55 research outputs found

    New Paradigm in Natural Resources Management: Securing Indigenous Peoples Rights

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    The multi-decade struggle of indigenous communities in Indonesia to gain recognition of their collective rights and the reluctance of the state to act on their demands, now has come to a bright spot. The rights of indigenous peoples in natural resources management –in land and forests– get more recognition as well as protection since the Constitutional Court’s decision on forest law. The recognition of indigenous peoples and their traditional rights must be followed by exclusive rights to control and managing resources in their environment, such as land or forests, as the main source of livelihood for indigenous peoples (lebensraum). Hence, a legal policy is needed from the government that regulates and provides strict and clear recognition criteria for its existence and their rights to natural resources


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    Social justice as a principe of Pancasila should become a basis of political law on a regulating the national agrarianresources, especially at coastal areas and small islands. This is to realize the welfare of all the Indonesian citizens. Theinternalization principle of social justice in regulating land tenure tand ownership at the above mentioned places can show thebalannced and propotioronal distribution of land tenure and ownership for stakeholders; ivestors, society and the government.Keywords: Citizen, investor, and goverment

    Registration of Land Ownership Rights Obtained Through Selling-Buying in the Presence Of The Village’s Head

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    This research purposed (1) to determine the implementation of registration of land ownership rights obtained through selling- buying in the presence of the village head; and (2) to find out the obstacles in registration of land ownership rights obtained through selling- buying in the presence of the village head. This research was carried out in Kajuara Subdistrict of Bone District.  The research’s respondents were the Community Leaders and related Agencies in Bone District. The data were qualified as primary data in which the data obtained directly from the respondents through interview. The data also were qualified as secondary data in which the data found out through   library research and data from relevant agencies. The data used is analyzed qualitatively. The results of the research indicate that (1) The implementation of registration of land ownership rights obtained through selling-buying in the presence of the village head can be registered systematically. The underhanded deed in the form of a statement / sale and purchase agreement made by the village head is considered sufficient by the National Land Agency (BPN) to be used as juridical evidence in land registration; (2) The obstacles in registration of land ownership rights obtained through selling-buying in the presence of the village head are the lack of community knowledge about land registration and the un-systematic registration. Keywords: Selling-Buying, Village Head, Land Registratio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui atas hak penguasaan atas tanah pantai dan jenis hak yang diberikan kepada yang menguasai tanah pantai, serta untuk mengetahui hal-hal yang menjadi pertimbangan /syarat pemberian hak atas penguasaan tanah pantai. Desa Pajukukang diambil sebagai sampel penelitian dan dipilh sebanyak 16 responden yang dilakukan secara purposive. Selain itu juga diwawancarai 2 orang sebagai narasumber dan dikumpulkan data sekunder dengan menggunakan studi pustaka. Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis secara kualitatif kemudian dideskripsikan.\ud Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pertama : hak atas penguasaan tanah pantai oleh perorangan adalah hak milik yang berasal dari tanah milik adat yang dikuasai secara turun-temurun berdasarkan hukum adat setempat. Sebagian telah didaftarkan di Kantor Pertanahan dan memiliki sertifikat sebagai tanda bukti hak yang kuat. Kedua, hak yang diberikan atas penguasaan tanah pantai tersebut adalah hak milik yang diperoleh berdasarkan mekanisme hukum adat yang tergambar dalam proses penerbitan sertifikatnya, yaitu melalui mekanisme penegasan konversi dan pengakuan hak berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pertanian dan Agraria Nomor 2 Tahun l962 tentang penegasan Konnversi dan Pendaftaran Bekas Hak-hak Indonesia atas Tanah. Ketiga dasar ppertimbangan pemberian hak atas tanah pantai adalah aspek penatagunaan tanah, khususnya berkaitan dengan Garis Sempadan Pantai

    The Synchronization of Legal Substance on the Arrangement of Spatial Planning of Coastal and Marine Areas

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    Spatial planning arrangement of the coastal and marine areas can be used  optimally, orderly, given the certainty law to the whole stakeholders related to the existing law. The used of space sectorally can caused the conflict of interest and the authority conflict. The un synchronized space utilization would not given  certainty law. The law number  26 years  2007 is the regulation of spatial planning with lex generalis characterized, to the law number 27 year  2007 as replace into Law number 1 year 2014 and law number 32 year 2014 especially regarding to the spatial planning of coastal and marine. However, there is against regulation between those 3 Laws which caused the uncertainty law that at the end will damage to the stakeholder as the user of special planning of coastal and marine areas. Keywords: Synchronization, Spatial Planning of Coastal and Marine


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    The community's lack of understanding about the rules of coastal boundaries and how to manage and use coastal areas has led to many conflicts between residents. Meanwhile, awareness of the strategic values of managing coastal areas in a sustainable, integrated and community-based manner is also very lacking.The purpose of this service activity is to increase public understanding regarding the management and utilization of coastal areas so as to minimize disputes that lead to conflicts between residents. The method used is the method of legal counseling by presenting direct sources from the Land Office of Takalar Regency and academics who are experts in Coastal Area Management. The level of success of the activity was measured by the existence of a questionnaire in the form of pre-test and post-test given to participants before and after the counseling was carried out. The result achieved in this activity is that the people of Laikang Village understand the rules in managing and utilizing coastal areas so that disputes that lead to conflict can be minimized. --- Ketidakpahaman masyarakat mengenai aturan batas pantai dan cara pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan wilayah pesisir banyak menimbulkan konflik antarwarga. Sementara itu, kesadaran nilai-nilai strategis dari pengelolaan wilayah pesisir secara berkelanjutan, terpadu dan berbasis masyarakat juga sangat kurang. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini ialah meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat mengenai pengaturan mengenai pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan wilayah pesisir sehingga dapat meminimalisir terjadinya sengketa yang berujung konflik antarwarga. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode penyuluhan hukum dengan menghadirkan langsung narasumber dari Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Takalar dan Akademisi yang merupakan pakar Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir. Tingkat keberhasilan kegiatan diukur dengan adanya kuesioner berupa  pre test dan post test yang diberikan kepada peserta sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan dilakukan. Hasil yang dicapai dalam kegiatan ini ialah masyarakat Desa Laikang memahami aturan dalam mengelola dan memanfaatkan wilayah pesisir sehingga sengketa yang berujung konflik dapat diminimalisir

    Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Pertambangan: Studi Sengketa Tanah Antara Masyarakat Karunsi’e Dongi dan PT Vale Indonesia Tbk

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan evaluasi penyelesaian sengketa tanah antara masyarakat Karunsi’e Dongi dengan PT Vale Indonesia Tbk melalui alternatif penyelesaian sengketa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum sosiologis (empiris). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyelesaian sengketa tanah antara masyarakat Karunsi’e Dongi dengan PT Vale yang dilakukan melalui mekanisme alternatif penyelesaian sengketa, yaitu mediasi belum efektif sehingga sengketa terus berlanjut. Hal ini disebabkan oleh lemahnya komitmen dan itikad baik para pihak untuk melaksanakan kesepakatan hasil mediasi. Oleh karena upaya penyelesaian sengketa melalui mediasi belum mampu memberikan solusi terhadap sengketa tanah yang telah berlangsung selama lebih dari dua dekade, maka Bupati Luwu Timur menerbitkan Surat Keputusan yang menetapkan lokasi yang menjadi obyek sengketa tersebut sebagai Kawasan Permukiman Terbatas Sementara. Kebijakan Bupati tersebut juga belum memberikan kepastian hukum atas status tanah yang disengketakan karena bersifat sementara dan memerlukan syarat pemenuhan berupa perubahan kebijakan atau keputusan dari Pemerintah Pusat, yaitu enclave lokasi tersebut dari Wilayah Kontrak Karya Pertambangan dan perubahan pemanfaatan ruang (RTRW) dari kawasan pertambangan menjadi kawasan permukiman

    Expediting Marriage Dispensation: Balancing Child's Best Interests with Expediency Principle

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    This study analyzes the application of the expediency principle in the Marriage Dispensation Decision in relation to the Principle of the Best Interest of the Child. Using an empirical legal research approach, the study gathers primary data from Pangkajene and Barru Religious Courts (Class II), Maros Religious Court (Class 1B), Makassar Religious Court (Class 1A), Barru District Court (Class II), and Makassar District Court (Class 1A Special). Descriptive qualitative analysis of the data reveals that the application of the expediency principle is linked to the Best Interest of the Child principle in the Pangkajene and Barru Religious Courts. However, there is room for improvement as judges often overlook important information regarding the child's background, needs, and problems, resulting in suboptimal cooperation across sectors for preventing underage marriage. In contrast, the Maros and Makassar Religious Courts have effectively balanced the child's best interests and expediency, leading to a decline in underage marriages. These courts prioritize the child's best interests and consider the law to ensure the child's well-being and continuity of life. The findings highlight the challenges and opportunities for improving the application of the expediency principle in Marriage Dispensation, ultimately benefiting the protection and welfare of children involved

    Perbandingan Sistem Publikasi Positif dan Negatif Pendaftaran Tanah: Perspektif Kepastian Hukum

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan intuk melakukan pada perbandingan sistem pendaftaran tanah yang ada, baik itu melalui sistem pendaftaran positif maupun sistem pendaftaran negatif. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute), pendekatan kasus, dan pendekatan perbandingan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan penerapan sistem publikasi positif dan sistem publikasi negartif jika dihubungkan dengan praktek maupun fenomena yang terjadi di Indonesia, ternyata penerapan sistem publikasi negatif yang dianut dalam hal pendaftaran tanah masih dirasa belum efektif untuk menjamin kepastian hukum masyarakat. Penerapan publikasi negatif masih belum bisa menciptakan suatu kepastian hukum mengingat banyaknya kasus sengketa tanah maupun adanya duplikasi sertifikat tanah. Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah sebaiknya melakukan kajian dan pertimbangan kembali dalam menerapkan sistem publikasi negatif dan mencoba langkah-langkah maju untuk dapat menerakan kebijakan sistem publikasi positif dalam pendaftaran tanah di Indonesia yang tentu saja dengan pertimbangan yuridis yang berkepastian hukum

    The Existence of Stage House as Fiduciary Guarantee: Perspective of Horizontal Separation Principle

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    In principle, in horizontal separation principle, objects as a unity with land according to the law is not a part of the concerned land. Therefore, every act the law of the rights of land by itself includes such objects. This research is a normative research in supported by socio-legal research. Determination of the locus of research is arranged according to sampling unit in ordering that seen to represent the sample in Sulawesi South and West Sulawesi, Indonesia. The results show that the stage house as objects of fiduciary guarantee because have a function as owner-asset; it has economic-value that can be assessed with money, so that a house can be used as debt collateral. If that be used as debt collateral is house not along with the right to the land, then its guarantee institution is fiduciary. House that be used as debt collateral with burdened fiduciary guarantee is owned-house not rented. The horizontal separation principle can be applied to fiduciary guarantee of stage house with the mechanism of fiduciary guarantee is house by the agreement of debt receivables between home-owners as a debtor with the other party (Bank) as a creditor, the deed the imposition of fiduciary made by the notary, and registration of fiduciary guarantee to fiduciary registry office. As a sign of evidence of fiduciary guarantee is published fiduciary guarantee certificates by fiduciary registry office. Keywords: Fiduciary; Guarantee; Horizontal Separation Principle; Stage Hous
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