86 research outputs found

    Continued study on finite element models of flagella

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    In previous study, we developed finite element models of flagella that show wavelike oscillation above certain load threshold. However, these baseline models were highly simplified and had inevitable limitations. In the current study, inter-doublet components have been meshed with finer setting to give more accurate results, multibody dynamics (translational joints) has introduced to allow more deflection, and inter-doublet materials have included viscoelasticity. Nondimensional waveform equations have been developed to find parameter values that allow larger deflection and frequencies close to actual cilia and flagella

    Robust acoustic trapping and perturbation of single-cell microswimmers illuminate three-dimensional swimming and ciliary coordination

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    We report a label-free acoustic microfluidic method to confine single, cilia-driven swimming cells in space without limiting their rotational degrees of freedom. Our platform integrates a surface acoustic wave (SAW) actuator and bulk acoustic wave (BAW) trapping array to enable multiplexed analysis with high spatial resolution and trapping forces that are strong enough to hold individual microswimmers. The hybrid BAW/SAW acoustic tweezers employ high-efficiency mode conversion to achieve submicron image resolution while compensating for parasitic system losses to immersion oil in contact with the microfluidic chip. We use the platform to quantify cilia and cell body motion for wildtype biciliate cells, investigating effects of environmental variables like temperature and viscosity on ciliary beating, synchronization, and three-dimensional helical swimming. We confirm and expand upon the existing understanding of these phenomena, for example determining that increasing viscosity promotes asynchronous beating. Motile cilia are subcellular organelles that propel microorganisms or direct fluid and particulate flow. Thus, cilia are critical to cell survival and human health. The unicellular alg

    Mechanical stiffness and anisotropy measured by MRE during brain development in the minipig

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    The relationship between brain development and mechanical properties of brain tissue is important, but remains incompletely understood, in part due to the challenges in measuring these properties longitudinally over time. In addition, white matter, which is composed of aligned, myelinated, axonal fibers, may be mechanically anisotropic. Here we use data from magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to estimate anisotropic mechanical properties in six female Yucatan minipigs at ages from 3 to 6 months. Fiber direction was estimated from the principal axis of the diffusion tensor in each voxel. Harmonic shear waves in the brain were excited by three different configurations of a jaw actuator and measured using a motion-sensitive MR imaging sequence. Anisotropic mechanical properties are estimated from displacement field and fiber direction data with a finite element- based, transversely-isotropic nonlinear inversion (TI-NLI) algorithm. TI-NLI finds spatially resolved TI material properties that minimize the error between measured and simulated displacement fields. Maps of anisotropic mechanical properties in the minipig brain were generated for each animal at all four ages. These maps show that white matter is more dissipative and anisotropic than gray matter, and reveal significant effects of brain development on brain stiffness and structural anisotropy. Changes in brain mechanical properties may be a fundamental biophysical signature of brain development

    Basal bodies bend in response to ciliary forces

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    Motile cilia beat with an asymmetric waveform consisting of a power stroke that generates a propulsive force and a recovery stroke that returns the cilium back to the start. Cilia are anchored to the cell cortex by basal bodies (BBs) that are directly coupled to the ciliary doublet microtubules (MTs). We find that, consistent with ciliary forces imposing on BBs, bending patterns in BB triplet MTs are responsive to ciliary beating. BB bending varies as environmental conditions change the ciliary waveform. Bending occurs where striated fibers (SFs) attach to BBs and mutants with short SFs that fail to connect to adjacent BBs exhibit abnormal BB bending, supporting a model in which SFs couple ciliary forces between BBs. Finally, loss of the BB stability protein Poc1, which helps interconnect BB triplet MTs, prevents the normal distributed BB and ciliary bending patterns. Collectively, BBs experience ciliary forces and manage mechanical coupling of these forces to their surrounding cellular architecture for normal ciliary beating

    Electromagnetic controlled cortical impact device for precise, graded experimental traumatic brain injury

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    Genetically modified mice represent useful tools for traumatic brain injury (TBI) research and attractive preclinical models for the development of novel therapeutics. Experimental methods that minimize the number of mice needed may increase the pace of discovery. With this in mind, we developed and characterized a prototype electromagnetic (EM) controlled cortical impact device along with refined surgical and behavioral testing techniques. By varying the depth of impact between 1.0 and 3.0 mm, we found that the EM device was capable of producing a broad range of injury severities. Histologically, 2.0-mm impact depth injuries produced by the EM device were similar to 1.0-mm impact depth injuries produced by a commercially available pneumatic device. Behaviorally, 2.0-, 2.5-, and 3.0-mm impacts impaired hidden platform and probe trial water maze performance, whereas 1.5-mm impacts did not. Rotorod and visible platform water maze deficits were also found following 2.5- and 3.0-mm impacts. No impairment of conditioned fear performance was detected. No differences were found between sexes of mice. Inter-operator reliability was very good. Behaviorally, we found that we could statistically distinguish between injury depths differing by 0.5 mm using 12 mice per group and between injury depths differing by 1.0 mm with 7-8 mice per group. Thus, the EM impactor and refined surgical and behavioral testing techniques may offer a reliable and convenient framework for preclinical TBI research involving mice

    Effects of radial immersion and cutting direction on chatter instability

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    ABSTRACT Low radial immersion end-milling involves intermittent cutting. If the tool is flexible, its motion in both the x-and ydirections affects the chip load and cutting forces, leading to chatter instability under certain conditions. Interrupted cutting complicates stability analysis by imposing sharp periodic variations in the dynamic model. Stability predictions for the 2-DOF model differ significantly from prior 1-DOF models of interrupted cutting. In this paper stability boundaries of the 2-DOF milling process are determined by three techniques and compared: (1) a frequency-domain technique developed b

    Islet primary cilia motility controls insulin secretion

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    Primary cilia are specialized cell-surface organelles that mediate sensory perception and, in contrast to motile cilia and flagella, are thought to lack motility function. Here, we show that primary cilia in human and mouse pancreatic islets exhibit movement that is required for glucose-dependent insulin secretion. Islet primary cilia contain motor proteins conserved from those found in classic motile cilia, and their three-dimensional motion is dynein-driven and dependent on adenosine 5\u27-triphosphate and glucose metabolism. Inhibition of cilia motion blocks beta cell calcium influx and insulin secretion. Human beta cells have enriched ciliary gene expression, and motile cilia genes are altered in type 2 diabetes. Our findings redefine primary cilia as dynamic structures having both sensory and motile function and establish that pancreatic islet cilia movement plays a regulatory role in insulin secretion