1,104 research outputs found

    Slayer\u27s Act - Joint Tenancy - Partition by Creditor

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    The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has held that an execution sale of a slayer\u27s jointly held property constitutes a severance of the joint tenancy and the buyer at such sale takes a fee interest in the property purchased free from the right of survivorship which had previously existed in the decedent\u27s estate. Larendon Estate, 439 Pa. 535, 266 A.2d 763 (1970). Robert B. Dalton and John R. Larendon, the decedent, purchased and took title to certain tracts of land in Chester County, Pennsylvania as joint tenants with the right of survivorship. On December 7, 1960, Larendon was murdered by Dalton; a conviction followed. After Larendon\u27s death, but prior to conviction, a judgment was entered against Dalton, the accused murderer. This judgment was executed and the appellant, Isadore Dresner, purchased at a sheriff\u27s sale Dalton\u27s interest in the property.\u27 The administrator of Larendon\u27s estate would not allow Dresner to take possession of the property. Therefore, Dresner sought a declaratory judgment as to the nature and extent of the interest in the property which Dalton had had and he (Dresner) had purchased. The lower court held that due to the provisions of the Slayer\u27s Act of Pennsylvania Dalton\u27s interest was only a life estate. Dresner by purchasing this interest acquired a life estate pur autre vie measured by the life of Dalton. Upon appeal the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania reversed the lower court decision

    Local Taxation of Mobile Homes and Trailer Camps in Pennsylvania - Meeting the Burden

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    The house trailer or mobilehome industry has grown to tremendous proportions within the past twenty-five years. The interest in this mode of living began in the late 1940\u27s due to a shortage of available permanent homes. Although this type of abode is called a trailer or mobliehome, its nature is actually permanent. The average mobilehome is ten to twelve feet wide and often greater than fifty feet in length. Such trailers are not movable through the ordinary use of an automobile. Special tractors are needed for this task and hauling permits are required for use of the state\u27s highways and roads. Since they are not easily moved, house trailers and mobilehomes have become fixed in nature. They take on many, if not all, of the characteristics of permanent dwellings. For this reason inhabitants of mobilehomes become an integral part of the municipality or community in which they live. Several writers have suggested that the owners and inhabitants of these dwellings should bear their proportion of the local burden of securing and promoting the health, cleanliness, comfort and safety of the citizens of their particular community. This includes the regulation and taxation of the house trailer and mobilehome

    Self-assembly in the electrical double layer of ionic liquids

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    We have studied the structure of two ionic liquids confined between negatively charged mica sheets. Both liquids exhibit interfacial layering, however the repeat distance is dramatically different for the two liquids. Our results suggest a transition from alternating cation-anion monolayers to tail-to-tail cation bilayers when the length of the cation hydrocarbon chain is increased

    Wave mechanics in an ionic liquid mixture

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    Experimental measurements of interactions in ionic liquids and concentrated electrolytes over the past decade or so have revealed simultaneous monotonic and oscillatory decay modes. These observations have been hard to interpret using classical theories, which typically allow for just one electrostatic decay mode in electrolytes. Meanwhile, substantial progress in the theoretical description of dielectric response and ion correlations in electrolytes has illuminated the deep connection between density and charge correlations and the multiplicity of decay modes characterising a liquid electrolyte. The challenge in front of us is to build connections between the theoretical expressions for a pair of correlation functions and the directly measured free energy of interaction between macroscopic surfaces in experiments. Towards this aim, we here present measurements and analysis of the interactions between macroscopic bodies across a fluid mixture of two ionic liquids of widely diverging ionic size. The measured oscillatory interaction forces in the liquid mixtures are significantly more complex than for either of the pure ionic liquids, but can be fitted to a superposition of two oscillatory and one monotonic mode with parameters matching those of the pure liquids. We discuss this empirical finding, which hints at a kind of wave mechanics for interactions in liquid matter

    Calculation of static longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of STOL aircraft with upper surface blown flaps

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    An existing prediction method developed for EBF aircraft configurations was applied to USB configurations to determine its potential utility in predicting USB aerodynamic characteristics. An existing wing-flap vortex-lattice computer program was modified to handle multiple spanwise flap segments at different flap angles. A potential flow turbofan wake model developed for circular cross-section jets was used to model a rectangular cross-section jet wake by placing a number of circular jets side by side. The calculation procedure was evaluated by comparison of measured and predicted aerodynamic characteristics on a variety of USB configurations. The method is limited to the case where the flow and geometry of the configuration are symmetric about a vertical plane containing the wing root chord. Comparison of predicted and measured lift and pitching moment coefficients were made on swept wings with one and two engines per wing panel, various flap deflection angles, and a range of thrust coefficients. The results indicate satisfactory prediction of lift for flap deflections up to 55 and thrust coefficients less than 2. The applicability of the prediction procedure to USB configurations is evaluated, and specific recommendations for improvements are discussed

    Wave mechanics in an ionic liquid mixture

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    Experimental measurements of interactions in ionic liquids and concentrated electrolytes over the past decade or so have revealed simultaneous monotonic and oscillatory decay modes. These observations have been hard to interpret using classical theories, which typically allow for just one electrostatic decay mode in electrolytes. Meanwhile, substantial progress in the theoretical description of dielectric response and ion correlations in electrolytes has illuminated the deep connection between density and charge correlations and the multiplicity of decay modes characterising a liquid electrolyte. The challenge in front of us is to build connections between the theoretical expressions for pair correlation functions and the directly measured free energy of interaction between macroscopic surfaces in experiments. Towards this aim, we here present measurements and analysis of the interactions between macroscopic bodies across a fluid mixture of two ionic liquids of widely diverging ionic size. The measured oscillatory interaction forces in the liquid mixtures are significantly more complex than for either of the pure ionic liquids, but can be fitted to a superposition of two oscillatory and one monotonic mode with parameters matching those of the pure liquids. We discuss this empirical finding, which hints at a kind of wave mechanics for interactions in liquid matter

    Controlling adhesion using AC electric fields across fluid films

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    We demonstrate reversible and switchable actuation using AC electric fields to bring two surfaces separated by a thin film of ionic fluid in and out of adhesive contact. Using a Surface Force Balance we apply electric fields normal to a crossedcylinder contact and measure directly the adhesive force and surface separation with sub-molecular resolution. Taking advantage of the oscillatory structural force acting between the surfaces across the fluid, which we show to be unaffected by the AC field, we pick between the distinct (quantized) adhesive states through precise tuning of the field. This proof-of-concept indicates exquisite control of surface interactions using an external field

    Study of the acoustic signature of UHE neutrino interactions in water and ice

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    The production of acoustic signals from the interactions of ultra-high energy (UHE) cosmic ray neutrinos in water and ice has been studied. A new computationally fast and efficient method of deriving the signal is presented. This method allows the implementation of up to date parameterisations of acoustic attenuation in sea water and ice that now includes the effects of complex attenuation, where appropriate. The methods presented here have been used to compute and study the properties of the acoustic signals which would be expected from such interactions. A matrix method of parameterising the signals, which includes the expected fluctuations, is also presented. These methods are used to generate the expected signals that would be detected in acoustic UHE neutrino telescopes.Comment: 21 pages and 13 figure

    Paradigm versus paradox on the prairie: testing competing stream fish movement frameworks using an imperiled Great Plains minnow

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    Background: Movement information can improve conservation of imperiled species, yet movement is not quantified for many organisms in need of conservation. Prairie chub (Macrhybopsis australis) is a regionally endemic freshwater fish with unquantified movement ecology and currently considered for listing under the Endangered Species Act. The purpose of this study was to test competing ecological theories for prairie chub movement, including the colonization cycle hypothesis (CCH) that posits adults must make upstream movements to compensate for downstream drift at early life stages, and the restricted movement paradigm (RMP) that describes populations as heterogeneous mixes of mostly stationary and few mobile fish. Methods: We tagged prairie chub with visible implant elastomer during the summer (May–August) of 2019 and 2020 to estimate net distance moved (m) and movement rate (m/d). We tested the hypotheses that observed prairie chub movement would be greater than expected under the RMP and that prairie chub movement would be biased in an upstream direction as predicted by the CCH. Results: We tagged 5771 prairie chub and recaptured 213 individuals across 2019 and 2020. The stationary and mobile components of the prairie chub population moved an order of magnitude further and faster than expected under the RMP during both years. However, we found only limited evidence of upstream bias in adult prairie chub movement as would be expected under the CCH. Conclusions: Our findings are partly inconsistent with the RMP and the CCH, and instead closely follow the drift paradox (DP), in which upstream populations persist despite presumed downstream drift during early life stages and in the apparent absence of upstream bias in recolonization. Previous mathematical solutions to the DP suggest organisms that experience drift maintain upstream populations through either minimization of drift periods such that small amounts of upstream movement are needed to counter the effects of advection or increasing dispersal regardless of directionality. We conclude that the resolution to the DP for prairie chub is an increase in total dispersal and our results provide insight into the spatial scales at which prairie chub conservation and management may need to operate to maintain broad-scale habitat connectivity