18 research outputs found

    Etiological factors commonly related to the need of endodontic treatment in individuals with orofacial clefts

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    Dental treatment is fundamental in the rehabilitation of individuals with orofacial clefts, due to their oral condition; when indicated, endodontic therapy allows elimination of infection of the root canal system. Aim: To analyze, by a retrospective stud

    Displasia cementária periapical: relato de dois casos

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    A displasia cementária periapical (DCP) é considerada uma alteração pseudotumoral de etiologia desconhecida. Essa patologia é assintomática e tem crescimento autolimitante. Os dentes afetados apresentam normalmente vitalidade pulpar e integridade da lâmina dura. Objetivo: Apresentar dois casos clínicos que demonstram a importância do conhecimento e correto diagnóstico da DCP. Relatos clínicos: Paciente M.I.S, de 61 Anos, Gênero Feminino, Leucoderma. Apresentou-se ao setor de Endodontia, para avaliação, ao exame radiográfico foi constatada imagem radiopaca nos ápices de incisivos inferiores. Ao teste de sensibilidade ao frio houve resposta negativa, então foi realizado o teste em outras áreas da mandíbula, também com resposta negativa, tornando o teste inconclusivo. Com base nas informações obtidas pelos exames clínico e radiográfico, foi diagnosticada a DCP. Realizado controle clínico e radiográfico, não houve alterações significativas. Paciente H.N.P.N, de 22 Anos, Gênero Feminino, Leucoderma. Apresentou-se ao setor de Endodontia, para avaliação, ao exame radiográfico foi constatada imagem radiopaca na região perirradicular de canino e primeiro pré-molar inferiores do lado esquerdo. Ao teste de sensibilidade ao frio, houve resposta positiva. Com base nas informações obtidas pelos exames clínico e radiográfico, foi diagnosticada a DCP. Realizado controle clínico e radiográfico, não houve alterações significativas. Conclusão: Devido as suas características radiográficas, a DCP pode ser confundida com lesões inflamatórias de origem endodôntica. Intervenções endodônticas desnecessárias podem ocorrer por isso o cirurgião-dentista deve estar atento quanto à vitalidade pulpar e a integridade da lâmina dura dos dentes envolvidos, para o correto diagnóstico

    Endodontic planning of double tooth with cone-beam computer tomography in HRAC-USP patient: case report

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    Objective: Double tooth is a shape anomaly that occurs by the fusion of two or more teeth or gemination of a single tooth, usually during tooth bud morpho-differentiation. The incidence of double teeth varies from 0.14 to 5.0% of the world population, without predilection for gender. Unilateral presentation is more common than bilateral. In general, dental anomalies in patients with cleft lip and palate occur near the fissure region. The aim of this study is to report the nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a double tooth case in a patient with cleft lip and palate. Case report: Cleft lip and palate female patient of 10 years old, enrolled at the Hospital of Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies - University of Sao Paulo (HRAC-USP), referred to the HRAC-USP Endodontics sector to perform endodontic treatment of teeth 11 and 12 to be re-anatomized. By the superposition of the teeth 11, 12, and presence of an accessory cusp ("talon cusp") and a supernumerary tooth, the panoramic radiograph and periapical not clearly show the outer anatomy of the tooth and the inner root canal, reason why was prompted for a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to determine the length work for biomechanical preparation and obturation of the root canal. The diagnosis and treatment steps will be presented. Conclusion: For the abnormal morphology of the crown and complexity of the root canals, endodontic treatment would present difficulties, so careful clinical and radiographic examination is essential to the success of endodontic treatment. Thus we conclude that the image provided by CBCT was useful in planning and treatment of this case

    Resultados de las técnicas blanqueadoras mixta e inmediata para el blanqueamiento de dientes tratados endodónticamente – reportes de casos

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    Introducción: El oscurecimiento de un diente anterior interfiere negativamente en el aspecto de la sonrisa, y varias son las causas que pueden ser responsables por este oscurecimiento. Objetivo: Describir las técnicas de blanqueamiento mixto e inmediato a través del reporte de dos casos clínicos. Caso 1: Individuo de sexo masculino, con Síndrome de Treacher Collins, se quejó sobre alteración cromática del diente 33, verificada mediante examen clínico, radiográficamente presencia de tratamiento endodóntico satisfactorio. Por lo que fue planeado el blanqueamiento interno mediante técnica mixta. Caso 2: Individuo de sexo masculino, con Síndrome de Apert reportó cambio cromático en el diente 22, observado en el examen clínico, radiográficamente presentando tratamiento endodóntico insatisfactorio. Se realizó retratamiento endodóntico y a los 6 meses se realizó blanqueamiento interno mediante técnica inmediata. Conclusión: El blanqueamiento dental ejecutado con las técnicas mixtas e inmediatas, devuelve la armonía de la sonrisa, recuperando el color ideal y elevando la autoestima a los pacientes

    Plug apical com MTA em dente adjacente à área da fissura labiopalatina

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    O tratamento endodôntico de dentes com forame apical amplo requer consideração especial, devido ao risco de extravasamento do material obturador nos tecidos periapicais durante a obturação, de maneira relevante em áreas próximas às fissuras labiopalatinas. A criação de uma barreira apical é indicada em casos de difícil travamento do cone principal e consequente deficiência do selamento apical. O MTA em decorrência de suas excelentes propriedades biológicas, é o material de escolha para permanecer em contato com tecidos periodontais e periapicais, fazendo parte do arsenal endodôntico especificamente nestes casos de ápice aberto para a confecção de plug apical. Relato clínico: Indivíduo do gênero feminino, com fissura labiopalatina bilateral transforame, a distal dos dentes 11 e 21; compareceu no setor de endodontia do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais (HRAC-USP), apresentando necrose pulpar do dente 21. Na primeira sessão foi realizado o acesso cirúrgico, neutralização do conteúdo séptico/tóxico em sentido corono-apical, odontometria, biomecânica, curativo intracanal (pasta Calen) selamento provisório com cimento de ionômero de vidro. Na segunda sessão, foi realizada a obturação onde ocorreu extravasamento de material obturador, verificado através da radiografia comprobatória; justificando sua remoção e nova obturação, com prévia confecção de plug apical com MTA. Foi realizada proservação aos 6 meses pós tratamento endodôntico. Conclusão: neste caso, o plug apical com MTA possibilitou a obturação final do canal radicular com segurança, pela confecção de um anteparo apical, evitando extravasamento de material obturador e preservando a área de fissura labiopalatina

    Intestinal Parasites in Free-Living Puma concolor

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    Background: Studies on intestinal parasites in cougars Puma concolor are scarce, and most of the available information on the species has been derived from individuals in captivity. One of the greatest threats to the survival of wild cats is habitat loss caused by urban sprawl, agricultural matrix, and linear developments such as highways and railways, which expose animals to direct contact with humans and to a high risk of death. Given the lack of scientific data the objective of this study was to report on the occurrence of intestinal parasites in a cougar (P. concolor) specimen from the northwestern region of Paraná State, Brazil.Case: The carcass of a free-living cougar (P. concolor) individual was sent to the Interdisciplinary Science Museum (Museu Interdisciplinar de Ciências – MIC) of Paranaense University (Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR); an individual was killed during a collision with an unidentified vehicle on highway PR-486, in the municipality of Mariluz (PR, Brazil). The geographical coordinates of the location where the animal was found are: 23°59′29″S, 53°8′47″W. This region is characterized by semi-deciduous seasonal forest remnants. After being identified on site and collected by the inspectors of the Paraná Environmental Institute (Instituto Ambiental do Paraná - IAP), the cadaver was donated to the MIC (by the IAP) for a necropsy to elucidate the cause of death. In this context, the cadaver was sent to the Animal Pathology section of the Department of Veterinary Medicine at UNIPAR. The animal was necropsied by performing the standard necropsy technique for carnivores: opening the intestine through the mesentery and exposing the mucosa from the duodenum to the colon. The necropsy showed that the cause of death was hypovolemic shock due to trauma. During necropsy, parasites in the intestinal lumen were visible to the naked eye. Parasites and feces were collected and stored in sterile flasks containing 10% formaldehyde and saline. The parasites were subjected to Faust and Hoffman techniques, micrometry, and morphological analysis, resulting in the identification of the roundworm Toxocara cati and the tapeworm Spirometra decipiens.Discussion: Identifying the roadkill species along highways is of paramount importance, since they are living very close to man and, consequently, reservoirs and disseminators of different infectious and parasitic zoonoses may be possible. Infection by protozoa and helminths in animals usually occurs by ingesting the infective form present in food or water. Toxocara cati and the tapeworm Spirometra decipiens were only reported in captivity before. Research on parasites in free-living wild animals is not common in the scientific literature and this is due to the difficulty of capturing this animal category as they live in difficult to access places such as forests and forests, therefore, research projects in partnership with museums are extremely important for the recognition of wild animal species that circulate in the region, in addition to the parasitic identification of these animals for future sanitary measures and for the preservation of the animal species in the environment. The Parasitological studies of wild animals are highly relevant for expanding this knowledge, especially considering the possible transfer risk of specific parasitic diseases to other animals, as well as to humans

    Root canal treatment of maxillary incisors with heterotopic alterations: clinical case report

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    Aim: Cleft lip and cleft palate are the most common congenital craniofacial malformations. Dentistry plays an important role in the treatment of these patients since this defect comes associated with dental problems. Those alterations can implicate the teeth dimensions, morphology, location, quantity and structure. The endodontic strategy in teeth with challenging locations in the dental arch is a distinctive and major challenge both for diagnostics and treatment. In many situations, technical complications may lead to failure. The aim of this study is to describe particular peculiarities of root canal procedure in a special case which the patient presented location and dental alterations in maxillary incisors. This condition requires some modifications on the conventional endodontic therapy. An incorrect dental position and the presence of orthodontic appliances can contribute to the overlapping images throughout the radiographic procedures. The endodontic treatment planning of the endodontic case was examined through periapical radiographs and cone beam computed tomography. The endodontic access cavity was developed by the buccal surface due to the encountered difficulties by the intrusion and palatal direction of the anterior dental elements in the maxillary arch. The following operative endodontic steps as chemico-mechanical preparation and obturation were performed and considered satisfactory. In the obturation proceeding was employed a biological controlled technique with active lateral condensation. Conclusion: The planning stage of the treatment based on careful clinical examination and adequate complementary diagnostics procedures is essential for the endodontic treatment success of teeth with heterotopic alterations

    Root canal treatment of maxillary incisors with heterotopic alterations: clinical case report

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    Aim: Cleft lip and cleft palate are the most common congenital craniofacial malformations. Dentistry plays an important role in the treatment of these patients since this defect comes associated with dental problems. Those alterations can implicate the teeth dimensions, morphology, location, quantity and structure. The endodontic strategy in teeth with challenging locations in the dental arch is a distinctive and major challenge both for diagnostics and treatment. In many situations, technical complications may lead to failure. The aim of this study is to describe particular peculiarities of root canal procedure in a special case which the patient presented location and dental alterations in maxillary incisors. This condition requires some modifications on the conventional endodontic therapy. An incorrect dental position and the presence of orthodontic appliances can contribute to the overlapping images throughout the radiographic procedures. The endodontic treatment planning of the endodontic case was examined through periapical radiographs and cone beam computed tomography. The endodontic access cavity was developed by the buccal surface due to the encountered difficulties by the intrusion and palatal direction of the anterior dental elements in the maxillary arch. The following operative endodontic steps as chemico-mechanical preparation and obturation were performed and considered satisfactory. In the obturation proceeding was employed a biological controlled technique with active lateral condensation. Conclusion: The planning stage of the treatment based on careful clinical examination and adequate complementary diagnostics procedures is essential for the endodontic treatment success of teeth with heterotopic alterations


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    A eficácia terapêutica dos fármacos administrados por via oral sólida está relacionada com seu arranjo cristalino, o qual reflete em taxas de dissolução e biodisponibilidade diferentes. A solubilidade dos medicamentos é influenciada pelo polimorfismo e cocristalização, sendo apontada como um dos principais desafios da indústria na fabricação de novos fármacos ou mesmo de fármacos equivalentes. Frente estes temas, essa pesquisa teve por objetivo realizar uma busca ativa de informações nas bases CAPES, LILACS, MEDLINE, PUBMED e SCIELO, publicados em português, inglês e espanhol, entre os anos de 2011 e 2016. Foi verificado que, embora o polimorfismo seja conhecido há séculos, seu contexto se torna ainda mais importante quando se considera a possibilidade da patente de diferentes estados polimorfos. Além disso, recentemente o mesmo ganhou uma nova abordagem da indústria farmacêutica, cuja adaptação em os cocristais garante maior solubilidade dos fármacos e, portanto, aumentam sua biodisponibilidade. Dessa forma, a engenharia de cristais moleculares se apresenta como uma emergente técnica para o aperfeiçoamento das estruturas tridimensionais dos medicamentos, a fim de torná-los mais solúveis e estáveis