1,205 research outputs found

    Corticaria johnsonii, a new species of the sylvicola group within the genus Corticaria Marsham, 1802 (Coleoptera: Latridiidae)

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    A new species, Corticaria johnsonii sp. n. is described from the Iberian Peninsula. The species belongs to the sylvicola group within the genus Corticaria Marsham, 1802 (Coleoptera: Latridiidae). The species is added to a published key

    Una aproximación integradora al estudio del burnout en los profesores de Universidad

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    The aim of this paper is to use an integrative approach to identify the main correlates and/or predictors at different levels (personal, psychosocial, occupational and outside the workplace) of the burnout dimensions. The sample consists of 813 university professors. Results from statistical analyses show that there are, indeed, both common and specific predictors for the different facets of the syndrome. Specifically, while social support and optimism are selected to confirm all manifestations of burnout, other factors (work hours per week, time in the profession, hardiness, Type A behavioural pattern, life events, daily hassles) do increase the emergence of differential profiles. Lastly, findings are discussed and the main conclusions are presentedEl objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar, desde un acercamiento integrador, cuáles son los principales correlatos y/o predictores de distintos ámbitos (personal, psicosocial, ocupacional y extralaboral) de las dimensiones del burnout. La muestra está formada por 813 profesores de Universidad. Los resultados de los análisis estadísticos realizados permiten constatar la existencia de predictores comunes y específicos para las facetas del síndrome. Concretamente, mientras se confirma que el apoyo social y el optimismo son seleccionados para explicar todas las manifestaciones del burnout, otros factores (horas de trabajo a la semana, tiempo en la profesión, personalidad resistente, patrón de conducta Tipo A, acontecimientos vitales, contrariedades cotidianas) acentúan la existencia de perfiles diferenciales. Finalmente, se discuten los hallazgos y se presentan las principales conclusionesThis study was possible thanks to a grant given to the project «Análisis de los determinantes psicosociales y biológicos en el estrés laboral de los docentes universitarios» (reference PGIDT99PXI21103A; BSO2000-0475) financed by the Consellería de Educación y Ordenación Universitaria of the Xunta de Galicia and by the Ministerio de Educación y CienciaS

    Big Five Personality Traits, Coping Strategies and Compulsive Buying in Spanish University Students

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    Personality traits and coping strategies have historically been two key elements in the field of health psychology. It is, therefore, striking that there is no study in the field of compulsive buying that integrates the most generic, decontextualized and stable aspects (traits) with those having a more marked processual and dynamic nature, which are closer to goal-based views of human nature (coping strategies). Another weakness of the compulsive buying field is that, despite the confirmed growing increase in compulsive buying in the younger age groups, most studies have been conducted with adult samples. Hence, this study seeks to clarify the role of the Big Five domains and different coping strategies in university students’ compulsive buying. The sample consisted of 1093 participants who were classified as either compulsive buyers or non-compulsive buyers. Both groups were compared regarding sociodemographic variables (gender, age), the Big Five personality traits, and coping strategies through chi-square tests or Student’s t-tests. Besides, a multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine which of these determinants might play a part in the construction of a risk profile for compulsive buying. The results showed that other than gender (specifically being female), Neuroticism and the use of such coping strategies as problem avoidance and wishful thinking are risk factors that increase the propensity for compulsive buying. The use of active coping strategies such as problem solving, cognitive restructuring and social support, as well as the Conscientiousness dimension are protection factors that decrease the likelihood of becoming a compulsive buyer. Finally, and on the basis of the findings obtained, possible guidelines are given, which, hopefully, may effectively contribute to the prevention of and/or intervention in compulsive buying among young adultsS

    Un modelo unidimensional de flujo sanguíneo obtenido mediante el método de desarrollos asintóticos

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    En este trabajo presentamos un modelo unidimensional del movimiento de un fluido newtoniano a través de un tubo elástico no necesariamente rectilíneo. En particular, el modelo obtenido es aplicable al estudio del flujo sanguíneo. Para obtener el modelo propuesto explotamos el hecho de que el área de la sección transversal del tubo es mucho menor que su longitud, lo que nos permitir´a introducir un pequeño parámetro adimensional y utilizar el método de desarrollos asintóticos. El modelo así obtenido incorpora un nuevo término dependiente de la curvatura de la línea media del tubo, que no hemos encontrado en la literatura, y que se opone al avance del fluido.Ministerio de Educación y Cienci

    Las variables mediadoras de los estudiantes en la relación entre implicación familiar y rendimiento académico: el efecto de los estilos de implicación

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    The present study is aimed at observing the degree to which family support and control determine academic performance in Mathematics and Language, and at understanding how this relationship is mediated by a series of factors related to students’ motivation (self-efficacy), their study habits, the learning environment perceived at school, their school satisfaction, and a history of school retention. On this premise, a study was proposed in 44 Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) schools, selecting 1,316 students (938 enrolled in the first, and 378 in the second year). Data confirm that both parental support and control directly influence academic performance in both subjects, but also indirectly through the mediator variables, which in the case of support are environment, satisfaction, study habits and self-efficacy, whereas in the case of control they are habits and retentionEl presente estudio tiene como objetivo observar en qué medida el apoyo y el control de la familia determinan el rendimiento académico en Matemáticas y Lengua y comprender cómo esta relación está mediada por una serie de factores relacionados con la motivación (autoeficacia) de los estudiantes, sus hábitos de estudio, el ambiente de aprendizaje percibido en la escuela, su satisfacción escolar y su historial de repeticiones. Con esta premisa, se propuso un estudio en 44 escuelas de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), seleccionando 1,316 estudiantes (938 matriculados en el primer año y 378 en el segundo). Los datos confirman que tanto el apoyo como el control de los padres influyen directamente en el rendimiento académico en ambas materias, pero también indirectamente a través de las variables mediadoras, que en el caso del apoyo son el ambiente, la satisfacción, los hábitos de estudio y la autoeficacia, mientras que en el caso del control son los hábitos y la retenciónThis research was developed through the funding of two research project: PGIDIT 10SEC214042PR of the Regional Government of Galicia (Spain), and EDU2015-66781-R of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Spanish GovernmentS

    ¿Mejoran el aprendizaje cooperativo y la implicación familiar las variables vinculadas al rendimiento académico?

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    Background: One of the most serious problems in the Spanish education system is the high percentage of school failure in Compulsory Secondary Education. The aim of this study is to analyze the infl uence of a socioeducational program based on cooperative learning and family involvement on a series of variables related to academic performance, paying particular attention to the differences between retained and non-retained students. Methodology: A two-group quasi-experimental design incorporating pre-testing and post-testing was used. The study involved 146 students in the experimental group and 123 in the control group, 8 teachers, and 89 parents or other family members. Results: The program was observed to have a positive effect on self-image, study habits, satisfaction with the subject, maternal support and control, and opinions about the school. In addition, the results for non-retained students are better. Conclusion: Cooperative work and family involvement in education affect the variables which research links to improving school performance.¿Mejoran el aprendizaje cooperativo y la implicación familiar las variables vinculadas al rendimiento académico? Antecedentes: en el sistema educativo español, uno de los problemas más graves detectados es el alto porcentaje de fracaso escolar en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la infl uencia de un programa socioeducativo basado en el aprendizaje cooperativo y la implicación familiar en una serie de variables relacionadas con el rendimiento académico, prestando especial atención a las diferencias entre estudiantes repetidores y no repetidores. Metodología: utilizamos un diseño cuasi-experimental de dos grupos con pretest y postest. En la investigación participaron 146 estudiantes en el grupo experimental y 123 en el grupo de control, 8 docentes y 89 padres, madres, u otros miembros de la familia. Resultados: se observa que el programa tiene un efecto positivo en autoimagen, hábitos de estudio, satisfacción con la materia, apoyo y control materno, y opiniones sobre la escuela. Además, los resultados son mejores para los estudiantes no repetidores. Conclusión: el trabajo cooperativo y la implicación familiar en la educación inciden sobre variables que la investigación vincula a la mejora del rendimiento escolar.This work was supported by the research project subsidized through publication of a competitive call by Government of Galicia-Xunta de Galicia (Spain) “Design and assessment of a program aimed at the improvement of academic performance of immigrant students” (2011-2014) (10SEC214042PR)S

    Academic performance of native and immigrant students: a study focused on the perception of family support and control, school satisfaction, and learning environment

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    The international assessment studies of key competences, such as the PISA report of the OECD, have revealed that the academic performance of Spanish students is significantly below the OECD average. In addition, it has also been confirmed that the results of immigrant students are consistently lower than those of their native counterparts. Given the context, the first objective of this work is to observe the variables (support, control, school satisfaction, and learning environment) which distinguish between retained and non-retained native and immigrant students. The second objective is to check, by comparing the retained and non-retained native and immigrant students and separating the two levels, in order to find out which of the selected variables clearly differentiate the two groups. A sample of 1359 students was used (79.8% native students and 20.2% immigrant students of Latin American origin), who were enrolled in the 5th and 6th year of Primary Education (aged 10–11 years) and in the 1st and 2nd year of Secondary Education (aged 12–13 years). The measurement scales, which undergo a psychometric analysis in the current work, have been developed in a previous research study (Lorenzo et al., 2009). The construct validity and reliability are reported (obtaining alpha indices between 0.705 and 0.787). Subsequently, and depending on the results of this analysis, inferential analyses are performed, using as independent variables the ethno-cultural origin and being retained or not, whereas, as dependent variables, the indices referring to students’ perception of family support and control, as well as the assessment of the school and learning environment. Among other results, the Group × Being retained/Not being retained [F(1 1315) , = 4.67, p < 0.01] interaction should be pointed out, indicating that native non-retained subjects perceive more control than immigrants, as well as the Group × Being retained/Not being retained [F(1, 1200) = 5.49, p < 0.01] interaction, showing that native non-retained students perceive more family support. Given the results obtained, our intention is to provide solid evidence that would facilitate the design of family involvement programs, helping to improve students’ educational performanceThis work was developed through the funding of the research project PGIDIT 07SEC009214PR of the Government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia), Spain.S

    An Integrative Approach to Burnout in Secondary School Teachers: Examining the Role of Student Disruptive Behaviour and Disciplinary Issues

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    The aim of this paper is to examine from an integrative approach to what extent occupational stressors when in combination with other variables that have accredited their explicative value in accounting for teacher distress in other domains (personal, psychosocial and outside the occupational sphere) contribute to predicting and/or explaining the different components of burnout. The sample consists in 1386 secondary education teachers. The statistical results obtained confirm for all dimensions in the syndrome the explanatory role of occupational stressors related with student disruptive behaviours/attitudes and disciplinary issues (conflict management and lack of support/consensus). The remaining variables in the study (Type A pattern, optimism, hardiness, friend and family support, life events) also contribute to accounting for burnout, albeit to a lesser extent than occupational factors. Results not only confirm the suitability of the selected variables but also the necessity to design integration studies in which, besides another type of determinants, to include variables from the occupational domain. In other words, our findings suggest that student disruptive behaviour, the difficulties experienced by teachers in managing conflict and the lack support/consensus as regards disciplinary actions are ‘necessary’ ingredients if we are to successfully predict burnout in secondary school teachersEste artículo examina, desde un acercamiento integrador, en qué medida los estresores laborales, cuando se incluyen conjuntamente con otras variables con probada capacidad explicativa del malestar docente pertenecientes a otros ámbitos (personal, psicosocial y extralaboral), contribuyen a predecir y/o explicar las distintas facetas del burnout. La muestra está formada por 1386 profesores de Enseñanza Secundaria. Los resultados confirman, para todas las dimensiones del síndrome, el protagonismo explicativo de los estresores laborables relacionados con las conductas y/o actitudes problemáticas de los alumnos y las cuestiones disciplinarias (manejo de conflictos y falta de apoyo/consenso). Las restantes variables incluidas (patrón Tipo A, optimismo, personalidad resistente, apoyo familia y amigos, eventos vitales) también contribuyen a dar cuenta del desgaste laboral, aunque en menor medida que los factores laborales. Los resultados no sólo confirman la idoneidad de las variables seleccionadas, sino también la necesidad de diseñar estudios integradores en los que, además de otro tipo de determinantes, se incorporen variables del ámbito laboral. Nuestros hallazgos indican que las conductas y/o actitudes problemáticas de los alumnos, las dificultades de los profesores en el manejo del conflicto y la falta de apoyo/consenso en cuestiones disciplinarias, parecen ingredientes “necesarios” si queremos predecir satisfactoriamente el burnout de los docentes de secundariaThis study was possible thanks to the granting of the Project “Estrés laboral y Burnout en los Profesionales de Enseñanza Secundaria” (reference PGIDT02CS024101PR) financed by the Consellería de Educación y Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de GaliciaS

    SERS study of different species of p-aminothiophenol adsorbed on silver nanoparticles

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    In the present work we have focused the discussion on the experimental and theoretical SERS spectra of the organic compound pATP recorded on silver colloids. The huge SERS of pATP on metal substrates is significantly different from its ordinary Raman spectra due to the formation of a new specie namely p,p’ –dimercaptoazobenzene (DMAB). The features of the SERS spectra of pATP are strongly dependent on many factors as i.e. the laser power density or the laser wavelength but there are still important aspects to understand as, for example, the effect of the concentration that has already been studied before by our group. In this case we have analyzed the effect of the concentration at different wavelengths on the SERS spectra of pATP on silver nanoparticles.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    B-learning under examination: Advantages, disadvantages, and opinions

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    In recent years, learning management systems (LMS) have become very popular in almost all traditional universities, generating a new learning strategy approach, mixing elements from both traditional and online learning: the blended learning or b-learning. How these new environments influence teaching activities and learning processes are the main topic of this paper. References about this subject are also analyzed, enriching them with the expertise and opinion of authors and other teachers. Finally, the students’ point of view is presented, through the results of a survey of Polytechnic School students at Universidad Europea de Madrid.------El b-learning a examen: Ventajas, desventajas y opinionesResumenDesde hace ya varios años, han proliferado los espacios virtuales de enseñanza en la práctica totalidad de centros universitarios de enseñanza presencial, dando origen a una nueva modalidad de enseñanza que recoge elementos de la enseñanza presencial y de la enseñanza en línea: el blended learning o b-learning. La posible influencia de estos espacios en la actividad docente y en el proceso de aprendizaje es el objeto de este artículo. Se analizan referencias sobre el tema, enriqueciéndolas con la opinión y experiencia de los autores y su entorno laboral concreto. Finalmente, se presenta la opinión de los alumnos a través de los resultados de una encuesta realizada a un grupo de estudiantes de la Escuela Politécnica de la Universidad Europea de Madrid.DOI: 10.18870/hlrc.v1i1.36PDF document contains both the original in Spanish and an English translation