111 research outputs found
Production and properties of ferrite-rich CSAB cement from metallurgical industry residues
Blast furnace slag from the steel industry is commercially utilized as a cement replacement material without major processing requirements; however, there are many unutilized steel production slags which differ considerably from the blast furnace slag in chemical and physical properties. In this study, calcium sulfoaluminate belite (CSAB) cement clinkers were produced using generally unutilized metallurgical industry residues: AOD (Argon Oxygen Decarburisation) slag from stainless steel production, Fe slag from zinc production, and fayalitic slag from nickel production. CSAB clinker with a target composition of ye'elimite-belite-ferrite was produced by firing raw materials at 1300âŻÂ°C. The phase composition of the produced clinkers was identified using quantitative XRD analyses, and the chemical composition of the clinker phases produced was established using FESEM-EDS and mechanical properties were tested through compressive strength test. It is demonstrated that these metallurgical residues can be used successfully as alternative raw materials for the production of CSAB cement that can be used for special applications. In addition, it is shown that the available quantities of these side-streams are enough for significant replacement of virgin raw materials used in cement production
Alternative raw materials for the production of calcium sulfoaluminate cement : ladle slag and phosphogypsum
Calcium sulfoaluminate belite (CSAB) cement clinkers were produced using two industrial by-products: ladle slag and
phosphogypsum. The phase composition of the produced clinkers was identified using quantitative XRD analyses, and the chemical composition of the clinker phases produced from phosphogypsum was established using FESEM-EDS. We demonstrate that ladle slag and phosphogypsum can be used as alternative raw materials for the production of CSAB cement. We also show that phosphorous from the phosphogypsum can be incorporated into the larnite crystal structure. The mechanical properties of the hydrated/hardened cement are also presented and are comparable with those produced from reagent-grade materials
Ferritic calcium sulfoaluminate belite cement from metallurgical industry residues and phosphogypsum : clinker production, scale-up, and microstructural characterisation
The production of ferrite-rich calcium sulfoaluminate belite (CSABF) cement clinker, also containing MgO, from ladle slag, Fe-slag, and phosphogypsum was translated from a lab-scale to a pilot demonstration in a 7-metre kiln at 1260 °C. An account of the pilot trials/manufacturing is presented, and the process was robust. Laboratory tests prior to scale-up showed that gehlenite formation can be inhibited in the CSABF clinker by adding excess CaO in the raw meal; however, this reduces the amount of iron (Fe) that can be incorporated into ye'elimite and leads to higher ferrite (C6AF2) content. Detailed microstructural analyses were performed on the clinker to reveal the clinker composition as well as the partition of the minor elements. Different ferrite phases with varying amounts of titanium and iron are distinguished. Eighty-five percent of the clinker raw meal was comprised of side-stream materials and the clinker produced in the kiln had chemical raw-material CO2 emissions 90% lower than that of Portland cement made from virgin raw materials. These results can have a significant impact in regions with a prospering metallurgical industry, enabling industrial decarbonisation and resource efficiency
Tasting Soil Fungal Diversity with Earth Tongues: Phylogenetic Test of SATĂ© Alignments for Environmental ITS Data
An abundance of novel fungal lineages have been indicated by DNA sequencing of the nuclear ribosomal ITS region from environmental samples such as soil and wood. Although phylogenetic analysis of these novel lineages is a key component of unveiling the structure and diversity of complex communities, such analyses are rare for environmental ITS data due to the difficulties of aligning this locus across significantly divergent taxa. One potential approach to this issue is simultaneous alignment and tree estimation. We targeted divergent ITS sequences of the earth tongue fungi (Geoglossomycetes), a basal class in the Ascomycota, to assess the performance of SATĂ©, recent software that combines progressive alignment and tree building. We found that SATĂ© performed well in generating high-quality alignments and in accurately estimating the phylogeny of earth tongue fungi. Drawing from a data set of 300 sequences of earth tongues and progressively more distant fungal lineages, 30 insufficiently identified ITS sequences from the public sequence databases were assigned to the Geoglossomycetes. The association between earth tongues and plants has been hypothesized for a long time, but hard evidence is yet to be collected. The ITS phylogeny showed that four ectomycorrhizal isolates shared a clade with Geoglossum but not with Trichoglossum earth tongues, pointing to the significant potential inherent to ecological data mining of environmental samples. Environmental sampling holds the key to many focal questions in mycology, and simultaneous alignment and tree estimation, as performed by SATĂ©, can be a highly efficient companion in that pursuit
Particle size distribution and suspension stability in aqueous submicron grinding of CaCO<sub>3</sub> and TiO<sub>2</sub>
During the past decade submicron and nanoparticles have aroused a wide interest and gained new applications due to their high surface area and strength. Grinding with a wet stirred media mill is usually the last process step before the submicron or nanoparticles are added to an application, and the step where the final particle size distribution is achieved. Since stirred media milling is an energy-intensive process, energy efficiency should be optimized. This can be done by determining the optimum operational parameters for the mill and using the highest possible solids concentration. The solids concentration can be increased by controlling particle-particle interactions with stabilization chemicals, e.g. polymers.
This thesis concerns parameters and grinding aids affecting the particle size distribution and suspension stability of the aqueous submicron grinding of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) in stirred media mills. TiO2 particles are aggregates produced via a bottom-up method, while CaCO3 are primary mineral particles produced by a top-down method.
The most energy efficient grinding of TiO2 to a 300 nm particle size with the narrowest possible particle size distribution was obtained with the lowest stress energy, implying the smallest grinding medium size. It was observed that electrosteric stabilization with sodium polyacrylates was effective for TiO2, and sodium polyacrylate with a molecular weight of 12500 g/mol was found to be the most effective for reducing the viscosity of the suspension.
As with TiO2, electrosteric stabilization with sodium polyacrylates was also found to be effective for CaCO3, but in this case sodium polyacrylate with a lower polydispersity index was more effective, showing a better stabilization potential in micron and submicron grinding and reducing the viscosity and particle size to a greater extent. Nanogrinding experiments were performed for a CaCO3 suspension with low PDI sodium polyacrylate and it was found to be possible to obtain a particle size of 26 nm, smaller than any size previously reported when grinding CaCO3.TiivistelmÀ
Viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana alle yhden mikrometrin partikkelit ovat herÀttÀneet kiinnostusta ja niille on kehitetty uusia sovelluksia niiden suuren pinta-alan ja lujuuden ansiosta. Ultrahienojauhatus mÀrkÀhelmimyllyllÀ on useimmiten viimeinen prosessivaihe ennen partikkelien lisÀÀmistÀ sovelluskohteeseen ja siinÀ saavutetaan partikkelien lopullinen partikkelikokojakauma. Helmimyllyjauhatuksen energiankulutus minimoidaan etsimÀllÀ optimioperointiparametrit kullekin jauhatusprosessille ja kÀyttÀmÀllÀ korkeinta mahdollista suspension kuiva-ainepitoisuutta. Suspension kuiva-ainepitoisuutta voidaan nostaa hallitsemalla partikkelien vÀlisiÀ vuorovaikutuksia stabilointiaineilla, kuten polymeereillÀ.
TÀssÀ vÀitöskirjassa tutkittiin operointiparametrien ja jauhatusapuaineiden vaikutusta titaanidioksidin (TiO2) ja kalsiumkarbonaatin (CaCO3) partikkelikokojakaumaan ja lietteen stabiilisuuteen submikronijauhatuksessa. Tutkitut TiO2-partikkelit olivat aggregaatteja, jotka oli valmistettu sulfaattiprosessilla saostamalla, ja tutkitut CaCO3-partikkelit olivat primÀÀrisiÀ mineraalipartikkeleita.
TiO2-partikkeleille saavutettiin energiatehokkain jauhatus ja samalla toivottu partikkelikokojakauma, eli mediaani 300 nm ja mahdollisimman kapea jakauma, pienillÀ helmillÀ, jotka aiheuttavat partikkeleihin pienimmÀn puristusenergian. Elektrosteerinen stabilointi kÀyttÀmÀllÀ natriumpolyakrylaatteja stabilointiaineena havaittiin tehokkaaksi menetelmÀksi hallita TiO2-partikkelien vÀlisiÀ vuorovaikutuksia. Natriumpolyakrylaatti, jonka molekyylimassa oli 12500 g/mol, oli tehokkain TiO2-partikkeleille alentaen suspension viskositeettiÀ eniten. Myös CaCO3-partikkeleille elektrosteerinen stabilointi natriumpolyakrylaatteja kÀyttÀen oli tehokkain stabilointimenetelmÀ. Myös natriumpolyakrylaattien polydispersiteetti-indeksin vaikutusta tutkittiin CaCO3-suspensioille. Tulokset osoittivat matalan polydispersiteetti-indeksin olevan tehokkaampi alentaen viskositteettia ja pienentÀen partikkelikokoa tehokkaammin kuin natriumpolyakrylaatti, jolla oli korkeampi polydispersitetti-indeksi. TÀmÀn vuoksi natriumpolyakrylaatti, jolla oli matala polydispersiteetti-indeksi, valittiin nanojauhatuskokeisiin. Kokeissa CaCO3-partikkelit saatiin jauhettua 26 nm kokoon, joka on pienin koskaan aiemmin jauhamalla saavutettu koko CaCO3-partikkeleille
Observations on the parameter estimation problem of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell polarization curves
The optimal operation of fuel cells in changing environmental and variable load conditions requires mathematical modeling. The electrochemical behavior of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) is commonly described with a semiâempirical model requiring fuel cell specific model parameter values. A large number of different nature inspired, heuristic optimization methods have been proposed for this PEMFC parameter estimation problem. In this study, those studies are listed and critically reviewed. In particular, the aim is to elaborate the generalization ability of the results and discuss the fair comparison of the algorithms used for the parameter estimation of the polarization curve. The observations made in this review could further increase the quality of future contributions in this particular area, as well as applications of heuristic optimization methods in other related problems in fuel cell systems
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