33 research outputs found

    Nuclear Wobbling Motion and Electromagnetic Transitions

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    The nuclear wobbling motion is studied from a microscopic viewpoint. It is shown that the expressions not only of the excitation energy but also of the electromagnetic transition rate in the microscopic RPA framework can be cast into the corresponding forms of the macroscopic rotor model. Criteria to identify the rotational band associated with the wobbling motion are given, based on which examples of realistic calculations are investigated and some theoretical predictions are presented.Comment: 39 pages, plain TeX, figures not included, available via conventional mai

    Efficient method to perform quantum number projection and configuration mixing for most general mean-field states

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    Combining several techniques, we propose an efficient and numerically reliable method to perform the quantum number projection and configuration mixing for most general mean-field states, i.e., the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) type product states without symmetry restrictions. As for example of calculations, we show the results of the simultaneous parity, number and angular-momentum projection from HFB type states generated from the cranked Woods-Saxon mean-field with a very large basis that is composed of Nmax=20 spherical harmonic oscillator shells

    Fully gapped superconductivity with no sign change in the prototypical heavy-fermion CeCu2Si2

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    In exotic superconductors including high-TcT_c copper-oxides, the interactions mediating electron Cooper-pairing are widely considered to have a magnetic rather than the conventional electron-phonon origin. Interest in such exotic pairing was initiated by the 1979 discovery of heavy-fermion superconductivity in CeCu2_2Si2_2, which exhibits strong antiferromagnetic fluctuations. A hallmark of unconventional pairing by anisotropic repulsive interactions is that the superconducting energy gap changes sign as a function of the electron momentum, often leading to nodes where the gap goes to zero. Here, we report low-temperature specific heat, thermal conductivity and magnetic penetration depth measurements in CeCu2_2Si2_2, demonstrating the absence of gap nodes at any point on the Fermi surface. Moreover, electron-irradiation experiments reveal that the superconductivity survives even when the electron mean free path becomes substantially shorter than the superconducting coherence length. This indicates that superconductivity is robust against impurities, implying that there is no sign change in the gap function. These results show that, contrary to long-standing belief, heavy electrons with extremely strong Coulomb repulsions can condense into a fully-gapped s-wave superconducting state, which has an on-site attractive pairing interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures + Supplement (3 pages, 5 figures

    Blood Oxygen Saturation Estimation from Facial Video via DC and AC components of Spatio-temporal Map

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    Peripheral blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), an indicator of oxygen levels in the blood, is one of the most important physiological parameters. Although SpO2 is usually measured using a pulse oximeter, non-contact SpO2 estimation methods from facial or hand videos have been attracting attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose an SpO2 estimation method from facial videos based on convolutional neural networks (CNN). Our method constructs CNN models that consider the direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) components extracted from the RGB signals of facial videos, which are important in the principle of SpO2 estimation. Specifically, we extract the DC and AC components from the spatio-temporal map using filtering processes and train CNN models to predict SpO2 from these components. We also propose an end-to-end model that predicts SpO2 directly from the spatio-temporal map by extracting the DC and AC components via convolutional layers. Experiments using facial videos and SpO2 data from 50 subjects demonstrate that the proposed method achieves a better estimation performance than current state-of-the-art SpO2 estimation methods.Comment: Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 202

    The role of spin–orbit potential in nuclear prolate-shape dominance

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    AbstractIt is confirmed, in terms of the Woods–Saxon–Strutinsky method, that the spin–orbit potential plays a decisive role in the predominance of prolate deformation, which has been a long standing problem in nuclear physics. It is originated from the combined effects of the spin–orbit coupling and the diffused surface of the potential, in agreement with the previous work based on a more schematic Nilsson–Strutinsky method. The degree of prolate-shape dominance exhibits an oscillatory behavior with respect to the strength of spin–orbit potential and, the prolate-shape dominance is realized at the proper strength of the spin–orbit potential together with the standard surface diffuseness; this oscillatory behavior disappears in case of small diffuseness corresponding to ellipsoidal cavity. The calculated energy differences between oblate and prolate minima in this Letter are consistent with those of our extensive self-consistent calculations of the Hartree–Fock+BCS method with the Skyrme interaction