16 research outputs found

    Imaging features of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma in gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI

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    Background: Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FLC) is a rare malignancy occurring in young patients without cirrhosis. Objectives of our study were to analyze contrast material uptake in hepatobiliary phase imaging (HBP) in gadoxetic acid-enhanced liver MRI in patients with FLC and to characterize imaging features in sequence techniques other than HBP. Methods: In this retrospective study on histology-proven FLC, contrast material uptake in HBP was quantitatively assessed by calculating the corrected FLC enhancement index (CEI) using mean signal intensities of FLC and lumbar muscle on pre-contrast imaging and HBP, respectively. Moreover, enhancement patterns in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and relative signal intensities compared with background liver parenchyma were determined by two radiologists in consensus for HBP, diffusion-weighted imaging using high b-values (DWI), and T2 and T1 weighted pre-contrast imaging. Results: In 6 of 13 patients with FLC gadoxetic acid-enhanced liver MRI was available. The CEI suggested presence of HBP contrast material uptake in all FLCs. A mean CEI of 1.35 indicated FLC signal increase of 35% in HBP compared with pre-contrast imaging. All FLCs were hypointense in HBP compared with background liver parenchyma. Three of 6 FLCs had arterial hyperenhancement and venous wash-out. In DWI and T2 weighted imaging, 5 of 6 FLCs were hyperintense. In T1 weighted imaging, 5 of 6 FLCs were hypointense. Conclusion: Hepatobiliary uptake of gadoxetic acid was quantitatively measurable in all FLCs investigated in our study. The observation of hypointensity of FLCs in HBP compared with background liver parenchyma emphasizes the role of gadoxetic acid-enhanced liver MRI for non-invasive diagnosis of FLC and its importance in the diagnostic work-up of indeterminate liver lesions

    Complement C4 Copy Number Variation is Linked to SSA/Ro and SSB/La Autoantibodies in Systemic Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases

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    Objective Copy number variation of the C4 complement components, C4A and C4B, has been associated with systemic inflammatory autoimmune diseases. This study was undertaken to investigate whether C4 copy number variation is connected to the autoimmune repertoire in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS), or myositis. Methods Using targeted DNA sequencing, we determined the copy number and genetic variants of C4 in 2,290 well-characterized Scandinavian patients with SLE, primary SS, or myositis and 1,251 healthy controls. Results A prominent relationship was observed between C4A copy number and the presence of SSA/SSB autoantibodies, which was shared between the 3 diseases. The strongest association was detected in patients with autoantibodies against both SSA and SSB and 0 C4A copies when compared to healthy controls (odds ratio [OR] 18.0 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) 10.2–33.3]), whereas a weaker association was seen in patients without SSA/SSB autoantibodies (OR 3.1 [95% CI 1.7–5.5]). The copy number of C4 correlated positively with C4 plasma levels. Further, a common loss-of-function variant in C4A leading to reduced plasma C4 was more prevalent in SLE patients with a low copy number of C4A. Functionally, we showed that absence of C4A reduced the individuals’ capacity to deposit C4b on immune complexes. Conclusion We show that a low C4A copy number is more strongly associated with the autoantibody repertoire than with the clinically defined disease entities. These findings may have implications for understanding the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of systemic inflammatory autoimmune diseases and for patient stratification when taking the genetic profile into account.publishedVersio

    Gender perspectives on child welfare assessment : A qualitative study on social workers experiences in using gender perspective when assessing social needs in children

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    The purpose of this study was to examine social worker’s own experiences of dealing with gender perspectives in child welfare cases. With a constructionist perspective, this study is based on a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. Six social workers were asked to reflect on their work and their methodology, and how it relates to gender perspectives when assessing children and adolescents in child welfare services.The result shows that there is a lack of control and review that children are given a gender neutral treatment. It also shows that there was no explicit protocol for how to take a gender perspective into account when assessing children and adolescents needs of welfare services. The respondents find that the BBIC-model offers support for applying a gender neural approach to their work. Moreover, the social workers feel they treat all children and adolescents equally, despite the lack of protocol. Dedicated time for reflection and specific support for gender perspective in BBIC is missed, and a high workload means that more organizational support is needed to improve the use of gender perspectives in child welfare cases

    Gender perspectives on child welfare assessment : A qualitative study on social workers experiences in using gender perspective when assessing social needs in children

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    The purpose of this study was to examine social worker’s own experiences of dealing with gender perspectives in child welfare cases. With a constructionist perspective, this study is based on a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. Six social workers were asked to reflect on their work and their methodology, and how it relates to gender perspectives when assessing children and adolescents in child welfare services.The result shows that there is a lack of control and review that children are given a gender neutral treatment. It also shows that there was no explicit protocol for how to take a gender perspective into account when assessing children and adolescents needs of welfare services. The respondents find that the BBIC-model offers support for applying a gender neural approach to their work. Moreover, the social workers feel they treat all children and adolescents equally, despite the lack of protocol. Dedicated time for reflection and specific support for gender perspective in BBIC is missed, and a high workload means that more organizational support is needed to improve the use of gender perspectives in child welfare cases

    Bedeutung der perkutanen Biopsie in der Diagnostik und Therapie der Spondylodiszitis

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    Als Spondylodiszitis wird eine Entzündung der Bandscheiben sowie der angrenzenden Wirbelkörper bezeichnet. Auf Grund der unspezifischen Symptomatik wird diese Erkrankung oft erst nach 6 Wochen bis zu 6 Monaten richtig diagnostiziert. Ursächlich dessen resultieren schwerwiegende Folgen, wie Wirbelkörperfrakturen mit Paresen, septische und in 3-11% tödliche Verläufe. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist Ziel der vorliegenden Datenanalyse insbesondere die diagnostisch - therapeutische Bedeutung der perkutanen, interventionell-radiologischen Biopsie zu evaluieren. Nach retrospektiver Abfrage des Krankenhaus Informationssystems (KIS) gemäß ICD-Diagnose für den Zeitraum von 01.01.2009 – 31.11.2014 wurde von 239 Spondylodiszitispatienten der stationäre Erstaufenthalt und die radiologisch interventionelle Biopsie analysiert. 43,1 % (N = 103) des Gesamtkollektivs wurden zur Erregersicherung biopsiert, mit zu 27,8 % Staph. aureus und 13,3 % Staph. epidermidis positiver Blutkultur. Die Häufigkeitsverteilung des Erregerspektrums der peripheren Blutkultur divergiert nicht von dem der Biopsie, auch wenn im individuellen Vergleich die Ergebnisse nur zu 47,5 % konkordant waren. Hingegen liegt der Misserfolg der nicht-invasiven Blutkultur mit 45,5 % über der Negativquote der Biopsie (33,3 %). Dieser umfangreiche Datensatz steht in sukzessiver Konkordanz mit der gegenwärtigen Fachliteratur und bestätigt die essentielle Bedeutung einer frühzeitigen Erregersicherung mittels Biopsie, insbesondere dann, wenn Blutkulturen negativ sind, um somit eine spezifische Antibiotikatherapie zu ermöglichen

    The OPAL gas pipeline: A test for EU energy solidarity

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    County Administrative Boards' Housing Market Analyses – Their Uses and Relevance

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    Länsstyrelsernas bostadsmarknadsanalyser har funnits och gjorts av Sveriges samtliga 21 län i över 15 år i enlighet med förordningen om kommunernas bostadsförsörjningsansvar och regionala bostadsmarknadsanalyser (SFS 2011:1160). Syftet med bostadsmarknadsanalyserna är bland annat att rapportera till regeringen samt fungera som kunskapsunderlag till kommuner, bransch, region och för politiker. Detta arbete undersöker hur de regionala bostadsmarknadsanalyserna används och om de uppfyller sitt ursprungliga syfte. Att undersöka hur de används samt hur de skapas och vilka data som ligger till grund för analyserna och hur detta skiljer sig åt mellan länen undersöks också i arbetet. Metoden som används är enkäter som skickats ut till samtliga kommuner, län samt alla riksdagspartiers politiska talespersoner och fastighets- och byggbolag. Utöver detta har även bostadsmarknadsanalyser analyserats och dess innehåll undersökts och jämförts länen emellan. Resultatet visar att bostadsmarknadsanalyserna används i stor utsträckning av kommuner och län, men att de inte används nämnvärt av bostadsbolag och bransch. Respondenter inom grupperna politiker och byggbolag önskar bland annat bättre marknadsföring och bättre förankring med näringsliv och kreditgivare. Kommuner och län önskar främst mer träffsäkra analyser som bygger på mer trovärdiga data.The County Administrative Boards' housing market analyses have been conducted by all 21 counties in Sweden for over 15 years in accordance with the Regulation on Municipal Housing Supply Responsibility and Regional Housing Market Analyses (2011:1160). The purpose of the housing market analyses includes reporting to the government and serving as knowledge base for municipalities, industry, regions, and politicians. This study examines how the regional housing market analyses are used and whether they fulfill their original purpose. The investigation also explores how they are used, how they are created, the data underlying the analyses, and how this varies between the counties. The method used involves surveys sent to all municipalities, counties, all political spokespersons of the parliamentary parties, and real estate and construction companies. In addition, housing market analyses have been analyzed, and their content has been examined and compared between the counties. The results show that the housing market analyses are widely used by municipalities and counties, but not significantly by housing companies and the industry. Respondents within the groups of politicians and construction companies wish for better marketing and better alignment with the business community and lenders. Municipalities and counties primarily desire more accurate analyses based on more credible data

    Plain Capital - Where the magic happens : En fallstudie om organisationsidentifikation 

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    Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to create a greater understanding of organizational identification and the factors influencing this process. The understanding will be obtained by identifying what individuals identify them selves with and why this identification occurs. Method: The thesis is a case study with an abductive research approach with a focus on organizational identification. Data has been collected with a qualitative focus in interviews and images. Conclusion: The employees at Plain Capital primarily identify themselves with their profession, the company and their co-workers. The reasons why they identify are mostly because of the feeling of pride and participation. We have discovered a link between a strong group identity and a high organizational identification. We have also drawn attention to that high identification with the profession contributes to a lower identification with the organization

    Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on stroke teleconsultations in Germany in the first half of 2020

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    Background and purpose The effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on telemedical care have not been described on a national level. Thus, we investigated the medical stroke treatment situation before, during, and after the first lockdown in Germany. Methods In this nationwide, multicenter study, data from 14 telemedical networks including 31 network centers and 155 spoke hospitals covering large parts of Germany were analyzed regarding patients' characteristics, stroke type/severity, and acute stroke treatment. A survey focusing on potential shortcomings of in-hospital and (telemedical) stroke care during the pandemic was conducted. Results Between January 2018 and June 2020, 67,033 telemedical consultations and 38,895 telemedical stroke consultations were conducted. A significant decline of telemedical (p < 0.001) and telemedical stroke consultations (p < 0.001) during the lockdown in March/April 2020 and a reciprocal increase after relaxation of COVID-19 measures in May/June 2020 were observed. Compared to 2018–2019, neither stroke patients' age (p = 0.38), gender (p = 0.44), nor severity of ischemic stroke (p = 0.32) differed in March/April 2020. Whereas the proportion of ischemic stroke patients for whom endovascular treatment (14.3% vs. 14.6%; p = 0.85) was recommended remained stable, there was a nonsignificant trend toward a lower proportion of recommendation of intravenous thrombolysis during the lockdown (19.0% vs. 22.1%; p = 0.052). Despite the majority of participating network centers treating patients with COVID-19, there were no relevant shortcomings reported regarding in-hospital stroke treatment or telemedical stroke care. Conclusions Telemedical stroke care in Germany was able to provide full service despite the COVID-19 pandemic, but telemedical consultations declined abruptly during the lockdown period and normalized after relaxation of COVID-19 measures in Germany