
The Adriatic Basin Forecasting System: new model and system development


The Adriatic Basin Forecasting System implemented within the framework of the ADRICOSM Partnership (ADRIatic sea integrated COstal areaS and river basin Management system), nested to the operational general circulation model of the Mediterranean Sea, has recently been upgraded both in terms of system design and model parameterizations. The operational forecast is now daily, producing 9 days forecast, and a new near real time quality control has been introduced. From the modeling point of view the system has been upgraded in resolution (vertically from 21 to 31 sigma levels, and horizontally from approximately 1/22° to approximately 1/45°). Realistic fresh water fluxes have been introduced through the surface boundary condition taking into account evaporation, precipitation and river runoff, and the Smolarckiwicz advection scheme has been changed to the MUSCL scheme. The details of these developments will be presented, together with the model validation in delayed and real time mod

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