8,838 research outputs found

    Representación Cartográfica de Datos 3D. Caso práctico.

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    Este proyecto tiene como objetivo principal poder representar datos 3D en un visor cartográfico, estos datos se encuentran geográficamente referenciados.El proyecto consta dedos partes,la primera trata del tratamiento de los datos lidar y la segunda el desarrollo de un visor. Para finalizar haremos un análisis con las conclusiones del proyecto.This Project has as its main objective represent the 3D data in a map viewer, these data are geographically referenced.This project consists of two parts, the first one is about the treatment of the different lidar data and the second one about the development of a map viewer.To finish we’ll do an analysis of the conclusions of this project

    Contabilidad y estereotipos: Un análisis comparativo de las percepciones de estudiantes Mexicanos

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    Both research and statements by stakeholders have notice the existence of the so called expectation performance gap, a divergence between the skills requirements to succeed in the accounting profession and the skills exhibited by graduates. Some authors point to a misinterpretation of required competencies by students, based on a stereotyped image of accounting that could lead to a possible self-selection bias. The main objective of this paper is study the perceptions on accounting in a sample of Mexican students enrolled in different degrees and courses. Our results, contrariwise to previous research, suggest that entry level students do not present a stereotyped perception on accounting and that those views do not differ substantially from other students at business of law degrees. Furthermore, our results do not support the negative effects of accounting education on students’ perceptions, at least for Mexican students.Tanto los posicionamientos de instituciones contables como los resultados de la investigación recogen la existencia del llamado gap de expectativas, una divergencia entre los requisitos en capacidades para tener éxito en la profesión contable y las capacidades que tienen los recién graduados. Algunos autores apuntan a una interpretación errónea de los requisitos profesionales por parte de los estudiantes, basada en una visión estereotipada de la contabilidad, lo que puede llevar a un sesgo de autoselección. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las percepciones sobre la contabilidad de una muestra de estudiantes mexicanos matriculados en distintas carreras y cursos. Nuestros resultados, al contrario de los obtenidos por otros trabajos sugieren que los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso no tienen una visióin estereotipada de la contabilidad y que esta visión no difiere sustancialmente de la de sus compañeros en carreras cercanas (administración de empresas y derecho). Aún más, los resultados no evidencian un empeoramiento de esta imagen debido al efecto de los primeros cursos en contabilidad, al menos para los alumnos en Méxic

    Proposed Methodology to Evaluate CO2 Capture Using Construction and DemolitionWaste

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    Since the Industrial Revolution, levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have been constantly growing, producing an increase in the average global temperature. One of the options for Carbon Capture and Storage is mineral carbonation. The results of this process of fixing are the safest in the long term, but the main obstacle for mineral carbonation is the ability to do it economically in terms of both money and energy cost. The present study outlines a methodological sequence to evaluate the possibility for the carbonation of ceramic construction waste (brick, concrete, tiles) under surface conditions for a short period of time. The proposed methodology includes a pre-selection of samples using the characterization of chemical and mineralogical conditions and in situ carbonation. The second part of the methodology is the carbonation tests in samples selected at 10 and 1 bar of pressure. The relative humidity during the reaction was 20 wt %, and the reaction time ranged from 24 h to 30 days. To show the e ectiveness of the proposed methodology, Ca-rich bricks were used, which are rich in silicates of calcium or magnesium. The results of this study showed that calcite formation is associated with the partial destruction of Ca silicates, and that carbonation was proportional to reaction time. The calculated capture e ciency was proportional to the reaction time, whereas carbonation did not seem to significantly depend on particle size in the studied conditions. The studies obtained at a low pressure for the total sample were very similar to those obtained for finer fractions at 10 bars. Presented results highlight the utility of the proposed methodology

    Mineral carbonation of ceramic brick at low pressure and room temperature. A simulation study for a superficial CO2 store using a common clay as sealing material

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    This research explores the possibilities of CO2 sequestration on ceramic bricks in a short time and at surface conditions. The experiment was carried out in a specially designed reaction chamber, filled with brick wastes and sealed with common clays. The brick used were composed of quartz, wollastonite, diopside, orthoclase and anhydrite, and the common clay was a marl composed of calcite, quartz, illite, smectite and kaolinite. Experimental condition in the reaction chamber were: reaction time 5 months, pressure of CO2 0.5 bar, 4:1 solid/water ratio. The experiment was followed by XRD, XRF, BET, physical sorption by N2 and CO2, Hg porosity, TG-DTA, SEM and ICP-EOS. After the CO2 treatment, wollastonite and anhydrite were practically destroyed and some diopside and orthoclase. Calcite precipitated as new phase (up to 48 wt%), and small amount of illite was the result of orthoclase alteration. Concerning the sealing clay, the CO2 produced an increment of calcite content (from 32 to 41 wt%) and a partial destruction of smectite, particularly close to the upper part of the brick layer. These results are hopeful in relation with the possible mineral carbonation of building ceramic waste in a short time at surface conditions, and open the opportunity to use those wastes for CO2 trapping in an appropriate system, as a quarry reclamation

    Limitations of the Standard Procedure for the Evaluation of Marble and Limestone for Use in Construction: A Critical Analysis and Proposal for Modification

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    The selection of natural stone for each specific use must be based on determinations which assess their technical quality and ensure their suitability for the environment in which they will be utilized. Among the criteria to be considered, a petrographic characterization is basic to deduce the behaviour of the stone to external agents. Current European regulations for the valuation and use of a stone present serious constraints in connection with the petrographic characterization and with the definition of some of the technological tests, which can endanger the suitability of a stone for use in construction. Two commercial limestones and one marble, are studied following the existing European Standards, to explain reasonably the behavior of these materials and deduce the most appropriate uses. Finally the results lead to certain recommendations to modify existing regulations

    Teaching foreign languages through new technologies: Reflections and proposals

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es ofrecer una serie de actividades útiles para emplear las nuevas tecnologías en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Para ello, tras una sección destinada a explicar qué entendemos por el concepto de “nuevas tecnologías”, se proponen diversas tareas que toman las TIC como herramientas esenciales para mejorar el desarrollo (meta)cognitivo de los estudiantes. Por un lado, se muestran tareas con objetivo lingüístico explícito (competencia fonológica, competencia gramatical, competencia léxica, competencia discursivo-pragmática). Por otro lado, se incluyen actividades sin objetivo lingüístico concreto, bien porque trabajan destrezas integradas, bien porque buscan, simplemente, la incorporación al aula de cuestiones afectivas (autoestima, motivación o emociones) o el desarrollo de algunos procesos cognitivos superiores (memoria, reflexión o razonamiento). La principal conclusión apunta a las extraordinarias posibilidades de explotación docente que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías, especialmente si el profesor es capaz de interrelacionarlas con maestría con otras técnicas de enseñanzaL’objectif de cet article consiste à offrir une série d’activités utiles pour employer les nouvelles technologies dans l’enseignement des langues étrangères. Pour cela, après une partie consacrée à l’explication de ce que nous entendons comme “nouvelles technologies”, nous proposons différentes tâches avec un objectif linguistique explicite (compétence phonologique, compétence grammaticale, compétence lexicale, compétence discursive-pragmatique). Par ailleurs, nous incluons des activités sans objectif linguistique concret, bien parce que l’on travaille des aptitudes intégrées, ou bien parce que l’on ne cherche tout simplement qu’à incorporer en classe des éléments affectifs (estime de soi, motivation ou émotions) ou développer certains procédés cognitifs supérieurs (la mémoire, la réflexion ou le raisonnement). La principale conclusion montre les extraordinaires possibilités d’exploitation dans l’enseignement qu’offrent les nouvelles technologies, surtout si le professeur est capable de les interconnecter avec brio à d’autres techniques d’enseignementThe aim of this paper is to offer a series of useful activities to use new technologies for teaching foreign languages. For this, after a section where we explain our concept of “new technologies”, several tasks are proposed to take ICT as essential tools to improve the (meta)cognitive development of students. On the one hand, we show tasks with an explicit linguistic objective (phonological competence, grammatical competence, lexical competence, discursive-pragmatic competence). On the other hand, activities without a specific linguistic objective are included, either because they work with integrated skills, or because they simply look for the incorporation into the classroom of affective issues (self-esteem, motivation or emotions), as well as the development of some higher cognitive processes (memory, reflection or reasoning). The main conclusion points out the extraordinary possibilities of teaching exploitation offered by new technologies, especially if the teacher is able to fruitfully integrate them with other teaching technique

    Exotismos. Sobre El Absoluto, de Daniel Guebel

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    El presente trabajo, sobre El Absoluto, del escritor argentino Daniel Guebel, reelabora las categorias de espacio, tiempo e historia, sobre la base de una transformación de las coordenadas identitarias que diluyen la lógica habituada a la racionalidad occidental.In this work I attempt to read a story where the cultural relations between literatura, art, politic, science and religión, seems that uncentered and paradoxical perspective, where the national and familiar identity are the authentic motives of the exotism.Fil: Fernández, Nancy Patricia. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Letras; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentin

    Vacuna del meningococo B en España

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    La Neisseria Meningitidis es la bacteria causante de una enfermedad meningocócica que se presenta de forma periódica, siendo las manifestaciones más graves, la sepsis y meningitis, y que suponen un problema en materia de salud pública. La enfermedad meningocócica se caracteriza por tener una evolución rápida y producir secuelas permanentes e incluso la muerte, teniendo mayor incidencia en los menores de 5 años sanos. Es por ello, que la quimioprofilaxis es el procedimiento más efectivo para salvaguardar la salud del ser humano contra esta enfermedad. Sin embargo, la autorización de la vacuna Bexsero en España frente al meningococo B, ha supuesto una gran polémica entre sociedades del ámbito sanitario, el Consejo Interterritorial del Sistema Nacional de Salud (CISNS) y diferentes colectivos con opiniones a favor o en contra de la vacuna. En este trabajo se analiza la oportunidad, la accesibilidad y la utilidad de la quimioprofilaxis como recurso terapéutico preventivo a partir de una revisión de la literatura científica actualizada sobre este tema y la actuación específica de la enfermería en los aspectos preventivos de la enfermedad.Grado en Enfermerí