69 research outputs found

    Direct Observations of Excess Solar Absorption by Clouds

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    Aircraft measurements of solar flux in the cloudy tropical atmosphere reveal that solar absorption by clouds is anomalously large when compared to theoretical estimates. The ratio of cloud forcing at an altitude of 20 kilometers to that at the surface is 1.58 rather than 1.0 as predicted by models. These results were derived from a cloud radiation experiment in which identical instrumentation was deployed on coordinated stacked aircraft. These findings indicate a significant difference between measurements and theory and imply that the interaction between clouds and solar radiation is poorly understood

    Ground-based passive remote sensing during FIRE IFO 2

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    During the FIRE Cirrus IFO II, a set of passive radiometers were deployed at the Coffeyville, Kansas, Hub, site B, to compliment the Radiation Measurement System (RAMS) on board the NASA ER-2 and NCAR Sabreliner. The following three instruments were used at the surface: Narrow-field-of View IR Radiometer (NFOV); Total-Direct-Diffuse Radiometer (TDDR); and Near-Infrared Spectroradiometer (NIRS)

    Optical properties of cirrus derived from airborne measurements during FIRE IFO 2

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    The Radiation Measurement System (RAMS) on board the NASA ER-2 was used to acquire several optical parameters of interest during the FIRE Cirrus IFO 2. In this abstract we present results from the 26 Nov. IFO when the ER-2 flew over the Coffeyville airport hub site. We show retrieved optical thickness and cloud temperature, along with optical thickness obtained from RAMS instruments on the NCAR Sabreliner and at the surface site B. Independent retrieval of optical thickness, from the ER-2 and at the surface, are in agreement during the overpasses. Cirrus optical depths, derived from each platform, ranged between 1 and 2

    Evolution of Gases and Particles from a Savanna Fire in South Africa

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    Airborne measurements of particles and gases from a 1000-ha savanna fire in South Africa are presented. These measurements represent the most extensive data set reported on the aging of biomass smoke. The measurements include total concentrations of particles (CN), particle sizes, particulate organic carbon and black carbon, light-scattering coefficients, downwelling UV fluxes, and mixing ratios for 42 trace gases and 7 particulate species. The ratios of excess nitrate, ozone, and gaseous acetic acid to excess CO increased significantly as the smoke aged over ∼40–45 min, indicating that these species were formed by photochemistry in the plume. For 17 other species, the excess mixing ratio normalized by the excess mixing ratio of CO decreased significantly with smoke age. The relative rates of decrease for a number of chemical species imply that the average OH concentration in the plume was ∼1.7 × 107 molecules cm−3. Excess CN, normalized by excess CO, decreased rapidly during the first ∼5 min of aging, probably due to coagulation, and then increased, probably due to gas-to-particle conversion. The CO-normalized concentrations of particles \u3c1.5 μm in diameter decreased, and particles \u3e1.5 μm diameter increased, with smoke age. The spectral depletion of solar radiation by the smoke is depicted. The downwelling UV flux near the vertical center of the plume was about two-thirds of that near the top of the plume

    Advancements in solar spectral irradiance measurements by the TSIS-1 spectral irradiance monitor and its role for long-term data continuity

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    The first implementation of NASA’s Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor (TSIS-1) launched on December 15th, 2017, and was integrated into the International Space Station (ISS) to measure both the total solar irradiance (TSI) and the solar spectral irradiance (SSI). The direct measurement of the SSI is made by the LASP Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM) and provides data essential to interpreting how the Earth system responds to solar spectral variability. Extensive advances in TSIS-1 SIM instrument design and new SI-traceable spectral irradiance calibration techniques have resulted in improved absolute accuracy with uncertainties of less than 0.5% over the continuous 200–2400 nm spectral range. Furthermore, improvements in the long-term spectral stability corrections provide lower trend uncertainties in SSI variability measurements. Here we present the early results of the TSIS-1 SIM measurements covering the first 5 years of operations. This time period includes the descending phase of solar cycle 24, the last solar minimum, and the ascending phase of solar cycle 25. The TSIS-1 SIM SSI results are compared to previous measurements both in the absolute scale of the solar spectrum and the time dependence of the SSI variability. The TSIS-1 SIM SSI spectrum shows lower IR irradiance (up to 6% at 2400 nm) and small visible increases (~0.5%) from some previous reference solar spectra. Finally, initial comparisons are made to current NRLSSI2 and SATIRE-S SSI model results and offer opportunities to validate model details both for short-term (solar rotation) spectral variability and, for the first time, the longer-term (near half solar cycle) spectral variability across the solar spectrum from the UV to the IR

    Directly Measured Heating Rates of a Tropical Subvisible Cirrus Cloud

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    We present the first direct measurements of the infrared and solar heating rates of a tropical subvisible cirrus (SVC) cloud sampled off the east coast of Nicaragua on 25 July 2007 by the NASA ER-2 aircraft during the Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling Experiment (TC4). On this day a persistent thin cirrus layer, with mostly clear skies underneath, was detected in real time by the cloud lidar on the ER-2, and the aircraft was directed to profile down through the SVC. Measurements of the net broadband infrared irradiance and spectrally integrated solar irradiance above, below, and through the SVC are used to determine the infrared and solar heating rates of the cloud. The lidar measurements show that the variable SVC layer was located between approximately 13 and 15 km. Its midvisible optical depth varied from 0.01 to 0.10 with a mean of 0.034 +/- 0.033. Its depolarization ratio was approximately 0.4, indicative of ice clouds. From the divergence of the measured net irradiances the infrared heating rate of the SVC was determined to be approximately 2.50 - 3.24 K/d and the solar heating rate was found to be negligible. These values are consistent with previous indirect observations of other SVC and with model-generated heating rates of SVC with similar optical depths. This study illustrates the utility and potential of the profiling sampling strategy employed here. A more fully instrumented high-altitude aircraft that also included in situ cloud and aerosol probes would provide a comprehensive data set for characterizing both the radiative and microphysical properties of these ubiquitous tropical cloud

    Climate Change Observation Accuracy: Requirements and Economic Value

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    This presentation will summarize a new quantitative approach to determining the required accuracy for climate change observations. Using this metric, most current global satellite observations struggle to meet this accuracy level. CLARREO (Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory) is a new satellite mission designed to resolve this challenge is by achieving advances of a factor of 10 for reflected solar spectra and a factor of 3 to 5 for thermal infrared spectra. The CLARREO spectrometers can serve as SI traceable benchmarks for the Global Satellite Intercalibration System (GSICS) and greatly improve the utility of a wide range of LEO and GEO infrared and reflected solar satellite sensors for climate change observations (e.g. CERES, MODIS, VIIIRS, CrIS, IASI, Landsat, etc). A CLARREO Pathfinder mission for flight on the International Space Station is included in the U.S. President"TM"s fiscal year 2016 budget, with launch in 2019 or 2020. Providing more accurate decadal change trends can in turn lead to more rapid narrowing of key climate science uncertainties such as cloud feedback and climate sensitivity. A new study has been carried out to quantify the economic benefits of such an advance and concludes that the economic value is ~ $9 Trillion U.S. dollars. The new value includes the cost of carbon emissions reductions
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