171 research outputs found

    IFRF polttokammion laskenta k-ε turbulenssimallilla, case 11

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    MEMO No CFD/THERMO-8-96 Date: 15. tammikuuta 1997Tiivistelmä: Tämän laskennan tarkoituksena on tutkia FINFLO:n k-ε turbulenssimallin soveltuvuutta voimakkaasti pyörivän ilman virtauksen laskentaan polttokammiossa. Vertailuarvoina on voitu käyttää mittaustuloksia sekä muilla tietokoneohjelmilla saatuja ratkaisuja. Voimakkaasti pyörivä virtaus asettaa suuret vaatimukset numeeriselle laskennalle, koska virtauskentässä esiintyy suuria nopeusgradientteja. Tällöin turbulenssin mallinnuksella on ratkaiseva merkitys lopputuloksiin. Pääkohdat: Nopeusjakaumat viidessä leikkauksessa, takaisinvirtausalue (Internal Recirculation Zone, IRZ)

    Vieraslajistrategia Kouvolassa : pilottihankkeena jättiputki

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    Vieraslajeista aiheutuvat vuosittaiset maailmanlaajuiset rahalliset kustannukset ovat jopa 1000 miljardia euroa. Vieraslajit on listattuna maailman luonnon monimuotoisuuden toiseksi suurimmaksi uhkatekijäksi. Siinä syyt sille, miksi vieraslajien leviämiseen halutaan puuttua ja vieraslajien voittokulku katkaista. Pohjoismaissa kansalliset vieraslajistrategiat on käynnistetty Norjassa vuonna 2007, Ruotsissa 2008, Tanskassa 2009 ja vuonna 2012 myös Suomessa. Vieraslajistrategia on suunnitelma, josta löytyy valtiossa esiintyvät vieraslajit huomioiva toimenpideohjelma. Toimenpideohjelman tavoitteena on saada vieraslajit kuriin mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Vieraslajistrategiasta löytyvät ohjeet kaikkein haitallisimpien vieraslajien torjunnalle. Suomessa projektin pilottilajina toimii jättiputki. Vieraslaji on eliölaji, joka on saanut leviämiselleen avustusta ihmistoiminnasta. Jättiputki on saapunut Eurooppaan Aasiasta tuotujen siemenlähetysten mukana. Puutarhojen koristekasviksi tuotu laji villiintyi ja karkasi puutarhoista luontoon. Jättiputki luetaan Suomessa erityisen haitallisten vieraslajien joukkoon ja lajin haitallisimmiksi piirteiksi voidaan lukea sen myrkyllinen kasvineste, kyky syrjäyttää alkuperäisiä kasvilajeja ja luontaisten vihollisten puute. Jättiputkiesiintymä muodostaa maahan siemenpankin, joka tekee jättiputken hävittämisen hyvin vaikeaksi. Jättiputki vähentää tonttimaan arvoa ja turmelee perinnemaisemaa. Jättiputken vastainen toimenpideohjelma julkaistiin Suomessa keväällä 2012 ja samaan aikaan vieraslajiprojekti käynnistyi myös Kouvolassa. Tässä työssä tuodaan esille Kouvolan kunnassa alkaneen jättiputkihankkeen etenemistä. Työssä tulee ilmi torjuntatyön osa-alueet, esiintymien merkinnässä käytössä olevien karttajärjestelmien yksityiskohdat ja kuntalaisille suunnatun tiedottamisen erityispiirteet. Muistutus vieraslajiprojektin tulevaisuudesta on myös mukana, sillä yksi vieraslajistrategian tavoitteista on se, että projektin päästyä kunnolla alkuun sitä voitaisiin laajentaa muihinkin erityisen haitallisiin vieraslajeihin. Vieraslajistrategia koskee Suomessa jättiputken lisäksi espanjansiruetanaa, kurttulehtiruusua, minkkiä ja rapuruttoa. Jättiputki on avauslajina ja sen kanssa on mahdollista opetella vieraslajien vastainen tehokas torjuntatyö

    Pumppukäyrän konstruointi Ahlströmin pumpulle

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    MEMO No CFD/THERMO-10-96 Date: 4. lokakuuta 1996Tiivistelmä: Tämän laskennan tarkoituksena on tutkia Ahlströmin keskipakopumpun nostokorkeuden riippuvuutta massavirrasta. Tuloksista voidaan konstruoida pumppukäyrä eli pumpun nostokorkeus massavirran funktiona. Pääkohdat: Pumppukäyrä

    Atomic Layer Deposition of BiVO4 for Photocatalysis

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    Photocatalysis is a versatile method to use solar energy for chemical processes. Photocatalytic materials absorb light to generate energetic electron-hole pairs that can be used for redox reactions in production of hydrogen and other chemicals, degradation of pollutants, and many other applications. BiVO4 is a visible light absorbing oxide semiconductor with a band gap of about 2.4 eV, and it has received a lot of attention as a standalone photocatalyst and as a photoanode material. The literature part of this thesis explores how the electronic structure of semiconductors and the different processes in photocatalysis together affect the efficiency of the method. Semiconductor materials are classified based on their chemical composition and compared by selecting most researched materials as examples. Various strategies to improve the photocatalyst material properties are also discussed. Many strategies, such as nanostructured photocatalysts, benefit from deposition of semiconductor thin films. Atomic layer deposition (ALD), as a highly conformal and controllable chemical vapor deposition method, is an excellent choice for depositing semiconductors and various interfacial layers. The literature review also includes a survey of ALD processes for Bi2O3 and V2O5 and a thorough analysis of the existing BiVO4 ALD processes. From the selection of binary ALD processes, bismuth(III) 2,3-dimethyl-2-butoxide (Bi(dmb)3), tetrakis(ethylmethylamido)-vanadium(IV) (TEMAV), and water were chosen as precursors to develop a new ALD process for BiVO4. The binary processes were combined in various metal precursor ratios both completely mixed in supercycles and as nanolaminates, and the resulting films were annealed to crystallize the BiVO4. X-ray diffraction was used to characterize the crystalline phases of the films, and it was noticed that TEMAV reacts with Bi2O3 to make metallic bismuth, but it is reoxidized by annealing. Composition of the films was investigated with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry and time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis (ToF-ERDA). Some sensitivity to process conditions was observed in the deposition, as the metal stoichiometry varied in unexpected manner between some sets of experiments. ToF-ERDA depth profiles also revealed that mixing of the nanolaminate layers was incomplete with annealing temperatures below 450 °C and with laminate layers over 10 nm in thickness. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the morphology of the films and revealed a granular, non-continuous structure. The optical properties of the films grown on soda-lime glass were investigated with UV-vis spectrophotometry. The band gaps of the films were estimated to be 2.4–2.5 eV. The nanolaminate approach to depositing the films was deemed the best, as it avoids most of the reduction of bismuth by TEMAV. However, it is still not clear why this process is so sensitive to process conditions. This should be investigated to further optimize the film stoichiometry. The morphology of the films might be improved by using different substrates, but it is not a critical aspect of the process as there are methods to passivate the exposed substrate surface. Overall, this process has potential to deposit excellent BiVO4 films that are suitable for further research pertaining their photocatalytic properties and modifications such as nanostructured or doped photoanodes

    Uusi metsälaki lisää metsänomistajien valinnanmahdollisuuksia ja vastaa toimintaympäristön muutoksiin

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    Tieteen tori: Metsälakiuudistu

    Description of the numerical methodology for the ercoftac test case F3

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    MEMO No CFD/TERMO-21-97 DATE: November 3, 1997Abstract: The purpose of thies work is to compare different low-Reynolds-number turbulence models and their suitability for the highly three dimensional return channel with a deswirl cascade. A comparison is made between Chien's k-ε model, Chien's model with a rotational correction, Gatski et al. ARSM and the full Reynolds stress model by Speziale et al. Experiments are provided by Concepts ETI

    Structural and functional studies of class A scavenger receptors MARCO (SCARA2) and SCARA5

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    Our bodies are constantly exposed to various microorganisms and there is a constant battle between their survival and ours. Fortunately we are equipped with our immune system that takes remarkably good care of us, but when it fails we all know the consequences. This thesis work concentrates on innate immunity and the molecular mechanisms set in place to fight infections and to keep our bodies functional. More specifically, the focus is on germline-encoded receptors MARCO and SCARA5 capable of recognizing and handling pathogen- or damage-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs and DAMPs). Macrophage receptor with a collagenous structure (MARCO) is a pattern recognition receptor (PRR) expressed by professional phagocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, and participates in the clearance of bacteria and pollution particles. It is a trimeric molecule with a short N-terminal cytosolic domain, a single pass transmembrane domain followed by a large extracellular region with a spacer domain, a long collagenous domain, and C-terminal scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) domain. In this study it was established that the C-terminal SRCR domain of MARCO is the main functional unit mediating both ligand-binding and adhesion. We could show that a soluble form of MARCO binds bacteria cell wall components lipopolysaccharide and lipoteichoid acid. Utilizing the soluble protein we identified several hydrophobic peptides that bound to the SRCR domain of the receptor. The peptide sequences were identified as part of complement component C4b that functions as an opsonin once bound to the surface of bacteria. We could detect some binding of C4b to MARCO, but the peptide sequence was not involved in the binding. Another ligand, acetylated low-density lipoprotein (AcLDL), was also found to bind to the SRCR domain. With the help of mutational analysis and by solving the crystal structure of a monomeric and dimeric form of the SRCR domain to 1.78 and 1.77 Å, respectively, we could identify in more detail that a β-sheets structure with several positively charged arginines and a negative cluster residing in a long loop area of the structure were important for the ligand-binding functions. These areas affected also MARCO mediated adhesion to various surfaces. Based on the ion-binding site found in the long loop region, we were able to show that Ca2+ is needed for ligand binding. Other half of the thesis work focused on the physiological function of SCARA5, a MARCO related scavenger receptor having an additional α-helical coiled coil domain between the spacer domain and the collagenous domain. Similar to MARCO, SCARA5 was found to promote cell adhesion and bind and internalize ligands such as bacteria and LPS. In contrast, we could only see limited binding of AcLDL, the knowledge of which we used in the mutational analysis made to map the ligand-binding region in the MARCO SRCR domain. Further, we utilized the strong cell adhesion for selection of stable cell lines without using antibiotics and were able to improve cell viability and handling of the cells in serum-free culture conditions during protein production. Our in vivo functional studies of SCARA5 revealed that in contrast to MARCO, the receptor is expressed by a vimentin and platelet-derived growth factor receptor α (PDGFRα) positive subpopulation of fibroblasts participating in immune related homeostasis. The homeostatic function was evident on the aging SCARA5 deficient mice that developed antinuclear antibodies and connective tissue related autoimmune disease-like symptoms with lymphoid cell accumulations in several organs, especially lung

    Asianosaisen salassapitovelvollisuus välimiesmenettelyssä

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    Confidentiality is almost always mentioned as one of the benefits of arbitration, especially in connection with corporate disputes. However, it is not clear what the basis of this argument is. It is true that the parties can agree on confidentiality in the arbitration agreement. Despite this, they seldom use this option, since they expect that the arbitration is kept confidential anyway. It is also true that, in practice, the parties often keep the proceedings confidential, as well as the information gathered during the proceedings. Yet the question remains: are they actually obliged to do so? In other words, do they have a duty of confidentiality? The purpose of this article is to examine whether the parties have a duty of confidentiality in arbitration and what could constitute the basis for this duty. The Finnish Arbitration Act is silent on the confidentiality issue, and it is seldom covered in the actual arbitration agreement. However, one must take into consideration that the duty can also derive from the parties’ other contracts or even, in some cases, from laws that regulate the use of trade secrets. This means that the general principles of contract law and contract interpretation play a vital role in assessing the parties’ possible duty of confidentiality. Finally, this article also discusses the rationale for confidentiality, weighing its pros and cons. The conclusion is that in general, the parties do not owe a duty of confidentiality to each other in arbitration, but there are also several exceptions to this principal rule. This should be taken into consideration when drafting arbitration agreements. For the sake of clarity, the legislator could also take a stand on the confidentiality issue

    Flow Simulation of a Centrifugal Process Pump

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    MEMO No CFD/THERMO-23-97 Date: 17th November 1997Abstract: The main object of these calculations is the industrial evaluation of a FINFLO flow solver using a low-Reynolds number k-ε and Reynolds stress turbulence models with a rotation correction. The results from the k-ε simulations are good whereas the Reynolds stress model has problems in numerical stability and convergence. Main result: A pump grid for low-Reynolds number turbulence models was made. After that various cases were simulated using a Reynolds Stress model and a low-Reynolds number k-ε turbulence model with a rotation correction

    Flow Simulation of a Centrifugal Process Pump

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    MEMO No CFD/THERMO-23-97 Date: 17th November 1997Abstract: The main object of these calculations is the industrial evaluation of a FINFLO flow solver using a low-Reynolds number k-ε and Reynolds stress turbulence models with a rotation correction. The results from the k-ε simulations are good whereas the Reynolds stress model has problems in numerical stability and convergence. Main result: A pump grid for low-Reynolds number turbulence models was made. After that various cases were simulated using a Reynolds Stress model and a low-Reynolds number k-ε turbulence model with a rotation correction