547 research outputs found
The GTC exoplanet transit spectroscopy survey. VII. Detection of sodium in WASP-52b's cloudy atmosphere
We report the first detection of sodium absorption in the atmosphere of the
hot Jupiter WASP-52b. We observed one transit of WASP-52b with the
low-resolution Optical System for Imaging and low-Intermediate-Resolution
Integrated Spectroscopy (OSIRIS) at the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC).
The resulting transmission spectrum, covering the wavelength range from 522 nm
to 903 nm, is flat and featureless, except for the significant narrow
absorption signature at the sodium doublet, which can be explained by an
atmosphere in solar composition with clouds at 1 mbar. A cloud-free atmosphere
is stringently ruled out. By assessing the absorption depths of sodium in
various bin widths, we find that temperature increases towards lower
atmospheric pressure levels, with a positive temperature gradient of 0.88 +/-
0.65 K/km, possibly indicative of upper atmospheric heating and a temperature
inversion.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Lette
The GTC exoplanet transit spectroscopy survey. VII. An optical transmission spectrum of WASP-48b
We obtained long-slit optical spectroscopy of one transit of WASP-48b with
the Optical System for Imaging and low-Intermediate-Resolution Integrated
Spectroscopy (OSIRIS) spectrograph at the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias
(GTC). We integrated the spectrum of WASP-48 and one reference star in several
channels with different wavelength ranges, creating numerous color light curves
of the transit. We fit analytic transit curves to the data taking into account
the systematic effects present in the time series in an effort to measure the
change of the planet-to-star radius ratio () across wavelength. After
removing the transit model and systematic trends to the curves we reached
precisions between 261 ppm and 455-755 ppm for the white and spectroscopic
light curves, respectively. We obtained uncertainty values between
and for all the curves analyzed in
this work. The measured transit depth for the curves made by integrating the
wavelength range between 530 nm and 905 nm is in agreement with previous
studies. We report a relatively flat transmission spectrum for WASP-48b with no
statistical significant detection of atmospheric species, although the
theoretical models that fit the data more closely include of TiO and VO.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and
Confirmation of an exoplanet using the transit color signature: Kepler-418b, a blended giant planet in a multiplanet system
We announce confirmation of Kepler-418b, one of two proposed planets in this
system. This is the first confirmation of an exoplanet based primarily on the
transit color signature technique. We used the Kepler public data archive
combined with multicolor photometry from the Gran Telescopio de Canarias and
radial velocity follow-up using FIES at the Nordic Optical Telescope for
confirmation. We report a confident detection of a transit color signature that
can only be explained by a compact occulting body, entirely ruling out a
contaminating eclipsing binary, a hierarchical triple, or a grazing eclipsing
binary. Those findings are corroborated by our radial velocity measurements,
which put an upper limit of ~1 Mjup on the mass of Kepler-418b. We also report
that the host star is significantly blended, confirming the ~10% light
contamination suspected from the crowding metric in the Kepler light curve
measured by the Kepler team. We report detection of an unresolved light source
that contributes an additional ~40% to the target star, which would not have
been detected without multicolor photometric analysis. The resulting
planet-star radius ratio is 0.110 +/- 0.0025, more than 25% more than the 0.087
measured by Kepler, leading to a radius of 1.20 +/- 0.16 Rjup instead of the
0.94 Rjup measured by the Kepler team. This is the first confirmation of an
exoplanet candidate based primarily on the transit color signature,
demonstrating that this technique is viable from ground for giant planets. It
is particularly useful for planets with long periods such as Kepler-418b, which
tend to have long transit durations. Additionally, multicolor photometric
analysis of transits can reveal unknown stellar neighbors and binary companions
that do not affect the classification of the transiting object but can have a
very significant effect on the perceived planetary radius.Comment: accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic
The GTC exoplanet transit spectroscopy survey. VI. A spectrally-resolved Rayleigh scattering slope in GJ 3470b
Aims. As a sub-Uranus-mass low-density planet, GJ 3470b has been found to
show a flat featureless transmission spectrum in the infrared and a tentative
Rayleigh scattering slope in the optical. We conducted an optical transmission
spectroscopy project to assess the impacts of stellar activity and to determine
whether or not GJ 3470b hosts a hydrogen-rich gas envelop. Methods. We observed
three transits with the low-resolution OSIRIS spectrograph at the 10.4 m Gran
Telescopio Canarias, and one transit with the high-resolution UVES spectrograph
at the 8.2 m Very Large Telescope. Results. From the high-resolution data, we
find that the difference of the Ca II H+K lines in- and out-of-transit is only
0.67 +/- 0.22%, and determine a magnetic filling factor of about 10-15%. From
the low-resolution data, we present the first optical transmission spectrum in
the 435-755 nm band, which shows a slope consistent with Rayleigh scattering.
Conclusions. After exploring the potential impacts of stellar activity in our
observations, we confirm that Rayleigh scattering in an extended
hydrogen/helium atmosphere is currently the best explanation. Further
high-precision observations that simultaneously cover optical and infrared
bands are required to answer whether or not clouds and hazes exist at
high-altitude.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&
Lasten vertaissuhteiden vuorovaikutus:etnografinen tutkimus taidekasvattajan toiminnassa varhaiskasvatusryhmässä
Tiivistelmä. Oulun kaupungilla on toiminut taidekasvattajia vuodesta 2017 lähtien. Heidät on otettu päiväkoteihin henkilökohtaisten avustajien tilalle erityistä tukea tarvitsevien lasten tukitoimenpiteeksi varhaiskasvatuksen ryhmiin. Tutkimuksen konteksti muodostuu varhaiskasvatuksen ryhmästä, jossa toimii taidekasvattaja toteuttaen taidekasvatuksellista toimintaa. Taidekasvattajatoiminta noudattaa varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmaa, jossa korostuvat vuorovaikutus, kaverisuhteet ja aikuisten tuki näille suhteille. Oulun kaupunki on esittänyt toiveen tutkimuksesta taidekasvattajien toimimiin ryhmiin kohdistuen. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy tutkimaan yhtä varhaiskasvatuksen 3–5-vuotiaiden ryhmää, missä työskentelee taidekasvattaja. Ryhmässä on 23 lasta, joista kaksi on erityisen tuen tarpeen omaavia. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata tutkimusryhmän lasten välisten vertaissuhteiden vuorovaikutusta. Tutkimuskysymyksenä on: minkälaista vuorovaikutusta lasten vertaissuhteissa on 3–5-vuotiaiden taidekasvatukseen painottuvassa varhaiskasvatuksenryhmässä?
Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä käsitellään ensiksi lasten vertaissuhteita. Vertaisilla tarkoitetaan henkilöitä, jotka ovat lapsen kanssa samalla tasolla sosiaalisessa, emotionaalisessa tai kognitiivisessa kehityksessä. Vertaissuhteiden aikaisempi tutkimus on kohdistunut lähinnä erityislapsiin sekä vuorovaikutuksen loukkaaviin prosesseihin. Tutkimuksen toinen teoreettinen osio käsittelee vertaissuhteissa tapahtuvaa vuorovaikutusta. Vuorovaikutuksessa katseet, ilmeet, eleet, sanallinen kommunikaatio sekä sosiaaliset rakenteet näyttelevät tärkeää osaa lasten välisessä kommunikaatiossa. Hyväksyvä ja torjuva vuorovaikutus viittaavat siihen, kuinka hyvin lapsi pääsee mukaan vertaisryhmänsä toimintaan.
Tutkimukseni on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jossa metodologisena viitekehyksenä käytetään etnografiaa. Etnografisessa tutkimuksessa tutkittavien elämä ja heidän kokemuksensa ovat keskeisiä tutkimuksen kohteita. Tutkimusaineistoni koostuu kenttämuistiinpanoista, lasten ryhmähaastatteluista sekä ryhmän taidekasvattajan ja varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan haastatteluista. Kenttäjakson havainnointi kohdistui pääosin taidekasvatukselliseen toimintaan mutta laajentui myöhemmin koskemaan myös vapaan leikin tilanteita. Aineiston tuoton jälkeen litteroin muistiinpanoni ja haastattelut. Litteroinnin jälkeen poimin aineistosta lasten väliset vuorovaikutukselliset tilanteet. Aineiston analyysin tein pitkälti aineistolähtöisesti. Tarkastelin erilaisia vuorovaikutuksen tapoja ja kategorisoin ne. Tulosten käsittelyä varten jaoin ne kolmeen eri teemaan: lasten vertaissuhteiden yleiset piirteet, vertaissuhteiden hyväksyvä vuorovaikutus ja vertaissuhteiden torjuva vuorovaikutus.
Vertaissuhteiden yleisinä piirteinä nousi esiin tuloksina lasten ystävyyssuhteet, taidekasvatukseen suhtautuminen, leikki, lasten erilaiset roolit sekä erityistä tukea tarvitsevien lasten vuorovaikutus. Lasten välisessä hyväksyvässä vuorovaikutuksessa eniten nousi esille auttaminen ja kannustaminen, lasten keskeiset sanaleikit sekä jäljittely. Torjuvaa vuorovaikutusta lapset ilmaisivat kilpailun, vastakkaisen mielipiteen ilmaisun, kielteisten tunteiden ilmaisun sekä konfliktitilanteiden kautta
Happamilla sulfaattimailla sijaitsevien maatalousalueiden happamuuden hallintamenetelmät
Tiivistelmä. Työn tavoitteena oli perehtyä happamien sulfaattimaiden hallintamenetelmiin maatalousalueilla kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Työssä pyrittiin selvittämään happamien sulfaattimaiden haittojen hallinta- ja ehkäisymenetelmien toimivuutta käymällä läpi teoriaa sekä toteutuneita pilot-hankkeita. Työn alussa käydään määritellen läpi happamien sulfaattimaiden muodostuminen ja vaikutukset ympäristöön sekä mitä edellytyksiä tehokas ja tuottoisa maatalouden peltoviljely vaatii maaperältä. Työn toisessa osassa keskitytään itse happamuuden haittojen ehkäisy- ja torjuntamenetelmiin, sekä kuinka ne soveltuvat toteutettaviksi peltoviljelyssä. Työn toisessa osassa on myös esitetty muutama käytännön tutkimus eri menetelmistä.
Tuloksena todettiin, että vallitsevan alueen olosuhteet tulee tuntea, jotta voidaan valita käyttökelpoisin haittojen ehkäisy- tai torjuntakeino. Valintaan vaikuttavat maa-alueella olevan happaman sulfaattimaan etäisyys maanpinnasta, peltoalueen pinnanmuodot, ympäristön olosuhteet sekä pellolla olemassa oleva kuivatusmenetelmä. Monissa tehokkaimmissa happamien sulfaattimaiden ehkäisykeinoissa kustannukset nousevat usein rajoittavaksi tekijäksi, jolloin alueilla ei pystytä käyttämään parhaimpia menetelmiä. Pääasiassa pyritään ehkäisemään sulfidisedimentin happamoituminen ehkäisevillä keinoilla, kuten säätösalaojituksella, mutta joskus joudutaan lisäksi turvautumaan haittoja torjuviin keinoihin, kuten kalkitsemiseen. Niiden teho saattaa olla lyhytaikainen, jolloin alueen käsittely tulisi toistaa tietyn ajan kuluessa, mikä taas nostaa kustannuksia. Tulevaisuudessa tulisi tehdä enemmän pitkäkestoisia hankekokeiluja erilaisilla alueilla ja hallintamenetelmillä, jotta voitaisiin selvittää eri menetelmien tehokkuutta tuotannollisesti sekä kustannuksellisesti.Acidity management methods for agricultural areas in acid sulfate soils. Abstract. The aim of the work was to get familiarize with the control methods of acid sulfate soils in agricultural areas with the help of a literature review. This work aimed to find effective techniques to manage and prevent the disadvantages of acid sulfate soils by reviewing the theory and the implemented pilot projects. At the beginning of the work, acid sulfate soils formation and its effects to the environment were reviewed. And the condition of the soil to preserve efficient and profitable field cultivation. The second part of the work focuses on techniques to prevent and control the disadvantages of acidity and how they are suitable for implementation in arable farming. The second part of the thesis also presents a few practical studies of different methods.
As a result, it was concluded that the conditions in the area should be known to be able to choose the right and best acidity control method. The choice is affected by the distance of the acid sulfate soil from the ground, topography, the environmental conditions, and the drying method existing in the field. In many of the most effective means of preventing acid sulfate soils, costs often become a limiting factor, making it impossible to use the best methods. The main aim is to prevent the acidification of sulfide clay using preventive measures as controlled drainage, but sometimes it is also necessary to control the effects of the harm as liming. Harm controls effectiveness may be short-lived, and that’s why treatment should be repeated over time, and it raises costs. In the future, more long-lasting project experiments with different ground areas and management methods should be researched to determine the efficiency of various techniques in terms of production and cost
Exhaust emissions of non-road mobile machine : Real-world and laboratory studies with diesel and HVO fuels
Exhaust emissions emitted by a non-road mobile machine were studied chasing a tractor in real-world conditions and repeating the same transient tests with a similar engine on an engine dynamometer where additionally, non-road steady state tests were carried out. The engines were equipped with an oxidation catalyst (DOC) and a selective catalytic reduction (SCR)system, and they were fuelled by fossil diesel fuel with ultra-low sulphur content and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO). By substituting diesel fuel with HVO the on-road emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) reduced 20% and particle number 44%, the emission factors being EFNOx =1.62 +/- 0.04 g/kWh and EFN = (28.2 +/- 7.8) x 10(13) #/kWh. Similar trend was observed for NOx at laboratory although the emissions were somewhat smaller than on-road. In contrast to real-world, in the laboratory experiment the EFN was only 2% smaller with HVO than with diesel, and these emission factors were almost one order of magnitude smaller than observed on-road. The number size distribution and volatility measurements showed that in real-world experiments small nucleation mode particles were formed during uphill and during downhill in engine braking conditions. These were not observed at laboratory. However, nucleation mode particles were observed in the laboratory experiments at high load steady driving conditions. At steady state tests the emissions strongly depended on engine load and engine speed with both fuels. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe
A feature-rich transmission spectrum for WASP-127b
WASP-127b is one of the lowest density planets discovered to date. With a
sub-Saturn mass () and super-Jupiter radius
(), it orbits a bright G5 star, which is about to
leave the main-sequence. We aim to explore WASP-127b's atmosphere in order to
retrieve its main atmospheric components, and to find hints for its intriguing
inflation and evolutionary history. We used the ALFOSC spectrograph at the NOT
telescope to observe a low resolution (, seeing limited) long-slit
spectroscopic time series during a planetary transit, and present here the
first transmission spectrum for WASP-127b. We find the presence of a strong
Rayleigh slope at blue wavelengths and a hint of Na absorption, although the
quality of the data does not allow us to claim a detection. At redder
wavelengths the absorption features of TiO and VO are the best explanation to
fit the data. Although higher signal-to-noise ratio observations are needed to
conclusively confirm the absorption features, WASP-127b seems to posses a
cloud-free atmosphere and is one of the best targets to perform further
characterization studies in the near future.Comment: Accepted for Publication A&A Letters, May 22nd, 201
Featureless transmission spectra of 12 giant exoplanets observed by GTC/OSIRIS
Exoplanet atmospheres are the key to understanding the nature of exoplanets.
To this end, transit spectrophotometry provides us opportunities to investigate
the physical properties and chemical compositions of exoplanet atmospheres. We
aim to detect potential atmospheric signatures in 12 gaseous giant exoplanets
using transit spectrophotometry and we try to constrain their atmospheric
properties. The targets of interest were observed using transit
spectrophotometry with the GTC OSIRIS instrument. We estimated the transit
parameters and obtained the optical transmission spectra of the target planets
using a Bayesian framework. We analyzed the spectral features in the
transmission spectra based on atmospheric retrievals. Most of the observed
transmission spectra were found to be featureless, with only the spectrum of
CoRoT-1b showing strong evidence for atmospheric features. However, in
combination with the previously published near-infrared transmission spectrum,
we found multiple interpretations for the atmosphere of CoRoT-1b due to the
lack of decisive evidence for alkali metals or optical absorbers. Featureless
spectra are not necessarily indicative of cloudy atmospheres if they poorly
constrain the altitudes of cloud decks. Precise constraints on the models of
hazes and clouds strongly depend on the significance of the observed spectral
features. Further investigations on these exoplanets, especially CoRoT-1b, are
required to confirm the properties of their atmospheres.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in A&
Stellar activity and rotation of the planet host Kepler-17 from long-term space-borne photometry
The study of young Sun-like stars is of fundamental importance to understand
the magnetic activity and rotational evolution of the Sun. Space-borne
photometry by the Kepler telescope provides unprecedented datasets to
investigate these phenomena in Sun-like stars. We present a new analysis of the
entire Kepler photometric time series of the moderately young Sun-like star
Kepler-17 that is accompanied by a transiting hot Jupiter. We applied a
maximum-entropy spot model to the long-cadence out-of-transit photometry of the
target to derive maps of the starspot filling factor versus the longitude and
the time. These maps are compared to the spots occulted during transits to
validate our reconstruction and derive information on the latitudes of the
starspots. We find two main active longitudes on the photosphere of Kepler-17,
one of which has a lifetime of at least days, although with a
varying level of activity. The latitudinal differential rotation is of solar
type, that is, with the equator rotating faster than the poles. We estimate a
minimum relative amplitude between
and , our determination being affected by the finite lifetime of
individual starspots and depending on the adopted spot model parameters. We
find marginal evidence of a short-term intermittent activity cycle of
days and an indication of a longer cycle of days characterized by an
equatorward migration of the mean latitude of the spots as in the Sun. The
rotation of Kepler-17 is likely to be significantly affected by the tides
raised by its massive close-by planet. We confirm the reliability of
maximum-entropy spot models to map starspots in young active stars and
characterize the activity and differential rotation of this young Sun-like
planetary host.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics - 22 pages, 29 figure, 1
table, 2 appendixe
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