1,624 research outputs found

    Juureksista lihotussikojen rehuna

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    vokKirjasto Aj-kThe use of root crops as fodder for fattening pig

    Genetic uniqueness and socio-cultural conservation values of the endangered Yakutian Cattle

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    At the local level the values of the cattle were more related to everyday livelihood strategies of single households and families, whereas the representatives of the republic, in line with the newspapers, highlighted the importance of the cattle for Sakha's food production and for national identity. Thus, individuals at different levels were in favour of conserving the cattle, but for different reasons. The local residents and experts were more concerned about developing economically sustainable cattle production, whereas the experts in Yakutsk were concerned about the conservation of genetic resources. The genetic studies have indicated that Yakutian Cattle show genetic distinctiveness and have genetic value for the maintenance of cattle diversity

    Formation of neocortical memory circuits for unattended written word forms : neuromagnetic evidence

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    To master linguistic communication, humans must acquire large vocabularies quickly and effortlessly. Efficient word learning might be facilitated by the ability to rapidly acquire novel word forms even outside the focus of attention, occurring within minutes of repetitive exposure and suggesting fast and automatic lexicon acquisition. However, this phenomenon has been studied in the auditory modality only, and it is unknown whether similar mechanisms also exist in the visual domain. We tested this by presenting participants with novel written word forms while the focus of their attention was on a non-linguistic dual colour-detection task. Matched familiar word forms served as a control. Using magnetoencephalography (MEG), we scrutinised changes in neuromagnetic responses to familiar and to novel word forms over approximately 15 minutes of exposure. We found, for the first time, a visual analogue of automatic rapid build-up of neural memory circuits for unattended novel lexical items, seen as a rapid enhancement of early (similar to 100 ms post-onset) activation in the left anterior-superior temporal lobe. Our results suggest that the brain quickly forms cortical representations for new written forms, and indicate that the automatic neural mechanisms subserving rapid online acquisition of novel linguistic information might be shared by both auditory and visual modalities.Peer reviewe

    Miten aluetalouden resilienssiä voidaan mitata?

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    Tiivistelmä. Resilienssi on muilta tieteenaloilta lainattu termi, jolla aluetalouden viitekehyksessä tarkoitetaan alueen kykyä vastustaa taloudellisia shokkeja, toipua niistä, mukautua shokkien aiheuttamiin muutoksiin ja uusia shokkia edeltänyt talouskasvun aste. Tässä tutkielmassa määritellään aluetalouden resilienssi, pohditaan miten aluetalouden resilienssin käsite suhtautuu niin sanottuihin valtavirran taloustieteisiin, selvitetään miten aluetalouden resilienssiä voidaan mitata sekä sovelletaan näitä tietoja tutkimuksessa Suomen seutukuntien resilienssistä. Tässä tutkielmassa pohditaan sitä, miten suhdannevaihtelumallit selittävät aluetalouden vastustuskykyä ja toipumista, sekä miten teoriat hystereesivaikutuksesta ja polkuriippuvuudesta selittävät alueiden mukautumista. Tutkielmassa esitellään tutkimuksia, joissa on pyritty mittaamaan aluetalouden resilienssiä. Näissä tutkimuksissa on keskitytty toimialarakenteen sekä innovaatioiden vaikutukseen. Tässä tutkielmassa analysoidaan suomen seutukuntien vastustuskykyä sekä toipumista kolmen talouden syklin aikana 1990–2008, 2008–2011 ja 2011–2016. Näistä tuloksista nähdään, että vaikka ei-kaupunkimaiset seutukunnat ovat suunnilleen yhtä vastustuskykyisiä kuin kaupunkimaiset seutukunnat, on niiden kyky toipua shokeista selkeästi huonompi. Tutkielman tuloksista havaitaan mielenkiintoisia muutoksia seutukuntien vastustuskyvyn ja toipumisen korreloinnissa toistensa kanssa. Tutkielmassa mitataan myös sitä, miten shokkia edeltänyt toipuminen vaikuttaa seutukunnan resilienssiin tätä shokkia kohtaan. Tutkielmassa dekomponoidaan aluetalouden resilienssi toimialarakenteen vaikutukseen sekä toimialarakenteesta riippumattomiin tekijöihin, joita kutsutaan kilpailukykytekijöiksi. Näyttää siltä, että vahvan resilienssin toimialat ovat siirtyneet tutkittavan ajanjakson aikana suurimpiin kaupunkeihin. Ylipäätään kasvukeskusten resilienssi on parantunut, ja muiden seutukuntien huonontunut. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan myös sitä, miten korkeasti koulutetun väestön muutos alueella taantuman aikana vaikuttaa sen toipumiseen siitä. Tässä tutkielmassa tullaan siihen tulokseen, että aluetalouden resilienssi on oikeinymmärrettynä hyödyllinen käsite. Erityisen tärkeää olisi analysoida syitä sille, että suurien kaupunkien seutukuntien resilienssi on parantunut, ja muiden seutukuntien resilienssi huonontunut tutkittavan ajanjakson aikana

    Tunable single-photon heat conduction in electrical circuits

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    We build on the study of single-photon heat conduction in electronic circuits taking into account the back-action of the superconductor--insulator--normal-metal thermometers. In addition, we show that placing capacitors, resistors, and superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) into a microwave cavity can severely distort the spatial current profile which, in general, should be accounted for in circuit design. The introduction of SQUIDs also allows for in situ tuning of the photonic power transfer which could be utilized in experiments on superconducting quantum bits

    Interspliced transcription chimeras: Neglected pathological mechanism infiltrating gene accession queries?

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    AbstractOver half of the DNA of mammalian genomes is transcribed, and one of the emerging enigmas in the field of RNA research is intergenic splicing or transcription induced chimerism. We argue that fused low-copy-number transcripts constitute neglected pathological mechanism akin to copy number variation, due to loss of stoichiometric subunit ratios in protein complexes. An obstacle for transcriptomics meta-analysis of published microarrays is the traditional nomenclature of merged transcript neighbors under same accession codes. Tandem transcripts cover 4–20% of genomes but are only loosely overlapping in population. They were most enriched in systems medicine annotations concerning neurology, thalassemia and genital disorders in the GeneGo Inc. MetaCore-MetaDrugTM knowledgebase, evaluated with external randomizations here. Clinical transcriptomics is good news since new disease etiologies offer new remedies. We identified homeotic HOX-transfactors centered around BMI-1, the Grb2 adaptor network, the kallikrein system, and thalassemia RNA surveillance as vulnerable hotspot chimeras. As a cure, RNA interference would require verification of chimerism from symptomatic tissue contra healthy control tissue from the same patient

    The need for a more dynamic and ecological assessment of children experiencing barriers to learning to move towards inclusive education: a summary of results of the Daffodil project.

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    Although governments have recognized the need to make education more accessible to children with developmental disabilities and/or learning difficulties, many children remain excluded from participation in regular school settings, let alone receive adequate education. Though every country which ratified the United Nations (UN) 2006 Convention on the Rights of People with Disability has committed itself to inclusive education, there are many obstacles. One of them is the currently preferred way of assessing children with standardized, psychometric diagnostic tests, with a comparative and classifying purpose. This type of assessment, based on a medical impairment model and a static model of intelligence, results in reports which are sometimes not very useful for educational advice. This paper reports an overview of the results of the DAFFODIL project (Dynamic Assessment of Functioning and Oriented at Development and Inclusive Learning), created by a consortium of eight European partners in order to research more inclusive alternatives and suggest reforms to assessment and coaching procedures. It starts with a critical review of current assessment practices; then it presents criteria for good practices for assessing children with additional educational needs in a more dynamic, inclusion-oriented and contextual way. A Delphi procedure was used by 150 professionals and parents to develop a consensus for guidelines for assessment procedures oriented at mapping functional difficulties, context, interaction and possibilities for learning, with the objective to understanding learning processes, to develop more inclusive, challenging and suitable educational programmes and more useful recommendations for teachers, parents and rehabilitation staff

    Valence electronic structure and photofragmentation of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (CF3-CH2F)

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    The electronic structure and fragmentation of the hydrofluorocarbon compound 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (CF3-CH2F) were studied using spectroscopical methods and quantum chemical calculations. Valence photoelectron spectra and the ionic fragmentation products were recorded with synchrotron radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region. The geometric and electronic structures of the CF3-CH2F molecule were calculated using the complete active space perturbation theory of second order. The calculated vertical ionization energies were used to interpret the experimental photoelectron spectrum. VUV photodissociation of the sample molecule was studied with photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy. Coincident ion yields are shown for several cations as a function of electron binding energy. The experimental data are discussed in comparison with theory and previous work