471 research outputs found

    Preface "Operational oceanography in the Mediterranean Sea: the second stage of development"

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    The papers of this special issue overview some of the scientific results of the second phase of development of the Mediterranean Forecasting System (MFS) realised during the EU project "Mediterranean ocean Forecasting System: Toward Environmental Predictions-MFSTEP" that started 1 March 2003 and ended in June 2006. The MFS oceanographic service that is now operational in the Mediterranean Sea was developed, implemented and quality assessed during MFSTEP. MFS is composed of: a) a near real time observing system with satellite and in situ elements; b) a numerical ocean forecasting system at basin scale, assimilating all data available in real time, and a set of limited area forecasting models in different sub-regional and shelf areas; c) biochemical models for algal biomass forecasting; d) a product dissemination system. Moreover, the products of MFS are used to develop downstream services, such as oil spill drift and dispersion, sediment transport in the coastal areas and fish stock assessment that demonstrate the value of the operational service for end-users. MFSTEP contained several phases of development and realised a demonstration exercise, the so-called Targeted Operational Period-TOP that started in September 2004 and ended in March 2005. During TOP all possible observing platforms were active, the numerical models were capable to assimilate the observations and the all models were running in forecast mode, from the basin scale to the shelf areas. The deployed observing and modelling components of MFS are now part of a sustained operational oceanographic service for the Mediterranean Sea, so-called Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network (MOON, http: //www.moon-oceanforecasting.eu)

    Omega network: An adaptive approach to social learning

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    Mediterranean ocean Forecasting System: Toward Environmental Predictions-MFSTEP Executive Summary

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    Objectives: The Project aims at the further development of an operational forecasting system for the Mediterranean Sea based upon three main components: a) a Real Time-RT Observing system; b) a numerical forecasting system at the basin scale and for the sub-regional/shelf areas; c) the forecast products dissemination/exploitation system. The Observing system component consists of: • a SOOP-VOS system with RT data dissemination and test of new sensors that collect multidisciplinary data; • a moored buoy network (M3A) designed to serve the RT validation of the basin scale models and the calibration of the ecosystem models; • a satellite RT data analysis system using several satellites for sea surface elevation, sea surface temperature and sea surface winds; • a high space-time resolution network of autonomous subsurface profiling floats (Array for Real-Time Geostrophic Oceanography-ARGO); • a basin scale glider autonomous vehicle experiment; The sampling strategy is continuously assessed by the Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) activities and a RT data management and delayed mode archiving system has been organized

    MEDSLIK-II, a Lagrangian marine surface oil spill model for short-term forecasting – Part 2: Numerical simulations and validations

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    Abstract. In this paper we use MEDSLIK-II, a Lagrangian marine surface oil spill model described in Part 1 (De Dominicis et al., 2013), to simulate oil slick transport and transformation processes for realistic oceanic cases, where satellite or drifting buoys data are available for verification. The model is coupled with operational oceanographic currents, atmospheric analyses winds and remote sensing data for initialization. The sensitivity of the oil spill simulations to several model parameterizations is analyzed and the results are validated using surface drifters, SAR (synthetic aperture radar) and optical satellite images in different regions of the Mediterranean Sea. It is found that the forecast skill of Lagrangian trajectories largely depends on the accuracy of the Eulerian ocean currents: the operational models give useful estimates of currents, but high-frequency (hourly) and high-spatial resolution is required, and the Stokes drift velocity has to be added, especially in coastal areas. From a numerical point of view, it is found that a realistic oil concentration reconstruction is obtained using an oil tracer grid resolution of about 100 m, with at least 100 000 Lagrangian particles. Moreover, sensitivity experiments to uncertain model parameters show that the knowledge of oil type and slick thickness are, among all the others, key model parameters affecting the simulation results. Considering acceptable for the simulated trajectories a maximum spatial error of the order of three times the horizontal resolution of the Eulerian ocean currents, the predictability skill for particle trajectories is from 1 to 2.5 days depending on the specific current regime. This suggests that re-initialization of the simulations is required every day

    Eddy diffusivity derived from drifter data for dispersion model applications

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    Ocean transport and dispersion processes are at the present time simulated using Lagrangian stochastic models coupled with Eulerian circulation models that are supplying analyses and forecasts of the ocean currents at unprecedented time and space resolution. Using the Lagrangian approach, each particle displacement is described by an average motion and a fluctuating part. The first one represents the advection associated with the Eulerian current field of the circulation models while the second one describes the sub-grid scale diffusion. The focus of this study is to quantify the sub-grid scale diffusion of the Lagrangian models written in terms of a horizontal eddy diffusivity. Using a large database of drifters released in different regions of the Mediterranean Sea, the Lagrangian sub-grid scale diffusion has been computed, by considering different regimes when averaging statistical quantities. In addition, the real drifters have been simulated using a trajectory model forced by OGCM currents, focusing on how the Lagrangian properties are reproduced by the simulated trajectories

    Transducer Arrays over A²B Networks in Industrial and Automotive Applications: Clock Propagation Measurements

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    Advanced automotive applications like Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) and Individual Listening Zones (ILZ) require a high number of transducers (i.e., microphones, accelerometers, and loudspeakers) usually arranged as arrays. Transducer arrays are widely employed in several applications besides automotive field, such as teleconferencing systems, industrial and civil monitoring of noise and vibrations. Automotive Audio Bus ( A2B ) is an audio transport protocol that solves the latest requirements of automotive and industrial fields. A2B allows transporting up to 32 channels in a multi-node daisy chain network and guarantees synchronization and low deterministic latency. This paper aims to develop a clock propagation model of an A2B network composed by transducer arrays. This model will be useful to evaluate the impact of the bus on the array performance. Firstly, a theoretical description of the A2B protocol and jitter analysis is provided. It follows a description of the jitter measures carried out on the clocks distributed along the A2B network. Lastly, latency introduced by nodes of the network is investigated

    Oil spill forecasting in the Mediterranean Sea

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    In this work sensitivity experiments to the coupled MFS (currents) and MEDSLIK (oil spill) input parameters will be shown and results will be compared with observations. In these experiments the drift angle, the drift factor, the currents depth, the type of oil, horizontal diffusivity and the horizontal and temporal current resolution were changed

    Drift simulation of MH370 debris using superensemble techniques

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    On 7 March 2014 (UTC), Malaysia Airlines flight 370 vanished without a trace. The aircraft is believed to have crashed in the southern Indian Ocean, but despite extensive search operations the location of the wreckage is still unknown. The first tangible evidence of the accident was discovered almost 17 months after the disappearance. On 29 July 2015, a small piece of the right wing of the aircraft was found washed up on the island of RĂ©union, approximately 4000 km from the assumed crash site. Since then a number of other parts have been found in Mozambique, South Africa and on Rodrigues Island. This paper presents a numerical simulation using high-resolution oceanographic and meteorological data to predict the movement of floating debris from the accident. Multiple model realisations are used with different starting locations and wind drag parameters. The model realisations are combined into a superensemble, adjusting the model weights to best represent the discovered debris. The superensemble is then used to predict the distribution of marine debris at various moments in time. This approach can be easily generalised to other drift simulations where observations are available to constrain unknown input parameters. The distribution at the time of the accident shows that the discovered debris most likely originated from the wide search area between 28 and 35° S. This partially overlaps with the current underwater search area, but extends further towards the north. Results at later times show that the most probable locations to discover washed-up debris are along the African east coast, especially in the area around Madagascar. The debris remaining at sea in 2016 is spread out over a wide area and its distribution changes only slowly

    The Adriatic Basin Forecasting System: new model and system development

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    The Adriatic Basin Forecasting System implemented within the framework of the ADRICOSM Partnership (ADRIatic sea integrated COstal areaS and river basin Management system), nested to the operational general circulation model of the Mediterranean Sea, has recently been upgraded both in terms of system design and model parameterizations. The operational forecast is now daily, producing 9 days forecast, and a new near real time quality control has been introduced. From the modeling point of view the system has been upgraded in resolution (vertically from 21 to 31 sigma levels, and horizontally from approximately 1/22° to approximately 1/45°). Realistic fresh water fluxes have been introduced through the surface boundary condition taking into account evaporation, precipitation and river runoff, and the Smolarckiwicz advection scheme has been changed to the MUSCL scheme. The details of these developments will be presented, together with the model validation in delayed and real time mod
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