19 research outputs found

    Influencia del etnocentrismo: un estudio de las reacciones neurofisiol贸gicas del consumidor de cerveza

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    Since the 1980s, the study of consumer behavior in the face of ethnocentric phenomena has been deepened, which can influence the purchasing decisions of individuals, when choosing a product according to the affinity it has with the origin of the brand. Nowadays, where there is a digital leap that has boosted electronic commerce, it is important to know if this phenomenon continues to be a barrier for companies that want to enter foreign markets. Through an experimental quantitative research model, the neuro-behavioral pattern of consumption is explored by applying biometric technologies by measuring the attentional and emotional reaction, the association of attributes and the value associated with the brand that the consumer has when make a purchase decision. One hundred and forty-six subjects of four nationalities: Nicaraguans, Americans, Mexicans, and Costa Ricans, are exposed to various consumption tests for the beer category. The results are analyzed with biometric processing analysis software. The results show low ethnocentric levels in neurobehavioral tests for Costa Ricans and Americans, and high levels in Mexicans and Nicaraguans. The research provides very clear guidelines to brands seeking to internationalize on the importance of seeking clear associations and perceived value at the consumer scale.Desde los a帽os ochenta se ha profundizado en el estudio del comportamiento del consumidor ante fen贸menos etnocentristas, mismo que pueden influenciar las decisiones de compra de los individuos, al elegirse un producto seg煤n la afinidad que se tenga con el origen de la marca. En la actualidad, donde se vive un salto digital que ha potenciado el comercio electr贸nico, se hace relevante conocer si este fen贸meno sigue siendo una barrera para las compa帽铆as que desean ingresar a mercados extranjeros. Por medio de un modelo de investigaci贸n cuantitativo experimental, se explora el patr贸n neuroconductual de consumo aplicando tecnolog铆as biom茅tricas por medio de la medici贸n de la reacci贸n atencional y emocional, la asociaci贸n de atributos y el valor asociado a la marca que tiene el consumidor al tomar una decisi贸n de compra. 146 sujetos de 4 nacionalidades: nicarag眉enses, estadounidenses, mexicanos y costarricenses, son expuestos a diversas pruebas de consumo para la categor铆a de cerveza. Las reacciones del consumidor son analizadas con software de an谩lisis de procesamiento biom茅trico. Los resultados muestran bajos niveles etnocentristas en las pruebas neuroconductuales para los costarricenses y estadounidenses, y altos niveles en los mexicanos y nicarag眉enses. La investigaci贸n brinda lineamientos muy claros a las marcas que buscan internacionalizarse acerca de la importancia de buscar asociaciones claras y valor percibido en la escala del consumidor

    Influencia del etnocentrismo: un estudio de las reacciones neurofisiol贸gicas del consumidor de cerveza

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    Since the 1980s, the study of consumer behavior in the face of ethnocentric phenomena has been deepened, which can influence the purchasing decisions of individuals, when choosing a product according to the affinity it has with the origin of the brand. Nowadays, where there is a digital leap that has boosted electronic commerce, it is important to know if this phenomenon continues to be a barrier for companies that want to enter foreign markets. Through an experimental quantitative research model, the neuro-behavioral pattern of consumption is explored by applying biometric technologies by measuring the attentional and emotional reaction, the association of attributes and the value associated with the brand that the consumer has when make a purchase decision. One hundred and forty-six subjects of four nationalities: Nicaraguans, Americans, Mexicans, and Costa Ricans, are exposed to various consumption tests for the beer category. The results are analyzed with biometric processing analysis software. The results show low ethnocentric levels in neurobehavioral tests for Costa Ricans and Americans, and high levels in Mexicans and Nicaraguans. The research provides very clear guidelines to brands seeking to internationalize on the importance of seeking clear associations and perceived value at the consumer scale.Desde los a帽os ochenta se ha profundizado en el estudio del comportamiento del consumidor ante fen贸menos etnocentristas, mismo que pueden influenciar las decisiones de compra de los individuos, al elegirse un producto seg煤n la afinidad que se tenga con el origen de la marca. En la actualidad, donde se vive un salto digital que ha potenciado el comercio electr贸nico, se hace relevante conocer si este fen贸meno sigue siendo una barrera para las compa帽铆as que desean ingresar a mercados extranjeros. Por medio de un modelo de investigaci贸n cuantitativo experimental, se explora el patr贸n neuroconductual de consumo aplicando tecnolog铆as biom茅tricas por medio de la medici贸n de la reacci贸n atencional y emocional, la asociaci贸n de atributos y el valor asociado a la marca que tiene el consumidor al tomar una decisi贸n de compra. 146 sujetos de 4 nacionalidades: nicarag眉enses, estadounidenses, mexicanos y costarricenses, son expuestos a diversas pruebas de consumo para la categor铆a de cerveza. Las reacciones del consumidor son analizadas con software de an谩lisis de procesamiento biom茅trico. Los resultados muestran bajos niveles etnocentristas en las pruebas neuroconductuales para los costarricenses y estadounidenses, y altos niveles en los mexicanos y nicarag眉enses. La investigaci贸n brinda lineamientos muy claros a las marcas que buscan internacionalizarse acerca de la importancia de buscar asociaciones claras y valor percibido en la escala del consumidor

    Eco-friendly performance as a determining factor of the Adoption of Virtual Reality Applications in National Parks

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    The purpose of this study is to find the key factors of influence for the use and acceptance of Virtual Reality (VR) by tourists visiting National Parks in Costa Rica. The aim is to find whether tourists are willing to use VR to contribute to the eco-friendly performance of the area they visit and to determine whether they are willing to use VR in environmental tourism to protect flora and fauna. This study is quantitative and uses the theoretical Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model and a survey as the research instrument to obtain data. Data analysis was carried out using a PLS-SEM statistical analysis. The data collection procedure consisted of 50 people being surveyed in the initial pre-test phase and later 455 tourists in the fieldwork phase with national or foreign people over the age of 18 who visit or have visited the national parks of Costa Rica. The results show that there is a positive relationship between eco-friendly performance and the intention to use VR technology, as well as the actual use of VR for the benefit of the environment. The UTAUT2 model was used to find the effect of eco-friendly performance on the intention to use VR, as well as the use of this technology during visits to tourist destinations. The originality of the work is in answering the question of how to develop sustainable tourism in Costa Rica with the use of VR devices and applications that also allow the conservation of flora and fauna.2021-2

    Impact of effectual propensity on entrepreneurial intention

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    For decades, entrepreneurship has been promoted in academia and the tourism sector and seen as an opportunity for new business ventures. In entrepreneurial behaviour, effectual logic shows how individuals use their resources to create new opportunities. This paper aims to determine effectual propensity as an antecedent of entrepreneurial intentions. For this purpose, and based on the TPB model, we conducted our research with tourism students from Cadiz and Seville (Spain) universities with Smart PLS 3. The results show that effectual propensity influences entrepreneurial intentions and that attitude and perceived behavioural control mediate between subjective norms and intentions. Our research has a great added value since effectual propensity is studied for the first time as an antecedent of intentions in people who have never been entrepreneurs.Durante d茅cadas, el emprendimiento ha sido promovido en la academia y el sector del turismo, siendo visto como una oportunidad para nuevas empresas. En el comportamiento emprendedor, la l贸gica efectual muestra c贸mo los individuos utilizan sus recursos para crear nuevas oportunidades. Este documento tiene como objetivo determinar la propensi贸n efectual como un antecedente de las intenciones emprendedoras. Con este prop贸sito, y bas谩ndonos en el modelo TPB, llevamos a cabo nuestra investigaci贸n con estudiantes de turismo de las universidades de C谩diz y Sevilla (Espa帽a) utilizando Smart PLS 3. Los resultados muestran que la propensi贸n efectual influye en las intenciones emprendedoras y que la actitud y el control conductual percibido median entre las normas subjetivas e intenciones. Nuestra investigaci贸n tiene un gran valor agregado, ya que la propensi贸n efectual se estudia por primera vez como antecedente de intenciones en personas que nunca han sido emprendedoras

    Revisiting the impact of perceived social value on consumer behavior toward luxury brands

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    In recent years, the luxury market has come to face important structural changes, such as the entry of new segments into the market and the use of the Internet as a sales channel. In this context, luxury brands must understand their young consumers' perception of social value while adapting to environmental changes. This study aims to validate an up-to-date model to determine the impact of perceived value of luxury brands on consumer behavior. To validate the model, we analyze attributes of luxury brands and the value assigned to those attributes. We collect the data from a survey (n = 225) and analyze the results with partial least squares-structural equation modeling. The results show that in our up-to-date model of perceived social value of luxury brands, the social component, as the only antecedent, has a major influence on consumer behavior; the results, however, fail to support our expectations of the impact of financial and functional brand perceptions. Furthermore, we find a relationship between overall luxury brand perception and behavioral and emotional outcomes for young consumers such that companies might consequently tailor their business strategies.2021-2

    Uncertainty Propagation in Fuzzy Grey Cognitive Maps With Hebbian-Like Learning Algorithms

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    This paper is focused on an innovative fuzzy cognitive maps extension called fuzzy grey cognitive maps (FGCMs). FGCMs are a mixture of fuzzy cognitive maps and grey systems theory. These have become a useful framework for facing problems with high uncertainty, under discrete small and incomplete datasets. This paper deals with the problem of uncertainty propagation in FGCM dynamics with Hebbian learning. In addition, this paper applies differential Hebbian learning (DHL) and balanced DHL to FGCMs for the first time. We analyze the uncertainty propagation in eight different scenarios in a classical chemical control problem. The results give insight into the propagation of the uncertainty or greyness in the iterations of the FGCMs. The results show that the nonlinear Hebbian learning is the choice with less uncertainty in steady final grey states for Hebbian learning algorithms

    Analysis of educational competences to evaluateentrepreneurial people

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    This research explores entrepreneurial skills based on the European frame of EntreComp entrepreneurial competence, approved by the European Commission in 2016. To this end, potential entrepreneurs have been evaluated based on the self-diagnosis tool financed by the Regional Government of Extremadura, Spain. The objective was to identify those skills, qualities, competences and behaviors that the respondents possess (n= 1547), and which are indicated in the related literature as characteristic of people with entrepreneurial skills. Through an exploratory factor analysis, the main influencing factors in the entrepreneurial intention and the different groups of entrepreneurs present in the study were identified, grouping them according to factors that are related to the competences measured. In this work different types of links are provided on the value given to the detection of ideas, opportunities, available resources, business knowledge and teamwork or the initiative itself among other competences. The results can help implement public policies in Latin American countries, committed to sustainability in terms of creating self-employment, to improve training, guidance and support services for entrepreneurs.Este trabajo explora las competencias emprendedoras tomando como base el marco de referencia europeo de la competencia emprendedora EntreComp, aprobado por la Comisi贸n Europea en 2016. As铆, se utiliz贸 una herramienta de autodiagn贸stico emprendedor, financiada por el Gobierno regional de Extremadura, Espa帽a, para evaluar a potenciales personas emprendedoras. El objetivo consisti贸 en la identificaci贸n de aquellas habilidades, cualidades, competencias y conductas que poseen las personas encuestadas (n= 1547) y que en la literatura son se帽aladas como propias de las personas emprendedoras. Mediante un an谩lisis factorial exploratorio, se identificaron los principales factores de influencia en la intenci贸n emprendedora y los distintos grupos de personas emprendedores presentes en el estudio, agrup谩ndolas en funci贸n de factores relacionados con las competencias medidas. En este trabajo son aportados diferentes tipos de vinculaciones sobre el valor otorgado a la detecci贸n de ideas, las oportunidades, los recursos disponibles, los conocimientos empresariales y el trabajo en equipo o la propia iniciativa, entre otras competencias. Los resultados pueden ayudar a implementar pol铆ticas p煤blicas en pa铆ses de Am茅rica Latina, comprometidos 茅stos con la sostenibilidad en materia de creaci贸n de empresas y el autoempleo, tambi茅n para la mejora de los servicios de capacitaci贸n, orientaci贸n y apoyo a las personas emprendedoras

    Crowdfunding and financing 2.0. An exploratory study on cultural tourism

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    Las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y Comunicaci贸n ofrecen nuevas alternativas a sectores tan representativos como es el turismo cultural para garantizar una adecuada financiaci贸n y sostenibilidad del patrimonio en el que se sustenta. El crowdfunding, o la financiaci贸n de proyectos sin intermediarios a trav茅s del uso de las nuevas tecnolog铆as, ofrece oportunidades para la financiaci贸n conjunta de proyectos tur铆sticos. Este estudio exploratorio pretende mejorar la comprensi贸n del fen贸meno estudiado a la vez que afianzar las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n aplicadas al turismo cultural poniendo el foco en el crowdnindingInformation and Communication Technologies offer new alternatives to sectors as representative as cultural tourism to ensure adequate financing and sustainability of the heritage on which it is based. Crowdfunding, or the financing of projects without intermediaries through the use of new technologies, offers opportunities for the joint financing of tourism projects. This exploratory study aims to improve the understanding of the phenomenon studied while strengthening the information and communication technologies applied to cultural tourism with a focus on crowdfundin

    What Role does Corporate Governance Play in the Intention to Use Cloud Computing Technology?

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    This paper aims to investigate the factors which promote the adoption of cloud-based technology. It strives for a better understanding of the impact of corporate governance on the adoption of this technology. This study concentrated on executives in companies where the use of cloud computing may give a competitive advantage. The main contribution of this work is to propose a model for the influence of corporate governance and other factors that determine the adoption of this technology. A questionnaire was prepared after taking into consideration the reviewed literature. The sample consisted of 164 technology companies from Southern Spain that already use the new economic models for digital solutions. The methodology used to analyze the structural model was the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of the survey showed the influence of Corporate Governance and the procedures and practices of the organization on the adoption of cloud computing and the associated business model. This study aims to point out the importance of corporate support and Knowledge Management for the correct and successful adoption of this technology and to show the effects on the new business model of billing for the use of available resources

    A feeling analysis in Twitter with machine learning: capturing sentiment from #BlackFriday offers

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    Twitter has become an ideal social network for audience and opinions analysis on real-time events around the world. The objective of this research is to analyze the sentiment (positive, negative and neutral) of the offers published on Twitter through the hashtag #BlackFriday. The methodology used is a sentiment analysis with machine learning in which the sentiments of the offers published in the social network are identified.Twitter se ha convertido en una red social ideal para el an谩lisis de audiencias y el estudio de opiniones sobre eventos y acontecimientos en tiempo real alrededor del mundo. El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n es el de analizar el sentimiento (positivo, negativo y neutro) de las ofertas publicadas en Twitter a trav茅s del hashtag #BlackFriday. La metodolog铆a empleada es un An谩lisis de Sentimiento con Machine Learning con el que se identifica el sentimiento de las ofertas publicadas en la red social