522 research outputs found

    El movimiento de planificación familiar en la ciudad de Sevilla durante la transición democrática (1975-1983)

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    Tras la muerte de Franco tuvo lugar en España una movilización social por mejorar la salud y la atención sanitaria de la población. Dos importantes campos de acción son la reforma de la atención primaria y la legalización de la planificación familiar (PF). En ambos casos, son movimientos con un fuerte carácter vindicativo y se plantean como objetivo mejorar y transformar el sistema sanitario público de salud. En esta comunicación nos centraremos en el movimiento por la PF que se organiza en la ciudad de Sevilla durante la transición democrática (1975-1982). Los datos provienen de publicaciones, prensa general y feminista de la época y de entrevistas realizadas a activistas del movimiento de planificación familiar tanto del ámbito sanitario como de grupos feministas

    Knowledge production and commercialization from R&D: the pharmaceutical sector

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    Purpose – The objective of this work is to demonstrate the relationships between the two main processes of research and development (R&D) activities: the knowledge generation phase (KPP) and the knowledge commercialization, or transfer, phase (KCP), in a sector that is intensive in this type of activity, such as the pharmaceutical sector. In addition, within the framework of the general objective of this work, the authors propose two other objectives: (1) make advances in network efficiency measurement models, and (2) determine the factors associated with efficiency in the KPP and in the KCP in companies of the pharmaceutical sector in Spain. Design/methodology/approach – A Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) model (F€are and Grosskopf, 2000) with categorical variables (Lee et al., 2020; Yeh and Chang, 2020) has been applied, and a sensitivity analysis of the obtained results has been performed through a DEA model of categorical variables, in accordance with the work of Banker and Morey (1986), to corroborate the results of the proposed model. The sample is made up of 77 companies in the pharmaceutical sector in Spain. Findings – The results obtained point to a greater efficiency of pharmaceutical companies in the KPP, rather than in the KCP. Furthermore, the study finds that 1) alliances between companies have been the accelerating factors of efficiency in the KCP (but patents have slowed this down the most); 2) the quality of R&D and the number of R&D personnel are the factors that most affect efficiency in the KPP; and 3) the quality of R&D again, the benefits obtained and the position in the market are the factors that most affect efficiency in the KCP. Originality/value – The authors have not found studies that show whether the efficiency obtained by R&Dintensive companies in theKPP phase is related to better results in terms of efficiency in theKCP phase.Nopapers have been found that analyse the role of alliances between R&D-intensive companies and patents, as agents that facilitate efficiency in the KCP phase, covering the gap in the research on both problems. Notwithstanding, this work opens up a research path which is related to the improvement of network efficiencymodels (since it includes categorical variables) and the assessment of the opinions of those who are responsible for R&D departments; it can be applied to decision-making on the aspects to improve efficiency in R&D-intensive companies.This work has been co-financed by the 2014–2020 ERDF Operational Programme and by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and the University of the Regional Government of Andalusia. Project reference: FEDER-UCA18-103353. Title: Circular Economy and Efficiency: Towards new economics models.26 página

    Tipología estructural de los corrales tradicionales de barro en el Páramo de León

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    Una de las construcciones agrarias tradicionales peninsulares más emblemáticas es la casa de corral, caracterizada por disponer sus partes en torno a un espacio descubierto. De entre todos los tipos de casas de corral, quizá una de las más típicas sea la existente en la comarca del Páramo de León, que pertenece a la denominada arquitectura del barro castellana. Sus pueblos y construcciones son representativas del tipo general de la Meseta Central, abundando los edificios de adobe y tapial. Sus edificaciones muestran pocos huecos a la calle, volcándose la casa hacia el interior del corral

    The effects of environmental regulation on the efficiency of distribution electricity companies in Spain

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    The objective of this work is to detect what problems of inefficiency electricity distribution companies have, in order to disseminate this information and to allow distributors and public agencies to be more precise in calculating their costs. In turn, this will have an indirect impact on the price of the kilowatt in order to try to reduce its volatility. It should be noted that the volatility of the kilowatt price is mainly due to distribution costs and more specifically to access tolls. In the present paper, knowing that the distribution activity is a regulated activity, the efficiency in the electricity distribution companies will be studied. To this end, a study has been carried out on the efficiency of the main electricity distribution companies in Spain (Endesa, Iberdola, Union Fenosa, EDP and Viesgo) during the period of 2006-2015. The technique used was the Multi-period efficiency measurement in Data Envelopment Analysis, an input-oriented model at constant scales, working with panel data. The conclusions in this paper indicate that Spanish electricity distribution companies could improve their levels of efficiency if they improve the use of some inputs. This analysis demonstrates that overcapacity and deficit tariff have a negative influence on the efficiency level. Finally, this paper is useful as it shows that regulation again plays an essential role in regulated activities, requiring a commitment on the part of the State in order to improve efficiency in regulated activitie

    La resistencia al cambio durante la implementación de un sistema ERP

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    The objective of this research was to identify the factors that influence resistance to change by users of automotive agencies during the implementation of an ERP system. It is an in-process documentary and field investigation in situ, with a non-experimental, transactional design. This was a descriptive research with a quantitative and qualitative focusing. In this document, the progress of the quantitative research realized through the application of 35 questionnaires used to obtain data in March 2020 is reported, at the GMC and BMW agencies and the Shared Services Unit. The results showed that the biggest resistance to change manifested was due to factors that make up the dimension called knowledge, reason why it was concluded that it is necessary to evaluate the strategies that help to mitigate misinformation or lack of knowledge when implementing an ERP System.El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los factores que inciden en la resistencia al cambio por parte de los usuarios de las agencias automotrices durante la implementación de un sistema ERP. Es una investigación en proceso documental y de campo in situ, con diseño no experimental, transeccional. Se trató de un estudio con alcance descriptivo con enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo. En este documento, se reporta el avance del estudio cuantitativo realizado mediante la aplicación de 35 cuestionarios usados para la obtención de datos en el mes de marzo del 2020, en las agencias GMC y BMW y la Unidad de Servicios Compartidos. Los resultados mostraron que la mayor resistencia al cambio manifestada fue a causa de factores que integran la dimensión denominada conocimiento, por lo que se concluyó que es necesario evaluar las estrategias que ayuden a mitigar la desinformación o falta de conocimiento al implementar un Sistema ERP

    DEA window analysis and Malmquist index to assess efficiency and productivity in the Spanish electricity sector

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that overcapacity and tariff deficit (external constraints) negatively affect the efficiency of distribution firms in the Spanish electricity sector. To do this, the paper is based on the theory of constraints and theory of economic regulation. Design/methodology/approach – Data envelopment analysis (DEA) window methodology is carried out on the constant scales (I-C) with a sample consisting of five main distribution firms during the period from 2006 to 2015. In turn, an analysis of the Malmquist index is carried out to assess whether it has had a displacement with respect to the efficiency frontier. Findings – The results show that the overcapacity and the tariff deficit negatively affect the efficiency of the distribution firms of the Spanish electricity sector. In addition, there is an existence of external constraints that affect the activities of regulated organisations and the importance of adequate legislation in regulated sectors. Originality/value – This study defines a model that shows how the efficiency problems associated with electricity distribution companies such as productive overcapacity or tariff deficit can be measured based on the theory of constraints and theory of economic regulation

    R&D&I efficiency AS one OF the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) in Europe: Application of a dynamic model with network structure and Cumulative Divisional Malmquist index (CDMI)

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    In European countries the measurement of the efficiency of Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) is a problematic issue for politicians and the general population. For this reason, the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) signed by UN Member States in 2015 includes SDG 9 for Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. The objective of this study is to assess whether European countries efficiently manage their R&D&I resources. To meet this objective, the output-oriented Dynamic DEA with Network structure based on SBM framework (DNSBM) is used under constant returns in order to first, verify how European countries are positioned in their contribution to realizing SDG 9, considering the dynamic relationships between the resources allocated to R&D&I and their results; and, second, define the long-term relationships between them by applying the Cumulative Divisional Malmquist Index (CDMI) model. This work contributes to the advancement of the research via: (1) development of a framework for the analysis of R&D&I efficiency based on a dynamic network optimization model, where the analyzed periods present interdependence based on the relationships between the inputs and outputs of the R&D&I of SDG 9 and (2) development of a new conceptual model to measure efficiency in the management of R&D&I in a sample of European countries.16 página

    Alcohol consumption patterns and adherence to the Mediterranean diet in the adult population of Spain

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    The objective is to evaluate the association between various indicators of alcohol consumption and the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet among the Spanish adult population. A cross-sectional study including 44,834 participants ≥ 15 years of age from the 2017 National Health Survey and the 2020 European Health Survey in Spain. Alcohol patterns were defined based on (1) average intake: individuals were classified as low risk (1–20 g/day in men and 1–10 g/day in women) and high risk (> 20 g/day in men or > 10 g/day in women), (2) binge drinking, and (3) alcoholic beverage preference. Non-adherence to the Mediterranean diet was defined as scoring < 7 points on an adapted Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener index (range 0–10). Odds ratios (OR) were estimated using logistic regression models adjusted for relevant covariates. Compared to non-drinkers, low and high-risk drinkers were more likely to report non-adherence to the Mediterranean diet: ORs 1.35 (95% CI 1.23; 1.49) and 1.54 (95% CI 1.34; 1.76), respectively. Similarly, reports of binge drinking less than once a month was associated with higher likelihood of non-adherence (OR 1.17; 95% CI 1.04; 1.31). Individuals reporting no preference for a specific beverage and those with a preference for beer or for spirits had lower adherence: ORs 1.18 (95% CI 1.05; 1.33), 1.31 (95% CI 1.17; 1.46), and 1.72 (95% CI 1.17; 2.54), respectively, while a preference for wine showed no association (OR 1.01; 95% CI 0.90; 1.13). Alcohol consumption, even in low amounts, is associated with lower adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Therefore, alcoholic beverages should not be included in measures that define the Mediterranean dietThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health. Government Delegation for the National Drugs Plan (PI 2021I033

    Indicators toMeasure Efficiency in Circular Economies

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    In this paper, a number of indicators are shown to measure economic efficiency in terms of circular economy (CE). The European Union affirms the need for a comprehensive model of indicators relating to CE in order to meet the needs of all participants (individual companies and industry, society, and the nation), to be based on three perspectives: environmental impact, economic benefit, and resource scarcity. Therefore, the objective of this work is to define these indicators and establish models for measuring the efficiency of processes and products of CE (through Data Envelopment Analysis, (DEA)) in its different manifestations. The models will be useful for both organizations and external users in relation to CE in order to facilitate the search for indicators for all users. Following the bibliographic review of official reports and different high impact works, our results demonstrate the ability to obtain information concerning the main indicators of CE and how the efficiency of CE models has been measured through the most frequently used inputs and outputs

    A World Wide Web-Based Practice That Disseminates Photogrammetry. Inspiring secondary students to pursue geomatics careers

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    This is the accepted version of a manuscript published in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine. ISSN: 2168-6831. https://doi.org/10.1109/MGRS.2018.2876565The D3MOBILE Metrology World League was established in 2013 with the aim of encouraging curiosity and interest in science, and particularly geoscience, in the secondary students of grades ISCED 1 and 2. Presented as an international championship, D3MOBILE introduces students to the discipline of photogrammetry through the e-learning methodology concept. The use of well-known technologies by the pupils, such as their own mobile devices (smartphones or tablets), allows us to develop educational procedures that are attractive and challenging for them. All the work that we propose for the participants is presented in a scientific, technical, and professional language but in a more interactive format than traditional textbooks or theoretical classes. The proposed challenges provide students with the opportunity to establish their own learning objectives, work as a team and take responsibility for their work. This paper addresses the experience, from an educational perspective, carried out by our research group CIGEO (Civil Engineering and Geomatics) during the organization of the first five editions of this international “concept submission competition”. During this period, we tried to create and improve a project-based learning (PBL) methodology that can be adapted to e-learning and daily classwork at the high school level, which can be easily implemented regardless of the number of participants and can be implemented anywhere in the world. The obtained results demonstrate the potential of alternative teaching methods combined with new technologies to engage students in science learning and improve the perception of the geosciences as a job opportunityWe thankfully acknowledge the financial support from FECYT—Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (FCT 12-3495; FCT 13-5961; FCT 14-8038; FCT 15-9481); and Xunta de Galicia (ED431B22016/030; ED341DR2016/023). We would also like to thank our large number of sponsors and collaborators: Universia, BQ, Autodesk, National Geographic Institute (IGN), City Council of Lugo, Provincial Council of Lugo, Spanish Center of Metrology (CEM), Fundación Vodafone, CEAPA, City Council of La Coruña, Fundación Barrié, ANPE, CSI-F, Fundación Comforp, PCE, Univ. Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina), Fundacion Mujeres, EDUCACION 3.0. and likely even more entities. Finally, we would like to thank the schoolteachers and students whose work and dedication allowed this project to achieve its objectivesS