991 research outputs found

    Avaliação do PCP como mecanismo de travessia de NAT em aplicações de backup

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2019.Com a grande popularidade do protocolo de Internet, usado para definir os endereços de rede para dispositivos conectados à Internet, criou-se um grande problema de esgotamento de endereços. Isto resultou na criação da Tradução de Endereço de Rede (do inglês, Network Address Translation - NAT), utilizado com o objetivo de compartilhar o uso de um único endereço de rede entre vários dispositivos. Seu amplo uso, acarretou em problemas relacionados a conectividade entre aparelhos em diferentes redes. No trabalho será realizada uma apresentação dos principais métodos utilizados para a travessia de NAT, destacando o Protocolo de Controle de Porta (do inglês, Port Control Protocol - PCP). Este protocolo, proposto pelo Internet Engineering Task Force e descrito na RFC 6887, permite que um dispositivo em uma rede privada faça um mapeamento de seu endereço de rede para um endereço externo e roteável, permitindo assim ser alcançável por diferentes nós na Internet. O objetivo é analisar as principais funcionalidades deste protocolo na prática, buscando integrar uma implementação deste com duas ferramentas de backup, o Bacula e o Rsync, para expor como esta solução de travessia de NAT pode ser utilizada em um cenário real com o objetivo de aumentar o escopo de uso destas ferramentas. Foi feita uma análise de performance dessas ferramentas em um cenário onde o uso do PCP é necessário, indicando o PCP como uma solução válida e eficiente para a realização de travessia de NAT.With the widespread popularity of the Internet protocol, which is used to distribute net- work addresses to devices connected to the Internet, a major problem of address exhaus- tion has been created. This resulted in the creation of the Network Address Translator, which is mainly used to share the use of a single network address across multiple devices. Its widespread use has led to problems related to connectivity between devices on different networks. The main methods used for NAT traversal were presented, with a special focus on the Port Control Protocol, PCP. This protocol, proposed by the IETF and described in RFC 6887, allows a host on a private network to map its IP address and port to a routable address, thus allowing it to be reachable by different nodes on the Internet. The goal is to analyze this protocol’s main features in practice, integrating an implementation with two backup tools, Bacula and Rsync, to expose how PCP can be used in a real scenario in order to increase the usability of these tools. An analysis of performance of these tools was performed in a scenario where PCP is necessary, showing PCP as a valid and efficient solution for NAT traversal

    Estratégias de desenvolvimento industrial e dinâmicas territoriais de contestação social e confronto político

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    O artigo discute o conflito socioambiental estabelecido na interação entre o desenvolvimento de estratégias industriais em rede, através da Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN), e formas emergentes de contestação social e confronto politico nas localidades siderúrgicas e de extração mineral de Volta Redonda (RJ) e Congonhas (MG). O argumento central enfatiza a importância dessas formas de enraizamento social como condicionantes da ação econômica, considerando principalmente a natureza inovadora da integração de questões do trabalho e do meio ambiente nos territórios pesquisados


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    Objective: To investigate by histomorphometry the effect of aqueous extract of Indigofera suffruticosa leaves on proximal convoluted tubules and renal corpuscles of mice with sarcoma 180.Methods: Male swiss albino mice (Mus musculus) with 60 days of age were divided into 3 groups of 6 animals: Group 1-sarcoma 180 treated with aqueous extract (50 mg/kg, intraperitoneally (i. p.)), Group 2-sarcoma 180 treated with saline solution (15 ml/kg, i. p.) and Group 3–without sarcoma 180 treated with saline (15 ml/kg, i. p.). After 48 hours of tumor implantation, the treatment was initiated during 7 days. Histomorphometric analysis of kidney tissue was performed using IMAGEJ software.Results: Antitumoral treatment with aqueous extract of I. suffruticosa leaves at a dose of 50 mg/kg has not caused mice renal tissue histological changes.Conclusion: After treatment with aqueous extract of leaves of I. suffruticosa, renal architecture was preserved, suggesting its safety use as an antitumor agent.Â

    Antimicrobial Activity of Indigofera suffruticosa

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    Various organic and aqueous extracts of leaves of Indigofera suffruticosa Mill (Fabaceae) obtained by infusion and maceration were screened for their antibacterial and antifungal activities. The extracts were tested against 5 different species of human pathogenic bacteria and 17 fungal strains by the agar-solid diffusion method. Most of the extracts were devoid of antifungal and antibacterial activities, except the aqueous extract of leaves of I. suffruticosa obtained by infusion, which showed strong inhibitory activity against the Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus with a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 5000 µg ml(−1). The MIC values to dermatophyte strains were 2500 µg ml(−1) against Trichophyton rubrum (LM-09, LM-13) and Microsporum canis. This study suggests that aqueous extracts of leaves of I. suffruticosa obtained by infusion can be used in the treatment of skin diseases caused by dermatophytes

    Oviposition and Embryotoxicity of Indigofera suffruticosa on Early Development of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)

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    Aqueous extract of Indigofera suffruticosa leaves obtained by infusion was used to evaluate the oviposition, its effect on development of eggs and larvae, and morphological changes in larvae of Aedes aegypti. The bioassays were carried out with aqueous extract in different concentrations on eggs, larvae, and female mosquitoes, and the morphological changes were observed in midgut of larvae. The extract showed repellent activity on A. aegypti mosquitoes, reducing significantly the egg laying by females with control substrate (343 (185–406)) compared with the treated substrate (88 (13–210)). No eclosion of A. aegypti eggs at different concentrations studied was observed. The controleclodedin 35%. At concentration of 250 μg/mL, 93.3% of larvae remained in the second instar of development and at concentrations of 500, 750, and 1000 μg/mL the inhibitory effect was lower with percentages of 20%, 53.3%, and 46.6%, respectively. Morphological changes like disruption on the peritrophic envelope (PE), discontinued underlying epithelium, increased gut lumen, and segments with hypertrophic aspects were observed in anterior region of medium midgut of larvae of A. aegypti. The results showed repellent activity, specific embryotoxicity, and general growth retardation in A. aegypti by medium containing aqueous extract of I. suffruticosa leaves


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    Qual a importância da pessoa para o Estado? Investigar a relação da pessoa e do Estado é a pretensão do presente artigo. Para tanto abordará as complexas dimensões da pessoa, analisando a tese de sua sacralidade defendida por Hans Joas e Emile Durkein. Após a análise da complexidade da pessoa abordará as condições que levaram a pessoa a renunciar a liberdade plena que vivia e a passar a viver em comunidade com a finalidade de vislumbrar a fundamentação da relação existente entre Estado e pessoa. No elaboração da presente estudo foi adotado o método hipotético-dedutivo, pautado em pesquisa bibliográfica em livros e artigos científicos, os quais foram acessados em diversos portais na internet de revistas cientificas e de bibliotecas

    Sun-Graphyne: A New 2D Carbon Allotrope with Dirac Cones

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    Due to the success achieved by graphene, several 2D carbon-based allotropes were theoretically predicted and experimentally synthesized. Here, we propose a new 2D carbon allotrope named Sun-Graphyne (S-GY). We used density functional theory and reactive molecular dynamics simulations to investigate its mechanical, structural, electronic, and optical properties. The results showed that S-GY exhibits good dynamical and thermal stabilities. Its formation energy and elastic moduli are -8.57 eV/atom and 262.37 GPa, respectively. S-GY is a semi-metal and presents two Dirac cones in its band structure. This material is transparent, and its intense optical activity is limited to the infrared region. Remarkably, the band structure of S-GY remains practically unchanged at even moderate strain regimes. As far as we know, this is the first 2D carbon allotrope to exhibit this behaviour.Comment: 17 pages, and 11 figure

    Consumo alimentar e balanço de nitrogênio de fisiculturistas em Cuité, Paraíba, Brasil

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    Background: Sports nutrition has grown substantially. Considering that as compared to sedentary or moderately active individuals, athletes have distinct nutritional requirements, it is important to reflect on the adequacy of food intake as compared to the established recommendations. Thus, the present study evaluated food consumption and nitrogen balance in bodybuilders’ from Cuité-Paraíba, aiming to learn their food and nutritional profiles. Methods: Data were collected using structured questionnaires and 24-hour dietary recalls. Anthropometric evaluations were performed. The analyses were performed on Avanutri®. For both urea determination and nitrogen balance calculations, twenty-four (24) hour urine processing was also performed. Results: The sample consisted of 6 amateur bodybuilders, with a mean age of 22.83 ± 4.53 (standard deviation), weight 72.37 ± 14.34 kg, height 1.68 ± 0.10 meters, and fat percentage of 11.81 ± 2.84%. The majority (5 athletes) was in the hypertrophy period (off-session), and 1 athlete was in definition (pre-contest). The food consumption results indicated that according to established recommendations for the sports modality, the athletes (with high intake of protein, and low carbohydrate consumption) were practicing inadequate eating habits. Testing showed that zinc, and vitamins D, B1, B2, and B6 intake was adequate. It was also observed that 66.67% (n = 4) used dietary supplements. The mean nitrogen balance was 19.15 ± 22.09. Conclusion: The bodybuilders’ diets were hyper-proteic, normo-lipid and hypo-glycemic; being inadequate in magnesium, iron, sodium and vitamins A, B3, C and E. The positive nitrogen balance found for the athletes correlated to their high protein intakes. RESUMO Consumo alimentar e balanço de nitrogênio de fisiculturistas em Cuité, Paraíba, BrasilObjetivos: avaliar o consumo alimentar e o balanço nitrogenado de fisiculturistas da cidade de Cuité-Paraíba, visando conhecer o perfil alimentar e nutricional. Métodos: Para coleta dos dados foram aplicados questionários estruturados, recordatórios alimentares de 24 horas e realizada avaliação antropométrica. As análises foram feitas no Avanutri®. O processamento da urina de 24 horas para determinação da ureia e cálculo do balanço nitrogenado também foi realizado. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 6 atletas amadores do fisiculturismo, com médias de idade de 22,83 ± 4,53 anos (desvio-padrão), peso de 72,37 ± 14,34 Kg, altura de 1,68 ± 0,10 metros e percentual de gordura de 11,81 ± 2,84 %. A maioria (5 atletas) encontrava-se em período de hipertrofia (off-session) e 1 em período de definição (pré-contest). Os resultados do consumo alimentar indicaram que os hábitos alimentares dos atletas encontram-se inadequados frente às recomendações estabelecidas para a modalidade esportiva, com ingestão elevada de proteína com baixo consumo de carboidratos. Quanto aos micronutrientes, contatou-se que o zinco e as vitaminas D, B1, B2, B6, encontravam-se adequadas. Observou-se ainda que 66,67% (n=4) dos entrevistados fazem uso de suplementos alimentares. O balanço nitrogenado foi de 19,15 ± 22,09. Conclusão: A dieta dos fisiculturistas estava hiperprotéica, normolipídica e hipoglicídica, com inadequação de magnésio, ferro, sódio e das vitaminas A, B3, C e E. O balanço nitrogenado positivo dos atletas acompanhou o alto consumo de proteínas.Objetivos: avaliar o consumo alimentar e o balanço nitrogenado de fisiculturistas da cidade de Cuité-Paraíba, visando conhecer o perfil alimentar e nutricional. Métodos: Para coleta dos dados foram aplicados questionários estruturados, recordatórios alimentares de 24 horas e realizada avaliação antropométrica. As análises foram feitas no Avanutri®. O processamento da urina de 24 horas para determinação da ureia e cálculo do balanço nitrogenado também foi realizado. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 6 atletas amadores do fisiculturismo, com médias de idade de 22,83 ± 4,53 anos (desvio-padrão), peso de 72,37 ± 14,34 Kg, altura de 1,68 ± 0,10 metros e percentual de gordura de 11,81 ± 2,84 %. A maioria (5 atletas) encontrava-se em período de hipertrofia (off-session) e 1 em período de definição (pré-contest). Os resultados do consumo alimentar indicaram que os hábitos alimentares dos atletas encontram-se inadequados frente às recomendações estabelecidas para a modalidade esportiva, com ingestão elevada de proteína com baixo consumo de carboidratos. Quanto aos micronutrientes, contatou-se que o zinco e as vitaminas D, B1, B2, B6, encontravam-se adequadas. Observou-se ainda que 66,67% (n=4) dos entrevistados fazem uso de suplementos alimentares. O balanço nitrogenado foi de 19,15 ± 22,09. Conclusão: A dieta dos fisiculturistas estava hiperprotéica, normolipídica e hipoglicídica, com inadequação de magnésio, ferro, sódio e das vitaminas A, B3, C e E. O balanço nitrogenado positivo dos atletas acompanhou o alto consumo de proteínas. ABSTRACTDietary intake and nitrogen balance of bodybuilders in Cuité, Paraíba, BrazilBackground: Sports nutrition has grown substantially. Considering that as compared to sedentary or moderately active individuals, athletes have distinct nutritional requirements, it is important to reflect on the adequacy of food intake as compared to the established recommendations. Thus, the present study evaluated food consumption and nitrogen balance in bodybuilders’ from Cuité-Paraíba, aiming to learn their food and nutritional profiles. Methods: Data were collected using structured questionnaires and 24-hour dietary recalls. Anthropometric evaluations were performed. The analyses were performed on Avanutri®. For both urea determination and nitrogen balance calculations, twenty-four (24) hour urine processing was also performed. Results: The sample consisted of 6 amateur bodybuilders, with a mean age of 22.83 ± 4.53 (standard deviation), weight 72.37 ± 14.34 kg, height 1.68 ± 0.10 meters, and fat percentage of 11.81 ± 2.84%. The majority (5 athletes) was in the hypertrophy period (off-session), and 1 athlete was in definition (pre-contest). The food consumption results indicated that according to established recommendations for the sports modality, the athletes (with high intake of protein, and low carbohydrate consumption) were practicing inadequate eating habits. Testing showed that zinc, and vitamins D, B1, B2, and B6 intake was adequate. It was also observed that 66.67% (n = 4) used dietary supplements. The mean nitrogen balance was 19.15 ± 22.09. Conclusion: The bodybuilders’ diets were hyper-proteic, normo-lipid and hypo-glycemic; being inadequate in magnesium, iron, sodium and vitamins A, B3, C and E. The positive nitrogen balance found for the athletes correlated to their high protein intakes


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    O Poder Judiciário alcança cada vez mais relevo no cenário jurídico brasileiro, sendo palco de inúmeras decisões acerca de temas que são afetos a toda população ou a parte substancial dela. Neste cenário, as audiências públicas e o amicus curiae dentro do ambiente jurisdicional ganharam relevância, na medida que vigoram, cada uma com suas características, como uma forma da população auxiliar e participar das decisões judiciais. Assim, o presente artigo objetiva de forma geral fazer uma análise de ambos os institutos e a aplicabilidade dos mesmos na tutela dos direitos da personalidade, e de modo específico, analisar cada um dos institutos, suas características e aplicabilidade, bem como os distanciamentos e aproximações dos mesmos e, por fim, aferir qual a importância dos mesmos na tutela. Como problemáticas, questiona-se: qual a importância das audiências públicas e do amicus curiae no âmbito jurisdicional brasileiro? Quais os distanciamentos e quais as aproximações entre ambos os institutos? São importantes na tutela dos direitos da personalidade? Para tanto, utilizar-se-á do método hipotético-dedutivo e da metodologia pautada na revisão bibliográfica

    Anthropometric characteristics, dietary profile and nitrogen balance of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athletes

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    Objetivos: analisar a composição corporal, consumo alimentar e o balanço nitrogenado de atletas amadores do jiu jitsu brasileiro. Métodos: foram investigadas as variáveis idade, estatura, dobras cutâneas, percentual de gordura corporal, consumo alimentar e balanço nitrogenado de 11 atletas amadores do jiu jitsu brasileiro, adultos de ambos os sexos. Para isto, foram aplicados questionários estruturados, recordatórios alimentares de 24 horas e realizada avaliação antropométrica, além da dosagem de ureia em urina de 24 horas para determinação do balanço nitrogenado. Resultados e discussão: os atletas tinham idade média de 23,20 ± 5,70 anos (desvio-padrão), peso de 79,89 ± 20,67 kg, altura de 1,75 ± 0,09 m e percentual de gordura de 14,51 ± 6,02%. Apresentaram ingestão de energia (2.887,00 ± 940,60 kcal/dia) e de carboidratos (54,78 ± 5,67%) abaixo do nível recomendado pela literatura; ingestão adequada de proteínas (1,62 ± 0.60 g/kg), lipídeos (27,54 ± 5,91%) e alguns micronutrientes, como o zinco e as vitaminas D, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, C e B12; o consumo alimentar de vitaminas A e B5, bem como o de cálcio, magnésio, potássio, ferro e sódio apresentou-se inadequado. Não houve diferença entre os atletas, em relação à energia e macronutrientes (Kruskal Wallis test). O balanço nitrogenado mostrou-se positivo em todos os atletas. Não se observou relação entre consumo de proteínas e positividade do balanço nitrogenado (Fischer test). Conclusão: a ingestão inadequada de energia, carboidratos, vitaminas A e B5, assim como de cálcio, magnésio, potássio, ferro e sódio ocorre nos atletas deste estudo, apresentando um fator preocupante e prejudicial em termos de desempenho e saúde. ABSTRACT Anthropometric characteristics, dietary profile and nitrogen balance of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athletesObjectives: to analyze body mass, food intake and nitrogen balance of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu amateur athletes. Methods: Age, stature, skinfolds, percentage of body fat, food intake and nitrogen balance of 11 Brazilian jiu jitsu amateur athletes, adults of both sexes, were investigated. For this, structured questionnaires, 24-hour food records and anthropometric evaluation were applied, in addition to the 24-hour urea dosage for determination of the nitrogen balance. Results and discussion: mean weight of 23.20 ± 5.70 years (standard deviation), weight of 79.89 ± 20.67 kg, height of 1.75 ± 0.09 m and fat percentage of 14.51 ± 6.02%. They presented the amount of energy (2,887.00 ± 940.60 kcal / day) and carbohydrates (54.78 ± 5.67%) below the original level of the literature; (1.62 ± 0.60 g / kg), lipids (27.54 ± 5.91%) and some micronutrients, such as zinc and vitamins D, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and B12; the dietary intake of vitamins A and B5, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium being inadequate. There was no difference between athletes in relation to energy and macronutrients (Kruskal Wallis test). Nitrogen balance was positive in all athletes. Neutral content between protein and nitrogen balance positivity (Fischer's test). Conclusion: An inadequate intake of energy, carbohydrates, vitamins A and B5, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium, present themselves as protagonists of this study, presenting a worrying and detrimental factor in terms of performance and health.Objectives: to analyze body mass, food intake and nitrogen balance of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu amateur athletes. Methods: Age, stature, skinfolds, percentage of body fat, food intake and nitrogen balance of 11 Brazilian jiu jitsu amateur athletes, adults of both sexes, were investigated. For this, structured questionnaires, 24-hour food records and anthropometric evaluation were applied, in addition to the 24-hour urea dosage for determination of the nitrogen balance. Results and discussion: mean weight of 23.20 ± 5.70 years (standard deviation), weight of 79.89 ± 20.67 kg, height of 1.75 ± 0.09 m and fat percentage of 14.51 ± 6.02%. They presented the amount of energy (2,887.00 ± 940.60 kcal / day) and carbohydrates (54.78 ± 5.67%) below the original level of the literature; (1.62 ± 0.60 g / kg), lipids (27.54 ± 5.91%) and some micronutrients, such as zinc and vitamins D, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and B12; the dietary intake of vitamins A and B5, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium being inadequate. There was no difference between athletes in relation to energy and macronutrients (Kruskal Wallis test). Nitrogen balance was positive in all athletes. Neutral content between protein and nitrogen balance positivity (Fischer's test). Conclusion: An inadequate intake of energy, carbohydrates, vitamins A and B5, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium, present themselves as protagonists of this study, presenting a worrying and detrimental factor in terms of performance and health