. In the next part of the article, author describes the views of Ukrainian authorities in the period 1991-2014 on the issue of anti-Polish activities of OUN-UPA and its implications on contemporary Polish discourse in the context of commemorating the victims of the massacre in Volyn. The most extensive part of this work is the analysis of the debates and legislative processes in the Polish parliament dealt with issues related to commemoration the victims of these dramatic events. On the basis of that case study, author show the evolution of Polish politics of memory in the Third Polish Republic.Celem artykułu jest ukazanie dyskursu o upamiętnieniu zbrodni wołyńskiej na forum parlamentu III RP. Praca oparta została o analizę materiałów pochodzących bezpośrednio z polskiego parlamentu, takich jak: sprawozdania stenograficzne z posiedzeń Sejmu, sprawozdania stenograficzne z posiedzeń sejmowych komisji, ale również o doniesienia medialne, publikowane w Internecie i prasie codziennej. Tekst otwiera synteza polskich debat nad samym zagadnieniem polityki historycznej oraz komparatystyka jej dwóch dominujących na przełomie XX i XXI w. nurtów: liberalnego i konserwatywnego. W dalszej części autor skrótowo przedstawia poglądy władz ukraińskich w okresie 1991-2014 na kwestię antypolskich działań OUN-UPA oraz ich implikacje na współczesny polski dyskurs w ramach polityki historycznej poświęcony upamiętnieniu ofiar rzezi na Wołyniu. Najobszerniejszą część pracy stanowi analiza debat oraz procesów legislacyjnych w polskim parlamencie poświęconych kwestiom uchwał upamiętniających wydarzenia lat 1943-1944. Na podstawie rzeczonego studium przypadku rysuje się proces ewolucji polskiej polityki historycznej w III RP a także jej bogate instrumentarium

    The reliability of noninvasive cardiac output measurement using the inert gas rebreathing method in patients with advanced heart failure

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    Background: Impaired cardiac output (CO) is a key element of heart failure (HF). So far, there has been no simple, reliable, inexpensive and non-invasive CO measurement method feasible for clinical practice. Not a single diagnostic test has been elaborated to diagnose and monitor HF. The aim of the study was the evaluation of the reliability of a new, non-invasive CO measurement device utilizing an inert gas rebreathing technique and an infrared photoacoustic gas analyzer, in comparison with standard invasive methods. Methods: In 21 patients with advanced HF (NYHA classes III and IV) undergoing cardiac catheterization as a routine hemodynamic evaluation before heart transplantation, CO measurements with the tested non-invasive method were carried out during invasive examination. Results: CO measured by the inert gas rebreathing technique (CORB), according to the statistical Bland-Altman method, was, on average, 0.1 L/min higher than that determined by thermodilution (COTD) and 0.006 L/min higher than the CO determined by the Fick formula (COFick). This magnitude of difference equals 2.8% of COTD and 0.15% of COFick values. The limits of agreement between CORB and COTD were ± 1.4 L/min, and between CORB and COFick ± 1.3 L/min. In the subgroup with atrial fibrillation, the mean difference between tested and reference methods (0.3 ± 1.0 L/min for both COTD and COFick) was higher than in the sinus rhythm subgroup (0.06 ± 1.5 L/min for COTD and 0.08 ± 1.5 for COFick). Conclusions: CO measurement with the inert gas rebreathing method utilizing an infrared photoacoustic gas analyzer seems reliable enough to be employed in clinical practice. Being non-invasive, it may well be used for repeated determinations in patients with HF. (Cardiol J 2008; 15: 63-70

    Organic-to-aqueous phase transfer of alloyed AgInS2-ZnS nanocrystals using simple hydrophilic ligands : comparison of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid, dihydrolipoic acid and cysteine

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    The exchange of primary hydrophobic ligands for hydrophilic ones was studied for two types of alloyed AgInS2-ZnS nanocrystals differing in composition and by consequence exhibiting two different emission colors: red (R) and green (G). Three simple hydrophilic ligands were tested, namely, 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid, dihydrolipoic acid and cysteine. In all cases, stable aqueous colloidal dispersions were obtained. Detailed characterization of the nanocrystal surface before and after the ligand exchange by NMR spectroscopy unequivocally showed that the exchange process was the most efficient in the case of dihydrolipoic acid, leading to the complete removal of the primary ligands with a relatively small photoluminescence quantum yield drop from 68% to 40% for nanocrystals of the R type and from 48% to 28% for the G ones

    Tasks of a nurse in the care of a patient with urolithiasis treated with percutaneous nephrolithotripsy

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    Introduction. Contemporarily urolithiasis is a serious problem in nephrology. This disease is conditioned by many factors, including climatic, geographical, ethnic and genetic. The most important ones, however, include diet and the composition of urine excreted. Urolithiasis can be symptomatic and asymptomatic. There are many methods of its treatment. The most commonly used methods are pharmacological and surgical ones, and modern treatment methods are also on their increase. Untreated urolithiasis can lead to many complications. Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the tasks of a nurse in the care of a patient with urolithiasis treated with percutaneous nephrolithotripsy. Methods and materials. The individual case method was used in the study, using the following research techniques: nursing interview, observation, measurement and documentation analysis. The research tools used for the study include the Individual Nursing Care Card, the Visual Analogue Scale - VAS, risk of postoperative nausea and vomiting- the Apfel score. Findings. Nine nursing diagnoses based on the patient's health issues were made during the study process. Conclusions. The nursing problems concerning the patient result from surgery and hospitalization

    Immunoglobulin E as a marker of the atherothrombotic process in patients with acute myocardial infarction

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    Background: Clot formation is a crucial moment in the patophysiology of acute coronary syndromes. The aim of this research was to assess the relationship between immunoglobulin E (IgE), lipid parameters and chosen hemostatic markers. The role of IgE as a possible participant in the atherothrombotic process was also investigated. Methods: A total of 80 patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) was enrolled in the study. Concentrations of IgE, plasma lipid parameters, lipoprotein(a), markers of thrombin generation (TAT, AT III), markers of fibrinolysis (tPA:Ag, PAI-1:Ag, PAP, D-dimers) and markers of endothelial damage (von Willebrand factor) were measured in blood samples collected immediately after admission, before any treatment administration. Results: In patients with acute MI and with IgE concentration above 100 kU/l, IgE values were strongly, positively correlated with LDL concentration (p < 0.05), lipoprotein(a) concentration (p < 0.02) and negatively correlated with HDL plasma levels (p < 0.02). Exclusion of patients with IgE concentration lower than 150 kU/l strengthened the correlation between IgE concentration and LDL (p < 0.002) and lipoprotein(a) (p < 0.01) levels. It also revealed a significant correlation between IgE and TAT (p < 0.001), IgE and AT III (p < 0.002), and IgE and D-dimers (p < 0.05). IgE and TAT values measured 7, 14 and 40 days after infarction also showed significant positive correlation between increments of these parameters. Conclusions: In patients with acute MI, a significant increase of thrombinogenesis and fibrinolysis markers is observed. Positive correlation between IgE concentration above 100 kU/l and markers of thrombinogenesis activation, lipid parameters and lipoprotein(a) levels, with significance increasing with IgE concentration and constant positive correlation between increments of IgE and TAT, can serve as evidence of IgE participation in the atherothrombotic process. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 266-273