24 research outputs found

    Análise da comunicação médico-paciente em caso de diagnóstico de câncer de mama

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    The aim of the paper is the recognition and evaluation of demand for medical information among patients suffering from breast cancer. The research was conducted among 120 women with diagnosed breast cancer in the Oncological Surgery Clinic of the Independent Public Research Hospital Nº 1 in Lublin, the Oncological Clinic of the Independent Public Research Hospital Nº 1 in Lublin and the Rehabilitation Centre with the Rehabilitation Clinic at the Lublin Oncology Centre. The research included women from the Club of Women after Mastectomy “Amazons”, the Club “Amazons” at the Complex of Specialist Clinics in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski and the Club “Amazons” in Radom. Research showed that the demand for medical information among women with diagnosed breast cancer is very high. Respondents want to know all the information concerning the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis (93%). They also expect that the doctor will give them medical information concerning further consequences of cancer and its influence on future health and life (78%). Most of the respondents expect to receive information concerning medicaments which should be taken (77%) and the essence of the conducted treatment (93%). The research analysis showed that women with diagnosed breast cancer expect that the doctor will give them reliable and real medical information. Patients want the doctor to present them the probable course of the cancer (85%) and all the possible side effects connected with it (89%).El objetivo de este trabajo es el reconocimiento y la evaluación de la demanda de información médica en pacientes con cáncer de mama. Se realizó la investigación con 120 mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama en la Clínica de Cirugía Oncológica y la Clínica Oncológica del Hospital de Investigación Público Independiente Nº 1 en Lublin, y el Centro de Rehabilitación con la Clínica de Rehabilitación del Centro Oncológico de Lublin. La investigación incluyó mujeres del Club “Amazons” de Mujeres que han sufrido Mastectomía, el Club “Amazons” del Complejo de Clínicas Especializadas en Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski y el Club “Amazons” en Radom. La investigación mostró que la demanda de información médica de mujeres con diagnóstico de cáncer de mama es muy alta. Aquellas que respondieron quieren saber todo acerca del diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico (93%). También esperan que el médico les dé información médica respecto de posteriores consecuencias del cáncer y su influencia en su salud futura y su vida (78%). La mayoría de las que respondieron esperan recibir información sobre medicamentos que deberían tomar (77%) y lo esencial sobre el tratamiento realizado (93%). El análisis de la investigación muestra que las mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama esperan que el médico les dé información médica confiable y verdadera, les presente el curso probable del cáncer (85%) y todos los posibles efectos secundarios conectados (89%).O objetivo deste artigo é o reconhecimento e a avaliação da demanda por informação médica entre pacientes que sofrem de câncer de mama. A investigação foi conduzida entre 120 mulheres diagnosticadas com câncer de mama na Oncological Surgery Clinic of the Independent Public Research Hospital Nº 1 de Lublin, a Oncological Clinic of the Independent Public Research Hospital Nº 1 de Lublin e a Rehabilitation Centre with the Rehabilitation Clinic do Lublin Oncology Centre. A pesquisa incluiu mulheres do Club of Women after Mastectomy “Amazons”, o Club “Amazons” do Complex of Specialist Clinics em Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski e o Club “Amazons” em Radom. Pesquisa revelou que a demanda por informação médica entre mulheres com diagnóstico de câncer mamário é muito alta. As respondentes queriam saber todas as informações concernentes ao diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico (93%). Elas também esperavam que o médico pudesse dar-lhes informação sobre consequências tardias do câncer e a influência sobre a sua saúde e vida futuras (78%). A maioria dos respondentes tinham a expectativa de receber informação sobre medicamentos que deveriam tomar (77%) e a essência do tratamento realizado (93%). A análise da pesquisa demonstrou que as mulheres com diagnóstico de câncer de mama esperavam que o médico pudesse fornecer-lhes informação confiável e honesta. Pacientes queriam que o médico lhes apresentasse o provável curso do câncer (85%) e todos os possíveis efeitos relacionados a ele (89%)

    Prawne podstawy odpowiedzialności zawodowej pracowników ochrony zdrowia

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    Professional Responsibility of Workers of Health CareThe aim of the work is to discuss the workers’ professional responsibility of the health care system. Proper exercising of the right to health and the right to protect health, first of all, depends on effective and stable law which would regulate the functioning of the health care system and on well prepared workers. Apart from the level of knowledge and factual preparation to work in the profession, the determinants of the workers’ qualifications of the health care system are high sensibility, both ethical and moral. Actions or nonfeasances which determine professional responsibility of workers are characterized by infringement and they violate particular obligations. Responsibility of workers of health care is one of the mechanisms which should guarantee a satisfactory level of medical services. Its aim is to make the worker, who was proved to behave improperly, improve his/her actions, especially those serious ones and the ones which are repeated. Otherwise he/she could be temporarily or permanently deprived of his/her right to practice. The doctors who possess a diploma, but they do not have the right to carry the occupation are not subject to this mode. The range of doctors’ professional responsibility is defined generally and the forbidden actions are not exactly described. Nurses and midwives bear the responsibility for the whole range of professional activity, including the field of relations nurse – patient – the members of the therapeutic team. The legal responsibility means the necessity of bearing the consequences provided for by legal regulations. Dissatisfaction with the health care system is justified but very often directed in an impropriate way. Surely, the quality of the doctors’ or nursing practise should be constantly improved and while improving the conditions, the responsibility should increase

    Narażenie zawodowe i środowiskowe na azbest w świetle obowiązujących aktów prawnych = Environmental and occupational exposure to asbestos in the light of applicable legislation

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    Kowalczyk Anna, Kozłowska Ewelina, Pacian Jolanta. Narażenie zawodowe i środowiskowe na azbest w świetle obowiązujących aktów prawnych = Environmental and occupational exposure to asbestos in the light of applicable legislation. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(9):481-492. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI10.5281/zenodo.31188http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.31188http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/2015%3B5%289%29%3A481-492https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/628587Formerly Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011–2014http://journal.rsw.edu.pl/index.php/JHS/issue/archive Deklaracja.Specyfika i zawartość merytoryczna czasopisma nie ulega zmianie.Zgodnie z informacją MNiSW z dnia 2 czerwca 2014 r., że w roku 2014 nie będzie przeprowadzana ocena czasopism naukowych; czasopismo o zmienionym tytule otrzymuje tyle samo punktów co na wykazie czasopism naukowych z dnia 31 grudnia 2014 r.The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland parametric evaluation. Part B item 1089. (31.12.2014).© The Author (s) 2015;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland and Radom University in Radom, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 26.08.2015. Revised 05.09.2015. Accepted: 15.09.2015. Narażenie zawodowe i środowiskowe na azbest w świetle obowiązujących aktów prawnych Environmental and occupational exposure to asbestos in the light of applicable legislation Anna Kowalczyk1, Ewelina Kozłowska2, Jolanta Pacian3 1. Studenckie Koło Naukowe Zdrowia Publicznego, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie2. Samodzielna Pracownia Epidemiologii, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie3. Katedra Zdrowia Publicznego, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie Autor do korespondencji / Author for correspondencelic. Anna Kowalczyke-mail: [email protected] STRESZCZENIEAzbest stwarza ogromne zagrożenie zdrowotne. Jest szczególnie niebezpieczny w procesie wydobywania i produkcji, podczas obróbki, eksploatacji, usuwania,  w wyniku uszkodzeń lub korozji wyrobów zawierających azbest.Celem pracy jest przedstawienie regulacji prawnych dotyczących środowiskowego i zawodowego narażenia na azbest. Przedmiotem analizy są akty prawne dotyczące: zakazu stosowania azbestu, bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy w narażeniu na azbest, gospodarki i transportu odpadów azbestowych, budownictwa oraz szeroko pojętej ochrony środowiska przed szkodliwym działaniem azbestu. W pracy szczegółowo omówiono zasady ochrony zdrowia pracowników i byłych pracowników narażonych na azbest. Przybliżono podstawowe założenia programu wieloletniego pt. „Program Oczyszczania Kraju z Azbestu na lata 2009-2032”. Zastosowaną metodą była metoda dogmatyczna oraz prawno-porównawcza polegająca na analizie aktów prawnych oraz dostępnej literatury. Słowa kluczowe: azbest, narażenie zawodowe, narażenie środowiskowe, akty prawne.   ABSTRACTAsbestos creates a huge threat. It is particularly dangerous in the process of extraction and production, while processing, use, disposal or as a result of damage or corrosion of products containing asbestos.An aim of the work is to present regulations concerning environmental and occupational exposure to asbestos. The subject of analysis are legislative acts relating: prohibition of asbestos use, health and safety at work in exposure to asbestos, management and transport of asbestos waste, construction and widely comprehended environmental protection before harmful effect of asbestos. The work in detail describes principles of health protection of the employees and former employees exposed to asbestos. Presented basic assumptions of long-term program entitled “Program of Cleaning the Country from Asbestos for 2009-2032 years”. Dogmatic and legal-comparative method was the applied method consisting in analysis of legislative acts and available literature. Keywords: asbestos, occupational exposure, environmental exposure, legislative acts

    Ochrona danych medycznych zawartych w dokumentacji medycznej, a wykorzystanie bezpiecznego podpisu elektronicznego

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    A presentation of the regulations concerning the protection of personal data at health care units is a purpose of the work. Medical data i.e. sensitive data constitute the special category of personal details (sensitive ones) which concern medical condition, information about the genetic code or addictions. A general prohibition on the processing of sensitive data exists, except for the situation, when provisions of the law allow it. In the legal status being in force processing both information referring directly to the medical condition of man, and information the average recipient can acquire these data is forbidden. Processing sensitive personal details without the written consent of the person which they concern, is possible only in the objective of protection of medical condition, providing medical services or curing patients by persons being engaged professionally in curing or with providing other medical services, provided there are created full guarantees of the protection such data.. Medical data gathered by the health-service units must be provided with the full legal protection, predicted in the act from 29.08.1997 about the protection of personal data. For creating appropriate conditions of storing medical documentation a manager of the health care unit is held responsible

    Protection of personal data in health care units

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    A presentation of the regulations concerning the protection of personal data at health care units is a purpose of the work. Medical data i.e. sensitive data constitute the special category of personal details (sensitive ones) which concern medical condition, information about the genetic code or addictions. A general prohibition on the processing of sensitive data exists, except for the situation, when provisions of the law allow it. In the legal status being in force processing both information referring directly to the medical condition of man, and information the average recipient can acquire these data is forbidden. Processing sensitive personal details without the written consent of the person which they concern, is possible only in the objective of protection of medical condition, providing medical services or curing patients by persons being engaged professionally in curing or with providing other medical services, provided there are created full guarantees of the protection such data.. Medical data gathered by the health-service units must be provided with the full legal protection, predicted in the act from 29.08.1997 about the protection of personal data. For creating appropriate conditions of storing medical documentation a manager of the health care unit is held responsible

    Direct and Indirect Types of Discrimination as Legal and Social Problems

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    The goal of the article is to present legal regulations regarding direct and indirect discrimination, and discuss discrimination as a social problem. Direct discrimination occurs in the individual relation between an employee and his or her employer, or between a job-seeker and a potential employer. Such discrimination exists when an employer disadvantages an employee by presenting a biased attitude to his or her situation which is mentioned in Article 183a of the Labour Code. Under Art. 18 [3a] § 4, indirect discrimination occurs when as a result of an apparently neutral decision, criterion or action, unfavourable disproportion or a particularly adverse situation occurs or may have occurred regarding establishment or termination of one's employment, conditions of employment, promotion, and access to training to raise one's qualifications, affecting all or a majority of employees who belong to a particular group. Apart from numerous negative consequences of legal nature, discrimination contributes to a degradation of both physical and mental condition. It is a factor that contributes to depression, increased divorce rate and other forms of pathology

    Compensation to the Benefit of the Decedent’s Next of Kin. Legal Effects Issuing from the Death of a Worker

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    The purpose of the article is to present legal regulations regarding entitlements due to the death of a close family member. The considerations focus mainly on Art. 446 § 3 of the Civil Code, Art. 63 § 2 and Art. 93 of the Labour Code. This study attempts to determine whether the entitlements which are due by virtue of the current legislation are sufficient for the beneficiaries, and whether the subjective scope of both the Civil Code and Labour Code is not too narrow. The interpretation of compensation in the light of Art. 446 § 3 of the Civil Code is highly controversial, namely whether a compensation applies to a pecuniary or nonpecuniary damage. The issue in focus should be addressed in the light of a doctrinal interpretation and relevant judicature

    Professional responsibility of workers of health care

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    The aim of the work is to discuss the workers' professional responsibility of the health care system. Proper exercising of the right to health and the right to protect health, first of all, depends on effective and stable law which would regulate the functioning of the health care system and on well prepared workers. Apart from the level of knowledge and factual preparation to work in the profession, the determinants of the workers' qualifications of the health care system are high sensibility, both ethical and moral. Actions or nonfeasances which determine professional responsibility of workers are characterized by infringement and they violate particular obligations. Responsibility of workers of health care is one of the mechanisms which should guarantee a satisfactory level of medical services. Its aim is to make the worker, who was proved to behave improperly, improve his/her actions, especially those serious ones and the ones which are repeated. Otherwise he/she could be temporarily or permanently deprived of his/her right to practice. The doctors who possess a diploma, but they do not have the right to carry the occupation are not subject to this mode. The range of doctors' professional responsibility is defined generally and the forbidden actions are not exactly described. Nurses and midwives bear the responsibility for the whole range of professional activity, including the field of relations nurse - patient - the members of the therapeutic team. The legal responsibility means the necessity of bearing the consequences provided for by legal regulations. Dissatisfaction with the health care system is justified but very often directed in an impropriate way. Surely, the quality of the doctors' or nursing practise should be constantly improved and while improving the conditions, the responsibility should increase

    Legal assessment of physicians malpractice in criminal law

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    Gydytojo ir paciento santykiai viena vertus, turi įtakos gydymo rezultatams, kita vertus, daugėja teisinių procesų susijusių su medikais. Gydytojo profesijai keliami aukšti reikalavimai, o veikla, neatitinkanti nustatytų standartų, vertinama teisinės atsakomybės aspektu. Tradiciškai, pacientai patyrę žalą dėl medicinos personalo kaltės, inicijuoja civilinį procesą nurodydami, kad gydytojas nevisiškai ištyrė sveikatos būklę, nustatė klaidingą diagnozę ar gydė aplaidžiai. Tačiau už medicinines klaidas sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų tiekėjams galimas ir baudžiamasis persekiojimas. Baudžiamieji procesai, susiję su medikais, galimi daugelyje pasaulio valstybių dėl dviejų kategorijų pažeidimų. Vienai grupei priskirtini medikų veiksmai, darantys žalą ne tik paciento gyvybei ar sveikatai, bet ir viešajam interesui. Pavyzdžiui, sukčiavimas norint pasipelnyti iš medicinai finansuoti skirtų programų, moksliniai eksperimentai, kai nesilaikoma eksperimento darymo sąlygų, ar nelegalus vaistų skyrimas. Kitai grupei priskirtinos medicininės klaidos, padarytos gydymo procese. Būtent šią grupę yra sunkiausia teisiškai kvalifikuoti, nes tiek baudžiamosios teisės, tiek civilinės teisės požiūriu tokie veiksmai pasireiškia per neatsargumą. Dėl šios priežasties galima tiek viena, tiek kita teisinė atsakomybė. Nors gydytojo baudžiamoji ir civilinė atsakomybės yra du nepriklausomi teisinės atsakomybės būdai, kurie gali būti taikomi už žalos pacientui padarymą, tačiau riba tarp šių dviejų teisinės atsakomybės rūšių nyksta, ir kartais nustatyti aiškius atskyrimo požymius tampa sudėtinga. Šiame straipsnyje aptariamos baudžiamosios atsakomybės taikymo gydytojui sąlygos už žalos padarymą pacientui gydymo procese.On the one hand, the relationship of the physician and the patient has the effect to the results of treatment; on the other hand, there is an increasing number of legal proceedings against the physicians. It follows that physician profession impose special requirements, i.e. the legal liability of physician is related with medical standards of care. Criminal liability could be applied to the physician if physician activity does not comply with these standards. Traditionally, patients initiate civil proceedings when they have suffered the damage because of physician’s malpractice. Usually, in a civil suit, the plaintiff petition statements are that physician made wrong diagnosis, has not fully examined the health status or treated the patient negligently. However, because of medical malpractice, criminal prosecution is possible for the health care providers. It should be noted that there are two types of medical malpractice in criminal law. One group of violations contains the actions of physician which made damage not only to the health and life of the patient but also to the public interest. For example: fraud in medicine, scientific experiments (which incur damage while conducted unlawfully) or illegal prescription of medication. Another group contains medical errors in the treatment process. In this group legal qualification is the most difficult. This is because such activity occurs by negligence in the criminal law and the civil law. For this reason criminal or civil liability is possible. Although there are two different legal liability measures of medical malpractice but it is difficult to set the clear delimitation features. This article deals with criminal liability application to the physician for medical malpractice