490 research outputs found

    A határmenti fekvés hatása a városi tér fejlődésére = The effects of border area location on the development of urban space

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    Hipotézisünk szerint egy államhatár mentén fekvő város belső terének fejlődését módosítja határmenti fekvése. Ez nagymértékben meghatározza a városba települő multinacionális vállalatok, és más kereskedelmi és szolgáltató intézmények telephelyválasztását, mely napjainkban a város egyik fő funkcióját képezi. Átalakítja kiskereskedelem térbeli struktúráját, a vállalkozások tulajdonosi összetételét, profilját, továbbá hat az ingatlanpiacra. E hipotéziseket Szeged példáján igazoltuk a kereskedelem térbeliségének vizsgálatával. 2005 őszén kérdőíves felmérést végeztünk, feltérképeztük Szegeden belül a fő közlekedési útvonalak melletti kiskereskedelmi bolthálózatot. A kb. 500 üzlet tulajdonosával vagy vezetőjével kérdőívet töltettünk ki. A válaszok alapján tematikus térképeket készítettünk, s megállapítottuk, hogy hol helyezkednek el azok az üzletek, amelyek határon túli vásárlókra építik vállalkozásukat. Összességében igazolódni látszik, hogy a határ menti fekvés jelentős szerepet játszik Szeged kiskereskedelmének és egyéb szolgáltatásainak életében, s a határon átnyúló kereskedelem stabilnak tűnik annak ellenére, hogy az azt létrehozó előnyök aránya csökkent. A határon túli forgalom által érintett üzletek a fő közlekedési utak mentén a város különböző részein egyaránt megtalálhatók, s nem koncentrálódnak a város államhatárhoz közelebb eső részére. | According to our hypothesis border zone location has a transformative role in the development of urban space. For multinational and commercial companies as well as for other service providers it determines the choice of place of business. This feature is one of the main features of urban characteristics these days. Border zone location also transfrorms the spatial structure of small trade, the composition of business ownership as well as business profiles and it also has an impact on the real estate market. The above hypotheses have been proved through the analysis of the spatial structures of commercial businesses in Szeged. The investigation was carried out in the fall of 2005 by using questionnaires. Then a network of retail shops was mapped, businesses, which are located along the main roads. The owners of about 500 businesses were asked to fill in the questionnaires. On the basis of their answers thematic maps were drawn and the location of those businesses was identified which rely on customers from across the border. In summary it seems justifiable that border zone location plays a significant role in Szeged?s retail businesses, services and transborder trade. Businesses appear stable in spite of the fact, that advantages of border zone location have recently been diminishing. It has also been proved that the businesses, which were opened in order to utilise these advantages can be found near main roads as well as in other places all over the town, so their location does not depend on the nearness of the national border

    A Story of Two Parks : Historical Roots of Environmentalism under Authoritarian Regimes in Twenty-First Century Europe

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    On the night of 27 May 2013, activists mobilized via social media to save the trees at Gezi Park, near Taksim Square, one of the last public green spaces left in the main center of Istanbul on the European side. This green patch was to be destroyed in order to make way for a shopping mall. Fewer than a dozen activists managed to halt the bulldozers and prevented the park from demolition. Following severe police intervention, citizens poured into the streets to support environmental activists, and events turned into the largest resistance movement Turkey had seen for decades. The Gezi Park uprising had bitter consequences: eleven people were killed and more than 8,000 were injured. But eventually, the protesters saved the trees.Peer reviewe

    Ingvar Ekesbo and Stefan Gunnarsson: Farm Animal Behaviour Characteristics for Assessment of Health and Welfare. Book Review

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    Ingvar Ekesbo and Stefan Gunnarsson: Farm Animal Behaviour Characteristics for Assessment of Health and Welfare. Second edition. CABI Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK, 2018. 341 pages, with innumerable photo illustrations. 18 × 24 cm. ISBN-13: 978 1 78639 139 1. Price: 60

    A határ menti fekvés hatása a szegedi kereskedelem térbeliségére = The effect of the borders on the spatiality of the commerce in Szeged

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    The aim of our study is to examine whether the proximity of the border has any influence on the economy and society of Szeged. To analyze this subject, we studied the spatial aspects of the commerce in the city. We made a questionnaire-based survey at the fall of 2005. The questionnaires were filled by the owners and managers of the shops. We asked about the distribution of the customers – what is the proportion of the customers coming from the neighbouring countries. Do the shop owners count on these foreign customers? As part of the research we as well mapped the shops along the main traffic lines in the city. Based on the survey we allocated the shops which are dependent on the customers originated from the neighbouring countries

    Magyarország ipari térszerkezetének változása : különös tekintettel az Alföldre

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    In summary, considering the transitional stage of Hugarian industry, no explicit conclusion can be drawn, since there are several options for progress. The development of Hungary’s industrial parks may determine the growth paths for the individual regions, their industries, Services, as well as infrastructure and the interrelatedness of all these components. These factors are also heavily dependent on global and European economic processes and the flow of working Capital. The openness, the integratlon and cooperation between different actors of Hungarian economy may benefit the overall process

    Ympäristönsuojelu valtiososialistisessa Unkarissa

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    Artikkeli käsittelee ympäristönsuojelua taloushistoriallisessa kontekstissa valtiososialistisessa Unkarissa. Tekstissä tarkastellaan erilaisten ympäristönsuojelun mekanismien onnistumista ja epäonnistumista. Esittelen aluksi Acemoglun ja Robinsonin teorian inklusiivisista ja ekstraktiivisista instituutioista ja miten tätä mallia voidaan kehittää edelleen sisältämään ympäristönsuojeluinstituutiot. Sen jälkeen analysoin ympäristönsuojelun pääinstrumentteja valtiososialistisessa kontekstissa. Keskeisenä johtopäätöksenäon, että tarkastellun ajanjakson alkuaikana talouden näkökulmasta tehdyt toimenpiteet olivat ympäristönsuojelun toimenpiteitä tehokkaampia valtiososialistisessa Unkarissa. Kuitenkin 1970-luvulle tultaessa tapahtui niin sanottu ympäristöherätys ja ympäristönsuojeluun alettiin käyttää enemmän varoja. Laaja ympäristönsuojelujärjestelmä onnistui hidastamaan ympäristön saastumista 1980-luvun alkuun asti

    Új megközelítési módok, kutatási irányok a nemzetközi egészségföldrajzban

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    In the last decade a lot of changes were noticeable in geography of health. These changes were partly approach-like, and – on the other hand – the former topics increased. In the paper I survey the most important changes. I enhance the question of „place”, the role of social science theories, appearance of critical approach, and some new research subject and trend. I survey the theories’ influence on the new trends. In the course of this, I demonstrate the diseases’ political ecology, the nursing’s geography of health, the regional medicometry, the handicapped people’s geography of health. These patterns demonstrate the changes of the international geography of health. On the other hand, the paper hasn’t got the purpose of demonstrating the process of medical geography turning into geography of health