822 research outputs found

    Forsterking av vegetasjonsdekke i Rødsmoen - skyte- og øvingsfelt – 7 år etter

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    Magnetoencefalografija (MEG) je metoda funkcionalnog oslikavanja mozga koja ima izrvrsnu vremensku rezoluciju od 1 ms, a uz to i dovoljno dobru prostornu rezoluciju od 2-3 mm, što je čini sjajnim alatom za proučavanje funkcije mozga u stvarnom vremenu, na milisekundnoj razini. Cilj ove radnje je proučavanje učinaka endogene, prikriveno usmjerene, prostorne vidne pažnje na najranije vidne odgovore, koji uključuju prvih 100 ms od prezentacije vidnog podražaja. Donedavno se smatralo da je aktivnost primarnog vidnog korteksa V1 modulirana prostornom vidnom pažnjom tek na latencijama nakon 100 ms od prezentacije vidnog podražaja, i to putem povratnih veza iz viših područja vidnog sustava, poput V2 i V3, međutim nekoliko EEG studija poput Kelly i suradnici [15] i dosad samo jedna MEG studija Poghosyan i suradnici [24] nalaze modulaciju endogenom prikrivenom prostornom vidnom pažnjom čak i te najranije aktivnosti. Pitanje je i dalje otvoreno i predstavlja glavni cilj naše radnje. Neuromagnetska mjerenja su napravljena na 15 ispitanika prosječne dobi 26 godina u MEG laboratoriju u Biomagnetism Center, Department of Neurology, Jena University Clinic u Jeni, u okviru bilateralne sveučilišne suradnje izmedu sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Technical University of Ilmenau. Korišteni su Gabor vidni podražaj i target podražaj (Gabor sa superponiranim prstenom promjenjive osvijetljenosti), pažljivo izabrane veličine, prostorne frekvencije, kontrasta i osvijetljenosti prstena te položaja prikazivanja u vidnom polju, kao i adaptivna eksperimentalna paradigma. Provjeru postoji li modulacija aktivnosti prostornom vidnom pažnjom vršili smo usporedbom slučajeva kada je prostorna vidna pažnja bila i kad nije bila usmjerena vidnim usmjerivačem na dio vidnog polja u kojem je prezentiran Gabor podražaj, izravno iz izmjerenih neuromagnetskih odgovora, kao i pomoću izračunate kortikalne dinamike dobivene koristeći CSST (Constrained Start Spatio-Temporal) metodu. Rezultati naše MEG analize pokazuju modulaciju prostornom vidnom pažnjom, čak i najranijeg vidnog odgovora, u slučajevima nasumično usmjeravane i održavane prostorne vidne pažnje, što je u skladu s nedavnim studijama poput [15] [24]. Rezultat analize za održavano usmjeravanje, kao i usporedba među nasumičnom i održavanom pažnjom, koja je pokazala jače izražen učinak modulacije u slučaju održavane pažnje, predstavljaju novi doprinos razumijevanju najranijih učinaka moduliranja endogenom prikrivenom prostornom vidnom pažnjom. Također, pokazali smo da nema utjecaja pažnje na latenciju maksimuma najranijeg vidnog odgovora, što je u skladu sa svim prethodnim studijama.Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is functional brain imaging method with great temporal resolution of 1 ms and good enough spatial resolution of 2-3 mm, what makes it a great tool for studying brain functioning in real time, on the milisecond level. The goal of this work is to study effects of endogenous, covertly oriented, spatial visual attention on the earliest visual responses, involving first 100 ms from the presentation of the visual stimulus. Until recently it was considered that the activity of the primary visual cortex V1 is modulated by spatial visual attention only on the latencies later than 100 ms after the stimulus presentation, by feedback connections from the higher visual areas, like V2 or V3, but few recent EEG studies, like Kelly et al. [15], and until now only one MEG study, Poghosyan et al. [24], find attentional modulatin of even the earliest evoked visual activity. The question is still open and represents the main goal of our study. Neuromagnetic measurements were made on 15 subjects, of average age 26, in the MEG laboratory in Biomagnetism Center, Department of Neurology, Jena University Clinic in Jena, as a part of bilateral university collaboration between University of Zagreb and Technical University of Ilmenau. We used Gabor visual stimulus and target stimulus (Gabor with superimposed ring of changing luminosity), with specifically chosen size, spatial frequency, contrast, luminosity of the ring and position of appearing in the visual field, just as adaptive experimental paradigm. Checking of the activity modulation by attention was done by comparing tasks when spatial visual attention was and when it was not oriented on the part of visual field where the stimulus was presented, directly from the measured neuromagnetic responses and by using cortical dynamics calculated using CSST (Constrained Start Spatio-Temporal) method. The results of our MEG analysis show activity modulation by spatial visual attention of the earliest visual response, in the tasks of random and sustained orienting, what is in accordance with recent studies like [15] [24]. Result of the analysis for sustained orienting and comparison between the random and sustained orienting, which showed greater effect of attentional modulation, represent the new contribution to understanding of the earliest effects of modulation by endogenous covertly oriented spatial visual attention. We also showed that there is no effect of attention on the latency of maximal earliest visual response, which is in accordance with all the studies

    Analytical approaches to the manufacture and use of bone artifacts in prehistory

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    Mesolithic and Neolithic bone artifacts were analyzed with the aim of contributing knowledge regarding technological achievements, food procurement and processing, personal adornment and other aspects of social behavior. Part I presents the methodology involving the integration of data obtained through experimental replication, surface traces, metric analysis, ethnographic analogy, and archaeological context. Replicative experiments were performed to reconstruct manufacturing techniques and test functional hypotheses. Surficial topography was examined using a scanning electron microscope for the identification of manufacturing and use traces. Five key measurements were devised for evaluating gross morphology and working surfaces of artifacts. Where applicable, ethnographic analogy was employed as a source for hypotheses about artifact function. Archaeological context was studied to reveal distributional and associational patterns that might contribute evidence pertaining to the use of bone artifacts and their temporal development. Emphasis was placed on comparing data derived from the various methods to determine whether the y supported or refuted one another. Interpretations were formulated on the basis of documented patterns rather than isolated events and, whenever possible, from multiple analytical techniques. Part II demonstrates the general applicability of these methodological approaches through three case studies selected to maximize diversity of cultural affiliation, environmental conditions, temporal duration, preservational factors, and sample size. The first case study is a large, well-preserved collection from the Mogollon-Pueblo village of Point of Pines in the American Southwest. The assemblage is derived from a settlement of brief duration situated in a prairie environment. The second is a medium-sized collection from Tell Abu Hureyra in northern Syria with a long sequence from the Mesolithic through Ceramic Neolithic. The third case study consists of two small samples from Ulu Leang and Leang Burung, rock shelters in Indonesia which offer an interesting contrast in settlement t ype and environment from the two open air sites

    Simplified methods of assessing the impact of grid frequency dynamics upon generating plants

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    The frequency of the national electricity grid is affected by fluctuations in supply and demand, and so continually "judders" in an essentially unpredictable fashion around 50 Hz. At present such perturbations do not seemingly affect Nuclear Electric as most of their plant is run at more or less constant load, but they would like to be able to offer the national grid a mode of operation in which they "followed" the grid frequency: i.e., as the frequency rose above or fell below 50 Hz, the plant's output would be adjusted so as to tend to restore the frequency to 50 Hz. The aim is to maintain grid frequency within 0.2 Hz of its notional value. Such a mode of operation, however, would cause a certain amount of damage to plant components owing to the consequent continual changes in temperature and pressure within them. Nuclear Electric currently have complex computational models of how plants will behave under these conditions, which allows them to compute plant data (e.g., reactor temperatures) from given grid frequency data. One approach to damage assessment would require several years'-worth of real grid data to be fed into this model and the corresponding damage computed (via "cycle distributions" created by their damage experts). The results of this analysis would demonstrate one of three possibilities: the damage may be acceptable under all reasonable operating conditions; or it may be acceptable except in the case of an exceptional abrupt change in grid frequency (caused by power transmission line failure, or another power station suddenly going off-line, for instance), in which case some kind of backup supply (e.g., gas boilers) would be required; or it may simply be unacceptable. However, their current model runs in approximately real time, making it inappropriate for such a large amount of data: our problem was to suggest alternative approaches. Specifically, we were asked the following questions: - Can component damage be reliably estimated directly from cycle distributions of grid frequency? i.e., are there maps from frequency cycle distributions to plant parameter cycle distributions? - Can a simple model of plant dynamics be used to assess the potential for such maps? - What methods can be used to select representative samples of grid frequency behaviour? - What weightings should be applied to the selections? - Is it possible to construct a "cycle transform" (Fourier transform) which will capture the essential features of grid frequency and which can then be inverted to generate simulated frequency transients? We did not consider this last question, other than to say "probably not". We were supplied with data of the actual grid frequency measurements for the evening of 29/7/95, and the corresponding plant responses (obtained using Nuclear Electric's current computational model). A simplified nonlinear mathematical model of the plant was also provided. Two main approaches were considered: statistical prediction and analytical modelling via a reduction of the simplified plant model

    Confirming the multidimensionality of psychologically controlling parenting among Chinese-American mothers: Love withdrawal, guilt induction, and shaming

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    © The Author(s) 2014. Despite the theoretical conceptualization of parental psychological control as a multidimensional construct, the majority of previous studies have examined psychological control as a unidimensional scale. Moreover, the conceptualization of shaming and its associations with love withdrawal and guilt induction are unclear. The current study aimed to fill these gaps by evaluating the latent factor structure underlying 18 items from Olsen et al. (2002) that were conceptually relevant to love withdrawal, guilt induction, and shaming practices in a sample of 169 mothers of Chinese-American preschoolers. A multidimensional three-factor model and bi-factor model were specified based on our formulated operational definitions for the three dimensions of psychological control. Both models were found to be superior to the unidimensional model. In addition, results from the bi-factor model and an additional second-order factor model indicated that psychological control is essentially empirically isomorphic with guilt induction. Although love withdrawal and shaming factors were also fairly strong indicators of psychological control, each exhibited important additional unique variability and mutual distinctiveness. Implications for the conceptualization of love withdrawal, guilt induction, and shaming as well as directions for future studies are discussed

    BES3 time of flight monitoring system

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    A Time of Flight monitoring system has been developed for BES3. The light source is a 442-443 nm laser diode, which is stable and provides a pulse width as narrow as 50 ps and a peak power as large as 2.6 W. Two optical-fiber bundles with a total of 512 optical fibers, including spares, are used to distribute the light pulses to the Time of Flight counters. The design, operation, and performance of the system are described.Comment: 8 pages 16 figures, submitted to NI

    The Role of Spirochetes in Periodontal Disease

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    The spirochetal accumulation in subgingival plaque appears to be a function of the clinical severity of periodontal disease. It is not known how many different spirochetal species colonize the plaque, but based upon size alone, there are small, intermediate-sized, and large spirochetes. Four species of small spirochetes are cultivable, and of these, T. denticola has been shown to possess proteolytic and keratinolytic enzymes as well as factors or mechanisms which suppress lymphocyte blastogenesis and inhibit fibroblast and polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL) function. All of these attributes could contribute to periodontal tissue insult. Yet independent of these potential virulence mechanisms, the overgrowth of spirochetes can be clinically useful if simply interpreted as indicating the result of tissue damage. In this case, the spirochetes would be indicators of disease and could be easily monitored by microscopic examination of plaque, or possibly by the measurement of benzoyl-DL-arginine-2-naphthylamide (BANA) hydrolytic activity in the plaque.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68092/2/10.1177_08959374880020021201.pd

    A Detailed Monte-Carlo Simulation for the Belle TOF System

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    We have developed a detailed Monte Carlo simulation program for the Belle TOF system. Based on GEANT simulation, it takes account of all physics processes in the TOF scintillation counters and readout electronics. The simulation reproduces very well the performance of the Belle TOF system, including the dE/dx response, the time walk effect, the time resolution, and the hit efficiency due to beam background. In this report, we will describe the Belle TOF simulation program in detail.Comment: To be submitted to NI

    Recommendations for dietary calcium intake and bone health: the role of health literacy

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    Osteoporosis, a common disease of the skeleton, involves microarchitecturaldeterioration of the bone matrix and depletion of bonemineral; this results in an increased susceptibility to fracture [1]. Postfracture,there is a plethora of financial, personal and psychosocialoutcomes, including reduced mobility, impairment of daily activities,inability to work and loss of confidence [2,3]. A hip fracture has themost severe implications: one in five individuals die within the firstyear, while 60% of individuals who survive a hip fracture still requireassistance to walk one year later, and 33% are totally dependent or areadmitted to a nursing home [2,4]. Bone mass is an important predictorof osteoporosis, and future fracture risk [5], and calcium plays animportant role in normal growth, development and maintenance of theskeleton [6], including providing a dynamic store to maintain theintra- and extra-cellular calcium pools [7]. Calcium homeostasis isregulated by an integrated hormonal system that involves calcitonin,parathyroid hormone (PTH) and the PTH receptor, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and the vitamin D receptor [7,8], along withserum ionized calcium, and the calcium-sensing receptor [9]. Whenplasma concentrations of ionized calcium fall below optimal levels,bone resorption increases in order to restore the mineral equilibrium

    Adolescent Experiences of Violence Victimizations Among Minors Who Exchange Sex/Experience Minor Sex Trafficking

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    This work investigates the associations between experiences of domestic minor sex trafficking and adolescent interpersonal violence victimizations, including intimate partner violence (IPV) and community violence. Abuse and violence in childhood are commonly proposed as risk factors for domestic minor sex trafficking. However, less is known about how interpersonal violence victimizations in adolescence connect to domestic minor sex trafficking experiences. The poly-victimization framework provides a means to understand domestic minor sex trafficking as a type of violence amid a web of additional interconnected violence victimizations. Efforts to better understand the interpersonal violence experienced by survivors of domestic minor sex trafficking are valuable in contextualizing trafficking experiences for adolescents. Data from The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, a population-based sample of adolescents in the United States (n = 12,605) were used to examine experiences of domestic minor sex trafficking for minor respondents, as measured through questions about exchanging sex for money or drugs. A multivariable logistic regression model was used to estimate the associations between domestic minor sex trafficking and IPV or community violence, while controlling for demographic variables and adolescent risk behaviors. Minors who experience community violence had significantly greater odds of having exchanged sex (aOR: 1.86; 95% CI: 1.32 -2.64). However, IPV was not significantly associated with minors’ experiences of sex exchange (aOR: 1.14; 95% CI: 0.85 -1.54). Alcohol or drug use (aOR: 1.87; 95% CI: 1.32 -2.65) and having run away (aOR: 2.04; 95% CI: 1.53 -2.72) were also significantly associated with minor sex exchange. As experiences of domestic minor sex trafficking were significantly associated with community violence victimizations, prevention and intervention efforts targeting youth at high risk for or survivors of domestic minor sex trafficking should consider how community violence victimizations impact these adolescent populations, and programming/messaging should be adjusted to account for these additional violence victimizations

    The Prevalence of Sex Trafficking of Children and Adolescents in the United States: A Scoping Review

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    Topic: This scoping review investigated research regarding the magnitude of minor sex trafficking (domestic minor sex trafficking and/or commercial sexual exploitation of children) in the United States, summarizing estimates, methodologies, and strengths and weaknesses of the studies. Method: Using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, peer-reviewed articles and the gray literature were accessed via databases searches, reference harvesting, and expert advice. Articles were included if they provided a count or prevalence proportion estimate of trafficked or at-risk minors across or within a region of the United States. Six empirical studies, published from 1999 to 2017, were included in the review. Results: Included studies produced count estimates (n = 3) or prevalence proportion estimates (n = 3) for youth at risk of minor sex trafficking (n = 2) or reporting victimization (n = 5). Studies examined sex trafficking risk and victimization in different geographical areas, including across the United States (n = 2), in New York City (n = 1), and in Ohio (n = 1). Further, several studies focused on particular populations, such as street and shelter youths (n = 1) and adjudicated males (n = 1). Sampling methodologies of reviewed estimates included traditional random sampling (n = 1), nationally representative sampling (n = 2), convenience sampling (n = 1), respondent-driven sampling (n = 1), purposive sampling (n = 1), and use of census data (n = 2). Conclusion: Little research has estimated the prevalence of minor sex trafficking in the United States. The existing studies examine different areas and populations and use different categories to estimate the problem. The estimates reviewed here should be cited cautiously. Future research is needed on this important topic, including methodologies to produce more representative estimates of this hard-to-reach population