15 research outputs found

    Temperature dependence of a period of the modulated structure in atom-vacancy solid solution

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    The effective vacancy–vacancy interaction is considered. Based on the continuum approximation for the Fourier components of strain-induced vacancy–vacancy interaction energies, approximating expressions for their expansion coefficients are obtained depending on the elasticity moduli, longitudinal and transverse phonon frequencies, and vacancy-concentration-dependent lattice parameter. The behaviour of k-dependent Fourier components of the strain-induced vacancy–vacancy interaction energies near the Brillouin zone centre, A(n)+B(n)k2, is analysed. As shown, A(n) 0 along all the high-symmetry [100], [110], [111], [½10] directions in reciprocal space for f.c.c. crystals with negative anisotropy factor. The criterion of modulated-structure formation for interacting vacancies in f.c.c. crystals is considered. Dependence of the modulatedstructure period on temperature is plotted. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2084

    Temperature Dependence of a Period of the Modulated Structurein Atom-Vacancy Solid Solution Based on F.C.C. Nickel

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    The effective vacancy–vacancy interaction is considered. Based on the continuum approximation for the Fourier components of strain-induced vacancy–vacancy-interaction energies, approximating expressions for their expansion coefficients are obtained, depending on the elasticity moduli, longitudinal and transverse phonon frequencies, and vacancy-concentration-dependent lattice parameter. A non-analytical behaviour of the k-dependent Fourier components of the strain-induced vacancy–vacancy-interaction energies near the Brillouin zone centre, Avv(n) + Bvv(n)|k|2, is analysed. As shown, Avv(n) 0 and Bvv(n) 0 along all the high-symmetry [100], [110], [111] directions in reciprocal space for f.c.c. crystals with negative anisotropy factor. The criterion of modulated-structure formation for interacting vacancies in f.c.c. crystals is considered. Dependence of the f.c.c.-Ni–vacancies modulated-structure period on temperature is plotted. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2492

    Post-irradiation modulation of distribution of interacting vacancies in the elastically anisotropic b.c.c. crystals

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    Spinodal mechanism of formation of a modulated structure in a spatial distribution of vacancies within the body-centred cubic (b.c.c.) crystal after irradiation is considered. The criterion of modulated-structure formation for the closed interacting-vacancies subsystem within the elastically anisotropic b.c.c. crystal is estimated.Розглянуто спинодальний механізм можливого формування надґратниці нанопор в об’ємно-центрованому кубічному (ОЦК) кристалі після опромінення. Проаналізовано критерій формування модульованої структури із взаємодійних вакансій у пружньо анізотропних ОЦК-кристалах. Оцінено залежність періоду модульованої структури розчину вакансій в ОЦК-Mo та ОЦК-Fe від температури.Рассмотрен спинодальний механизм возможного формирования сверхрешётки нанопор в объёмно-центрированном кубическом (ОЦК) кристалле после облучения. Проанализирован критерий формирования модулированной структуры из взаимодействующих вакансий в упруго анизотропных ОЦК-кристаллах. Оценена зависимость периода модулированной структуры раствора вакансий в ОЦК-Mo и ОЦК-Fe от температуры

    Influence of Fluctuations of the Point-Defects’ Generation Rate and Inhomogeneity of Irradiated F.C.C. Crystal on the Temperature Dependence of the Dissipative-Structure Period in a Spatial Distribution of Radiation Vacancies

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    A kinetic model for the influence of external noise, such as fluctuations of the point-defects’ production rate and inhomogeneity of irradiated f.c.c. crystal, on the formation of modulated defect-distribution structure is considered. Defect-production rate and density of sinks for point defects are simulated as independent uniform and stationary stochastic fields with certain parameters. The interaction between vacancies is taken into account. Such stochastic fields can induce a spatial point-defects’ distribution, which is a stationary uniform stochastic field. Its mean value and correlation functions are estimated, and restricting conditions are determined when this stochastic field becomes unstable because of interaction between defect- density fluctuations and a stochastic field with a spatially-periodic mean value is formed. A formula for evaluating its spatial period is analysed. This geometrical parameter of such a dissipative structure is determined also by kinetic characteristics. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3543

    Criteria and basic signs of the lawful protection of the person's interests from socially dangerous encroachment as a factor, which excludes criminality of an act: International experience

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    Article is focused on study of one of the circumstances, which prevent penal responsibility. In this case the discussion will deal with the protection of the legally protected interests from the publicly dangerous encroachments, with the lawful defense, justifiable defense, and self-defense. The authors examined the issues, concerning the objects, which are subject to protection, its boundaries, lawfulness, and criteria. The features of the presented issues are also investigated based on the example of the standards of the countries of post-Soviet space, Great Britain, USA, France, Czech Republic and other countries of the European Union. Based on the study the authors have formulated the proposals, which regarding the improvement of quite conceptual apparatus and standards, which regulate the sphere of criminal-lawful relations in question

    The structural transformation of the immune and endocrine organs under dehydration

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    Виявлені структурні та морфологічні зміни в селезінці, щитоподібній залозі та тимусі в умовах дії позаклітинної дегідратаціїОбнаружены структурные и морфологические изменения в селезенке, щитовидной железе и тимусе в условиях действия внеклеточной дегидратацииWe discovered structural and morphological changes in spleen, thyroid gland and thymus due to extracellular dehydratio

    The structural transformation of the immune and endocrine organs under dehydration

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    Виявлені структурні та морфологічні зміни в селезінці, щитоподібній залозі та тимусі в умовах дії позаклітинної дегідратаціїОбнаружены структурные и морфологические изменения в селезенке, щитовидной железе и тимусе в условиях действия внеклеточной дегидратацииWe discovered structural and morphological changes in spleen, thyroid gland and thymus due to extracellular dehydratio

    Social responsibility of international business as activity strategy of enterprises in Ukraine: European experience

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    The article analyzes the practice of application of business social responsibility strategy at Polish and Ukrainian enterprises. The problem of Ukrainian economic entities is in the necessity of creation of conceptual theoretical basis for social responsibility in the sphere of management and realization of social actions. That is why the current study of reports about the social responsibility of Ukrainian and Polish businesses allowed to substantiate the directions for improvement of social policy of enterprises in Ukraine where the enterprises represent a separate group in the development of national economy

    Effect of thermal motion of transverse domain wall on thermodynamic states of cylindrical iron nanowire

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    The effect of thermal motion of a transverse domain wall (DW) on the thermodynamic states of a cylindrical iron nanowire (INW) is studied. It is shown that the contribution of the thermal motion of a transverse DW to the entropy and heat capacity of a cylindrical INW can be an actual value, along with the thermodynamic components of its electron, magnon, and phonon (Debye component) subsystems. The critical diameters corresponding to this phenomenon are determined; their magnitudes are lower as compared to the nickel nanowire (Shevchenko et al., 2020). The influence of the thermal motion of a transverse DW on the average magnetization of a cylindrical ferromagnetic nanowire is investigated—it is found out that the maximum magnitude of its relative average magnetization in weak magnetic fields (much lower than 2πM, where M is the magnetization of the nanowire) is ⩽1.2·10-2. It is shown that changes in M affect the temperature of a given thermodynamic state. For example, a reduction of the INW magnetization from M=1.7·103Gs to 102Gs results to a decrease in the temperature (for a given diameter) from 970K to 57K