240 research outputs found

    Bartering integer commodities with exogenous prices

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    The analysis of markets with indivisible goods and fixed exogenous prices has played an important role in economic models, especially in relation to wage rigidity and unemployment. This research report provides a mathematical and computational details associated to the mathematical programming based approaches proposed by Nasini et al. (accepted 2014) to study pure exchange economies where discrete amounts of commodities are exchanged at fixed prices. Barter processes, consisting in sequences of elementary reallocations of couple of commodities among couples of agents, are formalized as local searches converging to equilibrium allocations. A direct application of the analyzed processes in the context of computational economics is provided, along with a Java implementation of the approaches described in this research report.Comment: 30 pages, 5 sections, 10 figures, 3 table

    Reduced Memory Region Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network Detection

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    Accurate pedestrian detection has a primary role in automotive safety: for example, by issuing warnings to the driver or acting actively on car's brakes, it helps decreasing the probability of injuries and human fatalities. In order to achieve very high accuracy, recent pedestrian detectors have been based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Unfortunately, such approaches require vast amounts of computational power and memory, preventing efficient implementations on embedded systems. This work proposes a CNN-based detector, adapting a general-purpose convolutional network to the task at hand. By thoroughly analyzing and optimizing each step of the detection pipeline, we develop an architecture that outperforms methods based on traditional image features and achieves an accuracy close to the state-of-the-art while having low computational complexity. Furthermore, the model is compressed in order to fit the tight constrains of low power devices with a limited amount of embedded memory available. This paper makes two main contributions: (1) it proves that a region based deep neural network can be finely tuned to achieve adequate accuracy for pedestrian detection (2) it achieves a very low memory usage without reducing detection accuracy on the Caltech Pedestrian dataset.Comment: IEEE 2016 ICCE-Berli

    Tradizione orale, letteratura e violenza nell'Amazzonia peruviana: l'epoca del "caucho"

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    The main theme of this thesis concerns the indigenous representation and self-representation of the historical and socio-economic period known as “Época del Caucho” (Rubber Era), and in particular the invisibilization of the native point of view. During the Rubber Era (between the last decades of the XIXth century and the beginning of the XXth) in the Peruvian Amazonian region a really hard coercive working system was established, involving and confronting native Amazonian people with western and “mestizos” entrepreneurs. Violent acts committed against indigenous workers brought to, according to various sources, tens of thousands of victims but, nevertheless, these facts rarely appear on history books and literature. The thesis – in addition to an historical review and the examination of some official documents – analyses some novels centred on this subject, underlining similarities and differences among them and the emic perspective, which is presented through testimonials of some “caucheros” workers' descendants and their oral literary creations (like tales and songs). Oral materials have been collected through interviews realized during field work and they are not just a cultural resistance operation, but also an effective practice of decolonization, in the way that they give an account of the unbalanced power relationships and present an alternative way to understand them

    El castellano amazónico en la novela Paiche: análisis dialectológico

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    Taking as a starting point the peculiarities that characterize the Peruvian Amazonian Spanish in its different varieties, this paper proposes a dialectological analysis of the novel Paiche by the writer and painter César Calvo de Araújo. Firstly, we examine the strategies used by the author to condense and reproduce the main items of the phonological system on the written page, and secondly, we analyze the morpho-syntactic dimension, paying special attention to the aspects related to the possessive and the nominal disagreement

    Desangrar : violencia y relaciones inter-étnicas en algunos relatos de la Amazonía peruana

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    La región amazónica peruana es el escenario en el que vive y actúa una terrorífica figura que se conoce como sacacara, pelacara o sacaojos. Este personaje "mítico", percibido por los habitantes de la región como una realidad simbólica alternativa, tiene algunas características propias de su manera de obrar que lo conectan con el tigre negro o yanapuma, protagonista de otros cuentos de la tradición oral, cuya difusión se hizo más frecuente a partir de la época del llamado "boom" del caucho. En el artículo, a partir de algunos relatos orales y de algunas referencias de literatura escrita, se abordará el tema de la explotación y de las desequilibradas relaciones de poder entre poblaciones autóctonas y occidentales, sintetizadas en el paralelismo entre la extracción de la savia de los árboles de goma y la práctica del desangramiento, extraño modus occidendidel tigre negro.La regió amazònica peruana és l'escenari en el que viu i actua una terrorífica figura que es coneix com sacacara, pelacarao sacaojos. Aquest personatge "mític", percebut pels habitants de la regió com una realitat simbòlica alternativa, té algunes característiques pròpies de la seva manera d'obrar que el connecten amb el tigre negroo yanapuma, protagonista d'altres contes de la tradició oral, difusió de la qual es va fer més freqüent a partir de l'època de l'anomenat boomdel cautxú. En l'article, a partir d'alguns relats orals i d'algunes referències de la literatura escrita, s'abordarà el tema de l'explotació i de les desequilibrades relacions de poder entre poblacions autòctones i occidentals, sintetitzades en el paralel·lisme entre l'extracció de la saba dels arbres de goma i la pràctica del dessagnament, inusual modus occidendidel tigre negro.The Peruvian Amazon region is the scenery where a terrifying figure, known as sacacara, pelacara or sacaojos, lives and acts. This "mythical" character, perceived by the inhabitants of the region as an alternative symbolic reality, exhibits certain characteristics that connect him to the "black tiger" or yanapuma, protagonist of other tales of oral tradition, which spread more prevalently after the so-called "rubber boom" (between the last decades of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th). In this article, through the analysis of some oral tales and some written literary sources, themes of exploitation and unbalanced power relationships between native and western populations will be exposed. These topics are synthesized in the parallelism between the rubber trees' sap extraction and the practice of bleeding, the black tiger's unusual killing method

    Lorena Córdoba (editora). Dos suizos en la selva. Historias del auge cauchero en el Oriente Boliviano

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    El libro "Dos suizos en la selva. Historias del auge cauchero en el Oriente Boliviano" presenta, por primera vez traducidos al castellano, los testimonios memoriales de dos trabajadores caucheros originarios de Suiza que permanecieron en la region de la selva boliviana en los anos de su juventud, a comienzos del siglo pasado

    Historieta y memoria del conflicto armado interno en Perú

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    During the 1980s and 1990s, Peru experienced a period characterised by political violence that led to an armed conflict that left around 69,000 victims. This article analyses some comics produced both during the conflict (Luchín González and Confidencias de un senderista) and after its end (Rupay, Barbarie and Novísima Corónica y mal gobierno) with the aim of demonstrating how comics can be an effective means of reflecting on traumatic events and promoting their memory

    La ciudad de Lima en las historietas de Miguel Det

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    En este artículo se explorará la visión que el historietista e ilustrador Miguel Det propone de la ciudad de Lima, por medio del análisis de algunas de sus obras: la adaptación en cómic del polémico y brillante ensayo de Sebastián Salazar Bondy Lima la horrible (1964), realizado por Det en 2014, Conversaciones en la ciudad de cartón (2011), ispirado en la vida y la obra del escritor Martín Adán y la Novísima Corónica y Mal Gobierno (2011). El análisis permitirá subrayar el carácter denunciatorio de las obras, que presentan una ciudad desgarrada, caótica y violenta, plagada por la disparidad social, un escenario distópico que se vuelve núcleo de la narración.En aquest article s'explorarà la visió que l'historietista i il·lustrador Miguel Det proposa de la ciutat de Lima, per mitjà de l'anàlisi d'algunes de les seves obres: l'adaptació a còmic del polèmic i brillant assaig de Sebastián Salazar Bondy, Lima la horrible (1964), realitzat per Det en 2014; Conversaciones en la ciudad de cartón (2011), inspirat en la vida i l'obra de l'escriptor Martín Adán; i la Novísima corónica i mal gobierno (2011). L'anàlisi permetrà subratllar el caràcter denunciatori de les obres, que presenten una ciutat esquinçada, caòtica i violenta, infestada per la disparitat social, un escenari distòpic que es torna nucli de la narració.In this article the comics author and illustrator Miguel Det's vision of the city will be explored, through the analysis of some of his works: the comic book adaptation of the polemic and brilliant essay by Sebastián Salazar Bondy, Lima la horrible (1964), published by Det in 2014, Conversaciones en la ciudad de cartón (2011), inspired by the life and work of the writer Martín Adán and Novísima corónica i mal gobierno (2011). The analysis will underline the denunciation nature of the works, which present a divided, chaotic and violent city, contaminated by social disparity, a dystopian scenario that becomes the axis of the narration

    Peruvian Amazonian Spanish and Facebook identity. Linguistic analysis of the page "En la selva dicen" (In the jungle they say)

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    This paper proposes a linguistic and sociolinguistic analysis of the Facebook page "En la selva dicen", an online community that collects and publishes phrases using typical elements of the Amazonian variety of Peruvian Castilian. The purpose of the study is to examine the phonological, morphosyntactic and lexical features of the Peruvian Amazonian Castilian, the ways in which this variety is perceived and changed and, above all, the role of social networks in its preservation and creation of a shared identity, without stereotypes and prejudices. Se propone un análisis lingüístico y sociolingüístico de la página de Facebook "En la selva dicen", una comunidad en línea que recopila y publica frases en las que se emplean elementos típicos de la variante amazónica del castellano peruano. El objetivo del estudio es examinar las peculiaridades fonológicas, morfosintácticas y lexicales del castellano amazónico peruano, las maneras como esta variedad es percibida y modificada y, sobre todo, el rol de las redes sociales en la preservación y creación de una identidad compartida, alejada de estereotipos y prejuicios

    De “Kukamakana katupi” a “Ta kukama”. El discurso de autorrepresentación kukama en las zonas urbanas del Departamento de Loreto (2012-2017).

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    Throughout the 20th century in the Peruvian Amazon, the vast majority of the Kukama no longer defined themselves as ʻindigenousʼ and began using categories that were apparently less compromising, such as ʻmestizos ribereñosʼ or simply ʻperuanosʼ. However, since the 1980s there has been a gradual change of perspective in some fields. In this article, conceived within the project "Epistemologías alter-nativas", we will try to show the main samples of Kukama self-representation in the years 2012-2017, focusing in particular on the most powerful cultural production in this sense: the songs of some young Kukama artists.A lo largo del siglo XX, en la Amazonía peruana, la gran mayoría de los kukama dejó de autodefinirse ʻindígenaʼ y empezó a emplear categorías aparentemente menos comprometedoras como ʻmestizos ribereñosʼ o simplemente ʻperuanosʼ. Sin embargo, a partir de los años 80 del siglo pasado se asiste, en algunos ámbitos, a un paulatino cambio de perspectiva. En este artículo, concebido al interior del proyecto “Epistemologías alter-nativas”, se tratará de enseñar las principales muestras de la autorrepresentación kukama en los años 2012-2017, dedicando particular atención a la producción cultural más poderosa en este sentido: las canciones de algunəs jóvenes artistas kukama