33 research outputs found

    The Influence of Postcolonial Studies on the Transformation of Methodology in Philosophy and Cultural Theory

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    The article describes the methodological shifts in the theory and philosophy of culture brought about by the influence of the postcolonial studies. The main focus is on the problems arising in the discursive representation of cultures.     Keywords: culture, philosophy of culture, postcolonial studies, methodology, discourse

    Антропологические параметры культуры

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    The ethical code of russian cosmism and challenges of the present day

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    В статье рассматривается этический кодекс философии русского космизма, устанавливается взаимосвязь идей русского космизма и трансгуманизма.The article discusses the ethics of philosophy Russian cosmism, established the relationship between the ideas of Russian cosmism and organization of transhumanism


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    В статье анализируется урбанистическое сообщество Омска, целью которого является решение вопросов благоустройства, а ценностями выступает формирование гражданской культуры.The article analyzes the urban community of Omsk, the purpose of which is to solve the problems of improvement, and the values are the formation of a civic culture.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 18-311-00210 «Социолингвистический анализ урбанистического дискурса городских сообществ (на примере города Омска)»

    Reaction of 2,4,6-triisopropyl-1,3,5-dioxaphosphorinane with phenyl azide

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    1. The reaction of 2,4,6-triisopropyl-1,3,5-dioxaphosphorinane with phenyl azide yields 5-phenylamino-2,4,6-triisopropyl-1,3,5-dioxaphorinane and 5-phenylimino-5-phenylamino-2,4,6-triisopropyl-1,3,5-dioxaphosphorinane in yields depending on the reagent ratio. 2. The stereoisomer with axial orientation of the amino group predominates in the equilibrium of 5-phenylamine, 5-diethylamino-, 5-piperidino-, and 5-morpholino-2,4,6-triisopropyl-l,3,5-dioxaphosphorinane and their sulfides. © 1984 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Chemical characterization and anti-inflammatory effect of rauvolfian, a pectic polysaccharide of Rauvolfia callus

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    The pectic polysaccharide named rauvolfian RS was obtained from the dried callus of Rauvolfia serpentina L. by extraction with 0.7% aqueous ammonium oxalate. Crude rauvolfian RS was purified using membrane ultrafiltration to yield the purified rauvolfian RSP in addition to glucan as admixture from the callus, with molecular weights 300 and 100-300 kD, respectively. A peroral pretreatment of mice with the crude and purified samples of rauvolfian (RS and RSP) was found to decrease colonic macroscopic scores, the total area of damage, and tissue myelope roxidase activity in colons as compared with a colitis group. RS and RSP were shown to stimulate production of mucus by colons of the colitis mice. RSP appeared to be an active constituent of the parent RS. The glucan failed to possess anti-inflammatory activity. © 2007 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Aloe barbadensis: how a miraculous plant becomes reality

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    Aloe barbadensis Miller is a plant that is native to North and East Africa and has accompanied man for over 5,000 years. The aloe vera plant has been endowed with digestive, dermatological, culinary and cosmetic virtues. On this basis, aloe provides a range of possibilities for fascinating studies from several points of view, including the analysis of chemical composition, the biochemistry involved in various activities and its application in pharmacology, as well as from horticultural and economic standpoints. The use of aloe vera as a medicinal plant is mentioned in numerous ancient texts such as the Bible. This multitude of medicinal uses has been described and discussed for centuries, thus transforming this miracle plant into reality. A summary of the historical uses, chemical composition and biological activities of this species is presented in this review. The latest clinical studies involved in vivo and in vitro assays conducted with aloe vera gel or its metabolites and the results of these studies are reviewed

    The Influence of Postcolonial Studies on the Transformation of Methodology in Philosophy and Cultural Theory

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    The article describes the methodological shifts in the theory and philosophy of culture brought about by the influence of the postcolonial studies. The main focus is on the problems arising in the discursive representation of cultures.     Keywords: culture, philosophy of culture, postcolonial studies, methodology, discourse

    Human in the World of Transit Culture: the Effect of Decolonial Turn on the Concept of Identity

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    The article is devoted to the concept of ”transit culture”. The relation of transit culture and the decolonization turn is explained. Identified differences in interpretations of culture in the framework of postcolonial turn and decolonial turn. The models of identity formed in hybrid and transit cultures are distinguished. Keywords: decolonial turn, transit culture, human, culture, philosophy of culture, postcolonial studies, identity, methodology, discours