1,456 research outputs found

    Case-study: CTT, the mail going public

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    The main purpose of this case-study is to analyse CTT’s privatisation process, a previously Government-owned firm, which went public in 2013, under the terms of the adjustment program agreed between Portugal, the European institutions (ECB and European Commission) and the IMF. The emphasis will be placed on the IPO process, but also on the company itself (its history, current situation and prospects for its new phase, as a publicly listed company). This piece of work aims to evaluate the different alternatives for the privatisation of the company along with the respective implications, as well as the outcome of the actual decision taken by the Portuguese Government. One key aspect of the case is also to understand the importance that the privatisation of the Royal Mail, which can be seen as a peer of the Portuguese company, in the unfolding of the process and in the choice of the privatisation model. The case intends to show how the British process influenced the subsequent option of the Portuguese entities to sell CTT through an IPO, instead of a trade sale. All in all, the overall objective of this case-study is to analyse CTT’s successful sale process, which created the first Portuguese company with 100% free-float. 3 On the last days of November 2013, Steven Bernstein was staring at the window of his office overlooking downtown Manhattan, not even noticing the intense rain that was pouring down. As senior manager at ABC Fund, a pension fund responsible for managing more than 800 million dollars, his thoughts were focused on a very important decision that ABC Fund would have to make in just a matter of days. The American pension fund was considering whether or not to invest in the upcoming Initial Public Offering of CTT- Correios de Portugal, the Government-owned Portuguese mail company. Is this investment opportunity in accordance with the risk profile of a pension fund? Is it a wise decision to acquire shares in a Portuguese company when the country is at the centre of the European Sovereign debt crisis, going through a very demanding economic adjustment program imposed by its bail-out creditors? Would the creation of Portugal's Postal Bank make CTT a sure bet today when its price does not fully reflect the future benefits from entering financial services? Those were some of the questions that were constantly in Mr. Bernstein’s mind over the last couple of days and he was struggling to find the answers

    Deep learning and multivariate time series for cheat detection in video games

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    Online video games drive a multi-billion dollar industry dedicated to maintaining a competitive and enjoyable experience for players. Traditional cheat detection systems struggle when facing new exploits or sophisticated fraudsters. More advanced solutions based on machine learning are more adaptive but rely heavily on in-game data, which means that each game has to develop its own cheat detection system. In this work, we propose a novel approach to cheat detection that doesn't require in-game data. Firstly, we treat the multimodal interactions between the player and the platform as multivariate time series. We then use convolutional neural networks to classify these time series as corresponding to legitimate or fraudulent gameplay. Our models achieve an average accuracy of respectively 99.2% and 98.9% in triggerbot and aimbot (two widespread cheats), in an experiment to validate the system's ability to detect cheating in players never seen before. Because this approach is based solely on player behavior, it can be applied to any game or input method, and even various tasks related to modeling human activity.- (undefined

    Corynebacterium striatum Cardiac Device-Related Infective Endocarditis: The First Case Report in a Patient With a Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillator Device and Review of the Literature

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    Corynebacterium striatum (C. striatum) is a skin commensal agent, rarely described as a cause of infective endocarditis. We describe a case of a 48-year-old man, with multiple comorbidities with cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) device implanted 1 year before. A cardiac device-related infective endocarditis (CDRIE) due to C. striatum, with vegetations in the tricuspid valve adjacent to the electrode lead and concomitant lumbar spondylodiscitis were diagnosed. The patient was treated initially with a 6-week course of vancomycin with sterile blood cultures and reduction of inflammatory parameters. Surgery was refused at this stage. Six weeks later, he was readmitted due to C. striatum bacteriemia recurrence, with vegetations adhering to the electrode wire, being treated with daptomycin 10mg/kg body weight, after presenting renal toxicity to vancomycin. CRT-D device was removed with implantation of epicardial cardiac resynchronization therapy pacemaker (CRT-P). To our knowledge, this might be the first description of C. striatum CDRIE in a patient with a CRT-D. In the five cases described in the literature of CDRIE by this agent, early removal of the pacemaker was performed with good results. In this case, the device was removed only after failure of medical treatment alone.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    COVID-19 e home office: como a pandemia afetou as relações de trabalho e as consequências para a administração

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    O mundo foi pego de surpresa pela Pandemia do Covid-19. Fora os óbvios problemas de saúde que o vírus trouxe, o mercado de trabalho também sofreu os impactos da doença. Os responsáveis pela gestão de pessoas foram obrigados a elaborar uma forma para que as pessoas continuassem a exercer suas funções e o home office ganhou espaço no ambiente de trabalho. O presente trabalho dedicou-se a uma pesquisa bibliográfica, visando apresentar os conceitos e características do teletrabalho, em especial home office, e entender as consequências de sua instituição tanto para empregados quanto às organizações. Concluiu-se que o home office se mostrou alternativa que atendia as necessidades do momento pandêmico, conquistando assim a tendência de continuidade mesmo após a vacinação da população. Verificou-se também a necessidade ser melhor regulamentada, a fim de preservar direitos

    Literariedade e cientificidade em Os sertões : a recepção critica recente (1943-2001)

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    Orientador: Miriam V. GarateDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da LinguagemResumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é estudara recepção crítica de Os sertões, aproximadamente, de 1940 até 2001. A partir da década de 1940 as leituras deste livro ganham uma nova direção: com a obsolescência das teorias científicas utilizadas por Euclides da Cunha, a crítica cada vez mais abandona as proposições de natureza científica contidas neste livro em prolde suas características literárias. Começa ,então, um processo de crescente valorização literária de Os sertões. De acordo com as diferentes tendências críticas, este valor é associado ao estilo, ao gênero ou ao emprego de alguns procedimentos considerados essencialmente literários, como a intertextualidade e a polifonia, ou ainda de recursos poemáticos, como a metrificação e a aliteração. O interesse desta dissertação está precisamente em rastrear este processo de "literalização" de Os sertões, bem como as reações (minoritárias)a este tipo de interpretaçãoAbstract: : The aim of this work is to study the critical reception of Os sertões from about 1940 to 2001. Since the 1940's readings from this book took a new direction; due to old-fashioned cientific theories adopted by Euclides da Cunha more and more criticism forsakes scientific propositions in behalf of literary traits of his book. Then starts a process of increasing literary valorization of Os sertões. According to different critical trends this value is connected to the style, the literary genre or to use of some devices understood as essentially literary, like intertextuality and polyphony, or even of some poetical means, like metrics and all iteration. The concern of this dissertatian is to trace this process of "literalization" of Os sertões, as well as minority reactions to this kind of interpretationMestradoMestre em Teoria e História Literári

    Monitoração on-line de ambientes pelo telefone celular utilizando streaming de vídeo

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    Nos dias de hoje, o termo segurança, se tornou uma grande preocupação para as pessoas e empresas em geral. Neste contexto, a monitoração de ambientes em tempo real, utilizando as facilidades de locomoção, oferecida pelas redes sem fio, GSM/GPRS, Wi-Fi e tão logo WCDMA/HSDPA, se torna uma grande aliada aos sistemas de segurança, pois permite que sejam visualizados todos os eventos de um ambiente no momento em que estão ocorrendo, estando-se em qualquer lugar do planeta onde haja disponibilidade destas redes. Desta forma é possível realizar ações de verificação de status e ações preventivas, visando à manutenção da integridade dos ambientes monitorados, ao alcança da mão. Neste trabalho será apresentado o desenvolvimento e a implementação de um sistema de monitoração e vigilância de ambientes. O mesmo irá disponibilizar na tela de um telefone celular, “tempo real”, as imagens geradas por uma webcam conectada a um servidor de imagens (streamings de vídeo). O servidor analisará as imagens recebidas da câmera e irá determinar a existência ou não de movimentos. Havendo movimento o servidor enviará uma mensagem de texto para números de telefones celulares pré-determinados, avisando que o usuário deve se conectar ao sistema. Será desenvolvida uma aplicação que rodará no aparelho celular e que será responsável por conectar o tocador de streams do aparelho (player de streams), a um servidor de imagens, e apresentará na tela do aparelho as imagens capturadas na webcam. Será possível, também, se conectar ao servidor de imagens através de qualquer PC conectado a internet, e monitorar o ambiente. O resultado deste projeto será o protótipo de uma ferramenta que pode auxiliar a sistemas e equipes de vigilância e segurança, trazendo mobilidade, e praticidade aos processos de monitoração e vigilância. Embora, não contemple o áudio, a obtenção das imagens em tempo real mostra a viabilidade de se realizar a monitoração com o sistema aqui proposto