897 research outputs found

    Biotic and abiotic interactions in temporary summer pools of southern Portugal

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    In the south of Portugal, the summer season is characterized by reduced precipitation and high air temperatures, which causes the disruption of surface flow and subsequent formation of disconnect pools that may dry out entirely. During this dry period, there is a natural decrease of water quality standards due to the lack of water, leaving temporary rivers very vulnerable. Nevertheless, the remaining pools and surroundings become important in the survival of biological communities. Aquatic macroinvertebrates were sampled in several pools during the summer period (in the beginning and before the ending), in temporary tributaries of the Degebe River (Guadiana catchment), to quantify the response of macroinvertebrates communities to seasonal desiccation and habitat fragmentation. It we collected thousands individuals, representing 27 families of macroinvertebrates. Changes in the composition and abundance were affected by temporal variability in pool volume and location in the watershed. Smaller, upstream pools showed less diversity and abundance than downstream pools. Higher biological interactions and higher level of relationships with terrestrial ecosystems were perceptible for smaller summer pools. Pools were typically dominated by tolerant taxa such as midge larvae (Chironomidae), lesser boatman (Corixidae) and Oligochaeta, resulting in low diversity of communities over time. The results indicated the importance and impact of changes in habitat quality, size and connectivity in aquatic macroinvertebrates communities. They also revealed the importance of preservation and conservation of temporary ecosystems, particularly during the dry season, when the anthropogenic interference in ecosystems is more evident and can jeopardize the biodiversity maintenance of these systems

    Synchronism in Electoral Cycles: How United are the United States?

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    The role of national, sectional, state, and local forces in driving electoral outcomes in the United States has remained a matter of considerable indeterminacy in the American politics literature. In what concerns House elections, different approaches and methods have yielded widely divergent results. In what concerns presidential elections, considerable doubts remain about the timing and the plausible causes of a long-term trend towards homogeneity. In this paper, we take a new look at the nationalization of politics in the United States. We are particularly interested in the dynamic nationalization in presidential elections, i.e., the extent to which swings and shifts from one election to the next have been similar across states and whether or not that similarity has increased through time. We treat this problem as one of similarity or dissimilarity — and convergence or divergence of — electoral cycles, and use wavelets analysis in order to ascertain the degree to which the national and state election cycles have been synchronized and the degree to which that synchronization has increased or decreased. We determine, first, the states where electoral change has been more in sync with the national cycle and clusters of states defined in terms of the mutual synchronization of their own electoral cycles. Second, we analyze how the degree of synchronization of electoral cycles in the states has changed through time, answering questions as to when, to what extent, and where has the tendency towards a “universality of political trends” in presidential elections been more strongly felt. We present evidence strongly in favor of an increase in the dynamic nationalization of presidential elections taking place in the 1950s, showing that alternative interpretations concerning the historical turning point in this respect are not supported by empirical evidence.

    Cycles in Politics: Wavelet Analysis of Political Time-Series

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    Spectral analysis and ARMA models have been the most common weapons of choice for the detection of cycles in political time-series. Controversies about cycles, however, tend to revolve about an issue that both techniques are badly equipped to address: the possibility of irregular cycles without fixed periodicity throughout the entire time-series. This has led to two main consequences. On the one hand, proponents of cyclical theories have often dismissed established statistical techniques. On the other hand, proponents of established techniques have dismissed the possibility of cycles without fixed periodicity. Wavelets allow the detection of transient and coexisting cycles and structural breaks in periodicity. In this paper, we present the tools of wavelet analysis and apply them to the study to two lingering puzzles in the political science literature: the existence to cycles in election returns in the United States and in the severity of major power wars.

    Margareth Rago, Entre a história e a liberdade. Luce Fabbri e o anarquismo contemporâneo. (Entre l’histoire et la liberté. Luce Fabbri et l’anarchisme contemporain)

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    Les travaux de Margareth Rago, historienne assez connue du public brésilien, portent sur l’histoire des femmes et des rapports entre les genres, dans une perspective marquée par les travaux de Michel Foucault. Dans ce livre, l’auteure utilise ce cadre théorique pour analyser la vie et l’œuvre de Luce Fabbri, intellectuelle anarchiste, sans cacher une certaine sympathie pour son sujet. Sur un ton alerte, l’ouvrage raconte la vie de cette femme-écrivain italienne qui a vécu 92 ans. Le savant mé..

    Movimentos feministas e academia: tensões e alianças

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    Neste artigo pretendemos desenvolver algumas reflexões sobre as relações entre a academia e os movimentos feministas. Trataremos a discussão a partir de dois eixos que consideramos relevantes: um eixo refere-se às contribuições do movimento feminista ao campo da pesquisa acadêmica, especialmente na historiografia; o outro eixo refere-se às ressonâncias das pesquisas sobre o próprio movimento feminista. Esta discussão está sendo desenvolvida a partir da experiência do contato que tem sido feito com movimentos ligados ao feminismo, para a organização do Fazendo Gênero de 2020

    Feminismo e gênero na universidade: trajetórias e tensões da militância

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    The university studies have become, since the beginning of the eighties, a privileged place for those people who, since the sixties and especially in the seventies, were active in the several social movements that were formed in Brazil either to struggle against the dictatorship, for a socialist society or for feminism. Today the young militants of those years occupy positions in the government, NGOs and universities – mainly in the public ones. This generation transformed its experiences into an object of reflection. Today many subjects who were constituted in that experience of acting in leftist groups and in feminism take part, as founders or activists, in Women’s, Feminist or Gender Studies’ Centers. They think that their militancy isn’t over; on the contrary, they define themselves as militants of another space, in this case the academic one. Through oral statements and texts of that time I intend, in this text, to observe the trajectory of those people who looked for spaces of legitimation in the universities. Key words: feminism, academy, militancy.Os estudos universitários tornaram-se, desde o início dos anos oitenta, um lugar privilegiado daquelas pessoas que, desde os anos sessenta e, especialmente, nos anos setenta, militaram nos diversos movimentos sociais que se constituíram no Brasil, fossem eles de luta contra a ditadura, por uma sociedade socialista ou pelo feminismo. As/os jovens militantes daqueles anos ocupam, hoje, cargos no governo, em ONGs e nas universidades – principalmente nas públicas. Trata-se de uma geração que transformou suas experiências em alvo de reflexão. Vários sujeitos que se constituíram naquela experiência de atuação em grupos de esquerda e no feminismo hoje participam, como fundadores ou como atuantes, em Núcleos de Estudos da Mulher, Feministas e/ou de Gênero. Consideram que sua militância não acabou; ao contrário, definem-se como militantes de um outro espaço, no caso o acadêmico. Através de depoimentos orais e de textos da época pretendo, neste texto, observar a trajetória destas pessoas que buscaram espaços de legitimação nas universidades. Palavras-chave: feminismo, academia, militância

    Margareth Rago, Entre a história e a liberdade. Luce Fabbri e o anarquismo contemporâneo. (Entre l’histoire et la liberté. Luce Fabbri et l’anarchisme contemporain)

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    Les travaux de Margareth Rago, historienne assez connue du public brésilien, portent sur l’histoire des femmes et des rapports entre les genres, dans une perspective marquée par les travaux de Michel Foucault. Dans ce livre, l’auteure utilise ce cadre théorique pour analyser la vie et l’œuvre de Luce Fabbri, intellectuelle anarchiste, sans cacher une certaine sympathie pour son sujet. Sur un ton alerte, l’ouvrage raconte la vie de cette femme-écrivain italienne qui a vécu 92 ans. Le savant mé..

    Mônica Raisa Schpun, Les années folles à São Paulo : hommes et femmes au temps de l’explosion urbaine (1920-1929)

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    C’est un tableau stimulant de la vie des élites dans la ville de São Paulo pendant les années 1920 que nous présente Mônica Raisa Schpun dans cet ouvrage, résultat de son doctorat d’Histoire mené à l’université Paris 7, sous la direction de Michelle Perrot. Le travail est divisé en trois parties, avec, comme fils directeurs, l’histoire de São Paulo, ses transformations et les changements dans les rapports de genre. D’une écriture agile et attrayante, ce livre nous présente les particularités ..


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    RESUMOA História das Mulheres tem focalizado historiadoras que enfrentaram desafios maiores e diferentes dos vividos por historiadores. Dentro da perspectiva desta abordagem, pretendo mostrar a trajetória da historiadora Sandra Jatahy Pesavento, que, possivelmente, enfrentou preconceitos de gênero e de etnia, sem, entretanto, se identificar como feminista ou como especialista em História das Mulheres. Utilizo textos que discutem a História das Mulheres e as relações de gênero, além de jornais, sites e entrevistas para compor a trajetória da historiadora. Constatei que, mesmo sem identificações com o feminismo, a historiadora publicou trabalhos que davam visibilidade às mulheres e foi solidária com muitas pessoas.ABSTRACTThe history of women has focused on women historians who have faced greater and different challenges than male historians. From this perspective, I present the trajectory of historian Sandra Jatahy Pesavento who may have faced gender and ethnic prejudice even though she did not identify as a feminist or a specialist in women’s history. I use texts that discuss the history of women and gender relations, as well as newspapers, sites and interviews to compose Pesavento’s trajectory as a historian. I found that, even without identifying with feminism, her publications gave visibility to women and expressed solidarity with many people
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