265 research outputs found

    Direct path from microscopic mechanics to Debye shielding, Landau damping, and wave-particle interaction

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    The derivation of Debye shielding and Landau damping from the NN-body description of plasmas is performed directly by using Newton's second law for the NN-body system. This is done in a few steps with elementary calculations using standard tools of calculus, and no probabilistic setting. Unexpectedly, Debye shielding is encountered together with Landau damping. This approach is shown to be justified in the one-dimensional case when the number of particles in a Debye sphere becomes large. The theory is extended to accommodate a correct description of trapping and chaos due to Langmuir waves. Shielding and collisional transport are found to be two related aspects of the repulsive deflections of electrons, in such a way that each particle is shielded by all other ones while keeping in uninterrupted motion.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1310.3096, arXiv:1210.154


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    The aim of the work – to determine the role of the dynamics of the quantitative level of interleukin-10 in the blood of patients depending on the polymorphism of its gene (rs1800896) in the course of herpes zoster in adults. Materials and methods. The work included 50 adult patients with herpes zoster. The molecular genetics determination of the IL-10 gene (rs1800896) was carried out by the real-time polymerase chain reaction. Quantitative content of IL-10 in serum was determined by the immune enzyme method. Results and discussion. In adult patients with TT genotype of IL-10 the development of severe course of herpes zoster (0.933 vs. 0.6, χ2=5.56, OR=9.33, 95 % CI=1.10–79.21) was more often registered and was characterized by higher (Р<0.05) level of IL-10 in serum of these patients in the dynamics of the disease. The polymorphism of gene encoding IL-10 (rs1800896) had an effect on the level of increase of this cytokine in the blood serum at the stage of hospitalization (τ=0.33, Р=0.0036), and at discharge from the hospital (τ=0.34, Р=0.0034). The genotype TT is associated with high chances of development complicated course of the disease (0.784 vs. 0.462, χ2=4.76, OR=4.23, 95 % CI=1.10–16.19), but does not influenced the spectrum of complications (Р>0.05). In the presence of complications, the level of IL-10 in the blood serum of patients at the height of the disease was higher (4.5 times, Р<0.05) than in patients with uncomplicated course of herpes zoster. In the development of the localized form of herpes zoster, the damage to the trigeminal nerve was more often recorded in patients with TT genotype (84.8 % vs. 15.2 %, χ2=6.36, Р=0.02), but dynamics of changes in the content of IL-10 in serum of these patients did not depend (p> 0.05) on localization of lesions. It was revealed that the genotype CC of IL-10 gene (rs1800896) was more commonly found in patients with recurrent herpes zoster (0.75 vs. 0.261, χ2=4.19, OR=8.5, 95 % CI=0.81-89.75). The level of IL-10 in serum of patients with relapsing disease, unlike to patients with a primary manifestation, is characterized by a less significant its increase (Р<0.05). Conclusions. The genotype TT of IL-10 gene is associated with high chances of developing severe and complicated course of herpes zoster in adults and higher (Р<0.05) cytokine level in the dynamics of the disease. The influence of genetic polymorphism IL-10 (rs1800896) on the increase of this cytokine concentration at all stages of the disease is proved (Р<0.005). The genotype CC of IL-10 gene in adult patients with herpes zoster is associated with high chances of developing a recurrent disease (Р<0.05). The concentration of this cytokine in patients with recurrence course of herpes zoster is characterized by its moderate increase (Р<0.05). The development of localized form of the disease with a trigeminal nerve affection is associated with the genotype TT (Р<0.05). The concentration of IL-10 in serum in patients with localized forms of herpes zoster is independent of the localization of lesions (Р>0.05).Мета роботи – визначити роль інтерлейкіну-10 у крові залежно від поліморфізму його гена (rs1800896) при оперізувальному герпесі у дорослих. Матеріали і методи. Обстежено 50 дорослих хворих на оперізувальний герпес. Молекулярно-генетичне визначення гена ІЛ-10 (rs1800896) проводили методом полімеразної ланцюгової реакції у режимі реального часу. Вміст ІЛ-10 у сироватці крові визначали імуноферментним методом. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. У разі генотипу ТТ гена ІЛ-10 частіше реєструвався тяжкий перебіг оперізувального герпесу (0,933 проти 0,6, χ2=5,56, OR=9,33, 95 % CI=1.10-79.21), що характеризувався вищим (Р<0,05) вмістом ІЛ-10 у сироватці крові. Поліморфізм гена, що кодує ІЛ-10 (rs1800896), впливав на рівень підвищення цього цитокіна у сироватці крові як на етапі госпіталізації (τ=0,33, P=0,0036), так і при виписуванні зі стаціонару (τ=0,34, Р=0,0034). Генотип ТТ асоціювався з високими шансами розвитку ускладненого перебігу захворювання (0,784 проти 0,462, χ2=4,76, OR=4,23, 95 % CI=1.10-16.19), проте не впливав на спектр ускладнень (Р>0,05). За наявності ускладнень вміст ІЛ-10 у сироватці крові хворих у розпал захворювання був вищим (в 4,5 разу, Р<0,05), ніж у пацієнтів з неускладненим оперізувальним герпесом. При розвитку локалізованої форми оперізувального герпесу ураження трійчастого нерва частіше реєст­рувалося у хворих з ТТ генотипом (84,8 % проти 15,2 %, χ2=6,36, Р=0,02), проте динаміка змін вмісту ІЛ-10 у сироватці крові цих пацієнтів не залежала від локалізації уражень. Встановлено, що генотип СС гена ІЛ-10 (rs1800896) частіше виявлявся у хворих на оперізувальний герпес з рецидивним перебігом (0,75 проти 0,261, χ2=4,19, OR=8,5, 95 % CI=0,81-89,75). Вміст ІЛ-10 у сироватці крові хворих з рецидивним перебігом захворювання, на відміну від пацієнтів з первинною маніфестацією, характеризувався менш значущим його підвищенням (Р<0,05). Висновки. Генотип ТТ гена ІЛ-10 асоціюється з високими шансами розвитку тяжкого ускладненого оперізувального герпесу у дорослих та вищим (Р<0,05) вмістом цитокіна в динаміці захворювання. Доведено вплив генетичного поліморфізму ІЛ-10 (rs1800896) на підвищення концентрації цього цитокіна на всіх етапах захворювання (Р<0,005). Генотип СС гена ІЛ-10 у дорослих хворих на оперізувальний герпес асоційований з високими шансами розвитку рецидивного перебігу захворювання (Р<0,05). Концентрація цитокіна у хворих з рецидивним перебігом оперізувального герпесу характеризується помірним його підвищенням (Р<0,05). Розвиток локалізованої форми захворювання з ураженням трійчастого нерва асоціюється з генотипом ТТ (Р<0,05). Концентрація ІЛ-10 у сироватці крові хворих з локалізованими формами оперізувального герпесу не залежить від локалізації уражень

    Fast processing of data from Sneg-2MP experiment

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    The following subjects are covered: Basic stages during computer processing of data from Sneg-2MP instrument, basic modes during separation and fast processing (separation of data during satellite flight, separation of burst data segments, sampling and analysis of initial burst data segment). Experimental results obtained on the basis of fast processed data are reported

    Perfection of the mechanism of planning of innovative activities based on the system-transdisciplinary approach

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    The possibility of applying transdisciplinary system methodology in the process of developing plans for the innovative development of business entities has been considered. The use of a transdisciplinary systematic approach to innovation planning allows you to use new methodological planning tools, strengthen the systematic nature of planned activities, more clearly define their content and sequence.Various variants of the classification of scientific approaches according to the criterion of the degree of completeness of cognition of the surrounding world have been analysed, the basic transdisciplinary methodological approaches according to the content criteria and possibilities have been compared, such as: the theory of autopoiesis, the theory of chaos and complexity, the theory of fractals, the theory of turbulence and the theory of economic genetics.An important factor in the proposed methodology is the use of the evolutionary property of the development of organizational systems in combination with the possibility of revolutionary transformations at certain stages of development that determine the susceptibility of the organizational system to innovations. In the process of planning innovations, it is only possible to take into account these features of the development of organizational systems using a systemic transdisciplinary methodology.In the process of research, a transdisciplinary tool such as multiplex has been proposed for use, allowing us to determine the duration of the “internal” periods of development of the organizational system and, consequently, increase the validity of planned measures for the implementation of innovations. The use of this tool in the planning process has allowed us to find an approach to determining the duration of the periods of the various stages of the innovation process, which can in future provide an opportunity to effectively distribute the resources of an economic entity over time. At the same time, special attention in the process of planning investments in the innovation process has been paid to the practice of venture and business angel financing, the positive performance of which has been proved by the example of the United States

    Langmuir wave linear evolution in inhomogeneous nonstationary anisotropic plasma

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    Equations describing the linear evolution of a non-dissipative Langmuir wave in inhomogeneous nonstationary anisotropic plasma without magnetic field are derived in the geometrical optics approximation. A continuity equation is obtained for the wave action density, and the conditions for the action conservation are formulated. In homogeneous plasma, the wave field E universally scales with the electron density N as E ~ N^{3/4}, whereas the wavevector evolution varies depending on the wave geometry

    Integrability and Transcendentality

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    We derive the two-loop Bethe ansatz for the sl(2) twist operator sector of N=4 gauge theory directly from the field theory. We then analyze a recently proposed perturbative asymptotic all-loop Bethe ansatz in the limit of large spacetime spin at large but finite twist, and find a novel all-loop scaling function. This function obeys the Kotikov-Lipatov transcendentality principle and does not depend on the twist. Under the assumption that one may extrapolate back to leading twist, our result yields an all-loop prediction for the large-spin anomalous dimensions of twist-two operators. The latter also appears as an undetermined function in a recent conjecture of Bern, Dixon and Smirnov for the all-loop structure of the maximally helicity violating (MHV) n-point gluon amplitudes of N=4 gauge theory. This potentially establishes a direct link between the worldsheet and the spacetime S-matrix approach. A further assumption for the validity of our prediction is that perturbative BMN (Berenstein-Maldacena-Nastase) scaling does not break down at four loops, or beyond. We also discuss how the result gets modified if BMN scaling does break down. Finally, we show that our result qualitatively agrees at strong coupling with a prediction of string theory.Comment: 45 pages LaTeX, 3 postscript figures. v2: Chapter on BMN scaling and transcendentality added. v3: version accepted for publication in JSTA


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    For correction and treatment of liver failure before liver transplantation were proposed severe methods such as: extracorporal devices, transplantation of hepatocytes and implanted tissue-engineering units. The function of healthy hepatocytes presumes to stabilize the state of patients with chronic liver diseases and to wait a donor organ transplantation. In this review the results of experimental and clinical therapy of liver diseases by method of hepatocyte transplantation were summarized. Перед выполнением трансплантации печени для коррекции и лечения тяжелой печеночной недостаточ- ности предложено несколько способов применения гепатоцитов: в экстракорпоральных устройствах, а также путем трансплантации гепатоцитов и имплантируемых модулей, созданных на основе тканевой инженерии. Способность здоровых и устойчивых к болезням гепатоцитов осуществлять свою функцию может позволить пациентам с декомпенсированными хроническими заболеваниями печени стабилизи- ровать свое состояние и дождаться донорского органа. В предлагаемом обзоре суммированы результа- ты экспериментальной и клинической терапии болезней печени методом трансплантации гепатоцитов.

    Proceedings of the third French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for HEP

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    The reports collected in these proceedings have been presented in the third French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for high-energy physics held at LAL, Orsay on October 15-16. The workshop was conducted in the scope of the IDEATE International Associated Laboratory (LIA). Joint developments between French and Ukrainian laboratories and universities as well as new proposals have been discussed. The main topics of the papers presented in the Proceedings are developments for accelerator and beam monitoring, detector developments, joint developments for large-scale high-energy and astroparticle physics projects, medical applications.Comment: 3rd French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for High Energy Physics, October 15-16, 2015, LAL, Orsay, France, 94 page