389 research outputs found

    Adolescents’ Perception of Religious Education According to Religion and Gender in Spain

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    The aim of our study is to verify the influence of Religious Education on Spanish adolescents by applying a quantitative study based on descriptive and social research methods which reflect the religious and social plurality of Spain, with a total of 679 secondary education students. By means of the Delphi technique, an exploratory and semi-confirmatory factor analysis, and a confirmatory analysis using structural equations, the psychometric properties of the questionnaire designed are guaranteed. Using a multivariate analysis of variance, after the Levene test, multiple comparisons are made in order to assess the di erence between religions and gender with respect to school Religious Education. Significant di erences and large e ect sizes are found. The results show first that experiences with regard to religion in school are more positive for the group of Christian women and that of Muslim men; second, that the knowledge of religion helps in the daily development of adolescents; third, that men from the two major religious groups and Jewish women demand more autonomy; and lastly, that students consider that the curricular development of religion in school should be reviewed, although it is confirmed that Religious Education is regarded as important for their life and future development

    Sex and Careers of University Students in Educational Practices as Factors of Individual Differences in Learning Environment and Psychological Factors during COVID-19

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    The present research was carried out in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic following emergency school closures in an attempt to avoid the spread of infection. As a result, university students undertaking the final year of education degrees (teaching placements) have been obliged to deliver their teaching from home, adapting their teaching contexts to learning in virtual settings. A novel instrument was designed and validated in order to analyze the impact of learning environments and psychological factors in university students during a period of teaching placements. This took place in an adaptive context (state of confinement). Associations were determined between learning environments and psychological factors in adaptive contexts, in relation to the group to which they belonged (whether undertaking a degree in primary education, physical education and sport, early education or social education), and sex. The present study used a Delphi method, alongside a descriptive and quantitative analysis. The data demonstrate that learning environments differ according to the degree studied. The four analyzed groups revealed significant differences in relation to learning environments and psychological factors in adaptive confinement contexts. The subjects of Primary and Social Education were seen to be related with a greater possibility of being overwhelmed and reporting difficulties. Those more used to physical exercise showed more positive psychological indices. Females reported more negative responses. The conclusion reached is that the results of the present research will enable future additional multi-dimensional analysis to be conducted.(ITACA): "Research through transforming learning and contexts" HUM-98

    Sistemas de comunicación alternativos y aumentativos en alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales en Educación Primaria

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    Existen personas que, por causas ajenas a su voluntad, tienen limitada la capacidad de hablar de forma transitoria o permanente; para ello, se necesitan una serie de estrategias o métodos, que denominamos alternativos y aumentativos. A través de ellos se intenta reemplazar el lenguaje oral de manera que se mantenga el desarrollo de todas las funciones comunicativas con la mayor normalidad posible; permitiendo al individuo alcanzar un nivel de participación alto en los distintos contextos de la vida, tanto en comunicación interpersonal, escrita e incluso telefónica. Puesto que se trata de una tarea importante en el desarrollo comunicativo del niño, y por consiguiente de todas sus capacidades debe existir personal cualificado y especializado que sea capaz de ofrecer alternativas ante las limitaciones existentes. Como se refleja en los fines del Sistema Educativo Español. “La calidad de la educación para todo el alumnado, independientemente de sus condiciones y circunstancias” (BOE núm. 106, 2006, p.7899).Grado en Educación Primari

    Paternalism vs. autonomy: are they alternative types of formal care?

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    This study has been supported by MINECO Project: PSI2014-52464-P-ICESE

    Acciones de las Universidades Públicas en México en materia de responsabilidad empresarial

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    En el presente artículo se encuentran las principales acciones de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) llevadas a cabo por las Universidades Públicas en México que cuentan con un reconocimiento como Empresas Socialmente Responsables a través del Centro Mexicano de Filantropía (CEMEFI), lo cual permite identificar en un primer momento las principales definiciones adaptadas éste término, así como algunas de las acciones implementadas para identificar con ello ciertas tendencias e iniciativas con respecto a la Norma ISO 26000 aplicable a México (NMX-SAST-26000-IMNC-2011), en este sentido se identifican las principales acciones de responsabilidad social en las universidades públicas en México con el fin de que se promueva, tanto al interior de cada espacio universitario como en su entorno, un comportamiento ético, responsable y transparente de las acciones sociales y empresariales. El escrito se encuentra organizado en cuatro apartados, la primera de tipo introductoria a la importancia de la Responsabilidad social empresarial y que permiten establecer los antecedentes de la enseñanza de la responsabilidad social en Universidades Públicas en México, en segundo lugar las principales definiciones a éste término, un tercer apartado del papel de las Instituciones de Educación Superior con la Responsabilidad Social y un cuarto apartado de las principales acciones en las Instituciones Mexicanas de Educación Superior Públicas

    Acciones de las universidades públicas en México en materia de responsabilidad empresarial

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    1 archivo PDF (20 páginas).magyecccResumen En el presente artículo se encuentran las principales acciones de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE), llevadas a cabo por las universidades públicas en México, que cuentan con un reconocimiento como Empresas Socialmente Responsables a través del Centro Mexicano de Filantropía (CEMEFI), lo cual permite identificar las definiciones de la RSE adaptándolas al contexto mexicano, así como algunas de las acciones establecidas para identificar ciertas tendencias e iniciativas con respecto a la Norma ISO 26000 aplicable a México (NMX-SAST-26000-IMNC-2011). En este sentido, el articulo propone un modelo educativo para la enseñanza para la implementación de la responsabilidad social en las universidades públicas en México a través de una unidad de aprendizaje basado en competencias (conocimientos, valores, actitudes y habilidades), con el fin de que se promueva, tanto al interior de cada espacio universitario como en su entorno, un comportamiento ético, responsable y transparente de las acciones sociales y empresariales. Abstract In this article are the main actions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) conducted by public universities in Mexico that have recognition as Socially Responsible Companies across the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI), which identifies in initially the main definitions adapted this term, as well as some of the actions implemented to thereby identify certain trends and initiatives regarding ISO 26000 applies to Mexico (NMXSAST- 26000-IMNC-2011), in this sense through the article seeks to propose an educational model for teaching for the implementation of social responsibility in public universities in Mexico through a learning unit based on competencies (knowledge, values, attitudes and skills) to it promotes both within each university space and in their environment, ethical, accountable and transparent social and business actions behavior. Palabras clave: responsabilidad social empresarial, competencias, educación superior. Keywords: corporate social responsibility, competence, higher educatio

    Perceptions of Teachers in Training on Water Issues and Their Relationship to the SDGs

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    Water conservation is essential for any activity, as well as for the survival of both human and other living beings. It is commonly associated with access to clean water and sanitation, or even to unsustainable production and consumption, or sustainable cities and communities. However, there is increasing awareness of emerging issues related to water resources and their impact or relationship with other issues, such as climate change, access to food, health and well-being, or biodiversity (marine and terrestrial). Therefore, this study is aimed at understanding the perception of students of the Degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education concerning water issues and their relationship Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs; number 2,3,6,11,12,13,14 and 15) in a coastal urban context. The study used a qualitative design, in which 59 student teachers were interviewed. The instrument was validated by 12 experts. The content analysis indicates that student teachers understand that there is an environmental problem in relation to water caused by human behaviour, and that its effects have an impact on other areas that are related to the SDGs included in the 2030 Agenda.“Unidad de Excelencia de la Universidad de Granada (UGR): Desigualdad, Derechos Humanos y Sostenibilidad (DEHUSO)” [Unit of Excellence of the University of Granada (UGR): Inequality, Human Rights and Sustainability

    Personal Learning Environments that Facilitate Socio-Educational Integration of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors

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    The aim of the present study was to predict the variables that facilitate integration of unaccompanied foreign minors (UFM) and to develop personal learning environment (PLE) questionnaire dimensions with respect to social integration of UFM. Methods: A social study that was descriptive in nature was conducted with a quantitative empirical-analytical focus. Results: Results from discriminant function analysis indicate that 86% of group membership was correctly classified from gender alone, with female learning environments leading to greater future success. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the predictive results possess methodological coherence. Thus, from them we can propose possible development strategies, particularly targeting males, in order to improve learning and promote social integration. According to the results obtained, improvement of learning strategies and strengthening of the very learning environments, demands new policies to be established which promote emotional improvement and better futures for UFM, especially males.Research Project Competitive EDU2017-88641-

    Analysis of Psychometric Properties of the Quality and Satisfaction Questionnaire Focused on Sustainability in Higher Education

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    The aim of this research was to develop and validate a questionnaire to assess the quality of education, from a sustainability perspective, in higher education institutions of Naples (Italy), and determine whether differences exist between the groups (families, teachers and, students) with respect to their level of satisfaction concerning that quality, since it is important that education policies promote that assessment from an economic, social, environmental, and organisational dimension. The questionnaire was validated using a quantitative, quasi experimental, cross sectional method. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was conducted on a sample of n = 1091 subjects to study the differences between the groups and their level of satisfaction. The results show a good reliability and validity. In this MANOVA, significant differences and large effect sizes were found. Families and teachers consider that quality management in higher education is adequate. The three groups are very satisfied with teaching management, and the teachers’ group has the higher level of satisfaction with teaching planning. It is concluded that this validated questionnaire provides information on the opinions about the quality of education from a sustainability perspective and that the self-assessment of those responsible for teaching is essential to achieve continuous improvementHUM-98

    Análisis de viabilidad de la expansión de una empresa

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    El trabajo que se presenta a continuación tiene el propósito de analizar la situación actual de una empresa para poder estudiar la viabilidad de esta. Se trata de una empresa y una situación real.Para poder conseguir los objetivos marcados, se ha comenzado con el análisis del funcionamiento actual de la empresa, su entorno, interno y externo y se han realizado encuestas a empleados y ex empleados de la empresa, para que evalúen la situación en que se encuentra y hacía donde opinan que debería ir.De este modo, se ha querido cubrir la evaluación de la viabilidad comercial de la empresa desde todos los puntos de vista posibles.Como conclusión la empresa debe iniciar con brevedad las acciones necesarias para crear la imagen de marca que quieren proyectar al exterior y de este modo poder conseguir nuevos clientes que les permitan no tener que cerrar.<br /