11 research outputs found

    Global fisheries governance and case study of fisheries governance of Autonomous Region of European Union – Azores

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    This article seeks to identify the key principles that should guide the definition of the Global Fisheries Governance and Management. A particular focus for this work has been the concept of participative governance and the co-management systems in which responsibility for management is shared between the world, regions, states and user groups, usually at the local level. Governance in the context of fisheries is divided in this article to three levels: the first dealing with issues of legal instruments, the second concerned with institutions and the third focusing on the construction of mechanism of management, in terms of economic, social and environmental values and principles to guide fisheries policy making along a consistent path of case study of fisheries governance in Azores.N/

    Contributions of Marine Cluster for Regional Sustainability: Economic Prospective for Azores

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    The project SEAValue proposes to develop a first integrate approach to valuation of the Sea of Azores from economic view analyses.The project aims the estimation of the contribution of the sea, namely, maritime sector and marine ecosystem services, and their benefits for the sustainable development of the Autonomous Region of Azores through a responsive and effective decision support process.Nowadays, the world context of the sustainable ocean governance is one of the paradigms that the Azores Autonomous Region should address, in particular, due to the geographical position in the core of the Atlantic area and its geopolitical implicit factors. The extension of the Portuguese EEZ would raise new challenges and responsibilities to sea management. Different governance transversal issues as legal, planning, conservation, economic and their scales of articulation into local, national, European and international level, need a coherent governance framework. Estimate the value, specially the economic value, bring the awareness of the benefits that sea offers to Azores. Furthermore it would enhance the decision support process through define of strategic options for the development of public policy of the Region. The multidisciplinary research of the project from Governance, Economy and Environmental Planning approach provides integrate and holistic vision of the Sea and would project outputs as tools and options for operational decisions.O presente artigo identifica e salienta um conjunto de benefícios e oportunidades derivados da aplicação da metodologia de clustering a vetores económicos endógenos, em particular, os do ambiente marinho. Num contexto de desenvolvimento regional, os clusters têm-se demonstrado importantes ferramentas para a governação e a implementação política. O atual contexto económico força as regiões a desenvolverem um novo paradigma de sustentabilidade. Assim, para o caso das pequenas regiões como os Açores, o modelo de desenvolvimento deve dar atenção às oportunidades decorrentes da governação dos seus recursos internos. Tendo por base uma abordagem de gestão estratégica, este trabalho efetua uma análise prospetiva que identifica o quadro, os fatores e os requisitos necessários para a definição de um Cluster do Mar para os Açores. O âmbito do cluster deve abranger não somente as principais atividades existentes no Mar dos Açores, bem como outros setores com potencial para a região e que se entrecruzam pelo uso e valor do Mar. A estrutura proposta visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento do Mar dos Açores, enquanto força económica endógena. Por outro lado, a presente investigação avalia as contribuições do cluster do mar para o sistema económico regional e nacional, bem como a sua ligação a outros vetores económicos. A proposta do Cluster do Mar dos Açores surge como um smart mechanism que permite o acompanhamento das dinâmicas derivadas da agenda europeia e internacional sobre os assuntos do mar, particularmente o crescimento económico e economia azul.ABSTRACT: This paper points out the benefits and opportunities of using the clustering methodology applied to the endogenous economic drivers, in particular, the marine domain. In regional development context, the cluster appears as a powerful tool for governance and policy implementation. Currently, economic transition forces the regions to develop a new sustainability paradigm. In the case of small regions, such as the Azores Archipelago, the development model relies on the governance opportunities of internal resources. Using a strategic management approach the paper performs a prospective analysis to identify the framework, factors and requirements needed to define the Azores Marine Cluster. The cluster congregates the main sea activities already performed in the region and add the potential sectors recognized. This structure derives from the evaluation of the overall potential of the Sea of the Azores as an endogenous economic force. The paper weighted the contributions of the Azores marine cluster to the regional economic system and the link to other economic drivers. The Azores Marine Cluster arises as a smart mechanism to implement recommendations and requirements, especially at the European and International governance agenda.Funding for this work is granted by FCT - CEEAplA, Research Centre of Applied Economics Studies of the Atlantic. FRCT- Regional Technology and Science Regional Azores Fund. Science Regional Azores Fun

    Sistema de informação geográfica das zonas balneares da ilha do Pico (Açores)

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    XII Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Pico 2005.Os trabalhos promovidos pela Secção de Geografia, no decorrer da “Expedição Cientifica – Pico 2005”, incidiram na recolha e sistematização de dados para a implementação de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) das Zonas Balneares (ZB) da ilha do Pico. O estudo enquadra-se numa linha de investigação em curso que visa a gestão integrada da orla costeira dos Açores. Os levantamentos de campo foram realizados por uma equipa composta por nove elementos com formações multidisciplinares. Os dados coligidos, concluídos que estão os procedimentos de integração em ambiente SIG, não se destinam apenas à comunidade científica, mas sobretudo aos agentes e instituições com competências na promoção do turismo, conservação da natureza e gestão da orla costeira, incluindo os diferentes níveis de administração (local e regional). A metodologia de recolha de informação baseia-se na adaptação da proposta desenvolvida por Rita Norberto (Zonas Balneares Costeiras da Ilha de São Miguel. Contributos para o seu conhecimento, 2004). Os resultados obtidos permitem, desde logo, constatar o enorme potencial lúdico e conservacionista da costa do Pico, atendendo à quantidade ediversidade das zonas balneares inventariadas (44) e à presença de elementos naturais singulares. Por sua vez, o SIG revelou-se uma ferramenta de análise espacial extremamente eficaz na visualização dos elementos registados na base de dados geográfica

    Sistema de Informação Geográfica da orla costeira da Ilha Graciosa

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    XI Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Graciosa 2004.Na continuidade da linha de investigação em curso que visa a gestão integrada das zonas costeiras dos Açores, a Secção de Geografia do Departamento de Biologia da Universidade dos Açores deslocou uma equipa pluridisciplinar, composta por 9 elementos, para participar na “Expedição Científica Graciosa 2004”, evento que decorreu entre 07 e 15 de Junho. O objectivo central consistiu na recolha, registo e validação de dados georeferenciados, passíveis de integração num Sistema de Informação Geográfica desenhado especificamente para o efeito. A área de estudo corresponde à orla costeira da Graciosa, definida pela linha dos 500 m de distância contados para o interior da ilha a partir da linha de costa. Os critérios de delimitação decorrem da correspondência aproximada com a área de intervenção dos Planos de Ordenamento da Orla Costeira. Nos termos propostos, o Sistema de Informação Geográfica da Orla Costeira da Graciosa poderá constituir uma ferramenta de apoio à elaboração deste instrumento de planeamento territorial, assim como responder às orientações da União Europeia relativas à Gestão Integrada das Zonas Costeiras, respectivamente

    Novel potential predictive markers of sunitinib outcomes in long-term responders versus primary refractory patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma

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    Background: several potential predictive markers of efficacy of targeted agents in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) have been identified. Interindividual heterogeneity warrants further investigation. Patients and methods: multicenter, observational, retrospective study in patients with clear-cell mRCC treated with sunitinib. Patients were classified in two groups: long-term responders (LR) (progression-free survival (PFS)≥22 months and at least stable disease), and primary refractory (PR) (progressive disease within 3-months of sunitinib onset). Objectives were to compare baseline clinical factors in both populations and to correlate tumor expression of selected signaling pathways components with sunitinib PFS. Results: 123 patients were analyzed (97 LR, 26 PR). In the LR cohort, overall response rate was 79% and median duration of best response was 30 months. Median PFS and overall survival were 43.2 (95% confidence intervals[CI]:37.2-49.3) and 63.5 months (95%CI:55.1-71.9), respectively. At baseline PR patients had a significantly lower proportion of nephrectomies, higher lactate dehydrogenase and platelets levels, lower hemoglobin, shorter time to and higher presence of metastases, and increased Fuhrman grade. Higher levels of HEYL, HEY and HES1 were observed in LR, although only HEYL discriminated populations significantly (AUC[ROC]=0.704; cut-off=34.85). Increased levels of hsa-miR-27b, hsa-miR-23b and hsa-miR-628-5p were also associated with prolonged survival. No statistical significant associations between hsa-miR-23b or hsa-miR-27b and the expression of c-Met were found. Conclusions: certain mRCC patients treated with sunitinib achieve extremely long-term responses. Favorable baseline hematology values and longer time to metastasis may predict longer PFS. HEYL, hsa-miR-27b, hsa-miR-23b and hsa-miR-628-5p could be potentially used as biomarkers of sunitinib response

    Novel potential predictive markers of sunitinib outcomes in long-term responders versus primary refractory patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma

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    Background: Several potential predictive markers of efficacy of targeted agents in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) have been identified. Interindividual heterogeneity warrants further investigation. Patients and methods: Multicenter, observational, retrospective study in patients with clear-cell mRCC treated with sunitinib. Patients were classified in two groups: long-term responders (LR) (progression-free survival (PFS)=22 months and at least stable disease), and primary refractory (PR) (progressive disease within 3-months of sunitinib onset). Objectives were to compare baseline clinical factors in both populations and to correlate tumor expression of selected signaling pathways components with sunitinib PFS. Results: 123 patients were analyzed (97 LR, 26 PR). In the LR cohort, overall response rate was 79% and median duration of best response was 30 months. Median PFS and overall survival were 43.2 (95% confidence intervals[CI]:37.2-49.3) and 63.5 months (95%CI:55.1-71.9), respectively. At baseline PR patients had a significantly lower proportion of nephrectomies, higher lactate dehydrogenase and platelets levels, lower hemoglobin, shorter time to and higher presence of metastases, and increased Fuhrman grade. Higher levels of HEYL, HEY and HES1 were observed in LR, although only HEYL discriminated populations significantly (AUC[ROC]=0.704; cut-off=34.85). Increased levels of hsa-miR-27b, hsa-miR-23b and hsa-miR-628-5p were also associated with prolonged survival. No statistical significant associations between hsa-miR-23b or hsa-miR-27b and the expression of c-Met were found. Conclusions: Certain mRCC patients treated with sunitinib achieve extremely long-term responses. Favorable baseline hematology values and longer time to metastasis may predict longer PFS. HEYL, hsa-miR-27b, hsa-miR-23b and hsa-miR- 628-5p could be potentially used as biomarkers of sunitinib response

    Governança oceânica : bases estratégicas para o desenvolvimento do "Mar dos Açores"

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Geografia (Planeamento e Ordenamento do Território).O tema do presente estudo consiste na definição de um quadro estratégico para a Região Autónoma dos Açores numa perspectiva de governança oceânica. A linha condutora da pesquisa salienta a importância do oceano para o desenvolvimento do território e reforça o papel do oceano nas estratégias de desenvolvimento sustentável. O caso de estudo do Arquipélago dos Açores foca as diferentes dimensões que o oceano assume, enquanto território, espaço e recurso. A evolução da visão do oceano é suportada pela aplicação de diferentes conceitos e ferramentas, tais como, princípios de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Gestão Baseada nos Ecossistemas, Gestão Integrada de Zonas Costeiras e Áreas Marinhas Protegidas, que serviram de base para atingir o objectivo de estudo – a governança do “Mar dos Açores”. Através do enquadramento, identificação e análise das políticas, componentes e dinâmicas relacionadas com o mar, a presente investigação aborda a gestão marinha rumo a uma governança oceânica efectiva para o arquipélago dos Açores. As discussões sobre as políticas do oceano, a sua implementação vertical, e a sua articulação horizontal, com outras políticas e casos de estudo internacionais, permitiram uma melhor compreensão dos presentes desafios e necessidades que se colocam nos Açores. As opções para um modelo de governança do “Mar” nos Açores procuraram demonstrar a necessidade de uma classificação das prioridades de desenvolvimento, inscritas em orientações estratégicas, e num conjunto de recomendações para as bases de uma possível futura Estratégia Regional para o Mar dos Açores.ABSTRACT: The theme of the study is the Regional Autonomous of Azores framework in the Ocean Governance Perspective. The research underlines the importance of the Ocean for the development of the territories and enhances the role of the ocean into sustainable development strategies. The case study of the Azores archipelago focus on different dimensions that ocean assume as: territory, space and resource. The Ocean vision evolution supported by the application of concepts and tools such as sustainable development principles; Ecosystem Based Management; Integrate Coastal Zone Management and Marine Protected Areas have been study to reach the study purpose - Governance of “Azores Sea”. Through the framework, identification and analysis of the policies, components and dynamics related to the sea the present research broads the concept of marine management to operational ocean governance for The Azores Archipelago. The discussions of the ocean policies, their vertical implementation, and their articulation to other horizontal policies at different international case studies allow a better understanding of the Azores present challenges and needs. The option for Azores Sea Governance Model aims to establish a rank of development priorities inserted at strategic guidelines and a set of recommendations for the bases of a possible Azores Marine Strategy.Governo dos Açores; SRCTE; UE-Fundo Social Europeu; PROEMPREG

    Predaea feldmannii subsp. azorica (Nemastomataceae, Nemastomatales), a new subspecies of red algae (Rhodophyta) from the Azores

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    The red algal genus Predaea (Rhodophyta, Nemastomataceae, Nemastomatales) currently comprises 20 species found in tropical to temperate waters worldwide. The species going under the name Predaea feldmannii (Nemastomataceae, Nemastomatales) in the Azores is here reduced to subspecies rank as P. feldmannii subsp. azorica on the basis of comparative morphology and rbcL sequence analysis. The evidence presented here includes a phylogenetic tree inferred from chloroplast-encoded rbcL sequences of selected members of the Nemastomatales. P. feldmannii subsp. azorica shares with P. feldmannii subsp. feldmannii linear-oblong outer cortical cells, dichotomously branched cortical fascicles, a large number of auxiliary nutritive cells per cluster, and gonimoblast initiation from the incoming connecting filament near its point of fusion with the auxiliary cell. Differences include a sac-like, lobed thallus and occasional lateral cells on the carpogonial branch in the Azorean subspecies, versus a subcylindrical, subdichotomous habit with marginal lobes, and lack of lateral cells on the carpogonial branch in P. feldmannii subsp. feldmannii. The known distribution of P. feldmannii subsp. feldmannii is worldwide in tropical regions and so far P. feldmannii subsp. azorica is known only from the Azores.RÉSUMÉ: Le genre d'algues rouges Predaea (Rhodophyta, Nemastomatacées, Nemastomatales) comporte actuellement 20 espèces habitant les mers tropicales et tempérées du monde entier. L'espèce connue sous le nom de Predaea feldmannii aux Açores est réduite ici au rang d'une sous-espèce, P. feldmannii subsp. azorica, sur la base de l'analyse morphologique comparative et le séquençage du gène rbcL. Les données présentées ici incluent un arbre phylogénétique des séquences rbcL, qui montre la position évolutive de l'espèce des Açores par rapport à celles d'autres régions. P. feldmannii sous-espèce azorica est caractérisé, comme la sous-espèce P. feldmannii subsp. feldmannii, par des cellules corticales externes linéaires-oblongues, des fascicules corticaux dichotomes, un grand nombre de cellules nutritives auxiliaires, et le développement du gonimoblaste à partir du filament de connexion près du point de fusion avec la cellule auxiliaire. Les différences pour la sous-espèce açoréenne incluent un thalle lobé et en forme de sac, un rameau carpogonial occasionnellement portant des cellules latérales, vis-à-vis d'un thalle subcylindrique et subdichotome avec lobes marginaux ; pour P. feldmannii subsp. feldmannii, l'absence de cellules latérales sur la rameau carpogonial

    Predaea feldmannii subsp. azorica (Nemastomataceae, Nemastomatales), a new subspecies of red algae (Rhodophyta) from the Azores

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    The red algal genus Predaea (Rhodophyta, Nemastomataceae, Nemastomatales) currently comprises 20 species found in tropical to temperate waters worldwide. The species going under the name Predaea feldmannii (Nemastomataceae, Nemastomatales) in the Azores is here reduced to subspecies rank as P. feldmannii subsp. azorica on the basis of comparative morphology and rbcL sequence analysis. The evidence presented here includes a phylogenetic tree inferred from chloroplast-encoded rbcL sequences of selected members of the Nemastomatales. P. feldmannii subsp. azorica shares with P. feldmannii subsp. feldmannii linear-oblong outer cortical cells, dichotomously branched cortical fascicles, a large number of auxiliary nutritive cells per cluster, and gonimoblast initiation from the incoming connecting filament near its point of fusion with the auxiliary cell. Differences include a sac-like, lobed thallus and occasional lateral cells on the carpogonial branch in the Azorean subspecies, versus a subcylindrical, subdichotomous habit with marginal lobes, and lack of lateral cells on the carpogonial branch in P. feldmannii subsp. feldmannii. The known distribution of P. feldmannii subsp. feldmannii is worldwide in tropical regions and so far P. feldmannii subsp. azorica is known only from the Azores.RÉSUMÉ: Le genre d'algues rouges Predaea (Rhodophyta, Nemastomatacées, Nemastomatales) comporte actuellement 20 espèces habitant les mers tropicales et tempérées du monde entier. L'espèce connue sous le nom de Predaea feldmannii aux Açores est réduite ici au rang d'une sous-espèce, P. feldmannii subsp. azorica, sur la base de l'analyse morphologique comparative et le séquençage du gène rbcL. Les données présentées ici incluent un arbre phylogénétique des séquences rbcL, qui montre la position évolutive de l'espèce des Açores par rapport à celles d'autres régions. P. feldmannii sous-espèce azorica est caractérisé, comme la sous-espèce P. feldmannii subsp. feldmannii, par des cellules corticales externes linéaires-oblongues, des fascicules corticaux dichotomes, un grand nombre de cellules nutritives auxiliaires, et le développement du gonimoblaste à partir du filament de connexion près du point de fusion avec la cellule auxiliaire. Les différences pour la sous-espèce açoréenne incluent un thalle lobé et en forme de sac, un rameau carpogonial occasionnellement portant des cellules latérales, vis-à-vis d'un thalle subcylindrique et subdichotome avec lobes marginaux ; pour P. feldmannii subsp. feldmannii, l'absence de cellules latérales sur la rameau carpogonial