328 research outputs found

    Qualidade de vida profissional : fadiga e satisfação por compaixão nos médicos veterinários portugueses

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    A conjuntura organizacional, caracterizada pela globalização e pelas mudanças tecnológicas, pelas sucessivas exigências, pressões, competitividade e foco nos lucros a curto prazo, pelo aumento do ritmo de trabalho e pelas novas formas de contractos de trabalho, tem resultado em elevados níveis de stress laboral, sentimentos de incerteza e insegurança nos trabalhadores e alterações das relações de emprego, com implicações profundas na sua vida pessoal/familiar e na sua estabilidade. Esta crescente instabilidade laboral tem conduzido ao aparecimento de novas patologias e riscos laborais. A Qualidade de Vida Profissional (QVP) conceitualiza-se como o bem-estar resultante do auxílio prestado a outrem, com o objectivo de aliviar o seu sofrimento. Esse sentimento de bem-estar sobrevém do equilíbrio psicológico entre experiências laborais positivas (satisfação por compaixão) e negativas (fadiga por compaixão). A Satisfação por Compaixão corresponde aos afectos positivos experienciados no contexto laboral. A Fadiga por Compaixão é uma síndrome de extenuação biopsicossocial que resulta do cuidado e apoio prestado a pessoas ou animais em sofrimento. O foco desta investigação é o estudo da fadiga e da satisfação por compaixão nos médicos veterinários portugueses. Foram aplicados dois instrumentos, Questionário Sociodemográfico e Escala de Qualidade de Vida Profissional (ProQOL-V). Os resultados sugerem diferenças significativas na QVP em função das licenciaturas Pré e Pós Bolonha, sendo que médicos veterinários com licenciatura Pré Bolonha apresentam maior QVP do que médicos veterinários com licenciatura Pós Bolonha. Por sua vez, a Satisfação por Compaixão correlaciona-se positivamente com a idade e a Fadiga por Compaixão está positivamente relacionada com a carga horária.The organizational conjuncture, characterized by globalization and technological changes, by the successive demands, pressures, competitiveness and focus on short-term profits, by the increase of work pace and by new forms of work contracts, have resulted in high levels of work stress, feelings of uncertainty and insecurity in workers and changes in employment relationships, with profound implications for their personal/family life and stability. This growing labor instability has led to the emergence of new pathologies and occupational hazards. Professional Quality of Life (PQL) is conceptualized as the welfare resulting from the assistance provided to others, with the aim of alleviating their suffering. This sense of well-being comes from the psychological balance between positive (compassionate satisfaction) and negative (compassionate fatigue) work experiences. Compassion Satisfaction corresponds to the positive affects experienced in the work context. Compassion Fatigue is a biopsychosocial exacerbation syndrome that results from the care and support given to suffering people or animals. The focus of this research is the study of compassion fatigue and satisfaction in Portuguese veterinary doctors. Two instruments, Sociodemographic Questionnaire and Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL-V), were applied. The results suggest significant differences in PQL due to Pre and Post Bologna degrees: veterinarians with a Pre Bologna degree present higher PQL than veterinarians with post Bologna degree. In turn, Compassion Satisfaction correlates positively with age and Compassion Fatigue is positively related to the workload

    Aplicativo para la escuela de danzas Umaima Shek `` Sinfoshek``

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    El aplicativo SINFOSHEK permite presentar la información de manera sistematizada, de la Escuela de Danzas UMAIMA SHEK, ubicada en la carrera 30 No. 91- 29 de la Ciudad de Bogotá. Esta entidad, abrió sus puertas al público hace cinco años. La escuela ofrece un servicio personalizado de danza contemporánea, árabe, ballet clásico y otros. Este cumple con un objetivo general: Diseñar, desarrollar e implantar una aplicación para optimizar el manejo de la información. El proyecto, se enmarca dentro del TIPO DE INVESTIGACIÓN INGENIERÍA DE SOFTWARE análisis de procesos, para establecer un nivel organizacional. En el desarrollo del proyecto se trabajo también en la línea de Ingeniería de Software desarrollando una base de datos.El aplicativo SINFOSHEK permite presentar la información de manera sistematizada, de la Escuela de Danzas UMAIMA SHEK, ubicada en la carrera 30 No. 91- 29 de la Ciudad de Bogotá. Esta entidad, abrió sus puertas al público hace cinco años. La escuela ofrece un servicio personalizado de danza contemporánea, árabe, ballet clásico y otros. Este cumple con un objetivo general: Diseñar, desarrollar e implantar una aplicación para optimizar el manejo de la información. El proyecto, se enmarca dentro del TIPO DE INVESTIGACIÓN INGENIERÍA DE SOFTWARE análisis de procesos, para establecer un nivel organizacional. En el desarrollo del proyecto se trabajo también en la línea de Ingeniería de Software desarrollando una base de datos

    Advanced silk-based biotextiles for bone regeneration applications

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    Increasing efforts have been made in tissue engineering (TE) research for novel biomaterials and scaffolds that can efficiently support bone tissue regeneration and repair. Textile-based technologies are predefined manufacturing processes of particular interest since they allow for producing finely tuned fiber-based structures with controlled three-dimensional architecture and improved mechanical properties. Highly reproducible scaffolds can be achieved with interconnected macro- and micro-porosity suitable for controlling cell functions and guiding bone tissue regeneration and repair. Herein, the recent studies dealing with the processing methodologies, physical properties, and biocompatibility of fiber-based scaffolds for bone TE applications are overviewed. The fundamentals and application of silk fibroin (SF) protein as biomaterial for scaffolds production, made up of micro- and nano-fibers are also considered. The promising outcomes of such investigations are summarized and discussed in depth.The authors thank to the project FROnTHERA (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023), supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The financial support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology to Fun4TE project (PTDC/EMD-EMD/31367/2017), for the Junior Researcher contract (POCI-01-0145-FEDER 031367), and for the FCT distinction attributed to J. M. Oliveira under the Investigador FCT program (IF/01285/2015) are also greatly acknowledged

    Advances on gradient scaffolds for osteochondral tissue engineering

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    The osteochondral (OC) tissue is one of the most hierarchical and complex structures known and it is composed by two main compartments of hyaline articular cartilage and subchondral bone. It exhibits unique cellular and molecular transitions from the cartilage to the bone layers. OC diseases such as osteoarthritis and traumatic lesions may affect the articular cartilage, calcified cartilage (interface region) and subchondral bone, thus posing great regenerative challenges. Tissue engineering (TE) principles can offer novel technologies and combinatorial approaches that can better recapitulate the biological OC challenges and complexity in terms of biochemical, mechanical, structural and metabolic gradients, and ultimately can provide biofunctional 3D scaffolds with high reproducibility, versatility and adaptability to each patientâ s needs, as it occurs in OC tissue defects. The recent reports and future directions dealing with gradient scaffolds for OCTE strategies are overviewed herein. A special focus on clinical translation/regulatory approval is given.The authors thank the financial support provided by the EU-EC through the BAMOS project (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016-734156). Viviana P Ribeiro acknowledge for the Junior Researcher contract (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031367) attributed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology to Fun4TE project (PTDC/EMD-EMD/31367/2017)

    Special issue: Biopolymer-based materials for biomedical engineering

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    In the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM), the use of traditional biomaterials capable of integrating the host tissue to promote the healing and regenerative process while it degrades has become less and less a focus of inspiration. The current trend is to increase the complexity of the host materials in order to better emulate the extracellular microenvironment of heathy and disease tissues. Thus, the combination of materials engineering with other emerging fields, such as nanotechnology, cell and molecular therapy, and precision medicine, can allow for the development of innovative biopolymer-based scaffolds for specific biomedical approaches

    Uso de software educativo de matemáticas en la escuela para el desarrollo del pensamiento numérico en niños y niñas del grado transición del colegio Estrella del Sur

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    Este trabajo de grado presenta una propuesta pedagógica que indaga sobre la utilidad de un software educativo para matemáticas y su posible contribución al desarrollo del pensamiento numérico de los niños y de las niñas de grado Transición, en el colegio Estrella del Sur en Bogotá. Por medio de una prueba estructurada de entrada (caracterización inicial), que se aplicó a los niños y las niñas involucradas en el proceso, se recogió la información necesaria para identificar el software educativo que se implementaría como herramienta de fortalecimiento del pensamiento numérico. Luego de aplicar el software educativo, se realizó una prueba estructurada de salida (caracterización final), la misma prueba que se aplicó en la caracterización inicial) y se estableció una relación comparativa con otro grado de Transición, para poder evidenciar los avances de los niños y de las niñas a quienes se aplicó el software educativo. Se obtiene como conclusión general de esta investigación, que es importante la orientación que se da a estas herramientas, sin embargo es más significativo en el aprendizaje de los niños y niñas las actividades lúdicas con materiales concretos (bloques, juguetes, arena, aros, entre otros).Abstract. This work presents a pedagogical proposal that explores the usefulness of educational software for mathematics and its possible contribution to the development of numerical thinking of boys and girls in Pre-school grade in the school “Estrella del Sur” in Bogotá. Through an input structured test (initial characterization), which was applied to the children involved in the process, necessary information was gathered to identify the educational software that would be implemented as a tool for strengthening the numerical thinking. After applying the educational software, an output structured test (final characterization) was performed and a comparative relationship with another degree of Pre-school was established, to show the progress of children to whom the educational software was applied. As a general conclusion of the investigation it was obtained that, it is important the orientation given to these tools, nevertheless, it is more significant in the learning process of children the ludic activities with concrete materials (blocks, toys, sand, rings, including others).Maestrí

    Uso de software educativo de matemáticas en la escuela para el desarrollo del pensamiento numérico en niños y niñas del grado transición del colegio Estrella del Sur

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    Este trabajo de grado presenta una propuesta pedagógica que indaga sobre la utilidad de un software educativo para matemáticas y su posible contribución al desarrollo del pensamiento numérico de los niños y de las niñas de grado Transición, en el colegio Estrella del Sur en Bogotá. Por medio de una prueba estructurada de entrada (caracterización inicial), que se aplicó a los niños y las niñas involucradas en el proceso, se recogió la información necesaria para identificar el software educativo que se implementaría como herramienta de fortalecimiento del pensamiento numérico. Luego de aplicar el software educativo, se realizó una prueba estructurada de salida (caracterización final), la misma prueba que se aplicó en la caracterización inicial) y se estableció una relación comparativa con otro grado de Transición, para poder evidenciar los avances de los niños y de las niñas a quienes se aplicó el software educativo. Se obtiene como conclusión general de esta investigación, que es importante la orientación que se da a estas herramientas, sin embargo es más significativo en el aprendizaje de los niños y niñas las actividades lúdicas con materiales concretos (bloques, juguetes, arena, aros, entre otros).Abstract. This work presents a pedagogical proposal that explores the usefulness of educational software for mathematics and its possible contribution to the development of numerical thinking of boys and girls in Pre-school grade in the school “Estrella del Sur” in Bogotá. Through an input structured test (initial characterization), which was applied to the children involved in the process, necessary information was gathered to identify the educational software that would be implemented as a tool for strengthening the numerical thinking. After applying the educational software, an output structured test (final characterization) was performed and a comparative relationship with another degree of Pre-school was established, to show the progress of children to whom the educational software was applied. As a general conclusion of the investigation it was obtained that, it is important the orientation given to these tools, nevertheless, it is more significant in the learning process of children the ludic activities with concrete materials (blocks, toys, sand, rings, including others).Maestrí

    Razão e sensibilidade no cuidado informal : narrativas de homens idosos cuidadores

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    Mestrado em GerontologiaEste estudo teve como objectivo explorar as experiências de homens idosos pobres no cuidado do (a) familiar dependente. O método mais adequado para atingir o objectivo do estudo foi a história oral, na medida em que permitiu conhecer as narrativas de homens cuidadores, a partir das suas experiências de cuidado. Para o estudo, foi seleccionada uma amostra constituída por onze cuidadores homens idosos que se encontravam a cuidar das esposas, em situação de dependência. A recolha de dados foi realizada através da entrevista semi-estruturada. A análise de colectânea de entrevistas foi o método utilizado para a análise dos dados qualitativos, com o apoio do programa de pesquisa qualitativa QSR Nvivo. Neste estudo, todos os procedimentos éticos foram salvaguardados. Como principais resultados podemos considerar que os maridos idosos constituem o principal recurso na satisfação das necessidades do cuidado às suas esposa. Eles, afastam-se dos estereótipos culturalmente construídos e são capazes de se envolverem em actividades de vida diárias, actividades instrumentais e emocionais. Para todos os participantes do estudo, esta experiência foi um acontecimento inesperado, para o qual não se encontravam preparados. Nesta perspectiva, várias são as razões que justificam o seu envolvimento no cuidado, entre elas, o dever, o compromisso marital, a afectividade e a reciprocidade. A falta de apoio dos filhos e a disponibilidade para cuidar são também razões apontadas por estes homens. Dada a complexidade do cuidado, estes cuidadores manifestam uma ambiguidade de sentimentos; por um lado, revelam sentimentos de satisfação, dedicação, desejo de cuidar e felicidade. Por outro lado, expressam tristeza, revolta, desânimo e angústia. Alguns deles sentem-se sós, isolados e sobrecarregados, uma vez que o apoio da família é insuficiente, ou meramente ocasional. A nível formal, alguns contam com o apoio domiciliário, o centro de dia e a empregada doméstica. Este tipo de apoio é fundamental, uma vez que dá assistência a este grupo de cuidadores, que quase sempre se encontra sem outras alternativas. Assim, são as condições de saúde e económicas destes homens, o grau e tipo de depenência de suas esposas e a existência de ajudas complementares que determinam as suas necessidades. No seu quotidiano, eles revelam carência de ajudas técnicas, apoio financeiro, formação, informação e tempos livres, destacando-se em maior escala a necessidade emocioal manifestada pela necessidade de alguém que os ajude e esteja presente diariamente. Com este estudo pretendo dar uma nova visibilidade a este grupo de cuidadores e suas especificidades. ABSTRACT: This study aimed to explore the experiences of elder and poor men in caring for dependent relatives. The most appropriate method to achieve the objective of the study was the oral history, because that helped identify the narratives of male caregivers from their experiences of care. For the study it was selected a sample of eleven elderly caregivers men who had wives to take care of, in a situation of dependency. Data collection was made by semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the collection of interviews was the method used to analyse the qualitative data, with the support of the program of qualitative research QSR Nvivo. In this study, all the ethical procedures were safeguarded. As main results we can consider that elder husbands are the primary resource in reaching care needs to their wives. They turn away from stereotypes culturally constructed as they are able to engage in activities of daily living, instrumental and emotional activities. For all participants in the study, this experience was an unexpected development, for which they were not prepared. From this perspective, many are the reasons for its involvement in caring, including the duty, the marital commitment, the affection and reciprocity. The lacks of support from their children to care due to their availability are also reasons given by these men. Given the complexity of caring, these caregivers felt a feeling of ambiguity: On the one hand, show feelings of satisfaction, dedication, desire for happiness and caring; but on the other hand, express sadness, anger, dismay and anguish. Some of them even feel alone, isolated and burdened, as the family's support is insufficient, or merely incidental. In the formal level, some of them rely on home care, Day’s Centre and maid. This type of support is crucial, since it provides assistance to this group of caregivers, who often is without another alternative. Therefore are the health and economic conditions of these men, the grade and type of dependency of their wives, and the existence of additional aid which determine their needs. In their daily lives, they show a lack of technical and financial support, training, information and leisure. They demonstrate in particular a lack of emotional support expressed by the need for someone to help them and to be present every day. With this study I intend to give a new visibility to this group of caregivers and their specificities

    Aplicação da dosimetria de alanina- EPR in vivo em braquiterapia MDR ginecológica

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    Mestrado em Engenharia FísicaO controlo de qualidade em tratamentos de braquiterapia é uma área importante e inovadora da física médica. Neste trabalho realizou-se dosimetria in vivo usando a alanina na determinação das doses irradiados no recto em tratamento de tumores ginecológicos, nomeadamente do endométrio operado (cancro da vagina), em Braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose (HDR). Efectua-se a medição da dose absorvida pelos órgãos de risco, no tratamento ginecológico, como o recto, e comparam-se estes valores medidos com os valores calculados pelo sistema de planeamento no serviço de braquiterapia do IPOPorto. Este estudo foi desenvolvido com a utilização de dosímetros de alanina, analisados com a técnica de espectroscopia da ressonância electrónica paramagnética (EPR). Às pacientes foram prescritas doses, no volume alvo do tumor, de cerca de 5Gy e 7Gy e foi utilizada como fonte o 192Ir. Foi feita uma curva de calibração numa gama de doses de 1 a 30Gy. Esta possibilita a determinação da dose recebida pelo recto da paciente. Os dados experimentais foram recolhidos através de um cateter rectal com os dosímetros, localizados em pontos específicos, durante o tratamento. Para uma maior exactidão dos resultados, foi calculada a densidade de spins, tendo em conta a reconstrução teórica do espectro de EPR. A dose foi avaliada pela reconstrução do sinal EPR, a partir do espectro experimental, considerando a curva de calibração. Na comparação dos resultados com o previsto pelo sistema de planeamento foi possível observar uma correspondência credível (dentro das margens de erro do sistema e da dosimetria utilizada) podendo-se considerar que os dados obtidos, pela primeira vez em MDR abaixo de 10 Gy são confiáveis, tornando assim esta técnica uma importante mais-valia para o controle radioterapêutico. ABSTRACT: Since many years the dose delivery control in brachytherapy has been found to be one of the most important fields of study, due to its very high importance on the gynecology tumor treatment, efficiency and safety. Currently there are no precise methods for control the delivered dose and all treatments are based on software simulations, taking into account a rectal probe for reference. In this work we showed the results of gynecology tumor treatment control using the alanine / EPR dosimeter method and then we compare these results with the results obtained by planning system of brachytherapy service from IPOPorto. With the possibility to use alanine as dosimeter, due to linear dose response of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal of irradiated samples, a new brachytherapy dose control framework has been opened. The High Dose Rate (HDR) brachytherapy was used in a dose near 5 and 7 Gy, with a 192Ir source. A previous calibration curve was made in a dose ranging from 1 to 30 Gy. In spite of the traditional reading o the peak – to – peak intensity of central EPR spectrum line of a dosimeter, we perform a spin density calculation, taking into account the total EPR spectrum, and thus, increasing the accuracy. The linearity of that calibration data allows the further use to determine the dose delivered. The experimental data was collect via a rectal catheter with dosimeters located at specified points during the treatment. The dose was further evaluated by the EPR theoretical reconstruction from the experimental spectra and considering the calibration curve. In the final date compared with the expected values from the treatment planning system (TPS), was possible to see a true correspondence between both values. For the first time, results obtained for brachytherapy MDR under 10 Gy are trustable, which lead us to consideration to use that technique into a regular quality control of the brachytherapy radiation in gynecology treatment