6,527 research outputs found

    Reflexiones sobre los BIC conjuntos históricos: la Sierra de Cádiz

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    Franceses en la Valencia del siglo XVI: apuntes acerca de la idea de integración y trayectoria ejemplar del mercader Joan Augier.

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    la presencia francesa en lo que fuera el reino de valencia es una temática que cuenta con un número de trabajos no desdeñable aunque dedicados mayormente a los siglos xvII y xvIII. Este estudio representa una aproximación a esa cuestión para el siglo xvI destacando aquellas fuentes útiles a tal análisis a la vez que introduce alguna reflexión acerca de las condiciones de establecimiento y proceso de integración de unos individuos procedentes de la vecina Francia en un siglo ciertamente agitado a nivel cultural y religioso. El mercader joan Augier ofrece un ejemplo brillante y exitoso de asentamiento

    Use of probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics for the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia: A narrative review

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaObjetivo: Analizar el uso de probióticos, prebióticos y simbióticos para la prevención de la neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica (NAVM), examinar otros indicadores, tales como la mortalidad, el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria y la duración de ventilación mecánica (VM), y enunciar la percepción/conocimiento por parte del personal sanitario. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo una revisión narrativa mediante búsquedas bibliográficas en las bases de datos Pubmed, Cinahl, Cochrane, Cuiden y Scielo. Se ha utilizado lenguaje libre y controlado, formando las estrategias de búsqueda mediante operadores booleanos dentro del límite temporal 2014-2019. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 14 artículos, a partir de los cuales se establecieron 3 líneas temáticas para dar respuesta a los objetivos marcados: prevención de NAVM, otros indicadores (mortalidad, tiempo de estancia hospitalaria y duración de VM) y percepción/conocimiento por parte del personal sanitario. Conclusiones: El uso de probióticos, prebióticos y simbióticos reduce la incidencia de NAVM, pero no influye significativamente en la mortalidad, el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria ni en la duración de la VM. La mayoría de los probióticos utilizados pertenecían a la familia Lactobacillus, el prebiótico utilizado fue polvo de semilla de fenogreco y el simbiótico utilizado fue Yakult BL. No hubo efectos adversos tras su administración. Todavía se necesitan más estudios para comprobar la efectividad de estos, ya que los probióticos utilizados y su tratamiento son muy heterogéneosAim: To analyze the use of probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics for the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), to examine other indicators, such as mortality, length of hospital stay and duration of mechanical ventilation (MV), and to state the perception/knowledge by health personnel of these products. Methods: A narrative review was performed in the following databases: Pubmed, Cinahl, Cochrane, Cuiden y Scielo. Free and controlled language has been used, forming search strategies using Boolean operators within 2014-2019 time filter. Results: 14 articles were obtained, from which 3 thematic lines were established to answer the objectives mentioned above: prevention of VAP, other indicators (mortality, length of hospital stay and duration of MV) and perception/knowledge by health personnel. Conclusions: The use of probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics reduces the incidence of VAP, but doesn’t significantly influence on mortality, length of hospital stay or duration of MV. Most of the probiotics used belonged to the Lactobacillus family, the prebiotic used was fenugreek seed powder and the symbiotic used was Yakult BL. There were no adverse effects after its administration. More studies are still needed to verify the effectiveness of these, because the probiotics used and their treatments are very heterogeneou

    Luis Alonso Alvarez, As tecedeiras do fume. Historia da fábrica de Tabacos da Coruña

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    A volatility index for the Spanish banking sector

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    Artículo de revistaThis article is a summary of the methodology proposed by Gonzalez-Perez (2021) for estimation of a volatility index for an asset portfolio on which no options have been issued. The methodology allows volatility indices to be constructed for personalised portfolios, using the options issued on the individual shares and a benchmark portfolio that provides information on the correlation risk premium between the assets in the portfolio concerned. This methodology and a benchmark portfolio representing the Spanish stock market (IBEX 35) are used to estimate a volatility index for the Spanish banking sector. The methodology proposed allows for adjustment of the benchmark portfolio according to the framework of uncertainty desired. A comparison between this sectoral volatility index and that of the Spanish stock market overall and other key indices shows that falls in bank share prices have a particularly strong correlation with growth in banking sector uncertainty, while share price rallies have a correlation with lower uncertainty either on the Spanish equity market or in the banking sector. Moreover, there is a persistent and positive volatility spread between the Spanish stock market and the banking sector. The fact that the Spanish banking sector has become more integrated following the global financial crisis, together with the gradual increase in correlation between bank portfolios, helps to explain this. In February 2022 this spread stood at around 20%. The Spanish banking sector volatility index moves parallel to its European equivalent, with an average historical spread of around 6%

    Reshaping Mirrors: Mothers and Daughters in Contemporary Irish and Galician Women’s Poetry

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    Among the great plurality and variety of women`s voices that can be heard both in Irish and Galician women¿s poetry, I have focused my attention on those with whom I identify, because some of them belong to a generation of women who were brought up in a patriarchal-dictatorial society and have had to struggle hard to get rid of all the oppressive ideological structures that subdued women¿s lives, so that they could find their way into a professional career without renouncing to motherhood

    Stabilization of metastable phases by pressure and shear

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    Numerous metallic systems possess allotropic phases that are stable at high temperatures or high pressures and that are endowed with unique properties that cannot be currently exploited because the reverse transformations take place once the pressure is released or the temperature decreases to ambient levels. Devising new processing methods that could lead to the stabilization of such phases would open new avenues for the fabrication of materials with still unforeseeable properties. It has been recently reported that the simultaneous application of pressure and shear by high pressure torsion (HPT) can be utilized to induce bulk allotropic phase transformations and thereby to stabilize metastable phases under ambient conditions. In particular, HPT processing allowed the stabilization of the high pressure phases and β in pure Zr and in Zr–2.5wt.% Nb. Furthermore, the application of shear under pressure led to a drastic reduction of the pressure levels with respect to those required under hydrostatic conditions. Similar results were obtained in pure Ti. HPT has also been recently employed to transform partially stabilized tetragonal zirconia into a monoclinic structure and to stabilize the Si-III and Si-XII phases in a Si (100) wafer. TEM studies have further revealed the occurrence of localized shear-induced phase transformations in HPT processed specimens. Among others, the -BCC to -FCC phase transformation was reported in pearlitic carbon steel leading to a nanocrystalline austenitic structure. Finaly, precipitation of hcp Mg and a low temperature HCP Li-rich phase was observed in single phase BCC Mg–Li alloys. This discussion reviews successful examples of the stabilization of metastable phases by the simultaneous applications of pressure and shear, or by pressure alone. The influence of the processing parameters as well as of microstructure characteristics such as composition, texture, and grain size will be discussed

    Lessons from estimating the average option-implied volatility term structure for the Spanish banking sector

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    Este trabajo presenta la estructura temporal de un índice de volatilidad para la industria bancaria española (SBVX). El índice se calcula a partir de la volatilidad implícita de cada uno de los bancos y de la prima de riesgo de correlación del mercado. Empleando cotizaciones diarias desde 2015 hasta 2021, se muestra una relación signifi cativamente mayor entre el índice de volatilidad SBVX y el rendimiento de las acciones bancarias que entre estas últimas y el VIBEX (índice de volatilidad del mercado), especialmente cuando los rendimientos bancarios son negativos. En concreto, los resultados obtenidos recomiendan utilizar el SBVX a un año como indicador de incertidumbre del sector bancario español, en lugar del VIBEX. Por otro lado, cambios en el VIBEX y el SBVX se relacionan de manera similar con los rendimientos bancarios cuando estos son positivos. Ello se alinea con una hipótesis, ya mencionada en la literatura, que argumenta que una caída en la volatilidad global (incertidumbre) afecta positivamente al desempeño de las empresas y mejora las proyecciones sobre el valor de las entidades bancarias. Adicionalmente, los resultados obtenidos aconsejan usar el índice de volatilidad SBVX a un mes para prever la volatilidad mensual de los retornos bancarios. Este documento proporciona evidencia empírica a favor del uso de medidas idiosincrásicas de volatilidad en combinación con medidas de incertidumbre global (VIBEX) para monitorear y prever el desempeño del precio de las acciones de los bancos. En particular, se aconseja el uso ponderado de tres variables para estudiar la evolución del rendimiento de las acciones bancarias: la estructura temporal del índice SBVX, el VIBEX a corto plazo y la prima de riesgo de correlación de mercado. El uso combinado de estas tres herramientas permitiría, además, prever períodos de estrés en esta industria. Los resultados empíricos aportados en este trabajo contribuyen a las líneas de investigación que estudian la dinámica del precio de las acciones bancarias en el mercado secundario y su sensibilidad a cambios en la incertidumbre, la volatilidad y el riesgo (idiosincrásico y global). Por último, la metodología implementada permite calcular un índice de volatilidad para carteras arbitrarias (no negociadas), lo que supone una contribución al estudio y a la elaboración de medidas de riesgo no estándar.This paper estimates the volatility index term structure for the Spanish bank industry (SBVX) using the implied volatility of individual banks and assuming market correlation risk premium. This methodology enables calculating a volatility index for arbitrary (non-traded) portfolios. Using data from 2015 to 2021, we find that SBVX informs about the dynamics of bank returns beyond the standard market volatility index VIBEX, especially when bank returns are negative; and that one-year SBVX beats shorter maturities in explaining bank returns. On the other hand, positive bank returns relate to the dynamics of VIBEX just as much as SBVX, which aligns with the belief that a drop in global volatility (uncertainty) positively affects firm performance and, therefore, bank value projections. We find one-month SBVX better than VIBEX to forecast monthly bank returns volatility, regardless of the tenor we use to compute VIBEX. This paper provides empirical evidence that idiosyncratic implied volatility is just as significant, or even more than global volatility, to monitor current and future banks’ share price performance. We advise using SBVX term structure, short-term VIBEX, and market correlation risk premium to monitor uncertainty and returns in the banking sector and foresee periods of stress in this industry. Our results may be of great interest to those seeking to estimate the banking sector’s sensitivity to uncertainty, volatility, and risk