854 research outputs found

    Developing a supplemental resource for trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapists working with lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescent survivors of interpersonal trauma

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    The rates of maltreatment and interpersonal trauma among children and adolescents are astounding. Youth exposed to interpersonal trauma are at increased risk for both short and long-term negative physical, behavioral, and mental health outcomes. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adolescents represent a uniquely vulnerable population. Compared to their heterosexual peers, LGB youth are at increased risk for experiencing interpersonal trauma and sexual violence, including trauma’s negative sequelae (e.g., higher rates of PTSD, depression, suicidality, substance abuse, and risky sexual behavior). Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) is an evidence-based treatment demonstrating repeated efficacy in treating youth and families exposed to various forms of trauma, including complex trauma. While a breadth of empirical data demonstrates TF-CBT’s effectiveness in treating adolescent trauma survivors, additional research suggests that TF-CBT can be culturally modified to enhance its effectiveness and relevance among specific minority populations. Thus, this current study involved development of a supplemental resource manual with culturally sensitive recommendations for TF-CBT therapists working with LGB adolescents. Development of the resource was informed by a review of the literature pertaining to LGB adolescence, interpersonal trauma, and LGB-affirming treatment approaches. Data from this literature review was synthesized and integrated into a supplemental resource manual, which was then reviewed by a panel of three expert clinicians who provided feedback and recommendations via an evaluation form. Results suggested that the resource is a culturally sensitive and useful supplement to the 2006 TF-CBT treatment manual. Strengths, weaknesses, limitations, and recommended improvements are also addressed

    Synchronization of the Frenet-Serret linear system with a chaotic nonlinear system by feedback of states

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    A synchronization procedure of the generalized type in the sense of Rulkov et al [Phys. Rev. E 51, 980 (1995)] is used to impose a nonlinear Malasoma chaotic motion on the Frenet-Serret system of vectors in the differential geometry of space curves. This could have applications to the mesoscopic motion of biological filamentsComment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted at Int. J. Theor. Phy

    On Bloom type estimates for iterated commutators of fractional integrals

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    In this paper we provide quantitative Bloom type estimates for iterated commutators of fractional integrals improving and extending results from [15]. We give new proofs for those inequalities relying upon a new sparse domination that we provide as well in this paper and also in techniques de- veloped in the recent paper [22]. We extend as well the necessity established in [15] to iterated commutators providing a new proof. As a consequence of the preceding results we recover the one weight estimates in [7, 1] and es- tablish the sharpness in the iterated case. Our result provides as well a new characterization of the BMO space

    Exercise during pregnancy. A narrative review asking: What do we know?

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    Although there is no consensus as to whether exercise is beneficial during pregnancy, most studies report it poses no risk to either the mother or the fetus, and many suggest it to be beneficial to both. This review, which examines the evidence available, also reveals the many differences in study design followed, the type of exercise undertaken and the variables measured, which make it difficult to compare results. Advances in our understanding of the effects of exercise during pregnancy might best be made by undertaking randomised clinical trials with standardised protocols. However, most of the studies examining the relationship between exercise and pregnancy report no complications on maternal or fetal well-being. This is also in line with recent review studies advising that the pregnant population without obstetric contraindications should be encouraged to exercise during pregnancy. Therefore, the results of the present review stimulate those responsible for the healthcare of the pregnant woman to recommend moderate exercise throughout pregnancy without risk to maternal and fetal health

    High-pressure structural investigation of several zircon-type orthovanadates

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    Room temperature angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction measurements on zircon-type EuVO4, LuVO4, and ScVO4 were performed up to 27 GPa. In the three compounds we found evidence of a pressure-induced structural phase transformation from zircon to a scheelite-type structure. The onset of the transition is near 8 GPa, but the transition is sluggish and the low- and high-pressure phases coexist in a pressure range of about 10 GPa. In EuVO4 and LuVO4 a second transition to a M-fergusonite-type phase was found near 21 GPa. The equations of state for the zircon and scheelite phases are also determined. Among the three studied compounds, we found that ScVO4 is less compressible than EuVO4 and LuVO4, being the most incompressible orthovanadate studied to date. The sequence of structural transitions and compressibilities are discussed in comparison with other zircon-type oxides.Comment: 34 pages, 2 Tables, 11 Figure

    "A Decentralized Operations Concept for the European Payloads on the International Space Station"

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    The European Module Columbus of the International Space Station (ISS) is planned to be launched 2004. For its exploitation phase as well as for the early utilisation of the Space Station starting from 2003 onwards the operations procedures are now being defined in detail and the implementation of specific infrastructure has started. A decentralised operations concept will allow the investigators to perform their experiments using the telescience technique of remote experiment operations whenever feasible. User Support and Operation Centres (USOCs) will act as Facility Responsible Centres (FRC) performing the operations for multi user experiment facilities. The Columbus Control Centre (COL-CC) will perform the Columbus system operations, co-ordinate the European payload operations and provide the European Communications network. This paper gives an overview on the operations concepts and the tasks and set up of the involved sites

    An experimental analysis of the instability of non-axisymmetric liquid bridges in a gravitational field

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    he stability limits of nonaxisymmetric liquid bridges between equal in diameter, coaxial disks have been determined experimentally. Experiments have been performed by working with very small size liquid bridges. The experimental setup allows any orientation of the liquid bridge axis with respect to the local gravity vector acceleration. By appropriately orienting the liquid bridge axis, the influence on the stability limits of both the lateral and the axial component of the acceleration acting on the liquid bridge has been investigated

    Simulation of non-axisymmetric floating zone crystal growth under microgravity

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    The possibility of growing crystals of non-circular cross-section by using the floating zone technique is considered, basing the analysis on the isothermal liquid bridge model, and restricting the study to a linear asymptotic analysis. An almost square initial seed is considered in more detail, although the analysis is general and can be applied to other initial shapes, not only of the seed but also of the supply rod, that can be of any cross-section. The influence of non-circular seed and/or feed cross-section shape, and of a possible axial acceleration typical of microgravity platforms (sounding rockets and space labs), on both the liquid interface shape and the solid grown shape, are analysed, including the stability limits by breaking of the molten bridge
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