93,193 research outputs found

    Analyses of unsteady entropic-flow processes

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    One important aspect in these analyses is the derivation of physical mechanism of converted entropic perturbations, which is also directly related to mixing of fluids. In development of frictional fluid motion, entropy gradients of moving fluid particles perpetually increase. This growth is due to fluid particles which have been heated by frictional flow effects and are constantly lagging behind colder fluid

    Investigation to define the propagation characteristics of a finite amplitude acoustic pressure wave, phase 1 final report, 29 jun. 1964 - 29 jul. 1965

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    The contribution of high entropy production regions to the generation and propagation characteristics of a finite amplitude pressure is considered. Preliminary analysis indicates that, for nozzles where pressure rations are above critical, the predominant contribution may come from the shock layer formation in the exhaust region. Temperature effects indicate high dependence of the forcing function upon the initial temperature of the media

    Repetitive Delone Sets and Quasicrystals

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    This paper considers the problem of characterizing the simplest discrete point sets that are aperiodic, using invariants based on topological dynamics. A Delone set whose patch-counting function N(T), for radius T, is finite for all T is called repetitive if there is a function M(T) such that every ball of radius M(T)+T contains a copy of each kind of patch of radius T that occurs in the set. This is equivalent to the minimality of an associated topological dynamical system with R^n-action. There is a lower bound for M(T) in terms of N(T), namely N(T) = O(M(T)^n), but no general upper bound. The complexity of a repetitive Delone set can be measured by the growth rate of its repetitivity function M(T). For example, M(T) is bounded if and only if the set is a crystal. A set is called is linearly repetitive if M(T) = O(T) and densely repetitive if M(T) = O(N(T))^{1/n}). We show that linearly repetitive sets and densely repetitive sets have strict uniform patch frequencies, i.e. the associated topological dynamical system is strictly ergodic. It follows that such sets are diffractive. In the reverse direction, we construct a repetitive Delone set in R^n which has M(T) = O(T(log T)^{2/n}(log log log T)^{4/n}), but does not have uniform patch frequencies. Aperiodic linearly repetitive sets have many claims to be the simplest class of aperiodic sets, and we propose considering them as a notion of "perfectly ordered quasicrystal".Comment: To appear in "Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems" vol.23 (2003). 37 pages. Uses packages latexsym, ifthen, cite and files amssym.def, amssym.te

    Reentrant Kondo effect in Landau quantized graphene

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    We have studied the interplay of an Anderson impurity in Landau quantized graphene, with special emphasis on the influence of the chemical potential. Within the slave-boson mean-field theory, we found reentrant Kondo behaviour by varying the chemical potential or gate voltage. Between Landau levels, the density of states is suppressed, and by changing the graphene's Fermi energy, we cross from metallic to semiconducting regions. Hence, the corresponding Kondo behaviour is also influenced. The f-level spectral function reveals both the presence of Landau levels in the conduction band and the Kondo resonance.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    QCD dynamics in mesons at soft and hard scales

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    Using a ladder-rainbow kernel previously established for the soft scale of light quark hadrons, we explore, within a Dyson-Schwinger approach, phenomena that mix soft and hard scales of QCD. The difference between vector and axial vector current correlators is examined to estimate the four quark chiral condensate and the leading distance scale for the onset of non-perturbative phenomena in QCD. The valence quark distributions, in the pion and kaon, defined in deep inelastic scattering, and measured in the Drell Yan process, are investigated with the same ladder-rainbow truncation of the Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations.Comment: 6 pages, 1 double panel figure, invited talk presented at the Workshop on Achievements and New Directions in Subatomic Physics, Adelaide, Australia, February 2010, to be published by AIP Conf. Pro

    Muscle force is determined also by muscle relative position: isolated effects

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    Effects on force of changes of the position of extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) relative to surrounding tissues were investigated in rat. Connective tissue at the muscle bellies of tibialis anterior (TA), extensor hallucis longus (EHL) and EDL was left intact, to allow myofascial force transmission. The position of EDL muscle was altered, without changing EDL muscle–tendon complex length, and force exerted at proximal and distal tendons of EDL as well as summed force exerted at the distal tendons of TA and EHL muscles (TA+EHL) were measured. Proximal and distal EDL forces as well as distal TA+EHL force changed significantly on repositioning EDL muscle.\ud \ud These muscle position–force characteristics were assessed at two EDL lengths and two TA+EHL lengths. It was shown that changes of muscle force with length changes of a muscle is the result of the length changes per se, as well as of changes of relative position of parts of the muscle. It is concluded that in addition to length, muscle position relative to its surroundings co-determines isometric muscle force.\ud \ud Keywords: Intermuscular and extramuscular connective tissue; Myofascial force transmission; Rat m. extensor digitorum longus (EDL); Sarcomere length; Muscle relative positio

    Investigation to define the propagation characteristics of a finite amplitude acoustic pressure wave Final report

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    Aerodynamic noise generation by finite amplitude pressure wave propagation through entropy producing region

    Soft and Hard scale QCD Dynamics in Mesons

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    Using a ladder-rainbow kernel previously established for the soft scale of light quark hadrons, we explore the extension to masses and electroweak decay constants of ground state pseudoscalar and vector quarkonia and heavy-light mesons in the c- and b-quark regions. We make a systematic study of the effectiveness of a constituent mass concept as a replacement for a heavy quark dressed propagator. The difference between vector and axial vector current correlators is examined to estimate the four quark chiral condensate. The valence quark distributions, in the pion and kaon, defined in deep inelastic scattering, and measured in the Drell Yan process, are investigated with the same ladder-rainbow truncation of the Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations.Comment: 10 pages, 2 double panel figures, invited talk presented at the XII Mexican Workshop on Particles and Fields, Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico, November 2009; to be published by AIP Conf. Pro