14 research outputs found

    Combining the Continuous Integration Practice and the Model-Driven Engineering Approach

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    The software development approach called model-driven engineering has become increasingly widespread. The continuous integration practice has also been gaining the importance. Some works have shown that both can improve the software development process. The problem is that the model-driven engineering is still a very active research topic lacking its maturity, what translates into difficulties in optimal incorporation of the continuous integration practice in the process. We present an experience report in which we show the problems we have detected in a real project and how we have solved them. Thus, we increase the productivity of development and the non-technical people are able to modify already deployed applications. Finally, we incorporate an evaluation that shows the benefits of the proposed union

    Combining the Continuous Integration Practice and the Model-Driven Engineering Approach

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    The software development approach called model-driven engineering has become increasingly widespread. The continuous integration practice has also been gaining the importance. Some works have shown that both can improve the software development process. The problem is that the model-driven engineering is still a very active research topic lacking its maturity, what translates into difficulties in optimal incorporation of the continuous integration practice in the process. We present an experience report in which we show the problems we have detected in a real project and how we have solved them. Thus, we increase the productivity of development and the non-technical people are able to modify already deployed applications. Finally, we incorporate an evaluation that shows the benefits of the proposed union


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    Hace unos meses Apple presentó un nuevo lenguaje de programación para sus plataformas: Swift. Con Swift, Apple pretende atraer a los programadores de los lenguajes de programación basados en la sintaxis de C++ y darles una mayor abstracción, que con Objective-C, para que sea más fácil programar para las plataformas de Apple. Por estas razones, se hace necesario contrastar lo pretendido por Apple y realizar un estudio del lenguaje de programación a fin de contrastar su objetivo. Para ello, se hicieron dos evaluaciones, una cualitativa y otra cuantitativa, con el propósito de verificar en qué medida Swift es un avance respecto a Objective-C.DThe Future of Apple: Swift Versus Objective-CABSTRACTFew months ago, Apple presented a new programming language: Swift. With Swift, Apple pretends to attract the programmers of the programming languages based on C++ syntax and gives them a higher abstraction than with Objective-C for being easier to programme to Apple’s platforms. For these reasons, it is necessary to contrast what is intended by Apple and do a study of the programming language to ascertain their goal. For this purpose, we did two evaluations, firstly a qualitative evaluation and after, a quantitative evaluation to verify in how much Swift is an advance with respect to Objective-C.Keywords: computer languages, computer programming, functional programming, object oriented programming, programming, software

    Developing a Business Application with BPM and MDE

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    In this paper we have designed an architecture for the generation of a business application, that allows to business users to adapt their processes to the constant change. At the moment all the architectures based to a great extent on SOA allow to modify the processes in a short period of time, but we go beyond and give the possibility to the business user of modifying their processes. To design this architecture, we rely on the fundamental use of two technologies: BPM (Business Process Modeling) and MDE (Model Driven Engineering). Inside these technologies we focus on the creation of a business process notation extended from BPMN that is agile, easy to learn and design, and capable to provide semantic information about the process. Therefore this notation allows business process to modify their processes to achieve the proposed goal

    Automated code generation support for BI with MDA TALISMAN

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    Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is gaining ever more strength due to the fact that with MDE the software development can be much more productive and this is the way to go closer to real software industrialization. With MDA TALISMAN, we have succeeded in creating complex software solutions for food traceability adapted to different customers, ready to be deployed. We rely on the approach to MDE most extended at present, MDA (Model-Driven Development) but as we shall see, we also use the main pillars that support the Software Factories, The proposal from Microsoft to MDE. Besides, in this paper we present five cases of success with MDA TALISMAN

    Developing a Business Application with BPM and MDE

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    In this paper we have designed an architecture for the generation of a business application, that allows to business users to adapt their processes to the constant change. At the moment all the architectures based to a great extent on SOA allow to modify the processes in a short period of time, but we go beyond and give the possibility to the business user of modifying their processes. To design this architecture, we rely on the fundamental use of two technologies: BPM (Business Process Modeling) and MDE (Model Driven Engineering). Inside these technologies we focus on the creation of a business process notation extended from BPMN that is agile, easy to learn and design, and capable to provide semantic information about the process. Therefore this notation allows business process to modify their processes to achieve the proposed goal

    Using Recommendation System for E-learning Environments at degree level

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    Nowadays, new technologies and the fast growth of the Internet have made access to information easier for all kind of people, raising new challenges to education when using Internet as a medium. One of the best examples is how to guide students in their learning processes.The need to look for guidance from their teachers or other companions that many Internet users experience when endeavoring to choose their readings, exercises o practices is a very common reality. In order to cater for this need many different information and recommendation strategies have been developed. Recommendation Systems is one of these.Recommendation Systems try to help the user, presenting him those objects he could be more interested in, based on his known preferences or on those of other users with similar characteristics.This document tries to present the current situation with regards to Recommendation Systems and their application on distance education over the Internet


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    Hace unos meses Apple presentó un nuevo lenguaje de programación para sus plataformas: Swift. Con Swift, Apple pretende atraer a los programadores de los lenguajes de programación basados en la sintaxis de C++ y darles una mayor abstracción, que con Objective-C, para que sea más fácil programar para las plataformas de Apple. Por estas razones, se hace necesario contrastar lo pretendido por Apple y realizar un estudio del lenguaje de programación a fin de contrastar su objetivo. Para ello, se hicieron dos evaluaciones, una cualitativa y otra cuantitativa, con el propósito de verificar en qué medida Swift es un avance respecto a Objective-C.DThe Future of Apple: Swift Versus Objective-CABSTRACTFew months ago, Apple presented a new programming language: Swift. With Swift, Apple pretends to attract the programmers of the programming languages based on C++ syntax and gives them a higher abstraction than with Objective-C for being easier to programme to Apple’s platforms. For these reasons, it is necessary to contrast what is intended by Apple and do a study of the programming language to ascertain their goal. For this purpose, we did two evaluations, firstly a qualitative evaluation and after, a quantitative evaluation to verify in how much Swift is an advance with respect to Objective-C.Keywords: computer languages, computer programming, functional programming, object oriented programming, programming, software

    A Simple Model Based on Web Services to Exchange Context Information between Web Browsers and Web Applications

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    Nowadays mobile devices are equipped with sensors and hardware elements capable of capturing many types of information from the real world, location, orientation, light level, temperature, etc. This information is known in some areas as context information. For years many mobile native applications use context information to support specific tasks. Most of the applications developed with traditional technologies don’t have mechanisms to use most types of context information. This paper presents a lightweight approach to use context information in conventional web applications. The proposal defines a set of highly customizable XML tags, and included web applications that can express specific requests for context information. A web browser designed following the proposed specification is responsible for processing the XML tags and send the context information to the web application using web services. In this paper we present the proposed architecture, then develop and evaluate a GPS navigator application based on this proposal

    UXJs: Tracking and Analyzing Web Usage Information With a Javascript Oriented Approach

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    Knowing what the user does inside your web and how he does it is crucial nowadays to understand the strengths and inconveniences of your web's design and architectural structure as well as about the usability of the site. Currently, there are several solutions that allow the tracking of the user behavior but these have some limitations due to the information they are able to capture and how they can present that information in a useful way for the web developer. Many of these platforms don't capture information about the user activity in the websites, clicks, mouse movements, etc. Some solutions do capture some of this user activity, but they only process the information visually showing heatmaps. In this paper we present UXJs, a novel research approach for collecting automatically all possible information about the user activity in websites, showing this information quantitatively and allowing its automatic statistical analysis and the rapid understanding by web developers