146 research outputs found

    Hábitat inusual para Bathynellacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca): primer registro de este crustáceo de agua subterránea en el sustrato superficial mesovoide (MSS)

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    First world record of a crustacean (Malacostraca, Bathynellacea) that lives exclusively in groundwater in an unusual habitat, the mesovoid shallow substratum (MSS). The MSS is a terrestrial subterranean medium with high and constant relative humidity. Specimens of the family Parabathynellidae have been found in sampling devices set to collect terrestrial subterranean fauna in the MSS of Sierra de Guadarrama National Park (Madrid, Spain). Two species belonging to two different genera, Hexabathynella nicoleiana Camacho, 1986 and Hexaiberobathynella mateusi (Galhano, 1967), already known to occur in the province of Madrid, have been identified by morphological study, whereas their 18S gene sequences confirmed their generic ascription.En este trabajo se documenta por primera vez el hallazgo de ejemplares de un crustáceo (Malacostraca, Bathynellacea) que vive exclusivamente en las aguas subterráneas de todo el mundo, en un hábitat inusual: el medio subterráneo superficial (MSS), un medio terrestre sin luz y saturado de humedad. Especímenes de la familia Parabathynellidae han sido encontrados en dispositivos de muestreo dispuestos para la recogida de fauna subterránea terrestre en el MSS del Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid, España). Se han identificado dos especies, de dos géneros diferentes, Hexabathynella nicoleiana Camacho, 1986 y Hexaiberobathynella mateusi (Galhano, 1967), mediante estudio morfológico. Las secuencias del gen 18S de varios ejemplares confirman su adscripción genérica. Estas especies eran ya conocidas en la provincia de Madrid

    A New Species of Trechus from the Ethiopian Highlands (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) and Key to the Trechus Species of Ethiopia

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    The enormous genus Trechus Clairville is distributed mainly in the Holarctic regions, but 24 species from Ethiopia were described previously. A key to the species of Ethiopian Trechus is provided, including a new species, Trechus amharicus from the Choke Mountains (Ethiopian Highlands). The latter taxon is described. The species was found in the Afroalpine grassland, living under stones, sometimes located at the base of the giant Lobelia rhynchopetalum Hemsl. It is noteworthy that in spite of the small number of known species of Ethiopian Trechus, there are more morphological and chaetotaxic variations among them than in their Holarctic congeners. The taxonomic position of the new species is difficult to situate, because T. amharicus does not fit in any of the groups of species recognized to date in Ethiopia. T. amharicus n. sp. bears some resemblance to T. patrizii in that it has a pronotum with posterior angles without setae, and elytra with only a single anterior discal seta. However, the different configuration of the protarsus and aedeagus in the male clearly separates the two taxaThis work was supported by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). This research has also been partially financed by the I3 program of Incentivation of the Incorporation and IntensiÞcation on Research Activity of the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain, of which V.M.O. is the beneÞciaryS

    Nuevos datos sobre Nomius pygmaeus (Dejean, 1831) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) en la península Ibérica

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    A new record of Nomius pygmaeus (Dejean, 1831) for the Iberian fauna is given, the third after a quarter of a century when the first two citations were provided. The collection conditions of these specimens are consistent with the pyrophilous habits described for this species. Some aspects that may be related to the wide distribution (Holarctic) and the rarity of N. pygmaeus, especially in the Palearctic area, are discussed.Se ofrece un nuevo registro de Nomius pygmaeus (Dejean, 1831) para la fauna ibérica, el tercero desde que hace un cuarto de siglo se aportaron las dos primeras citas para la península. Las condiciones de colecta de estos especímenes son acordes con los hábitos pirófilos descritos para esta especie. Se discuten algunos aspectos que pueden estar relacionados con la amplia distribución (holártica) y la rareza de N. pygmaeus, en especial en ámbito paleártico

    Description of the larva and female genitalia of Trechus gamae with data on its ecology

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    The third instar larva and the female genitalia of Trechus gamae Reboleira et Serrano (Coleoptera Carabidae Trechini) are described, illustrated and commented. Larvae and imagos were collected in deep parts of caves from Estremenho karstic massif in the centre Portugal. The work provides the first study on hypogean beetle larvae from Portugal, increasing the knowledge about hypogean microendemic species from the Lusitanic district of the Iberian Peninsula. The morphological diagnostic characters of the female genitalia corroborate the inclusion of T. gamae in the “T. fulvus-group”. Some new data on the ecology of this species are also given.publishe

    Nuevos datos de Mogoplistidae (Insecta, Orthoptera) y primer registro de Paramogoplistes novaki (Krauss, 1888) en la península ibérica

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    Several Mogoplistidae specimens collected in the provinces of Alicante and Valencia are studied by pitfall trapping, in the ground surface, and with underground sampling stations (EMS) located in the Mesovoid Shallow Substratum (MSS). These samples are assigned to two different species, Mogoplistes brunneus Serville, 1838, with four females collected, and a species not reported yet from the Iberian Peninsula, Paramogoplistes novaki (Krauss, 1888), 22 specimens of which were collected. The morphological and biometric study was carried out by comparing these specimens with another sample of P. novaki collected in Croatia, and also with other species of the genus. The location of both species in the EMS indicates that not only have these species epigeal habits, but they also circulate through the interstices of the subsoil of the scree (colluvial deposits).Se estudian especímenes de Mogoplistidae colectados en las provincias de Alicante y Valencia, mediante la instalación de trampas de caída (pitfall) en la superficie del suelo, y con estaciones de muestreo subterráneo (EMS) emplazadas en el medio subterráneo superficial (MSS). Estas muestras se asignan a dos especies, Mogoplistes brunneus Serville, 1838, del que se colectaron cuatro hembras, y una especie aún no citada de la península ibérica, Paramogoplistes novaki (Krauss, 1888), de la que se recogieron 22 especímenes. El estudio morfológico y biométrico se realizó cotejando estos ejemplares con otra muestra de P. novaki proveniente de colectas en Croacia, y también con otras dos especies del género. La localización de ambas especies en las EMS, indica que éstas no sólo tienen hábitos epigeos, sino que también circulan por los intersticios del subsuelo de los canchales (depósitos coluviales)

    Los Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) del valle de Salientes (León, norte de España): fauna, corología y notas taxonómicas

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    El valle de Salientes (norte de León, España) es un área situada inmediatamente al sur del eje principal de la Cordillera Cantábrica, de la que se halla relativamente aislada debido a los procesos erosivos producidos entre las cabeceras de los ríos Sil y Luna. Este hecho histórico/geológico convierte a este valle en un enclave muy singular y a su biota en un interesante objetivo de estudio. Este trabajo, con un enfoque faunístico, aporta información sobre Carabidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) que habitan en esta área. Se realizaron cuatro campañas entomológicas en tres años consecutivos, donde se recogieron 1255 especímenes, pertenecientes a 101 especies, en 61 puntos de muestreo, mediante captura activa e instalación de trampas pitfall. Los resultados revelan que, en términos de diversidad específica y abundancia, la mayoría de los ejemplares pertenecen a la subfamilia Harpalinae, teniendo especial relevancia Harpalini (18 spp, 167 exx), Zabrini (11 spp, 55 exx), Pterostichini (10 spp, 200 exx), Sphodrini (9 spp, 150 exx) y Platynini (6 spp, 83 exx). Además, se realizó un análisis biogeográfico que puso de manifiesto la elevada contribución que hacen los endemismos ibéricos en la composición faunística de los Carabidae de este enclave geográfico. Finalmente, se discuten aspectos taxonómicos de algunas especies colectadas: 1) el caso de Trechus (Trechus) suturalis Putzeys, 1870 y Trechus (Trechus) gallaecus Jeannel, 1921, cuya morfologíadel edeago, ilustrada en este trabajo, es clave para la distinción inequívoca de ambas especies; 2) también se pone de manifiesto la gran variabilidad observada respecto a los caracteres externos de dos especies ibéricas de Oreophilus Chaudoir, 1838, Pterostichus (O.) cantaber (Chaudoir, 1868) y Pterostichus (O.) franzi Nègre, 1955, concluyendo que no son lo suficientemente consistentes, teniendo que recurrir a la morfología del edeago como único carácter totalmente fiable para identificar ambas especies. Además, se aportan comentarios en relación con la autoecología y preferencia de hábitat (áreas forestales, riparias/palustres, ruderales y subterráneas) de las especies más representativas. Por último, se amplía el rango de distribución del microendemismo Trechus teverganus Toribio, 2015, a pesar de las aparentes barreras geográficas y geológicas que podrían existir para esta especie de vida subterránea

    El relicto glacial Leistus (Pogonophorus) puncticeps Fairmaire & Laboulbène, 1854 (Coleoptera, Carabidae): nuevos datos sobre distribución, autoecología y presencia en el Medio Subterráneo Superficial (MSS)

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    Over the last three decades, intensive sampling of the MSS in the Iberian Peninsula has revealed new records of Leistus (Pogonophorus) puncticeps Fairmaire & Laboulbène, 1854 in previously unknown areas. These new records extend the species geographic range towards southern Mediterranean localities, showing a discontinu­ous distribution pattern across the eastern third of the Iberian Peninsula. Also, some slight variability in the shape of the apical lamina of the edeago is revealed. Abrupt landscape, especially in stony slopes, arises as a favorable habitat for the species. In general, the new localities for L. (P.) puncticeps have low and torrential precipitation, an average rainfall of around 600-700 mm, and remarkable thermal amplitude. The species is collected for the first time in the Mesovoid Sallow Substratum (MSS) using subterranean sampling devices (SSD). The pres­ence of this species in this hypogean habitat across several iberian areas (Sierra del Moncayo, mountains of the north of Alicante province and Sierra de María) indicates its (sub)troglophile condition. The new records, in addition to previously available data, suggest the same evolutionary history for L. (P.) puncticeps as for Leistus (Pogonophorus) montanus Stephens, 1827 and Leistus (Pogonophorus) parvicollis Chaudoir, 1869, being the three species glacial relicts as a result of vicariant speciation. The environmental changes that occurred during the postglacial time period could explain the discontinuous distribution that L. (P.) puncticeps shows at present and its tendency to occupy the MSS.Numerosos muestreos realizados por el territorio peninsular, a lo largo de estas tres últimas décadas, han deparado el hallazgo de Leistus (Pogonophorus) puncticeps Fairmaire & Laboulbène, 1854 en áreas geográfi­cas en las que se desconocía su presencia hasta la fecha. Las nuevas citas amplían la distribución ibérica de la especie hacia enclaves mediterráneos meridionales, perfilando un patrón de distribución discontinuo por el tercio oriental. Al mismo tiempo, estos hallazgos revelan cierta variabilidad, muy leve, en la forma de la lámina apical del edeago. Por otro lado, se confirman los parajes quebrados y abruptos como enclaves potencialmente favorables para la supervivencia de esta especie, especialmente si disponen de laderas pedregosas. En general, las nuevas localidades en donde se ha hallado L. (P.) puncticeps, cuentan con precipitación escasa y torrencial, una pluvio­sidad media que ronda los 600-700 mm, y una notable amplitud térmica. Como novedad, y utilizando Estaciones de Muestreo Subterráneo (EMS), se ha colectado en el Medio Subterráneo Superficial (MSS). El hallazgo de esta especie en este singular medio hipogeo y en diversos enclaves ibéricos (Sierra del Moncayo, formaciones montañosas del norte de la provincia de Alicante y Sierra de María), pone de manifiesto su tendencia troglófila, y más probablemente de tipo subtroglófila. Los nuevos hallazgos, sumados a los ya conocidos, sugieren que L. (P.) puncticeps ha seguido la misma historia evolutiva que Leistus (Pogonophorus) montanus Stephens, 1827 y Leistus (Pogonophorus) parvicollis Chaudoir, 1869, constituyendo una triada de relictos glaciales, resultado de un proceso de especiación por vicarianza. Los cambios acaecidos en el período postglacial explicarían la distribución discontinua que muestra en la actualidad L. (P.) puncticeps, y su tendencia a explorar, en estos enclaves, el MSS

    The “Alluvial Mesovoid Shallow Substratum”, a new subterranean habitat

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    Received: April 5, 2013; Accepted: August 23, 2013; Published: October 4, 2013In this paper we describe a new type of subterranean habitat associated with dry watercourses in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula, the “Alluvial Mesovoid Shallow Substratum” (alluvial MSS). Historical observations and data from field sampling specially designed to study MSS fauna in the streambeds of temporary watercourses support the description of this new habitat. To conduct the sampling, 16 subterranean sampling devices were placed in a region of Eastern Spain. The traps were operated for 12 months and temperature and relative humidity data were recorded to characterise the habitat. A large number of species was captured, many of which belonged to the arthropod group, with marked hygrophilous, geophilic, lucifugous and mesothermal habits. In addition, there was also a substantial number of species showing markedly ripicolous traits. The results confirm that the network of spaces which forms in alluvial deposits of temporary watercourses merits the category of habitat, and here we propose the name of “alluvial MSS”. The “alluvial MSS” may be covered or not by a layer of soil, is extremely damp, provides a buffer against above ground temperatures and is aphotic. In addition, compared to other types of MSS, it is a very unstable habitat. It is possible that the “alluvial MSS” may be found in other areas of the world with strongly seasonal climatic regimes, and could play an important role as a biogeographic corridor and as a refuge from climatic changes.The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for funded this research project (CGL2010-19924) and the Ministry of Education and Science programme "Juan de la Cierva". This research Project (CGL2010-19924) was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.The Ministry of Education and Science programme "Juan de la Cierva" funded the research activity of one of the authors (A. J-V.).Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of biological control agents for managing cucurbit powdery mildew on greenhouse-grown melon

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    An evaluation was made of the ability of two mycoparasite-based products AQ10® (Ampelomyces quisqualis) and Mycotal® (Lecanicillium lecanii), as well as three strains of Bacillus subtilis, to manage powdery mildew disease, caused by Podosphaera fusca on melon seedlings maintained under different regimes of relative humidity and on plants grown under greenhouse conditions in Spain. In every case fungal and bacterial biocontrol agents (BCAs) performed better under conditions of high relative humidity (90–95% RH). In greenhouse experiments, the effectiveness of the mycoparasites to manage powdery mildew was absolutely dependent on mineral oil. The strains of B. subtilis provided disease control similar to that achieved with the mycoparasites or the fungicide azoxystrobin. Microscopic analysis showed the ability of these bacterial strains to efficiently colonize leaf surfaces and revealed the occurrence of antagonistic interactions between biological agents and P. fusca structures. These results confirmed the usefulness of these BCAs for managing powdery mildew on greenhouse-grown cucurbits either as single products or as a component of integrated control programmes.Estación Experimental ‘La Mayora’ (CSIC), Algarrobo-Costa, 29750 Málaga, Spain Grupo de Microbiología y Patología Vegetal-Unidad Asociada a CSIC, Departamento de Microbiología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Málaga, 29071 MálagaPeer reviewe

    Increasing Therapy Related Myeloid Neoplasms in Multiple Myeloma

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    © 2018 Stichting European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal Foundation. This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc /4.0/ This document is the submitted version of a published work that appeared in final form in European Journal of Clinical Investigation.Background: Despite the longer survival achieved in multiple myeloma (MM) patients due to new therapy strategies, a concern is emerging regarding an increased risk of secondary primary malignancies (SPMs) and how to characterize those patients at risk. We performed a retrospective study covering a 28‐year follow‐ up period (1991‐2018) in a tertiary single institution. Material and Methods: Data of 403 MM patients were recorded and compared with the epidemiologic register of the population area covered by our centre, calculating the standardize incidence ratio (SIR) for the different types of SPMs diagnosed in the MM cohort. Fine and Gray regression models were used to identify risk factors for SPMs. Results: Out of the 403 MM patients, 23 (5.7%) developed SPMs: 13 therapyrelated myeloid (TRM) malignancies (10 of them (77%) myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), 1 acute lymphoid leukaemia and 9 solid neoplasms. In the MM cohort, the relative risk of MDS was significantly higher than in the general population. Survival of patients with TRM malignancies was poor with a median of 4 months from the diagnosis, and most of them showed complex karyotype. Within the MM subset, multivariable analysis showed a higher risk of TRM malignancies in patients that previously received prolonged treatment with lenalidomide (>18 months). Conclusions: Though the improvement in MM outcome during the last decades is an unprecedented achievement, it has been accompanied by the rise in TRM malignancies with complex cytogenetic profile and poor prognosis that are in the need of an improved biologic and therapeutic approach