77 research outputs found

    An assessment of spatial relationship between lung cancer incidence rate and quality of urban life: Izmir case

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, City and Regional Planning, Izmir, 2013Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 130-138)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxvi, 152 leavesThe study assesses spatial clusters of lung cancer incidences within Izmir province on the basis of districts and also neighborhood using an objective sets of quality of life indicators. Lung cancer data, approximately 18.000 cases, were acquired from the Izmir Cancer Registry Center (ICRC) between the years of 1992-2007. Cases have been confirmed in terms of accuracy by World Health Organization (WHO). As objective indicator data, point source air pollution data acquired from the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality database between the years of 1993-2007. Besides, socio-economic statistics data were obtained from Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI) regional indicators (2000,2007) and Izmir Metropolitan Municipality city health profile (2007). The datasets were used to determine whether there is a significant spatial relationship between cancer case density and environmental contamination. This thesis uses spatial statistical models and Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques to analyze population-based cancer incidence rate. Additionally, Age Standardized Incidence (ASR) of the lung cancer was calculated. Spatial autocorrelation technique was performed to investigate local distribution of lung cancer. Results of the study suggest that spatial clusters of lung cancer were detected in geographic locations with low level environmental quality and high level socio-economic profile. Then, the results are discussed in terms of life quality and environmental quality of Izmir. The results of this study are useful for interdisciplinary researchers, epidemiological studies, policymakers and governmental agencies in terms of health and environmental assessment, regulation and control of spatial strategies

    Masculinity, femininity, and angry drivers: Masculinity and femininity as moderators between driver anger and anger expression style among young drivers

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    Driver anger and its expression are among the most studied topics in traffic safety literature. However, the function of gender roles, i.e., masculinity and femininity, in driving anger experience and expression has remained mainly unexplored. The present study investigates the association between driving anger and gender roles on the expression of anger among young drivers. Three hundred seventy-nine young drivers filled a questionnaire including the Driving Anger Scale, Bem Sex Roles Inventory, Driving Anger Expression Inventory, and demographic information. Moderated regression analyses showed that masculine gender role and anger provoked by other road users’ discourtesy were positively and femininity negatively related to verbal aggression while driving. Anger related to police presence, slow driving, and masculine gender role were positively related to gesture-based and vehicle-based expression of driver aggression. Hostility and feminine gender role were negatively related to the gesture-based expression of driver aggression, while anger related to witnessing illegal driving and feminine gender role were negatively related to the vehicle-based expression of aggression. The interaction effects between masculinity and hostility, masculinity and slow driving, and femininity and illegal driving were also found on the gesture-based expression of driver aggression. The effects of interaction between masculinity and slow driving and femininity and illegal driving were also found on the vehicle-based expression of driver aggression. Slow driving and femininity had a positive relationship to the adaptive expression of anger in driving. The results suggest that masculinity and femininity moderate the relationship between driving anger and the expression of driving anger among young drivers

    Effects of air-polishing powders on color stability of composite resins

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different air-polishing powders on the color stability of different types of composite resin restorative materials. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty cylindrical specimens (15×2 mm) were prepared for each of 7 composite resin restorative materials. All specimens were polished with a series of aluminum oxide polishing discs (Sof-Lex). The prepared specimens of each composite resin were randomly divided into 3 groups of 10 specimens each, for control (Group-C) and two air-powder applications (Group-CP: Cavitron Prophy-Jet; Group-PS: Sirona ProSmile prophylaxis powder). A standard air-polishing unit (ProSmile Handly) was used. All specimens were air-powdered for 10 s at 4-bar pressure. The distance of the spray nosel from the specimens was approximately 10 mm and angulation of the nosel was 90°. Specimens were stored in 100 mL of coffee (Nescafe Classic) for 24 h at 37°C. Color measurement of all specimens was recorded before and after exposure to staining agent with a colorimeter (Minolta CR-300). Color differences (∆E*) between the 2 color measurements (baseline and after 24 h storage) were calculated. The data were analyzed with a 2-way ANOVA test, and mean values were compared by the Tukey HSD test (

    Anti-inflammatory and ultrastructural effects of Turkish propolis in a rat model of endotoxin-induced uveitis

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    Introduction. Experimental animal models of acute uveitis, an inflammatory eye disease, can be established via endotoxin-induced inflammation. Propolis, a natural substance collected by honeybees from buds and tree exudates, has antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effects. We investigated the effects of propolis, obtained from the Sakarya province of Turkey, on endotoxin-induced uveitis using immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and biochemical approaches. Material and methods. Male Wistar albino rats (n = 6/group) received intraperitoneal (ip) lipopolysaccharide (LPS) endotoxin (150 μg/kg) followed by aqueous extract of propolis (50 mg/kg ip) or vehicle; two additional groups received either saline (control) or propolis only. After 24 h, aqueous humor (AH) was collected from both eyes of each animal for analysis of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α). Right eyeballs were paraffin-embedded for immunohistochemical staining of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB)/p65 and left eyeballs were araldite-embedded for ultrastructural analysis. Results. Treatment of LPS-induced uveitis with propolis significantly reduced ciliary body NF-κB/p65 immunoreactivity and AH levels of HIF-1α and TNF-α. Ultrastructural analysis showed fewer vacuoles and reduced mitochondrial degeneration in the retinal pigment epithelium, as compared to the uveitis group. The intercellular spaces of the inner nuclear layer and outer limiting membrane were comparable with those of the control group; no polymorphonuclear cells or stasis was observed in intravascular or extravascular spaces. Conclusions. This is the first report demonstrating an anti-inflammatory effect of Turkish propolis in a rat model of LPS-induced acute uveitis, suggesting a therapeutic potential of propolis for the treatment of inflammatory ophthalmic diseases

    An Inlet Patch Case with Difficulty Swallowing

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    Heterotopic Gastric Mucosa (inlet patch) is a clinical entity, described firstly by Schmit as a congenital anomaly, char-acterized by settling of gastric mucosa in any part of the gastrointestinal mucosa. It causes various clinical symp-toms due to acid secretion. Our case is oberved rarelly in case of inlet patch

    The views of the violin intructors towards the methods used forintorductory violin education between ages 4-7

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    Bu araştırma, örgün ve yaygın eğitim kurumlarında çalışmakta olan keman eğitimcilerinin görüşleri doğrultusunda, 4-7 yaş başlangıç keman eğitimine yönelik metot seçimlerine etki eden faktörlerin neler olduğunu ve bu alandaki metotları ne ölçüde kullandıklarını belirlemeyi amaçlamıştır. Araştırmada veriler, kaynak taraması yapılarak ve anket uygulanarak elde edilmiştir. Anket uygulaması için hazırlanan sorular, araştırmaya kaynaklık eden Suzuki Violin School Book Vol. I, Violin Fun Book for young students, Maia Bang Violin Method Part I, A Tune a Day for violin fun book I, The ABC' s of Violin for absolute beginner book I, I Can Read Music: a note reading book for violin students Vol. I, Picture Yourself Playing Violin, Stepping Stones ve The Fun Factory Violin Book metotları incelenerek ve uzman görüşleri alınarak hazırlanmıştır. Anket, Ankara ilinde bireysel çalgı (keman) eğitimi veren keman eğitimcilerine uygulanmıştır ve elde edilen veriler yüzde-frekans hesapları ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, keman eğitimcilerinin büyük bir çoğunluğunun biçim ve içerik açısından açıklayıcı, yöntem açısından La ve Re telleriyle başlayan metotları tercih ederken, pizzicato tekniği ile başlayan metotları çok fazla tercih etmedikleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Büyük bir kısmının keman eğitiminde, başta piyano olmak üzere eşlik olgusuna önem vermekte oldukları ve parmakların tuşe üzerinde bütün tellerde aynı konumda seslendirildiği metotları kullanmakta oldukları saptanmıştır. Keman eğitimcileri, metot seçiminde öğrencilerin algılama düzeylerinin dikkate alınması gerektiğini belirtmişlerdir. 4-7 yaş başlangıç keman eğitiminde, en çok Suzuki Violin School Book Vol. I, Violin Fun Book for young students, Maia Bang Violin Method Part I metotlarının kullanıldığı sonucuna varılmıştır.This study has been made in order to specify the factors that affect the choices of methods for introductory violin education between ages 4-7 and to what extent these methods are used in this area in line with the views of violin instructors who work for formal and widely spread training institutions. The data in the research has been collected via literature review and conducting surveys. The questions that are prepared for the survey are based on the opinions received from the experts and with the analysis of the methods in the following sources which are: Suzuki Violin School Book Vol. I, Violin Fun Book for young students, Maia Bang Violin Method Part I, A Tune a Day for violin fun book I, The ABC' s of Violin for absolute beginner book I, I Can Read Music: a note reading book for violin students Vol. I, Picture Yourself Playing Violin, Stepping Stones and The Fun Factory Violin Book. The survey has been conduced to the violin instructors that do individual instrument (violin) training at Ankara province. The data that has been collected from the survey have been analyzed with the usage of percentage-frequency calculations. According to the results of the survey, it has been found out that, majority of the violin instructors prefer explanatory methods for style and content, for practice they prefer methods that begin with La and Re strings, and that they do not prefer the methods that begin with the pizzicato technique much. In addition, it has been found out that, in violin education, they give importance to companionship concept with piano being in the first place and that they use the methods that are performed with fingers being at the same position at touch at all strings. Violin instructors have stated that the perception level of the students should be taken into consideration when deciding for the method. Another conclusion was that, the methods that are used commonly for introductory violin education between ages 4-7 are Suzuki Violin School Book Vol. I, Violin Fun Book for young students, and Maia Bang Violin Method Part I

    Stokastik ve stokastik olmayan varyans modellerinin analizi.

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    Changing in variance or volatility with time can be modeled as deterministic by using autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (ARCH) type models, or as stochastic by using stochastic volatility (SV) models. This study compares these two kinds of models which are estimated on Turkish / USA exchange rate data. First, a GARCH(1,1) model is fitted to the data by using the package E-views and then a Bayesian estimation procedure is used for estimating an appropriate SV model with the help of Ox code. In order to compare these models, the LR test statistic calculated for non-nested hypotheses is obtained.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Türkiye illeri ve bölgelerinde koşullu olmayan yakınsmanın zaman serileri yöntemi ile test edilmesi

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    This study investigates unconditional convergence of Turkish regions and provinces. A recently introduced time series procedure developed by Nahar and Inder (2002) is used to test the convergence hypothesis for the period 1975-2001. Both the Ordinary Least Square and the Seemingly Unrelated Regression techniques are applied to analyze convergence of sixty five provinces, seven geographical regions as well as 12 NUTS - 1 regions of Turkey. The empirical findings indicate that most of the cases yield no evidence of convergence, which is a general result stated by the other studies in the literature regarding Turkey.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    CBS tabanlı mekansal hakçalık haritalanması ve mahalle ölçeğinde park tahsisi: İzmir örneği

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    Thesis (Doctoral)--Izmir Institute of Technology, City Planning, Izmir, 2019Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 92-100)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and EnglishDecision making and implementation processes of allocation of neighborhood parks are significant in urban planning. Neighborhood parks contribute to the continuity of biodiversity and improvement of individual/communal physical, social and mental health. Such green public areas in the city are planned under the influence of multi-factors that do not always prioritize these significances and accessibility of these areas for various social groups. As in the case of Izmir City (Turkey), ultimately, there are spatial inequity among neighborhoods in terms of the existence of public green areas. The areas with limited size of neighborhood parks have often high percentages of children, elderly and low-income—that is the social groups that need to get access in walking distance and benefit from these areas. This study conceptualize these areas as ‘park poor’ and the potential user groups as need groups. This study argues that it is possible to develop accessible new green areas in already developed “park-poor” urban areas. Using tools of Geographic Information Systems (GISs) and relying on need-based equity approach, this study presents a GIS based procedure to assess the accessibility to existing park areas and to allocate new neighborhood parks at the neighborhood level in “park-poor” areas of Izmir (Turkey). It contributes to the discussions about the spatial equity mapping and accessibility to areas as part of environmental justice issues. Also, arguing that urban green areas are public resources, this study emphasizes that urban planning policies must re-plan neighborhood parks based on the need-based equity that favors accessibility of neighborhood parks primarily by children, elderly, women and low income groups. Moreover, this study differs greatly from earlier studies about its spatial scale of investigation and use of data. This study suggests park provision procedure in park-poor neighborhoods. To develop these at the neighborhood-level, a set of spatial-statistical analyzes are developed using GISs.Mahalle parklarının tahsisinde karar verme ve uygulama süreçleri kentsel planlamada önemli bir konudur. Mahalle parkları, biyoçeşitliliğin sürekliliğine ve bireysel / toplumsal fiziksel, sosyal ve zihinsel sağlığın iyileştirilmesine katkıda bulunur. Kentteki bu yeşil kamusal alanlar, bu önemlerini ve bu alanlara çeşitli sosyal grupların erişebilirliğini her zaman öncellemeyen birçok faktörün etkisiyle planlanmaktadır. Izmir İlinde (Türkiye) olduğu gibi, kamusal yeşil alan varlığı bakımından, mahalleler arasında mekansal eşitsizlik vardır. Mahalle parkı sınırlı olan alanlar genellikle yüksek çocuk, yaşlı ve düşük gelirli yüzdesine sahiptir - yani bu alanlara yürüme mesafesinde erişmeleri ve bu alanlardan öncelikli faydalanmaları gereken sosyal gruplar. Bu çalışma, bu alanları “park fakiri” ve potansiyel kullanıcı gruplarını “ihtiyaç grupları” olarak kavramlaştırmaktadır. Bu çalışma, halihazırda “park fakiri” olan kentsel alanlarda, erişilebilir yeni yeşil alanlar geliştirmenin mümkün olduğunu savunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) araçlarını kullanarak ve ihtiyaca dayalı hakçalık yaklaşımına dayanarak, mevcut park alanlarının erişilebilirliği değerlendirmekte ve Izmir’in “park-fakiri” bölgelerinde yeni mahalle parkları tahsisi için CBS tabanlı bir prosedür sunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, mekansal hakçalığın haritalanması, çevresel adalet ve erişilebilirlik hakkındaki tartışmalara katkıda bulunuyor. Ayrıca, kentsel yeşil alanların kamu kaynakları olduğunu öne süren bu çalışma, kentsel planlama politikalarının mahalle parklarına öncelikle çocuklar, yaşlılar, çocuklu kadınlar ve düşük gelirli grupların erişimini destekleyen ihtiyaca dayalı hakçalık temelinde yeniden planlaması gerektiğini vurgulamaktadır. Ayrıca bu çalışma, araştırmanın mekansal ölçeği ve veri kullanım yöntemi ile önceki çalışmalardan büyük ölçüde farklılaşmaktadır. Bu çalışma, park alanlarının yetersiz olduğu mahallelerde park alanı tahsisi için bir prosedür önermektedir. Bunları mahalle ölçeğinde geliştirmek için, CBS tabanlı mekansal istatistik analizleri geliştirildi.TUBITAK (SOBAG/215K239