723 research outputs found

    Pouvoir royal et sociĂ©tĂ©s dans la couronne d’Aragon. Un essai de lectura historiographique (1990-2006)

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    This article’s primary objective is to define the main lines of historiographical developments taking place between 1990 and 2006 regarding royal power and its relations with the societies of the Crown of Aragon. To this end, subjects examined successively are researchers’ different interpretive models of the whole; new perspectives on monarchical institutions and the exercise of power; reflections on the articulations between royal power and other powers in the Crown of Aragon; contributions of studies focused on other groups to the understanding of royal power. The bibliography collected complements this analysis and provides a tool for scholars interested in deepening their knowledge of the Crown of Arago

    La loi française du 11 juillet 1979 relative à la motivation des actes administratifs

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    This paper summarizes the changes brought about in French administrative law by a law of 1979 imposing on administrative authorities a broad duty to give reasons for their decisions. Traditionally, the state of the law had been that, failing a specific statutory requirement, administrative authorities were under no obligation to provide reasons. This, however, had not prevented the Conseil d'État from reviewing administrative action — even of a clearly discretionary nature — for unlawfulness or impropriety of motives. The new law is aimed at improving communications between administrative authorities and the public. It reverses the former rule for three broad classes of decisions concerning individual cases : those having an unfavourable effect on rights and interests, those allowing for more favourable treatment than is provided under a rule of general application, and those made by social security and unemployment assistance agencies. Alleviation or disregard of the new rule is allowed in cases of emergency, where confidentiality or secrecy is required by law, or where, no decision being made in a prescribed time, a negative decision is deemed to have been rendered. Guidelines for the implementation of the new law have been issued by the Prime Minister to all Ministers; the latter have in turn issued more detailed instructions to decision-making officers in their departments. Further guidance will have to come from the administrative courts when they are called upon to review decisions for insufficiency or impropriety of reasons. Ultimately, however, achievement of the goal of improving the quality of intercourse between citizens and administrative authorities will require the development of a more open and trustful relationship between them

    DifficultĂ© d’insertion professionnelle : l’importance des relations familiales

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    Dans le prĂ©sent travail sera questionnĂ©e l’influence d’une situation de difficultĂ© ou de non-insertion sur les relations sociales des jeunes et plus particuliĂšrement avec la famille, les pairs et les amis. Afin de rĂ©aliser cette recherche, j’ai procĂ©dĂ© Ă  huit entretiens que j’ai enregistrĂ©s et dont l’analyse qui a suivi permet de rendre compte des rĂ©sultats principaux: on peut constater une certaine influence pour certains jeunes, des situations de difficultĂ© et/ou de non-insertion, sur leurs relations amicales. Cependant, une majoritĂ© dit avoir des amis Ă  PrĂ©sent et plusieurs avoir les mĂȘmes amis qu’à la fin de l’école obligatoire. Bien que la frĂ©quence de leurs rencontres ait changĂ©, ils Ă©voquent tous une bonne qualitĂ© de relations. Ces situations ont Ă©galement influencĂ© les relations familiales, notamment avec la fratrie et plus particuliĂšrement avec les parents. Tous les jeunes, sauf un, Ă©voquent avoir aujourd’hui une relation stable et de relativement bonne qualitĂ© avec en tous cas un de leurs parents biologiques et cinq d’entre eux ont trouvĂ© une solution ou un apprentissage pour la rentrĂ©e 2015. Le soutien, la prĂ©sence des parents principalement, mais Ă©galement des amis et petits amis dans ces pĂ©riodes de non-insertion, semble donc importants. Il serait intĂ©ressant de constater, dans certains cas, qu’un lien entre les situations de difficultĂ©, les relations et la situation de non-insertion existe. Pour terminer, les rĂ©sultats laissent entrevoir la pertinence d’un programme d’insertion professionnelle tel que le propose la Fondation Valaisanne Action Jeunesse qui permet aux jeunes d’ĂȘtre activĂ©s et au sein duquel la majoritĂ© d’entre eux se sentent soutenus et ou certains ont pu y rencontrer des amis, des pairs. Ces Ă©lĂ©ments de rĂ©sultats seront exposĂ©s plus en dĂ©tails dans la suite de ce travail que le lecteur est invitĂ© Ă  parcourir

    Endogenous oxygen in the extremely metal-poor planetary nebula PN G135.9+55.9

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    It is shown that, in contrast to recent claims, oxygen (and helium) may not be extraordinarily underabundant in the new galactic halo planetary nebula (GHPN) PN G135.9+55.9 (hereafter PN G135). Determining elemental abundances in hot, highly ionized objects such as PN G135 depends critically on a proper description of the collisional excitation of the hydrogen Balmer lines, the departure from Case B recombination of hydrogen, the underlying stellar absorption lines, the shape of the primary continuum and the ionization equilibrium of highly ionized species of both oxygen and neon. Conversely, PN G135 provides unique checks of atomic data in unusual conditions: the H I collision strengths obtained by Aggarwal et al. (1991) for 1s - n transitions (3 ≀ n ≀ 5) are too large, while those obtained by Anderson et al. (2002) are acceptable. Empirical collision strengths are presented for n > 5. Photoionization models of PN G135 that fit all available optical data can be demonstrated only for oxygen abundances 12 + log (O/H) > 7.2 (>1/30 solar) and values 0.6 dex larger are possible, depending on the assumed C/O abundance ratio. Plausible variations in the geometry of the nebula, the primary stellar continuum and the atomic data do not alter this conclusion. The C/O ratio is less than 10 by number and Ne/O is at most solar. A satisfactory model for PN G135 can be obtained in which elemental abundances are nearly the same as those of a new detailed model for K 648, the prototypical GHPN in the old globular cluster M 15 (with 12 + log (O/H) = 7.58 ∌ 1/13 solar), although C/O may be smaller. Nonetheless, given the paucity of argon and iron in the nebula, PN G135 is likely to be a more extreme Population II object than K 648, reinforcing the idea of an endogenous origin for part of the oxygen in very metal-poor PNe. Assuming a standard H-burning post-Asymptotic Giant Branch evolution, timescale and spectroscopic considerations lead to an optimal solution, in which the distance to PN G135 is 8 kpc, the effective temperature of the nucleus slightly less than 1.3 × 105 K, its luminosity 1.4 × 1037 erg s-1, its mass 0.59 M⊙, the age of the ionized shell 104 yrs, the ionized mass 0.05 M⊙ and the abundances by number (H:He:C:O:Ne) = (106:81 500:90:30:4.5), with C/H being rather an upper limit and O/H and Ne/H uncertain by ±0.3 and ±0.1 dex respectively. Line intensities that could be used as diagnostics of the nebular elemental abundances are provided. Detailed imaging together with ultraviolet and very deep far-red spectra of PN G135 will be essential to definitely narrow the range of acceptable parameters and help us decide whether this exceptional PN is so oxygen-poor as to possibly influence current views on stellar evolution

    Rapid onset of neuronal death induced by blockade of either axoplasmic transport or action potentials in afferent fibers during brain development.

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    We have investigated how neurons in the optic tecta of embryonic day 16 chick embryos depend for survival on their afferents from the retina. To distinguish between activity-mediated effects and other, "trophic," ones, we compared the effects on the tectal neurons of blocking intraocular axoplasmic transport (with colchicine) or action potentials (by means of TTX). Both interventions rapidly induced the appearance of dying (pyknotic) neurons in the tectum, with major increases in their number occurring within 13 hr post-colchicine and within 9 hr post-TTX. Following both drugs, the dying neurons were morphologically similar, and in both cases the cell death depended on protein synthesis. However, the effects of colchicine and of TTX could be dissociated, since the most superficial tectal neurons became pyknotic only in response to colchicine, and, with a sufficiently short survival time (9 hr), the deep cells of the stratum griseum centrale became pyknotic only in response to TTX. We hence argue that the survival of the tectal neurons depends on their ongoing maintenance by substances released from retinotectal axon terminals, the release being activity dependent in the case of the deep neurons but independent of activity in the case of the superficial ones

    Three-dimensional chemically homogeneous and bi-abundance photoionization models of the "super-metal-rich" planetary nebula NGC 6153

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    Deep spectroscopy of the planetary nebula (PN) NGC\,6153 shows that its heavy element abundances derived from optical recombination lines (ORLs) are ten times higher than those derived from collisionally excited lines (CELs), and points to the existence of H-deficient inclusions embedded in the diffuse nebula. In this study, we have constructed chemically homogeneous and bi-abundance three-dimensional photoionization models, using the Monte Carlo photoionization code {\sc mocassin}. We attempt to reproduce the multi-waveband spectroscopic and imaging observations of NGC\,6153, and investigate the nature and origin of the postulated H-deficient inclusions, as well as their impacts on the empirical nebular analyses assuming a uniform chemical composition. Our results show that chemically homogeneous models yield small electron temperature fluctuations and fail to reproduce the strengths of ORLs from C, N, O and Ne ions. In contrast, bi-abundance models incorporating a small amount of metal-rich inclusions (∌1.3\sim 1.3 per cent of the total nebular mass) are able to match all the observations within the measurement uncertainties. The metal-rich clumps, cooled down to a very low temperature (∌800\sim 800~K) by ionic infrared fine-structure lines, dominate the emission of heavy element ORLs, but contribute almost nil to the emission of most CELs. We find that the abundances of C, N, O and Ne derived empirically from CELs, assuming a uniform chemical composition, are about 30 per cent lower than the corresponding average values of the whole nebula, including the contribution from the H-deficient inclusions. Ironically, in the presence of H-deficient inclusions, the traditional standard analysis of the optical helium recombination lines, assuming a chemically homogeneous nebula, overestimates the helium abundance by 40 per cent.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Sources et mĂ©thodes de l’histoire des relations internationales dans l’Europe mĂ©diĂ©vale

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    Programme de l’annĂ©e 2014-2015 : I. Introduction aux diplomaties mĂ©diĂ©vales : Ă©tude des traitĂ©s passĂ©s par les rois d’Aragon avec leurs voisins (XIIIe-XVe siĂšcles). — II. La guerre civile catalane (1462-1472). EnquĂȘte sur la genĂšse et les transformations du Principat de Catalogne (suite)
