1,589 research outputs found

    Ayuda a las víctimas, mediación penal

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    [ES] Se explica la política francesa en materia de ayuda a las víctimas mostrando las dificultades de éstas para conocer sus derechos y ejercerlos, y cómo desde los servicios de ayuda a las víctimas se favorece una mejor movilización social. La mediación penal, dirigida a encontrar una solución del conflicto víctimadelincuente, permite la reparación de los perjuicios, la responsabilización y reinserción del autor de la infracción, y contribuye a la reconstrucción del tejido social.[EU] Frantziako politikak biktimei laguntzeko dituen neurriak azaltzen dira, bai eta biktimek neurri horiek ezagutzeko eta erabiltzeko dituzten zailtasunak eta biktimei laguntzeko zerbitzuetatik gizarte-mobilizazio egokiagoa bultzatzeko egiten den lana ere. Bitartekotza penala biktimaren eta gaizkilearen arteko gatazkari konponbidea aurkitzera bideratzen da, eta kalteak ordaintzen, kalteak eragin dituenaren erantzukizuna eta bergizarteraketa lortzen eta gizartearen egitura berreraikitzen laguntzen du.[EN] This text displays the french politics of care for victims and their difficult to know and to use their rights; it shows that victim’s assistance services favour a best social mobilization. The penal mediation, dedicated to find a solution of the conflict between victim and offender, allowes the damage reparation, the responsabilisation and reinsertation of offender and the social reconstruccion.[FR] La politique française d’aide aux victimes est ici exposée en même temps que les difficultés de celles-ci pour connaître et pour exercer leurs droits. Les services d’aide aux victimes favorisent une meilleure mobilisation sociale. La médiation pénale, adressée à chercher une solution du conflit victime-délinquant, permet la réparation des préjugés et la responsabilité et réinsertion de l’auteur de l’infraction; elle participe aussi à la reconstruction de l’enjeu social

    Derechos humanos y sistema penal

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    Acto de Apertura.[ES] Actualmente, los sistemas de justicia penal se enfrentan a la necesidad de garantizar una conciliación entre los derechos de los delincuentes y los derechos de las víctimas. Así, dentro de las legislaciones nacionales hay una evolución de los modos de sanción. Tras exponer algunas dudas y críticas sobre la eficacia de las penas y el tratamiento, se comentan los principios comunes en materia de política penal establecidos por los Estados miembros del Consejo de Europa. Asimismo, se subraya la atención de la Sociedad Internacional de Criminología a la aplicación y respeto de los Derechos Humanos.[EU] Gaur egun, justizia penaleko sistemak, lege-hauslearen eta kaltetuaren eskubideen arteko arartekotasuna garantizatu beharrean aurkitzen dira. Hau hala izanik, legepide nazionalek zigortzeko duten eran, aldaketa bat dagoela esan daiteke. Zigorrak eta beraien jardunen balioaz zalantza eta irizpideak azaldu ondoren, Europako Kontseiluko parte diren Estatuek jarri dituzten politika penalaren arau bateratuak komentatzen dira. Horrela, Kriminologiako Erakunde Internazionalak, Giza Eskubideen aplikazio eta begirunearen gain jartzen duten arreta, azpimarratzen dira.[FR] À l’heure actuelle, les systèmes de justice pénal font face à la nécessité de garantir une réconciliation entre les droits des délinquants et les droits des victimes. C’est ainsi qu’il y a eu une évolution des sanctions dans les legislations nationales. Le texte expose d’abord quelques doutes et critiques sur l’efficacité des peines et du traitement et avance aussi les principes communs en matière de politique pénal établis par les États du Conseil d’Europe. Finalement, on souligne de même l’attention de la Société Internationale de Criminologie à l’application et le respect des Droits de l’Homme.[EN] At the moment, the systems of penal justice face the necessity of guaranteeing a reconciliation between the rights of the criminals and the rights of the victims. Therefore, there is an evolution in the sanction ways inside the national legislations. After exposing some doubts and critics on the effectiveness of the hardships and the treattment, this author analyses the common principles of penal politics settled down by the States members of the council of Europe. Also, he underlines the attention to aplication and respect of human rights on the part of the International Society of Criminology

    Espacio geográfico y político europeo y cooperación en materia penal

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    [ES] El desarrollo de la cooperación en materia penal en el espacio geográfico y político europeo parte de la acción del Consejo de Europa, que en 1949 creó ya el comité europeo para los problemas criminales, y se ha visto acentuado en los últimos años en el seno de la Unión europea, particularmente a partir del Consejo de Tampere y de la aplicación de los textos de Schengen. En la actualidad, el trabajo en el espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia se centra en la política de inmigración, de asilo, de control de fronteras y visados, en el refuerzo de la cooperación penal y policial y en la cooperación en materia civil. Propiamente no cabe hablar de una política penal común que sin embargo sería muy deseable para garantizar la seguridad en la Unión.[EU] Zigor arloko lankidetzaren garapena europako eremu geografiko eta politikoan, Kontseilu Europarraren ekintzatik sortzen da. 1949. urtean arazo kriminalei aurre egiteko batzorde europarra sortu zen. Azken urteotan Europako Batasunean indar handia hartu du, batez ere Tampereko kontseiluaren ondorioz eta Schengeneko akordioaren aplikazio modura. Egun, askatasun, segurtasun eta justizia eremuetan egin beharreko lana, inmigrazio, asilo, muga eta bisen kontrola, zigor arloko eta polizia arteko lankidetzaren babesa eta zibil arloko lankidetasunean erdiratzen da. Berez, ezin daiteke zigor arloko politika komun bati buruz hitzegin baino desiragarria litzateke Batasuneko segurtasuna bermatzeko.[FR] Le développement de la coopération en matière pénale dans l’espace géographique et politique européen commence grâce à l’action du Conseil de l’Europe qui a créé en 1949 le comité européen pour les problèmes criminels, et il a été renforcé pendant les dernières années au sein de l’Union européenne, particulièrement à partir du Conseil de Tampere et de l’application des textes de Schengen. Actuellement, le travail dans l’espace de liberté, sécurité et justice est axé sur la politique d’immigration, d’asile, de contrôle des frontières et des visas, ainsi que sur le renforcement de la coopération pénale et policière et sur la coopération en matière civile. On ne peut pas parler d’une politique pénale commune proprement dit, mais ça serait toutefois très souhaitable pour garantir la sécurité à l’Union.[EN] Development of cooperation in criminal matters in the politic and geographic European area started with the action of the European Council, which in 1949 created the European committee on crime problems. Cooperation has been lately emphasized within the European Union, especially after the Tampere Council and the application of the texts of Schengen. Now the work in the liberty, security and justice area is centred in immigration policies, asylum, barrier and visa control; in reinforcing political and criminal cooperation; and in cooperation in civil matters. Strictly speaking it is not possible to talk about a common criminal policy, but this would be very desirable to guarantee the security in the Union

    2018: Daria Graham

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    During Women’s History Month, the University of Dayton Women’s Center coordinates, as an experiential learning opportunity for students, an annual exhibit highlighting the contributions women have made at the University of Dayton. Theme for 2018: Trailblazers.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/women_of_ud/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Nuevas perspectivas para la justicia penal internacional: ¿el tribunal penal internacional?

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    [ES] La creación de una jurisdicción internacional se ha considerado una exigencia para sancionar a los responsables de crímenes colectivos que han sacudido la conciencia universal, como los crímenes contra la humanidad o el genocidio. El 17 de julio de 1998 se creó el Tribunal Penal Internacional permanente instituido por un tratado, el Estatuto de Roma, destinado a promover la primacía del derecho y a garantizar la sanción de los crímenes más graves de alcance internacional. Pero, la eficacia de una jurisdicción penal internacional no podrá demostrarse sino cuando existan procedimientos aptos para descubrir y perseguir penalmente a los responsables de este tipo de delitos.[EU] Nazioarteko jurisdikzio baten beharra nabarmena izan da ekintza kriminal kolektiboen erantzuleak zigortzeko. 1998ko uztailaren 17an Nazioarteko Epaitegi penala eratu zen, tratatu baten bidez eratu zen, Romako Estatutua, zuzenbidearen gaitasun eta nagusitasuna lortzea zuen helburu. Helburua krimenik gogorrenak eta nazioartean ematen zirenak hain zuzen ere zigorrik gabe ez geratzea zen. Hala ere, ezingo da nazioarteko jurisdikzio penal baten balioa mirestu, krimenen erantzuleak penalki zigotu ezin diren bitartean.[FR] La création d’une juridiction internationale a été considérée une exigence pour sanctionner aux responsables de crimes collectifs qui ont agité la conscience universelle, comme les crimes contre l’humanité ou le génocide. Le 17 juillet 1998 on a créé la Cour Pénale Internationale permanent institué par un traité, le Statut de Rome, destiné à promouvoir la primauté du droit et de garantir la sanction des crimes les plus graves ayant une portée internationale. Mais, l’efficacité d’une juridiction pénale internationale ne pourra pas être démontrée mais quand il existera des procédures aptes pour découvrir et poursuivre pénalement aux responsables de ce type d’infractions.[EN] The establishment of an international jurisdiction has been considered an exigency to punish the responsibles for collective crimes that have shaken the universal conscience, like crimes against humanity or the genocide. The 17 of July of 1998 the Internarional Criminal Court was established by a treaty, the Rome Statute, to promote the primacy of the Law and to guarantee the punishment of the most serious international crimes. But, the effectiveness of an international jurisdiction can be demonstrated only when exist the adequate procedures to discover and to persecute the people in charge of this kind of crimes

    The one-way CNOT simulation

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    In this paper we present the complete simulation of the quantum logic CNOT gate in the one-way model, that consists entirely of one-qubit measurements on a particular class of entangled states.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Flame-Formed Carbon Nanoparticles: Synthesis and characterization

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    Nanoparticles and nanostructured materials characterize an increasing research area, gaining strong attention from the scientific community in several fields. During the last decades, many and extraordinary technological advances have been obtained by nano-materials due to their physicochemical properties. In nature, at micro- and nano-scale, materials have existed for a long time before, but it is only through the advent of the technological era, and consequently, the development of nanotechnology, that they have come to the fore. There are several forms of nanoparticles: metal-based, organic-based or organic/inorganic combination and carbon-based ones. Carbon nanoparticles are the most widely studied as carbon is suitable and available raw material. Except for hydrogen, carbon has the most significant number of known compounds and is present on the planet in various forms: from carbon to light and heavy hydrocarbons. Carbon-based nanoparticles have shown a wide variety of structural arrangements that make them a great advantage as they are suitable for various purposes. Several techniques exist to cope with the production of the nano-size materials in both liquid and gas phase; examples are arc-discharge, laser ablation, chemical vapour deposition. The more the process allows to have a production (functional to specific final characteristics of the material) on a large scale and in an economical way, the more it is taken into consideration and studied. Among the various techniques, the use of flame and, therefore, combustion technology is increasingly taken into consideration. Traditionally, combustion is associated with the study of particulate matter and undesired products released into the atmosphere daily to understand the onset of their formation and reduce, if not abate, their emissions. Nevertheless, on the other hand, flame-formed carbon nanoparticles have been the subject of increasing interest in recent decades as a new procedure for synthesizing engineered nanoparticles. In order to obtain flame nanoparticles with desired characteristics and with the highest yield, it is necessary to have an in-depth knowledge of their formation process through the reaction system, the flame. It is necessary to delve into the chemical and physical details of the various steps of the mechanism that lead to the final product; pay attention to the inherent characteristics of the particles, such as size distribution, chemical composition, and physical characteristics. Moreover, depending on the final product to be obtained, flames can be modulated and varied in parameters such as temperature, residence time, mixing effect, and the fuel or additive structure. This PhD thesis focuses on studying and characterizing the carbon nanoparticles synthesized in the well-controlled combustion conditions of premixed fuel-rich flame, using a lab-scale reactor constituted by flat laminar ethylene/air premixed flame. The primary purpose of this activity has been to perform an experimental study on flame-formed carbon nanoparticles, with great attention on the still too unclear step of particle formation in flame, i.e. the nucleation. The first year of the PhD was primarily centred on the study and preliminary characterization of physicochemical evolution of flame-formed carbon nanoparticles. In order to produce different sizes of particles, carbon nanoparticles were collected at different distances from the flame front, i.e., the residence time in the flame was changed. Then, various techniques were used to characterize the produced particles. One of the first investigations was performed in the flame by the on-line differential mobility analyzer to study the particle size distribution. Subsequently, the analytical tools continued with ex-situ techniques such as Raman spectroscopy and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, the former for chemical and structural information on particles modification and the latter to reveal and confirm the presence of radicals and to identify them. In this thesis, great attention was laid on the presence and role of radical species, above all, in the determining step of nucleation. For this reason, the research continued in the second year with a more detailed analysis of radical formation in the flame products mechanism and a more specific structural characterization of carbon nanoparticles. Indeed, a density functional theory study investigated some aspects related to the behaviour of radical molecules in flame in terms of dimerization and formation of cluster structures. Notably, the study was helpful in the differentiation between - and -radicals. Following the theoretical evaluation of the radical molecules, the question was raised about how such radicals could form, i.e., whether specific structural elements could facilitate their formation and, consequently, direct carbon particles' formation through a specific mechanism. This type of structural investigation was performed through the Proton Nuclear Resonance Spectroscopy ,1H-NMR; for the first time used in a system such as the one studied in this thesis work. Then, in the third and final year of this PhD research work, a comparative physicochemical evolution study in an aromatic fuel environment has been performed. The addition of an aromatic dopant, such as benzene, leads to some change in the flame and the particle formation in terms of particles size distribution, Raman features, and especially radical production, allowing to face up the same questions in such environment and to investigate the effect of aromatic fuel on the nature and the role of radicals in particle nucleation and growth
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