4,017 research outputs found

    Development of a thin-film space-charge- limited triode Final report, Mar. 1965 - Jun. 1966

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    Development of thin film space charge limited triod

    International Executive Agreements: Their Constitutionality, Scope and Effect

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    Time-Resolved Cryofixation Methods for the Study of Dynamic Cellular Events by Electron Microscopy: A Review

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    The preservation of cells for electron microscopy by chemical fixation is a lengthy process, requiring up to 30 minutes for cytoplasmic stabilisation. This time lag enables many changes to occur in specimens so that they may not reflect their living state when they are observed in electron microscopes. Many artefacts can be avoided by using cryofixation, which freezes specimens over a period that is measured in milliseconds, so that specimens are preserved by cryoimmobilisation. This time resolution can be used to study rapid processes in biology and chemistry because, although electron microscopes cannot observe dynamic cellular events directly, processes can be arrested after known time intervals so that transient stages are preserved and a series of time-lapse steps is acquired. Some experiments have involved freezing specimens which were maintained in controlled states and others have shown results after stimulation where structural differences are seen between one millisecond and the next. The experimental techniques that have been applied prior to freezing are electrical and chemical stimulation, electrophoresis, chemical relaxation after a temperature jump, electroporation, which is analogous to relaxation after applying a radio frequency electrical field, and flash photolysis methods. This review describes the origins and application of time-resolved freezing, which integrates electron microscopy with dynamic biochemical, physiological, and ultrastructural events

    Future Directions in the Study of Health Behavior among Older Adults

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    The study of health behaviors and fostering health-behavior change is an important endeavor even in old age. The aim of this viewpoint article is threefold. First, we use a broad perspective for the definition of health behaviors to capture all relevant aspects of health-behavior change in older adults. Particularly, we suggest a distinction between proximal (e.g., physical activity) and distal health behaviors (e.g., social participation). Second, we recommend a stronger orientation towards processes in order to study health behaviors and the design of health-behavior change interventions. Third, we review the advantages of a developmental perspective in health psychology. Future directions in the study of health behavior among older adults are discussed

    Origin of resolution enhancement by co-doping of scintillators: Insight from electronic structure calculations

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    It was recently shown that the energy resolution of Ce-doped LaBr3_3 scintillator radiation detectors can be crucially improved by co-doping with Sr, Ca, or Ba. Here we outline a mechanism for this enhancement on the basis of electronic structure calculations. We show that (i) Br vacancies are the primary electron traps during the initial stage of thermalization of hot carriers, prior to hole capture by Ce dopants; (ii) isolated Br vacancies are associated with deep levels; (iii) Sr doping increases the Br vacancy concentration by several orders of magnitude; (iv) SrLa\text{Sr}_\text{La} binds to VBrV_\text{Br} resulting in a stable neutral complex; and (v) association with Sr causes the deep vacancy level to move toward the conduction band edge. The latter is essential for reducing the effective carrier density available for Auger quenching during thermalization of hot carriers. Subsequent de-trapping of electrons from SrLa−VLa\text{Sr}_\text{La}-V_\text{La} complexes then can activate Ce dopants that have previously captured a hole leading to luminescence. This mechanism implies an overall reduction of Auger quenching of free carriers, which is expected to improve the linearity of the photon light yield with respect to the energy of incident electron or photon

    Gapless Hartree-Fock Resummation Scheme for the O(N) Model

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    A modified selfconsistent Hartree-Fock approximation to the lambda*phi^4 theory with spontaneously broken O(N) symmetry is proposed. It preserves all the desirable features, like conservation laws and thermodynamic consistency, of the selfconsistent Dyson scheme generated from a 2PI functional, also known as the Phi-derivable scheme, while simultaneously respecting the Nambu-Goldstone theorem in the chiral-symmetry broken phase. Various approximate resummation schemes are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures / Version accepted by Phys. Rev. D: the introduction has been expanded by a few remarks in order to further clarify the goal of the pape

    Structure and optical properties of high light output halide scintillators

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    Structural and optical properties of several high light output halide scintillators and closely related materials are presented based on first principles calculations. The optical properties are based on the Engel-Vosko generalized gradient approximation and the recently developed density functional of Tran and Blaha. The materials investigated are BaBr2_2, BaIBr, BaCl2_2, BaF2_2, BaI2_2, BiI3_3, CaI2_2, Cs2LiYCl_2LiYCl_6,CsBa, CsBa_2BrBr_5,CsBa, CsBa_2II_5,K, K_2LaBrLaBr_5,K, K_2LaClLaCl_5,K,K_2LaILaI_5,LaBr, LaBr_3,LaCl, LaCl_3,SrBr, SrBr_2,andYI, and YI_3.ForcomparisonresultsarepresentedfortheoxideCdWO. For comparison results are presented for the oxide CdWO_4.WefindthattheTranBlahafunctionalgivesgreatlyimprovedbandgapsandopticalpropertiesinthisclassofmaterials.Furthermore,wefindthatunlikeCdWO. We find that the Tran Blaha functional gives greatly improved band gaps and optical properties in this class of materials. Furthermore, we find that unlike CdWO_4$, most of these halides are highly isotropic from an optical point of view even though in many cases the crystal structures and other properties are not. This general result is rationalized in terms of halide chemistry. Implications for the development of ceramic halide scintillators are discussed

    Anomalous Carbonate Precipitates: Is the Precambrian the Key to the Permian?

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    Late Permian reefs of the Capitan complex, west Texas; the Magnesian Limestone, England; Chuenmuping reef, south China; and elsewhere contain anomalously large volumes of aragonite and calcite marine cements and seafloor crusts, as well as abundant microbial precipitates. These components strongly influenced reef growth and may have been responsible for the construction of rigid, open reefal frames in which bryozoans and sponges became encrusted and structurally reinforced. In some cases, such as the upper biostrome of the Magnesian Limestone, precipitated microbialites and inorganic crusts were the primary constituents of the reef core. These microbial and inorganic reefs do not have modern marine counterparts; on the contrary, their textures and genesis are best understood through comparison with the older rock record, particularly that of the early Precambrian. Early Precambrian reefal facies are interpreted to have formed in a stratified ocean with anoxic deep waters enriched in carbonate alkalinity. Upwelling mixed deep and surface waters, resulting in massive seafloor precipitation of aragonite and calcite. During Mesoproterozoic and early Neoproterozoic time, the ocean became more fully oxidized, and seafloor carbonate precipitation was significantly reduced. However, during the late Neoproterozoic, sizeable volumes of deep ocean water once again became anoxic for protracted intervals; the distinctive "cap carbonates" found above Neoproterozoic tillites attest to renewed upwelling of anoxic bottom water enriched in carbonate alkalinity and ^(12)C. Anomalous late Permian seafloor precipitates are interpreted as the product, at least in part, of similar processes. Massive carbonate precipitation was favored by: 1) reduced shelf space for carbonate precipitation, 2) increased flux of Ca to the oceans during increased continental erosion, 3) deep basinal anoxia that generated upwelling waters with elevated alkalinities, and 4) further evolution of ocean water in the restricted Delaware, Zechstein, and other basins. Temporal coincidence of these processes resulted in surface seawater that was greatly supersaturated by Phanerozoic standards and whose only precedents occurred in Precambrian oceans
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