1,432 research outputs found

    Hitchin Fibrations on Two-Dimensional Moduli Spaces of Irregular Higgs Bundles with One Singular Fiber

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    We analyze and completely describe the four cases when the Hitchin fibration on a 22-dimensional moduli space of irregular Higgs bundles over CP1\mathbb{C}P^{1} has a single singular fiber. The case when the fiber at infinity is of type I0I_0^* is further analyzed, and we give constructions of all the possible configurations of singular curves inelliptic fibrations having this type of singular fiber at infinity

    The twistor geometry of three-qubit entanglement

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    A geometrical description of three qubit entanglement is given. A part of the transformations corresponding to stochastic local operations and classical communication on the qubits is regarded as a gauge degree of freedom. Entangled states can be represented by the points of the Klein quadric Q{\cal Q} a space known from twistor theory. It is shown that three-qubit invariants are vanishing on special subspaces of Q{\cal Q}. An invariant vanishing for the GHZGHZ class is proposed. A geometric interpretation of the canonical decomposition and the inequality for distributed entanglement is also given.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX

    A kánonok peremén

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    Optimális éves viselkedési modellek: út a fiziológiától a populációkig? = Optimal annual routines: a path from physiology to populations?

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    A pályázat fő célja annak kiderítése volt, hogy a különböző állapotváltozók hogyan befolyásolják az optimális viselkedést, speciálisan a hogyan befolyásolják a fő életmenet események időzítését az éves cikluson belül. E cél elérése érdekében több modellt fejlesztettünk, és változatos terepi megfigyeléseket és aviáriumi kísérleteket folytattunk. Fő modelljeink azt mutatják, hogy az állapotváltozók (pl. tollminőség, energiatartalékok) jelentősen befolyásolhatják a vedlés és vándorlás időzítését, de a táplálékforrás időbeli eloszlása és szezonalitása is jelentős hatással lehet. Fő empirikus eredményeink szerint a táplálék minősége és a paraziták fertőzése jelentősen befolyásolhatja a tollminőséget. Egy komparatív vizsgálatban kimutattuk, hogy a vándorlás időzítését a különféle életmenet jellemzők jelentősen befolyásolják, de a szexuálisan szelektált jellegeknek nincs ilyen hatása. | The main aim of the project was to investigate how state variables effect optimal behaviour in general, and the optimal timing of major life history events over the annual cycle, in particular. To accomplish this aim we developed a couple of annual routine models and performed various field observations and aviary experiments. Our main models show that state variables (quality of feathers, energy reserves) can significantly influence the timing of optimal behaviour (moult, migration) but they also underline the importance of the temporal distribution and seasonality of food sources. Our main empirical results show that diet quality and parasite infection influence feather quality considerably. By a comparative study we found that life history traits (e.g. migration distance and diet) but not sexually selected traits influence the timing of migration

    Microstructure formation in electrodeposited Co-Cu/Cu multilayers with GMR effect: influence of current density during the magnetic layer deposition

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    The influence of the current density applied during the deposition of the magnetic layers on the microstructure formation in electrodeposited Co-Cu/Cu multilayers and on their giant magnetoresistance (GMR) was investigated using a combination of magnetoresistance measurements, wide-angle and small-angle X-ray scattering, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and chemical analysis. The magnetoresistance measurements revealed that a reduction of the current density stimulates a transition from the formation of the magnetic layers with predominantly ferromagnetic character to the formation of superparamagnetic regions. As based on electrochemical considerations, it was supposed that such a change in the magnetic properties can be caused by an increased amount of Cu codeposited with Co at low current densities. It turned out from the structural studies that a pronounced segregation of Co and Cu occurs at low current densities. In accordance with their very low mutual solubility at room temperature, no atomic scale intermixing of Co and Cu could be detected. The segregation of Cu and Co was related to the fragmentation of the magnetic layers, to the enhancement of the local lattice strains, to the increase of the interface corrugations, to the partial loss of the multilayer periodicity and finally to the formation of Co precipitates in the Cu matrix

    Quarkonia Correlators Above Deconfinement

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    We study the quarkonia correlators above deconfinement using the potential model with screened temperature-dependent potentials. We find that while the qualitative features of the spectral functions, such as the survival of the 1S state, can be reproduced by potential models, the temperature dependence of the correlators disagree with the recent lattice data.Comment: 21 pages, 26 eps figure

    Optimális vedlési stratégiák = Optimal moult strategies

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    A pályázat fő célja annak kiderítése volt, hogy a különböző állapotváltozók hogyan befolyásolják az optimális viselkedést, speciálisan a hogyan befolyásolják a fő életmenet események időzítését az éves cikluson belül. E cél elérése érdekében több modellt fejlesztettünk, és változatos terepi megfigyeléseket és aviáriumi kísérleteket folytattunk. Fő modelljeink azt mutatják, hogy az állapotváltozók (pl. tollminőség, energiatartalékok) jelentősen befolyásolhatják a vedlés és vándorlás időzítését, de a táplálékforrás időbeli eloszlása és szezonalitása is jelentős hatással lehet. Fő empirikus eredményeink szerint a táplálék minősége és a paraziták fertőzése jelentősen befolyásolhatja a tollminőséget. Egy komparatív vizsgálatban kimutattuk, hogy a vándorlás időzítését a különféle életmenet jellemzők jelentősen befolyásolják, de a szezuálisan szelektált jellegeknek nincs ilyen hatása. | The main aim of the project was to investigate how state variables effect optimal behaviour in general, and the optimal timing of major life history events over the annual cycle, in particular. To accomplish this aim we developed a couple of annual routine models and performed various field observations and aviary experiments. Our main models show that state variables (quality of feathers, energy reserves) can significantly influence the timing of optimal behaviour (moult, migration) but they also underline the importance of the temporal distribution and seasonality of food sources. Our main empirical results show that diet quality and parasite infection influence feather quality considerably. By a comparative study we found that life history traits (e.g. migration distance and diet) but not sexually selected traits influence the timing of migration

    Small amplitude quasi-breathers and oscillons

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    Quasi-breathers (QB) are time-periodic solutions with weak spatial localization introduced in G. Fodor et al. in Phys. Rev. D. 74, 124003 (2006). QB's provide a simple description of oscillons (very long-living spatially localized time dependent solutions). The small amplitude limit of QB's is worked out in a large class of scalar theories with a general self-interaction potential, in DD spatial dimensions. It is shown that the problem of small amplitude QB's is reduced to a universal elliptic partial differential equation. It is also found that there is the critical dimension, Dcrit=4D_{crit}=4, above which no small amplitude QB's exist. The QB's obtained this way are shown to provide very good initial data for oscillons. Thus these QB's provide the solution of the complicated, nonlinear time dependent problem of small amplitude oscillons in scalar theories.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figure