998 research outputs found

    Stellar population analysis of two ellipticals

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    The spatial distributions of the mean luminosity-weighted stellar age, metallicity, and alpha/Fe ratio along both photometric axes of two nearby elliptical galaxies have been obtained using Lick index measurements on long slit spectra in order to reconstruct the star formation history in their kinematically distinct subsystems. Lick indexes were compared with those of single-aged stellar population (SSP) models. A population synthesis method was also applied in order to help disentangling the age-metallicity degeneracy. The stars characteristics are associated with their kinematics: they are older and alpha-enhanced in the not rotating bulge of NGC 1052 and counter rotating core of NGC 7796, while they show a strong spread of alpha/Fe and age along the rotating disk of NGC 1052 and an outwards radial decreasing of them outside the core of NGC 7796.Comment: 2 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of IAU Symposium 241 "Stellar populations as building blocks of galaxies", A. Vazdekis & R. Peletier, ed

    Latent-heat and non-linear vortex liquid at the vicinity of the first-order phase transition in layered high-Tc superconductors

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    In this work we revisit the vortex matter phase diagram in layered superconductors solving still open questions by means of AC and DC local magnetic measurements in the paradigmatic Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}CaCu2_{2}O8_{8} compound. We show that measuring with AC magnetic techniques is mandatory in order to probe the bulk response of vortex matter, particularly at high-temperatures where surface barriers for vortex entrance dominate. From the TFOTT_{\rm FOT}-evolution of the enthalpy and latent-heat at the transition we find that, contrary to previous reports, the nature of the dominant interlayer coupling is electromagnetic in the whole temperature range. By studying the dynamic properties of the phase located at TTFOTT \gtrsim T_{\rm FOT}, we reveal the spanning in a considerable fraction of the phase diagram of a non-linear vortex phase suggesting bulk pinning might play a role even in the liquid vortex phase.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1212.456

    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in the Central Region of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC1808

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    We present mid infrared (MIR) spectra of the Seyfert 2 (Sy 2) galaxy NGC 1808, obtained with the Gemini's Thermal-Region Camera Spectrograph (T-ReCS) at a spatial resolution of 26 pc. The high spatial resolution allowed us to detect bright polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emissions at 8.6micron and 11.3micron in the galaxy centre (26 pc) up to a radius of 70 pc from the nucleus. The spectra also present [Ne ii]12.8micron ionic lines, and H2 S(2)12.27micron molecular gas line. We found that the PAHs profiles are similar to Peeters's A class, with the line peak shifted towards the blue. The differences in the PAH line profiles also suggests that the molecules in the region located 26 pc NE of the nucleus are more in the neutral than in the ionised state, while at 26 pc SW of the nucleus, the molecules are mainly in ionised state. After removal of the underlying galaxy contribution, the nuclear spectrum can be represented by a Nenkova's clumpy torus model, indicating that the nucleus of NGC 1808 hosts a dusty toroidal structure with an angular cloud distribution of sigma = 70degree, observer's view angle i = 90degree, and an outer radius of R0 = 0.55 pc. The derived column density along the line of sight is NH = 1.5 x 10^24 cm-2, which is sufficient to block the hard radiation from the active nucleus, and would explain the presence of PAH molecules near to the NGC 1808's active nucleus.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS 2012 December

    High resolution imaging of the early-type galaxy NGC 1380: an insight into the nature of extended extragalactic star clusters

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    NGC 1380 is a lenticular galaxy located near the centre of the Fornax Cluster northeast of NGC 1399. The globular cluster system of this galaxy was previously studied only from the ground. Recent studies of similar early-type galaxies, specially lenticular ones, reveal the existence of star clusters that apparently break up the traditional open/globular cluster dichotomy. With higher quality photometry from HST/WFPC2 we study the star clusters in NGC 1380, measuring their magnitudes, colours, sizes and projected distances from the centre of the galaxy. We used deep archival HST/WFPC2 in the B and V bands. We built colour magnitude diagrams from which we selected a sample of cluster candidates. We also analysed their colour distribution and measured their sizes. Based on their location in the luminosity-size diagram we estimated probabilities of them being typical globular clusters as those found in the Galaxy. A total of about 570 cluster candidates were found down to V=26.5. We measured sizes for approximately 200 of them. The observed colour distribution has three apparent peaks. Likewise for the size distribution. We identified the smaller population as being mainly typical globular clusters, while the more extended objects have small probabilities of being such objects. Different correlations between absolute magnitudes, sizes, colours and location were inferred for these cluster sub-populations. Most extended clusters (Reff > 4 pc) share similar properties to the diffuse star clusters reported to inhabit luminous early-type galaxies in the Virgo galaxy cluster such as being of low surface brightness and fainter than MV ~ -8. We also report on a small group of (Reff ~ 10 pc), -8< MV < -6, red clusters located near the centre of NGC 1380, which may be interpreted as faint fuzzies.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Anisotropic response of the moving vortex lattice in superconducting Mo(1x)_{(1-x)}Gex_{x} amorphous films

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    We have performed magnetic susceptibility measurements in Mo(1x)_{(1-x)}Gex_x amorphous thin films biased with an electrical current using anisotropic coils. We tested the symmetry of the vortex response changing the relative orientation between the bias current and the susceptibility coils. We found a region in the DC current - temperature phase diagram where the dynamical vortex structures behave anisotropically. In this region the shielding capability of the superconducting currents measured by the susceptibility coils is less effective along the direction of vortex motion compared to the transverse direction. This anisotropic response is found in the same region where the peak effect in the critical current is developed. On rising temperature the isotropic behavior is recovered.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement of mesoscopic High-TcT_c superconductors using Si mechanical micro-oscillators

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    In a superconducting mesoscopic sample, with dimensions comparable to the London penetration depth, some properties are qualitatively different to those found in the bulk material. These properties include magnetization, vortex dynamics and ordering of the vortex lattice. In order to detect the small signals produced by this kind of samples, new instruments designed for the microscale are needed. In this work we use micromechanical oscillators to study the magnetic properties of a Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8 + \delta} disk with a diameter of 13.5 microns and a thickness of 2.5 microns. The discussion of our results is based on the existence and contribution of inter and intra layer currents.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure