209 research outputs found

    On diameters of graphs and digraphs

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    Diameters and elongation diameters of graphs and digraph

    Determination of deflection of the vertical from geoid heights

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    The geoid model represents part of the national coordinate system. It can be used for the purpose of GNSS-levelling, but the use of geoid heights also improves incorporation of terrestrial observations into the state coordinate system. In GNSS levelling tasks, geoid heights are obtained from the geoid model, but with terrestrial observations the deflection of the vertical is also needed. Determination of geoid heights from the geoid model is a simple engineering task; however, determination of deflection of the vertical is not so common in geodetic practice. The purpose of this paper is to present the local method of establishing the deflections of vertical with the help of a plane, which is calculated on the basis of interpolated geoid heights. The coefficients of the plane give the deflection of the vertical in the point of gravity. This means that, given a known geoid, we can calculate the deflection of the vertical at any point in the region of Slovenia. Comparison of calculated deflections with the measured deflections was performed in order to estimate the accuracy of the proposed procedure. The procedure was tested in the geodetic network with four points

    Display of existing spatial phenomena for the settlements of Zgornja and Spodnja Sorica in the municipality Železniki

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    The thesis discusses the display of existing spatial phenomena for the settlements of Zgornja and Spodnja Sorica, the two of which have been merged into one sensible rounded off unit for the purpose of the thesis. The display of existing spatial phenomena is executed by regulations stipulated by The spatial planning law from 2007, and detailed by Rules on the display of existing spatial phenomena from 2008 (hereinafter the Rules). The thesis consists of the theoretical and the practical part. The legal basis is presented in the first part, continued by an example of the display of existing spatial phenomena for the settlement of Sorica (both Zgornja and Spodnja Sorica). After that Sorica and its municipality Železniki are presented. The display of existing spatial phenomena is composed of textual and graphical part. In the textual part there is mostly the town description and the interpretation of the graphical charts, in the graphical part there is a display of the discussed area, a display of the intended as well as the actual land use including restrictions and protection regimes like cultural heritage, forests, waters, natural values, etc. Graphical attachments are in the 1:25.000 scale, which allows the display of the whole discussed area to be put on a A3-sized paper. But according to the Rules it is necessary to make the display of existing spatial phenomena in the scale of 1: 5.000 or less, that is why we created displays for a part of the settlement in the regulated scale. In the final part we have summed up our findings about the display of existing spatial phenomena and discussed about its usefulness in spatial planning. \u

    Analysis of Snow Water Equivalent (Swe) of Snowpack by An Ultra Wide Band Step Frequency Continuous Wave Radar (Sfcw)

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    A ground-based step frequency continuous wave radar (SFCW), based in a software defined radio (SDR), in the range from 150MHz to 6GHz has been designed, fabricated and tested under real conditions. The radar has been applied to measure the snow water equivalent (SWE) of snowpack in the Spanish Pyrenees. A matrix method is applied to solve the electromagnetic reflectance of multilayer cover snow including frequency and wetness dependence of complex relative dielectric permittivity of snow layers. An approximated method to obtain SWE is presented. The method is based on the comparison of measured reflected signal vs distance plot with the calculated with an ''equivalent'' snow layer. Preliminary results are presented and compared with those provided by a cosmic-ray neutron SWE gauge over the 2019 winter. These results suggest the viability of the proposed method

    Visits from Google\u27s SERP

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    Večina podjetij se v današnjem času zaveda, da morajo na svoje spletno mesto pridobiti ključne obiskovalce, ne vedo pa, kako to narediti. V diplomskem delu sem se zato osredotočil na obisk, ki pride z iskalnika Google, pa naj bo to organski ali plačljivi obisk. Kdor koli želi na spletno mesto privabiti obiskovalce z Googla, se prej ali slej sreča z optimizacijo spletnih mest, kar se dolgoročno tudi najbolj splača. Če pa želimo na spletno mesto na hitro in zelo preprosto pripeljati uporabnike, se odločimo za oglaševanje na Googlu. Zato sem v diplomskem delu predstavil tehnične, vsebinske in marketinške vidike, kako z iskalnikov pridobiti kar se da največ klikov in s tem tudi ključnih obiskovalcev. Predstavil sem pravilne tehnike, ki jim moramo slediti, da bo naš obisk na Googlu rasel, in škodljive tehnike, ki se jih moramo izogibati, saj ne želimo dobiti Googlove kazni. Na ta dva vira obiska sem se osredotočil zato, ker je to trenutno najučinkovitejši in najcenejši našin za pridobivanje potencialnih kupcev.Most enterprises nowadays realise that they have to attract key visitors to their websites, but do not know, how to do this. Therefore, in this diploma thesis, I have focused on the visit, coming from the Google search engine, whether organic or payable visit. Whoever wants to attract visitors from Google to their website, soon or later faces the need for website optimization, which is also the most rewarding approach in the long term. If however one aims to attract visitors to the website quickly and very easily, they decide for advertising on Google. Therefore, in this diploma thesis I have presented the technical, conceptual and marketing aspects on how to get the most clicks possible from the search engines and consequently also more key visitors. I have presented the proper techniques for the improvement of visiting rate on Google which we need to follow, and disadvantageous techniques, one should avoid in order not to be punished by Google. I have concentrated on these two sources of visit, as they are momentarily the most effective and inexpensive way of attracting potential buyers

    Visits from Google's SERP

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    Most enterprises nowadays realise that they have to attract key visitors to their websites, but do not know, how to do this. Therefore, in this diploma thesis, I have focused on the visit, coming from the Google search engine, whether organic or payable visit. Whoever wants to attract visitors from Google to their website, soon or later faces the need for website optimization, which is also the most rewarding approach in the long term. If however one aims to attract visitors to the website quickly and very easily, they decide for advertising on Google. Therefore, in this diploma thesis I have presented the technical, conceptual and marketing aspects on how to get the most clicks possible from the search engines and consequently also more key visitors. I have presented the proper techniques for the improvement of visiting rate on Google which we need to follow, and disadvantageous techniques, one should avoid in order not to be punished by Google. I have concentrated on these two sources of visit, as they are momentarily the most effective and inexpensive way of attracting potential buyers

    Visits from Google's SERP

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    Most enterprises nowadays realise that they have to attract key visitors to their websites, but do not know, how to do this. Therefore, in this diploma thesis, I have focused on the visit, coming from the Google search engine, whether organic or payable visit. Whoever wants to attract visitors from Google to their website, soon or later faces the need for website optimization, which is also the most rewarding approach in the long term. If however one aims to attract visitors to the website quickly and very easily, they decide for advertising on Google. Therefore, in this diploma thesis I have presented the technical, conceptual and marketing aspects on how to get the most clicks possible from the search engines and consequently also more key visitors. I have presented the proper techniques for the improvement of visiting rate on Google which we need to follow, and disadvantageous techniques, one should avoid in order not to be punished by Google. I have concentrated on these two sources of visit, as they are momentarily the most effective and inexpensive way of attracting potential buyers

    Influence of specific surface of secondary aluminium on quality of AA7075 alloy

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    Aluminijeva zlitina AA7075 (AlZn6Mg2Cu1) je ena najpogosteje uporabljenih preoblikovalnih zlitin v industriji. Zaradi dobrega razmerja med trdnostjo in težo, ter zmožnostmi naravnega staranja je primerna za številne dele v letalski in avtomobilski industriji, ter druge izdelke kot je na primer plezalna oprema. Aluminijevo zlitino AA7075 smo izdelali iz primarnih in sekundarnih surovin, pri čemer smo še posebej upoštevali in analizirali specifično površino uporabljenega sekundarnega materiala. Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti kakšen vpliv ima specifična površina sekundarnega aluminija na kakovost zlitin AA7075. Za preiskavo izdelanih zlitin smo uporabili: enostavno termično analizo (ETA), diferenčno vrstično kalorimetrijo (DSC), rentgensko fluorescenčno analizo (XRF) in oceno specifične površine. S pomočjo XRF analize smo izmerili sestavo vsake uporabljene sekundarne surovine (z veliko in majhno specifično površino). Pri prvi šarži smo uporabili 100 % primarne zlitine, pri drugi in tretji pa približno 50 % primarne in 50 % sekundarne surovine z različno specifično površino. Na podlagi različnih sestav materiala smo natančno določili koliko legirnih elementov je potrebno dodati za izdelavo zlitine AA7075 v mejah standarda. Pri taljenju smo ugotovili, da se z vnosom sekundarnega materiala z večjo specifično površino povečuje delež žlindre. To se zgodi zaradi večje površine uporabljenega sekundarnega materiala na kateri je več nečistoč in vključkov. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se z dodajanjem sekundarnega materiala karakteristične točke ohlajevalnih krivulj višajo.Aluminum alloy AA7075 (AlZn6Mg2Cu1) is one of the most used alloys in the industry. Due to the well balanced strength, weight and natural aging capabilities, it is suitable for production of many parts used in aerospace, automotive industry and other products (climbing equipment). We made aluminum alloy AA7075 from primary and secondary raw materials, especially considering and determanig the specific surface of the used secondary material. The main purpose of the diploma work was to determine the influence of the specific surface of the secondary aluminum on the quality of the final AA7075 alloy. In our research : simple thermal analysis (ETA), differential calorimetry (DSC), X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) and approximation of specific surface were used. By using the XRF analysis we determined the composition of each secondary material (with large and small specific surface area). At the first batch 100% of the primary alloy was used, at the second and third batches approximately 50% of primary and 50% of secondary alloy having different specific surface. Based on the different material (alloy) composition we determined the how many alloying elements should be added for the production of the AA7075. Using the melting process we found out that the procentage of slag as a byproduct increases with the input of the secondary aluminum with a larger specific surface. This occures because of the fact that the larger specific surface brings more impurities to the melting proces. We found out, that the addition of the secondary material causes the rise of the characteristic points in cooling curves