229 research outputs found

    Live strong and prosper: the importance of skeletal muscle strength for healthy ageing

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    Due to improved health care, diet and infrastructure in developed countries, since 1840 life expectancy has increased by approximately 2years per decade. Accordingly, by 2050, a quarter of Europe’s population will be over 65years, representing a 10% rise in half a century. With this rapid rise comes an increased prevalence of diseases of ageing and associated healthcare expenditure. To address the health consequences of global ageing, research in model systems (worms, flies and mice) has indicated that reducing the rate of organ growth, via reductions in protein synthetic rates, has multi-organ health benefits that collectively lead to improvements in lifespan. In contrast, human pre-clinical, clinical and large cohort prospective studies demonstrate that ageing leads to anabolic (i.e. growth) impairments in skeletal muscle, which in turn leads to reductions in muscle mass and strength, factors directly associated with mortality rates in the elderly. As such, increasing muscle protein synthesis via exercise or protein-based nutrition maintains a strong, healthy muscle mass, which in turn leads to improved health, independence and functionality. The aim of this review is to critique current literature relating to the maintenance of muscle mass across lifespan and discuss whether maintaining or reducing protein synthesis is the most logical approach to support musculoskeletal function and by extension healthy human ageing

    Prolonged activation of S6K1 does not suppress IRS or PI-3 kinase signaling during muscle cell differentiation

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    Background: Myogenesis in C2C12 cells requires the activation of the PI3K/mTOR signaling pathways. Since mTOR signaling can feedback through S6K1 to inhibit the activation of PI3K, the aim of this work was to assess whether feedback from S6K1 played a role in myogenesis and determine whether siRNA mediated knockdown of S6K1 would lead to an increased rate of myotube formation. Results: S6K1 activity increased in a linear fashion following plating and was more than 3-fold higher after Day 3 of differentiation (subconfluent = 11.09 ± 3.05, Day 3 = 29.34 ± 3.58). IRS-1 levels tended to increase upon serum withdrawal but decreased approximately 2-fold (subconfluent = 0.88 ± 0.10, Day 3 = 0.42 ± 0.06) 3 days following differentiation whereas IRS-2 protein remained stable. IRS-1 associated p85 was significantly reduced upon serum withdrawal (subconfluent = 0.86 ± 0.07, Day 0 = 0.31 ± 0.05), remaining low through day 1. IRS-2 associated p85 decreased following serum withdrawal (subconfluent = 0.96 ± 0.05, Day 1 = 0.56 ± 0.08) and remained suppressed up to Day 3 following differentiation (0.56 ± 0.05). Phospho-tyrosine associated p85 increased significantly from subconfluent to Day 0 and remained elevated throughout differentiation. siRNA directed against S6K1 and S6K2 did not result in changes in IRS-1 levels after either 48 or 96 hrs. Furthermore, neither 48 nor 96 hrs of S6K1 knockdown caused a change in myotube formation. Conclusions: Even though S6K1 activity increases throughout muscle cell differentiation and IRS-1 levels decrease over this period, siRNA suggests that S6K1 is not mediating the decrease in IRS-1. The decrease in IRS-1/2 associated p85 together with the increase in phospho-tyrosine associated p85 suggests that PI3K associates primarily with scaffolds other than IRS-1/2 during muscle cell differentiation

    One week of step reduction lowers myofibrillar protein synthesis rates in young men

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    Purpose Across the lifespan, physical activity levels decrease and time spent sedentary typically increases. However, little is known about the impact that these behavioral changes have on skeletal muscle mass regulation. The primary aim of this study was to use a step reduction model to determine the impact of reduced physical activity and increased sedentary time on daily myofibrillar protein synthesis rates in healthy young men. Methods Eleven men (22 Β± 2 yr) completed 7 d of habitual physical activity (HPA) followed by 7 d of step reduction (SR). Myofibrillar protein synthesis rates were determined during HPA and SR using the deuterated water (2H2O) method combined with the collection of skeletal muscle biopsies and daily saliva samples. Gene expression of selected proteins related to muscle mass regulation and oxidative metabolism were determined via real time reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). Results Daily step count was reduced by approximately 91% during SR (from 13,054 Β± 2763 steps per day to 1192 Β± 330 steps per day; P < 0.001) and this led to an increased contribution of sedentary time to daily activity (73% Β± 6% to 90% Β± 3%; P < 0.001). Daily myofibrillar protein synthesis decreased by approximately 27% from 1.39 Β± 0.32%Β·dβˆ’1 during HPA to 1.01 Β± 0.38%Β·dβˆ’1 during SR (P < 0.05). Muscle atrophy F-box and myostatin mRNA expression were upregulated, whereas mechanistic target of rapamycin, p53, and PDK4 mRNA expression were downregulated after SR (P < 0.05). Conclusions One week of reduced physical activity and increased sedentary time substantially lowers daily myofibrillar protein synthesis rates in healthy young men

    Beneficial Effects of Resistance Exercise on Glycemic Control Are Not Further Improved by Protein Ingestion

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    Purpose: To investigate the mechanisms underpinning modifications in glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity 24 h after a bout of resistance exercise (RE) with or without protein ingestion. Methods: Twenty-four healthy males were assigned to a control (CON; n = 8), exercise (EX; n = 8) or exercise plus protein condition (EX+PRO; n = 8). Muscle biopsy and blood samples were obtained at rest for all groups and immediately post-RE (75% 1RM, 8&times;10 repetitions of leg-press and extension exercise) for EX and EX+PRO only. At 24 h post-RE (or post-resting biopsy for CON), a further muscle biopsy was obtained. Participants then consumed an oral glucose load (OGTT) containing 2 g of [U-13C] glucose during an infusion of 6, 6-[2H2] glucose. Blood samples were obtained every 10 min for 2 h to determine glucose kinetics. EX+PRO ingested an additional 25 g of intact whey protein with the OGTT. A final biopsy sample was obtained at the end of the OGTT. Results: Fasted plasma glucose and insulin were similar for all groups and were not different immediately post- and 24 h post-RE. Following RE, muscle glycogen was 26&plusmn;8 and 19&plusmn;6% lower in EX and EX+PRO, respectively. During OGTT, plasma glucose AUC was lower for EX and EX+PRO (75.1&plusmn;2.7 and 75.3&plusmn;2.8 mmol&middot;L-1:120 min, respectively) compared with CON (90.6&plusmn;4.1 mmol&middot;L-1:120 min). Plasma insulin response was 13&plusmn;2 and 21&plusmn;4% lower for EX and CON, respectively, compared with EX+PRO. Glucose disappearance from the circulation was ~12% greater in EX and EX+PRO compared with CON. Basal 24 h post-RE and insulin-stimulated PAS-AS160/TBC1D4 phosphorylation was greater for EX and EX+PRO. Conclusions: Prior RE improves glycemic control and insulin sensitivity through an increase in the rate at which glucose is disposed from the circulation. However, co-ingesting protein during a high-glucose load does not augment this response at 24 h post-exercise in healthy, insulin-sensitive individuals

    Molecular brakes regulating mTORC1 activation in skeletal muscle following synergist ablation

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    The goal of the current work was to profile positive (mTORC1 activation, autocrine/paracrine growth factors) and negative [AMPK, unfolded protein response (UPR)] pathways that might regulate overload-induced mTORC1 (mTOR complex 1) activation with the hypothesis that a number of negative regulators of mTORC1 will be engaged during a supraphysiological model of hypertrophy. To achieve this, mTORC1- IRS-1/2 signaling, BiP/CHOP/IRE1, and AMPK activation were determined in rat plantaris muscle following synergist ablation (SA). SA resulted in significant increases in muscle mass of 4% per day throughout the 21 days of the experiment. The expression of the insulin-like growth factors (IGF) were high throughout the 21st day of overload. However, IGF signaling was limited, since IRS-1 and -2 were undetectable in the overloaded muscle from day 3 to day 9. The decreases in IRS-1/2 protein were paralleled by increases in GRB10 Ser501/503 and S6K1 Thr389 phosphorylation, two mTORC1 targets that can destabilize IRS proteins. PKB Ser473 phosphorylation was higher from 3&ndash; 6 days, and this was associated with increased TSC2 Thr939 phosphorylation. The phosphorylation of TSC2 Thr1345 (an AMPK site) was also elevated, whereas phosphorylation at the other PKB site, Thr1462, was unchanged at 6 days. In agreement with the phosphorylation of Thr1345, SA led to activation of AMPK1 during the initial growth phase, lasting the first 9 days before returning to baseline by day 12. The UPR markers CHOP and BiP were elevated over the first 12 days following ablation, whereas IRE1 levels decreased. These data suggest that during supraphysiological muscle loading at least three potential molecular brakes engage to downregulate mTORC1. m

    Anatomy Nights: An international public engagement event increases audience knowledge of brain anatomy

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    Anatomy Nights is an international public engagement event created to bring anatomy and anatomists back to public spaces with the goal of increasing the public's understanding of their own anatomy by comparison with non-human tissues. The event consists of a 30-minute mini-lecture on the anatomy of a specific anatomical organ followed by a dissection of animal tissues to demonstrate the same organ anatomy. Before and after the lecture and dissection, participants complete research surveys designed to assess prior knowledge and knowledge gained as a result of participation in the event, respectively. This study reports the results of Anatomy Nights brain events held at four different venues in the UK and USA in 2018 and 2019. Two general questions were asked of the data: 1) Do participant postevent test scores differ from pre-event scores; and 2) Are there differences in participant scores based on location, educational background, and career. We addressed these questions using a combination of generalized linear models (R's glm function; R version 4.1.0 [R Core Team, 2014]) that assumed a binomial distribution and implemented a logit link function, as well as likelihood estimates to compare models. Survey data from 91 participants indicate that scores improve on post-event tests compared to pre-event tests, and these results hold irrespective of location, educational background, and career. In the pre-event tests, participants performed well on naming structures with an English name (frontal lobe and brainstem), and showed signs of improvement on other anatomical names in the posttest. Despite this improvement in knowledge, we found no evidence that participation in Anatomy Nights improved participants' ability to apply this knowledge to neuroanatomical contexts (e.g., stroke)
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