644 research outputs found

    Heteroptera collected in Valsesia, Northern Italy

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    The survey of Heteroptera carried out in 2016 along the nature path \u201cBosco dei Tigli\u201d (Lime Trees Wood) in Piode (Piedmont, 900 m a.s.l.), highlighted 74 species, belonging to 68 genera in total. The number of species of each family well represents the Italian Heteroptera composition, with the prevalence of Miridae and Pentatomidae. The Miridae Criocoris nigripes var. apicalis (Fieber, 1861), a new record in the Alps, and Dicyphus flavoviridis (Tamanini, 1949), an Italian endemic taxon, were collected. Atractotomus parvulus (Reuter, 1878) and Orthotylus viridinervis (Kirschbaum, 1856) were recorded for the first time in Piedmont. Piode is the most Northern area, with Sondrio, where the Mediterranean Lygaeidae Oxycarenus lavaterae (Fabricius, 1784) was found

    Freedom of Research and the Right to Science

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    While international law has recognised a human right to science since 1948, the binding normative content of this right still needs to be clarified and specified. It is rarely discussed by states when they report on their obligations under the various international human rights treaties (UN and ICESCR), and receives scant attention by international human rights bodies. To advance our understanding of this under-studied and under-appreciated right, this chapter offers an overview of ways in which the right to science can be advanced and realised. The chapter is divided into three parts: the first section discusses the recognition of the right to science under international and regional legal instruments; the second presents a literature review; and the third discusses the use (mobilisation) of international adjudicative and political forums to advance the right to science and to shape its normative content

    Insertion of the DNA for the 163-171 peptide of IL1beta enables a DNA vaccine encoding p185(neu) to inhibit mammary carcinogenesis in Her-2/neu transgenic BALB/c mice.

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    Insertion of the DNA for the 163–171 peptide of IL1β enables a DNA vaccine encoding p185 neu to inhibit mammary carcinogenesis in Her-2/neu transgenic BALB/c mic

    The critical dimension for a 4th order problem with singular nonlinearity

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    We study the regularity of the extremal solution of the semilinear biharmonic equation \bi u=\f{\lambda}{(1-u)^2}, which models a simple Micro-Electromechanical System (MEMS) device on a ball B\subset\IR^N, under Dirichlet boundary conditions u=νu=0u=\partial_\nu u=0 on B\partial B. We complete here the results of F.H. Lin and Y.S. Yang \cite{LY} regarding the identification of a "pull-in voltage" \la^*>0 such that a stable classical solution u_\la with 0 exists for \la\in (0,\la^*), while there is none of any kind when \la>\la^*. Our main result asserts that the extremal solution uλu_{\lambda^*} is regular (supBuλ<1)(\sup_B u_{\lambda^*} <1) provided N8 N \le 8 while uλu_{\lambda^*} is singular (supBuλ=1\sup_B u_{\lambda^*} =1) for N9N \ge 9, in which case 1C0x4/3uλ(x)1x4/31-C_0|x|^{4/3}\leq u_{\lambda^*} (x) \leq 1-|x|^{4/3} on the unit ball, where C0:=(λλ)1/3 C_0:= (\frac{\lambda^*}{\overline{\lambda}})^{1/3} and λˉ:=8/9(N2/3)(N8/3) \bar{\lambda}:= {8/9} (N-{2/3}) (N- {8/3}).Comment: 19 pages. This paper completes and replaces a paper (with a similar title) which appeared in arXiv:0810.5380. Updated versions --if any-- of this author's papers can be downloaded at this http://www.birs.ca/~nassif

    Ostracism via virtual chat room : effects on basic needs, anger and pain

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    Ostracism is characterized by a social pain provoked by being excluded and ignored. In order to address the effects of social ostracism in virtual non-physical interactions, we developed a more realistic paradigm as an alternative to Cyberball and assessed its effects on participant’s expression of basic social needs, emotional experience and painful feeling. The chat room consisted of controlled social dialogue interactions between participants and two other (confederate) chat room partners. Exclusion was manipulated by varying the number of messages a participant received (15% and 33% in exclusion and inclusion, respectively). Analysis of participant (N = 54) responses revealed that exclusion induced a lower experience of basic-need states and greater anger, compared with included participants. In addition, excluded participants reported higher levels of two specific self-pain feelings, namely tortured and hurt. Our findings suggest that this procedure is effective in inducing social ostracism in a realistic and yet highly controlled experimental procedure

    The Governance of Human (Germline) Genome Modification at the International and Transnational Levels

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    In this chapter, we review the key elements of the larger international and transnational framework within which the national legal regimes regulating human germline genome modification exist. Part I is a quick primer to international law and international human rights for the benefit of those who are not familiar with them. Part II presents the relevant norms of international bioethics law, including three main declarations adopted by UNESCO touching on human genome modification. It discusses also the relevant governance activities of the World Health Organization, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and civil society, nationally and transnationally. Part III discusses relevant international human standards, and in particular the so-called ‘right to science’ and the ‘rights of science’. Finally, Part IV discusses how these rights can contribute to the emerging international regulatory framework. This chapter argues that, by itself, international bioethics law and its instruments provide a narrow and inadequate description of the range of human rights that must be taken into account in the conversation on the regulation of germline engineering. These instruments must be integrated with the broader international human rights law corpus. When they are integrated, five key principles emerge as foundations of the emerging regulatory framework: freedom of research; benefit sharing; solidarity; respect for dignity; and the obligation to respect and to protect the rights and individual freedoms of others

    DNA Vaccination Against Rat Her-2/Neu p185 More Effectively Inhibits Carcinogenesis Than Transplantable Carcinomas in Transgenic BALB/c Mice

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    The ability of vaccination with plasmids coding for the extracellular and the transmembrane domain of the product of transforming rat Her-2/ neu oncogene (r-p185) to protect against r-p185 + transplantable carcinoma (TUBO) cells and mammary carcinogenesis was evaluated. In normal BALB/c mice, DNA vaccination elicits anti-r-p185 Ab, but only a marginal CTL reactivity, and protects against a TUBO cell challenge. Massive reactive infiltration is associated with TUBO cell rejection. In BALB/c mice transgenic for the rat Her-2/ neu gene (BALB-neuT), DNA vaccination elicits a lower anti-r-p185 Ab response, no CTL activity and only incompletely protects against TUBO cells, but markedly hampers the progression of carcinogenesis. At 33 wk of age, when control BALB-neuT mice display palpable tumors in all mammary glands, about 60% of immunized mice are tumor free, and tumor multiplicity is markedly reduced. Tumor-free mammary glands still display the atypical hyperplasia of the early stages of carcinogenesis, and a marked down-modulation of r-p185, along with a massive reactive infiltrate. However, BALB-neuT mice protected against mammary carcinogenesis fail to efficiently reject a TUBO cell challenge. This suggests that the mechanisms required for the rejection of transplantable tumors may not coincide with those that inhibit the slow progression of carcinogenesis

    Review of rehabilitation and habilitation strategies for children and young people with homonymous visual field loss caused by cerebral vision impairment

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    Partial and homonymous visual field loss (HVFL) is a common consequence of post-chiasmatic injury to the primary visual pathway or injury to the primary visual cortex. Different approaches to rehabilitation have been reported for older adults with HVFL and there is evidence to support the use of compensatory training over other proposed therapies. We reviewed the literature to investigate the current state of the art of rehabilitation and habilitation strategies for children and young people with HVFL, and whether there is enough evidence to support the use of these strategies in the paediatric population. We have provided an overview of the existing literature on children and young people with HVFL, a brief overview of rehabilitation strategies for adults with HVFL, and evidence on whether these different interventions have been applied with children and young people effectively. We found that there have been very few studies to investigate these strategies with children and young people, and the quality of evidence is currently low. New research is required to evaluate which strategies are effective for children and young people with HVFL and whether new strategies need to be developed