1,238 research outputs found

    Measurement of ΔΓₛ using the B⁰ₛ decays to the final states J/ψηâ€Č and J/ψf₀

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    The main research field of the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the study of CP violation and rare decays of beauty and charm hadrons. Measurement of the B⁰ₛ mixing parameters ΔΓₛ, Γₛ, Δmₛ and ϕₛ provide a precise test of the Standard Model (SM). New particles, as predicted in models of physics beyond the SM may alter the measured values of B⁰ₛ mixing parameters compared to the SM. In this thesis, a measurement of ΔΓₛ is made by comparing the lifetimes in the B⁰ₛ → J/ψηâ€Č and B⁰ₛ → J/ψf₀ decay modes. This work uses the full data set recorded by the LHCb detector between 2011 and 2018. The value of ΔΓₛ is determined by measuring the yields of the two channels in bins of decay time, computing the ratio between the two channels in each bin and performing a χÂČ minimization. This technique, combined with the choice of two decay channels with similar topology, reduces the impact of the time acceptance introduced by the detector. The measured value of ΔΓₛ is ΔΓₛ = (0.081 ± 0.011 ± 0.009) ps⁻Âč where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. At the end of 2018 the LHC started a major upgrade to deliver better performance. During this period, most of the LHCb sub-detectors were upgraded as well as the data acquisition system. After the upgrade, the new software infrastructure will need to be more robust and scalable to face the higher luminosity delivered by the LHC. With this new configuration, monitoring the status of the detector and the data collected will be crucial to assure the best performance of the detector. For this reason, a prototype for the High Level Trigger (HLT) monitoring system was designed, implemented and tested. The goal of this system was to check the feasibility of having a monitoring system running on off-the-shelf software instead of developing everything from scratch

    Accretion and outflow of gas in Markarian 509

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    A major uncertainty in models for photoionised outflows in AGN is the distance of the gas to the central black hole. We present the results of a massive multiwavelength monitoring campaign on the bright Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509 to constrain the location of the outflow components dominating the soft X-ray band. Mrk 509 was monitored by XMM-Newton, Integral, Chandra, HST/COS and Swift in 2009. We have studied the response of the photoionised gas to the changes in the ionising flux produced by the central regions. We were able to put tight constraints on the variability of the absorbers from day to year time scales. This allowed us to develop a model for the time-dependent photoionisation in this source. We find that the more highly ionised gas producing most X-ray line opacity is at least 5 pc away from the core; upper limits to the distance of various absorbing components range between 20 pc up to a few kpc. The more lowly ionised gas producing most UV line opacity is at least 100 pc away from the nucleus. These results point to an origin of the dominant, slow (v<1000 km/s) outflow components in the NLR or torus-region of Mrk 509. We find that while the kinetic luminosity of the outflow is small, the mass carried away is likely larger than the 0.5 Solar mass per year accreting onto the black hole. We also determined the chemical composition of the outflow as well as valuable constraints on the different emission regions. We find for instance that the resolved component of the Fe-K line originates from a region 40-1000 gravitational radii from the black hole, and that the soft excess is produced by Comptonisation in a warm (0.2-1 keV), optically thick (tau~10-20) corona near the inner part of the disk.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of IAUS 290 "Feeding Compact Objects: Accretion on All Scales", C. M. Zhang, T. Belloni, M. Mendez & S. N. Zhang (eds.

    Release of Palladium from Biomechanical Prostheses in Body Fluids Can Induce or Support PD-Specific IFNÎł T Cell Responses and the Clinical Setting of a Palladium Hypersensitivity:

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    The increased use of Palladium (Pd) for biomedical applications, which has more than doubled in the last ten years, appears to be associated with an increased frequency of adverse reactions to Pd. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the implant of a biomechanical apparatus containing Pd and the setting of a hypersensitivity to Pd by determining the levels of the metal released in biological fluids, assessing the effects of Pd on peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) cytokine production and exploring the clinical setting of skin sensitization. Of a total of 3,093 subjects examined in 2006, sensitization to Pd alone or in association with nickel (Ni) was observed in 1.6% and 13.03% of the individuals, respectively. Of these, a group of six subjects positive to Pd and negative to Ni at patch testing were selected on the basis of the oral clinical symptoms in order to measure both the levels of Pd in biological fluids and the degradation of the dental prostheses. Specific Pd measurements were carried out on salivary fluid, urine and serum samples by High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. In addition, the degradation of the dental prostheses was assessed by both a "leaching test" and an analysis of the micro morphology of orthodontic prostheses. The induction of IFN-Îł production by Pd was assessed in PBMC by the ELISpot assay. Skin sensitization to Pd was evaluated by patch testing and clinical examination. Ten healthy subjects were comparatively tested as controls. We found a specific induction of an IFN-Îł response by Pd in PBMC collected from all the subjects positive to Pd at patch testing. On the contrary, control subjects did not show any response to Pd as assessed by IFN-Îł ELISpot assay or by skin testing. Remarkably, the levels of Pd in all biological samples (saliva, sera, urine) were significantly higher in Pd-sensitized patients than in those collected from controls, reaching the highest concentrations in the urine. The leaching studies gave additional evidence that the dental appliances can release measurable levels of Pd in saliva. Oral clinical symptoms in patients with Pd dental prostheses were associated with measurable levels of Pd in the biological fluids, the induction of Pd-specific IFN-Îł responses in PBMC and the clinical evidence of skin sensitization to Pd. These data suggest that dental appliances may represent an active source of Pd in the body, and this, in turn, can favour the clinical setting of a hypersensitivity to this metal

    An easily recoverable and recyclable homogeneous polyester-based Pd catalytic system for the hydrogenation of α,ÎČ-unsaturated carbonyl compounds

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    Homogeneous catalysis is an efficient tool to carry out hydrogenation processes but the major drawback is represented by the separation of the expensive catalyst from the product mixture. In this view we prepared a polyester-based Pd catalytic system that offers the advantages of both homogenous and heterogeneous catalyses: efficacy, selectivity and recyclability. Here its application in the hydrogenation of selected alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds is described

    The effects of the exposure to neurotoxic elements on Italian schoolchildren behavior

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    Neurodevelopmental disorders are constantly increasing on a global scale. Some elements like heavy metals are known to be neurotoxic. In this cross-sectional study we assessed the neurobehavioral effect of the exposure to trace elements including lead, mercury, cadmium, manganese, arsenic and selenium and their interactions among 299 schoolchildren residing in the heavily polluted Taranto area in Italy. Whole blood, urine and hair were collected for metal analyses, while the Child Behavior Checklist and the Social Responsiveness Scale, administered to the main teacher and the mothers were considered to identify behavioral problems in children. Blood lead mainly influenced social problems, aggressive behavior, externalizing and total problems. Urinary arsenic showed an impact on anxiety and depression, somatic problems, attention problems and rule breaking behavior. A significant interaction between lead and arsenic was observed, with a synergistic effect of the two metals increasing the risk of attention problems, aggressive behavior, externalizing problems and total problems. Overall, we were able to test that higher blood lead, urinary arsenic concentrations and their interaction increase the risk of neurobehavioral problems. This is in line with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s priority list of hazardous substances where arsenic and lead are ranked as first and second respectively

    Remote and contactless infrared imaging techniques for stratigraphical investigations in paintings on canvas

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    AbstractIn the analysis of complex stratigraphical structures like painted artefact, infrared (IR) techniques can provide precious information about elements hidden under superficial layers of the artwork, such as pictorial features and structural defects. This paper presents a novel complementary use of reflectographic and thermographic techniques for the survey of three baroque paintings, preserved at the Chigi Palace in Ariccia (Italy). First, the IR-ITR laser scanner prototype has been used for the preliminary and remote near-IR reflectographic survey of the areas where the canvas was located. The resulting map was then used for planning the thermographic and mid-IR reflectographic studies, focusing the analyses on the most interesting areas of one of the paintings, called "La Primavera". The combination of the three imaging techniques revealed several details not visible by the naked eye, such as restored lacunas and pentimenti, demonstrating the validity and complementarity of the proposed combined methodologies

    Treatment of central and sensorineural tinnitus with orally administered Melatonin and Sulodexide: Personal experience from a randomized controlled study

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    Since very little is understood about the exact aetiology of tinnitus, this has made treatment of the condition difficult. Even though -10-15% of the general population suffer from tinnitus, only 2% consider it serious enough to warrant any treatment. The main problem arising from tinnitus is the disturbance it causes not only in day to day life but also in sleep, leading to fatigue and general discomfort. The present study focused on the effect of Melatonin in conjunction with Sulodexide as a treatment method for tinnitus. Overall, 102 patients suffering from tinnitus were evaluated in a prospective randomised controlled study conducted in a tertiary care ENT department. After randomisation, 34 patients were treated with Melatonin and Sulodexide, another 34 were treated with Melatonin alone, while the remaining 34 (control group) were managed without treatment in order to evaluate spontaneous variations in the quality of tinnitus. Patients were assessed prospectively with the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory and Acufenometry, both pre- and post-treatment. Among the patients studied, better results with both Tinnitus Handicap Inventory and Acufenometry were found in the group who received Melatonin and Sulodexide compared to those receiving Melatonin alone. No improvement was observed in the control group. In conclusion, Melatonin in combination with Sulodexide is, in our opinion, a viable treatment option for patients suffering from central or sensorineural tinnitus
