6,966 research outputs found

    Generation of field mediated three qubit entangled state shared by Alice and Bob

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    A scheme to generate shared tripartite entangled states, with two-trapped atoms in a cavity held by Alice (qubits A1 and A2) entangled to a single trapped atom in a remote lab owned by Bob (B), is proposed. The entanglement is generated through interaction of trapped atoms with two mode squeezed light shared by the two cavities. The proposed scheme is an extension of the proposal of ref. [W. Son, M. S. Kim, J. Lee, and D. Ahn, J. Mod. Opt. 49, 1739 (2002)], where the possibility of entangling two remote qubits using a bipartite continuous variable state was examined. While the global negativity detects the free entanglement of the three atom mixed state, the bound entanglement is detected by the negativity calculated from pure state decomposition of the state operator. The partial negativities calculated by selective partial transposition of the three atom mixed state detect the pairwise entanglement of qubit pairs A1B, A2B, and A1A2. The entanglement of three atoms is found to be W-like, no GHZ like quantum correlations being generated.Comment: 14 pages, 06 figures, section IV revised, Other minor changes to improve readabilit

    Quantum Singularities Around a Global Monopole

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    The behavior of a massive scalar particle on the spacetime surrounding a monopole is studied from a quantum mechanical point of view. All the boundary conditions necessary to turn into self-adjoint the spatial portion of the wave operator are found and their importance to the quantum interpretation of singularities is emphasized.Comment: 5 pages, revte

    Study of the degradation of reinforced concrete structures exposed to attack by sulfates

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    As estruturas de betão armado quando sujeitas a ambientes agressivos tendem a perder capacidade de proteção das armaduras nelas inseridas. É conhecido que, a proteção das armaduras está associada ao PH do betão que as envolve, e cujo valor tende a diminuir na presença de sulfatos que contribuem para a descalcificação do betão. Quando o PH desce para níveis inferiores a 9, ficam criadas as condições para a dissolução da pelicula de proteção passiva das armaduras. O presente trabalho compara o comportamento de estruturas de betão armado com quatro tipos distintos de armaduras (aço macio, revestido, galvanizado e proteção catódica) exposta ao ataque por sulfatos. Recorreu-se a sondas eletroquímicas embebidas no betão para a monitorização da condutividade do betão envolvente, do potencial de corrosão do aço e da velocidade de corrosão do aço com recurso ao método da resistência à polarização linear

    Lepton Flavor Violation and Collider Searches in a Type I + II Seesaw Model

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    Neutrino are massless in the Standard Model. The most popular mechanism to generate neutrino masses are the type I and type II seesaw, where right-handed neutrinos and a scalar triplet are augmented to the Standard Model, respectively. In this work, we discuss a model where a type I + II seesaw mechanism naturally arises via spontaneous symmetry breaking of an enlarged gauge group. Lepton flavor violation is a common feature in such setup and for this reason, we compute the model contribution to the μeγ\mu \rightarrow e\gamma and μ3e\mu \rightarrow 3e decays. Moreover, we explore the connection between the neutrino mass ordering and lepton flavor violation in perspective with the LHC, HL-LHC and HE-LHC sensitivities to the doubly charged scalar stemming from the Higgs triplet. Our results explicitly show the importance of searching for signs of lepton flavor violation in collider and muon decays. The conclusion about which probe yields stronger bounds depends strongly on the mass ordering adopted, the absolute neutrino masses and which much decay one considers. In the 1-5 TeV mass region of the doubly charged scalar, lepton flavor violation experiments and colliders offer orthogonal and complementary probes. Thus if a signal is observed in one of the two new physics searches, the other will be able to assess whether it stems from a seesaw framework.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    Water-like hierarchy of anomalies in a continuous spherical shouldered potential

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    We investigate by molecular dynamics simulations a continuous isotropic core-softened potential with attractive well in three dimensions, introduced by Franzese [cond-mat/0703681, to appear on Journal of Molecular Liquids], that displays liquid-liquid coexistence with a critical point and water-like density anomaly. Here we find diffusion and structural anomalies. These anomalies occur with the same hierarchy that characterizes water. Yet our analysis shows differences with respect to the water case. Therefore, many of the anomalous features of water could be present in isotropic systems with soft-core attractive potentials, such as colloids or liquid metals, consistent with recent experiments showing polyamorphism in metallic glasses.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures. to appear in J. Chem. Phy

    Quantum singularities in FRW universe revisited

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    The components of the Riemann tensor in the tetrad basis are quantized and, through the Einstein equation, we find the local expectation value in the ontological interpretation of quantum mechanics of the energy density and pressure of a perfect fluid with equation of state p=13ρp=\frac{1}{3}\rho in the flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker quantum cosmological model. The quantum behavior of the equation of state and energy conditions are then studied and it is shown that the later is violated since the singularity is removed with the introduction of quantum cosmology, but in the classical limit both the equation of state and the energy conditions behave as in the classical model. We also calculate the expectation value of the scale factor for several wave packets in the many-worlds interpretation in order to show the independence of the non singular character of the quantum cosmological model with respect to the wave packet representing the wave function of the Universe. It is also shown that, with the introduction of non-normalizable wave packets, solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, the singular character of the scale factor, can be recovered in the ontological interpretation.Comment: 15 pages, revtex, accepted for publication in PR

    Spatial and temporal variability of precipitation and drought in Portugal

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    The spatial variability of precipitation and drought are investigated for Portugal using monthly precipitation from 74 stations and minimum and maximum temperature from 27 stations, covering the common period of 1941–2006. Seasonal precipitation and the corresponding percentages in the year, as well as the precipitation concentration index (PCI), was computed for all 74 stations and then used as an input matrix for an R-mode principal component analysis to identify the precipitation patterns. The standardized precipitation index at 3 and 12 month time scales were computed for all stations, whereas the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) and the modified PDSI for Mediterranean conditions (MedPDSI) were computed for the stations with temperature data. The spatial patterns of drought over Portugal were identified by applying the S-mode principal component analysis coupled with varimax rotation to the drought indices matrices. The result revealed two distinct sub-regions in the country relative to both precipitation regimes and drought variability. The analysis of time variability of the PC scores of all drought indices allowed verifying that there is no linear trend indicating drought aggravation or decrease. In addition, the analysis shows that results for SPI-3, SPI-12, PDSI and MedPDSI are coherent among them

    Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas da madeira in situ por ensaios em mesoprovetes

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    Uma das principais dificuldades da avaliação do estado de segurança de estruturas de madeira existentes é a determinação das propriedades mecânicas a utilizar para efeitos de cálculo. Os procedimentos habituais de estabelecimento das propriedades mecânicas com base no estabelecimento de classes de resistência por avaliação visual validada com ensaios não-destrutivos conduzem a resultados muito conservativos. No presente trabalho será apresentado um método semi-destrutivo que avalia a resistência à tracção da madeira através de amostras recolhidas do elemento estrutural, sendo estabelecidas relações entre resultados análogos de mesoprovetes e provetes normalizados para peças de pinho bravo (Pinus pinaster Ait.) e castanho nacional (Castanea sativa Mill.)

    Testing the Flyby Anomaly with the GNSS Constellation

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    We propose the concept of a space mission to probe the so called flyby anomaly, an unexpected velocity change experienced by some deep-space probes using earth gravity assists. The key feature of this proposal is the use of GNSS systems to obtain an increased accuracy in the tracking of the approaching spacecraft, mainly near the perigee. Two low-cost options are also discussed to further test this anomaly: an add-on to an existing spacecraft and a dedicated mission.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 4 table