10 research outputs found

    Nanochemical Processes In Solid-Phase Reduction Of Ferrioxide-Silicate Materials

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    Solid-phase carbon reduction of ferrioxide-silicate materials have been investigated on example of sedimentary iron ores of Kerch deposit. It was shown that nanochemical iron oxide reduction to sponge iron with flux-mineralizers is accomplished due to ferric carbide and nanocarbon mostly, which are being formed out of initial carbon powdered material by carbide mechanism. Obtained results caused development of iron ore direct reduction method which is much better of SL/RN method used in industry. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3555

    Influence of Nanomaterials on Biological Activity of Marine Pelagic Sediments (peloids)

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    Influence of nanomaterials (based on bentonitic clays and calcium carbonate) in pelagic sediments of the Black Sea on their biologic activity has been investigated. It was shown that chemical composition, preliminary thermal treatment and concentration of nanomaterials in composition with pelagic sediments have a great influence to their medical properties. Based on obtained data for complex influence of nanocomposites to organism (behaviour, nervimuscular irritability, reflexes, vegetative effects, functional condition of lever and kidneys) a conclusion of substantially increasing the biological activity of pelagic sediments with the properties of medicinal mud (peloid), under the influence of bentonite and calcium carbonate that contain nanoparticles. A method for testing the pelagic sea and ocean sediments with nanodispersed components to predict the prospects of their use as medicinal muds (peloids) has been suggested. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3495

    Global surveillance of cancer survival 1995-2009: analysis of individual data for 25,676,887 patients from 279 population-based registries in 67 countries (CONCORD-2)

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    BACKGROUND: Worldwide data for cancer survival are scarce. We aimed to initiate worldwide surveillance of cancer survival by central analysis of population-based registry data, as a metric of the effectiveness of health systems, and to inform global policy on cancer control. METHODS: Individual tumour records were submitted by 279 population-based cancer registries in 67 countries for 25·7 million adults (age 15-99 years) and 75,000 children (age 0-14 years) diagnosed with cancer during 1995-2009 and followed up to Dec 31, 2009, or later. We looked at cancers of the stomach, colon, rectum, liver, lung, breast (women), cervix, ovary, and prostate in adults, and adult and childhood leukaemia. Standardised quality control procedures were applied; errors were corrected by the registry concerned. We estimated 5-year net survival, adjusted for background mortality in every country or region by age (single year), sex, and calendar year, and by race or ethnic origin in some countries. Estimates were age-standardised with the International Cancer Survival Standard weights. FINDINGS: 5-year survival from colon, rectal, and breast cancers has increased steadily in most developed countries. For patients diagnosed during 2005-09, survival for colon and rectal cancer reached 60% or more in 22 countries around the world; for breast cancer, 5-year survival rose to 85% or higher in 17 countries worldwide. Liver and lung cancer remain lethal in all nations: for both cancers, 5-year survival is below 20% everywhere in Europe, in the range 15-19% in North America, and as low as 7-9% in Mongolia and Thailand. Striking rises in 5-year survival from prostate cancer have occurred in many countries: survival rose by 10-20% between 1995-99 and 2005-09 in 22 countries in South America, Asia, and Europe, but survival still varies widely around the world, from less than 60% in Bulgaria and Thailand to 95% or more in Brazil, Puerto Rico, and the USA. For cervical cancer, national estimates of 5-year survival range from less than 50% to more than 70%; regional variations are much wider, and improvements between 1995-99 and 2005-09 have generally been slight. For women diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2005-09, 5-year survival was 40% or higher only in Ecuador, the USA, and 17 countries in Asia and Europe. 5-year survival for stomach cancer in 2005-09 was high (54-58%) in Japan and South Korea, compared with less than 40% in other countries. By contrast, 5-year survival from adult leukaemia in Japan and South Korea (18-23%) is lower than in most other countries. 5-year survival from childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is less than 60% in several countries, but as high as 90% in Canada and four European countries, which suggests major deficiencies in the management of a largely curable disease. INTERPRETATION: International comparison of survival trends reveals very wide differences that are likely to be attributable to differences in access to early diagnosis and optimum treatment. Continuous worldwide surveillance of cancer survival should become an indispensable source of information for cancer patients and researchers and a stimulus for politicians to improve health policy and health-care systems

    Global trends of the digital economy development

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    There is still no single harmonized concept of “Digital economy” inthe world, and we are talking about digital technologies and their impact on the economies of countries. The aim of this article is to identify global trends in the digital economy development and its tools –digital technologies. In particular, in the developed countries of the world, the culture of using digital technologies is higher, and involves not only the use of postal communication systems, but also banking services, searching for information, etc. While in developing countries, this level of culture is only being formed.Todavía no existe un concepto armonizado único de "economía digital" en el mundo, y estamos hablando de las tecnologías digitales y su impacto en las economías de los países. El objetivo de este artículo es identificar las tendencias mundiales en el desarrollo de la economía digital y sus herramientas: las tecnologías digitales. En particular, en los países desarrollados del mundo, la cultura del uso de tecnologías digitales es mayor e implica no solo el uso de sistemas de comunicación postal, sino también servicios bancarios, búsqueda de información, etc. Mientras que en los países en desarrollo, este nivel de la cultura solo se está formando

    The Use of the Digital Supply Chain Tool in the Real Sector of the Economy

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    Abstract— As everyone knows, the developed countries of the world are quite actively using digital technologies in their supply chain system. Thanks to the rise of technology, supply chain is also becoming more visible. It has allowed for data transparency to expand and thus, affecting the way organizations have the ability to gain visibility on real-time issues about their supply chain networks. This  combination  has  made  it  possible  for  supply  chain  to  become  more  powerful  and accessible.  The  changes  in  demands  and  economy  along  with  the  rise  of  technology  has made all the difference. This expansion is driving change for faster results and flow, thus the rise of digitalization has become a major contributor of the supply chain market. Based on the available data, we can say that the main share of digital technologies in the developed world is used in the supply chain sector. However, over the past 10 years, digital technologies have also begun to be used in strategically important sectors of the economy, such as the production, processing and sale of products. Moreover, the level of digitalization of some technological supply chain processes reaches 80% or higher. In Russian practice, there are a number of legal acts that promote the development of digital technologies in the real sector of the economy. In addition, the directions and even measures of state support are outlined. This article describes the authors’ vision of the state of digitalization in the agro-industrial complex of Russia, the problems that exist, areas of improvement, risks and threats that authorities and commercial organizations will face when implementing digital technologies. Based on world practice, the study provides data indicating the positive role of digital technologies: increasing the profitability of production, saving costs, increasing production indicators. The study shows the main breakthrough technological platforms on which the development of digital technologies in agricultural production will be based

    The development of teachers pedagogical competence in the conditions of professional educational organization

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    Purpose: The ideas of integrity, unity, systematic organization of teacher’s work allow presenting the work of the teacher – a complex pedagogical reality – in the form of the unity of three interrelated spaces: the teacher’s personality, pedagogical activity, and pedagogical communication. Methodology: The analysis of the works of national and foreign experts devoted to the study of competences and competencies shows convincingly that, first of all, this phenomenon is associated with professional activity. A natural continuation of the study of competence problems in the late twentieth – early XXI century is the scientific and practical interest in the possibility of forming and developing competence in a specially organized environment. Result: For the authors of the article it is important not only how the teacher develops his pedagogical competence in the process of professional activity, but also how it increases the effectiveness of the educational activity of the student. Discussion. In our opinion, the basic competencies of a teacher of a professional educational institution should reflect the culture of the teacher and are divided into professional-pedagogical, social-motivational, information, communicative, creative. Special competencies integrate the knowledge of the teaching subject and methods of teaching, are divided into objective, content, design, reflexive, monitoring. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of the development of teacher's pedagogical competence in the conditions of professional educational organization is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Оствальдівське дозрівання нанодисперсних фаз в металевих сплавах (огляд)

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    The review deals with analysis of the kinetics of Ostwald ripening of nanodispersed phases in metal alloys when the growth (dissolution) of the nanoparticles of the reinforcing phase is controlled simultaneously by the  matrix diffusion, diffusion through the dislocation tubes and the rate of the atoms transition through the interphase boundary (Wagner's mechanism of growth). As a rule, different mechanisms of the nanoparticles growth (dissolution) are simultaneously employed in the process of the particles ripening while the number of the mechanisms involved in the growth (one, two or three) depends on various factors such as: chemical composition of the nanodispersed phases, conditions of exploitation (changes in mechanical loads, temperature regimes, environmental conditions), technological conditions of synthesis, etc. The possibility of practical implementation of the proposed mechanisms of growth of nanoparticles in the Ostwald ripening process can be confirmed or declined by a comparison between the experimental and theoretical data. As seen from the comparison between some experimental histograms with the lines built theoretically, the proposed mechanisms of growth of the dispersed phase nanoparticles seem realistic.В огляді проведено аналіз кінетики оствальдівського дозрівання нанодисперсних фаз в металевих сплавах, за умови, що ріст (розчинення) наночастинок зміцнюючої фази контролюється одночасно матричною дифузією, дифузією вздовж дислокаційних трубок і швидкістю переходу атомів через міжфазну границю розділу (вагнерівський механізм росту). Встановлено, що загальною закономірністю різних механізмів росту (розчинення) наночастинок в процесі дозрівання є їх не поодинока дія, а одночасна. Кількість задіяних механізмів росту (один, два, три) залежить від багатьох факторів, зокрема: хімічного складу нанодисперсної фази, умов експлуатації (зміни механічних навантажень, температурних режимів, зовнішнього середовища), технологічних умов синтезу тощо. Можливість реалізації на практиці пропонованих механізмів росту наночастинок в процесі оствальдівського дозрівання може бути підтверджена або спростована шляхом порівняння експериментальних і теоретичних даних. Приведені в огляді результати співставлень експериментальних гістограм з теоретично розрахованими кривими вказують на реалістичність пропонованих механізмів укрупнення наночастинок дисперсних фаз в процесі дозрівання

    Determination of the range of the spacecraft

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    Русистика и современность

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